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[spoiler=Dan, Yuffie and Dusk - Ishtar battle]Ishtar: "Who goes there?!"

Dusk: Looking up, he saw the woman who asked them the simple question. "I could say the same thing to you"

Ishtar: "I am Ishtar, goddess of thunder and bearer of the holy tome, Mjolnir. And you...who are you?"

Dusk: "Ishtar... Oh, I think I recall the name. You're from the Judgral saga, aren't you?" Smirking, he tipped his fedora. "I'm Dusk"

Ishtar: "Saga? And who is that other man with you? The one with the staff?"

Yuffie: "Hi. I'm Yuffie. No godly powers here, unfortunately. I'm afraid I have to admit that my history is a smidge... rusty, so I really don't know anything about you. Would either yourself or Dusk like to give me some back story?"

Dusk: "Yes, saga. I'd explain, but I'm too tired right now" Looking at the "staff" user, he patted his head. "This is Yuffie. Don't mind him, he's a bit cowardly and a person who is VERY dear to my heart"

Ishtar: "History? What is important right now is why you are here."

Yuffie: "That is true, I suppose. I'm afraid that our reason for being here is something that shall remain a secret, unless Dusk deems otherwise. Besides, we could ask the same of you, no?"

Dusk: "Looking for somebody. Small kid. He charged over here for some reason. I don't know. I was sleeping"

Ishtar: "A kid? No, I have seen no one here but myself, my Lord Julius, and the morphs that accompany me here...Wait a minute...are you perhaps here to attack us? I had heard that there was a group besides the Annas that we should be on the lookout for. You wouldn't happen to be a part of that group, would you?"

Dusk: "Who in their right mind would attack a bunch of resurrected villains? Gosh, think about what you say before you say it" Rolling his eyes, he put his hand on his waist, just in case a surprise attack was imminent

Yuffie: "If possible, fighting is something I'd rather avoid. We are a part of this third group, yes. However, we did not come here in search of a fight. We're looking for a friend, that is all."

Ishtar: "Villains? ...You have some nerve. Are you perhaps...part of the...oh what were they called...oh yes! "The Azure Dreamers?"

Dusk: Letting out a little laugh, he quickly got his killer bow out, but kept it lowered. "So what if we were?"

Yuffie: "Excuse my friend. He has a bad case of sticking his foot in his mouth. He's not exactly what we could call... tactful. Yes, we are a part of the Azure Dreamers, miss. I hope this won't be a source of contention."

Ishtar: "...Then I am afraid I cannot allow you to leave...Morphs! Surround them!" At her command, the morph squadron had blocked off all exits from the immediate area. "I am sorry. But...you must die here!"

Dusk: "Lovely, Yuffie..." Raising his killer bow, he notched an arrow and quickly released it, instantly killing a morph via head shot. "Oh, these things..." Yawning, he turned back to face Ishtar. "This is boring. You're boring"

As Dusk had immediately said that, a large bolt of lightning came down to strike both him and Yuffie.

Dusk: The lightning bolt landed just besides Dusk, who didn't flinch in the slightest. The force from the blast however, caused his hair to suddenly whip to the left. "Hmm... Impressive"

Yuffie: "You truly wish to fight us? Hmm. I see."

Yuffie reached into his satchel, and brought out Florence. His eyes narrowed.

"Allow me to make something clear to you, Ms. Ishtar. I'm not much of a fighter. I'm more into healing. But I can, and I will, rip your little abominations into pieces if you wish to continue down this road."

Yuffie dived to the side as the bolt of lightning struck the ground, covering him in muck.

"Ohhhh, it. Is. On!" He fired a blast of magic at the nearest Morph, engulfing it in flame.

Ishtar: "I am giving you an option to die peacefully. However, I do not believe you will follow through with this option. Now...I believe it is time for you to-"

???: "STOP!" Dan finally revealed himself from his hiding spot, drawing his sword and pointing it at the space in between Ishtar and both Dusk and Yuffie.

Ishtar: "Dan?! Stop this! A civilian such as you should not get involved in this matter!"

Dusk: "A civilian? Ha! You clearly know nothing about our dear child... Although, I'm curious on why you know who he is anyway" Turning to Dan, he lowered his bow. "Explain"

Yuffie: "Die peacefully? YOU CALL BEING ELECTROCUTED PEACEFUL? How STUPID can you get?! And ano-"

Dan burst into the middle of the battlefield.

"Dan, be careful, she's an idiot!"

He recoiled. They know each other?

Dan: Dan lowered his face. "I..." He couldn't face them.

Ishtar: "Dan...don't tell me your..."

Dan: "...I..."

Ishtar: "...How long have you been a part of this group?"

Dusk: He turned to face Yuffie. What does he say? What does he do? "Yuffie, any suggestions on how we handle this?"

Yuffie: "Personally, I'd like to hit her with a stick a few times, but Dan appears to know her, so I shall restrain myself. We should let him get his closure first. That's something that no-one should be denied." Yuffie glared at Ishtar.

"I've decided that I don't like her," he whispered to Dusk. "She's stupid, and attacked us needlessly. And now my robes are dirty. White stains so easily." He sighed.

Dan: "...You two take care of the morphs...I will handle this myself..."

Ishtar: "Daniel...Have you lied to me this entire time?!"

Dan: "No...I have never once lied to you..."

Ishtar: "Then what have you kept hidden from me?!"

Dan: "..."

Dusk: "Dan... You know I can't do that..." Raising his bow, he notched another arrow and aimed at Ishtar. "Listen you! Stay away from the kid. I'd rather kill you without any potential distractions nearby" [... I'm sounding really sadistic here... Huh. Maybe it's because I'm still a bit tired] Hearing Yuffie's comment, he laughed. "Tell me about it. I've had to wash these clothes SO many times... I'm surprised they aren't pink. They've been covered in blood far too many times..."

Dan: "Shut it, Yuffie!" Dan turned to face him, his face contorted both with anger and discomfort. "If not for her, I would not be here today!"

Ishtar: "..."

Dan: "Ishtar..." He turned to face her. "I...I am truly sorry...for everything...that I am about to do...for everything that I have kept...I didn't want...you to die, but...today, I was...assigned...to kill you......Damn you, Kat...DAMN YOU TO HELL, YOU BITCH!!!" Dan looked up at her.

Ishtar: Those eyes, she thought to herself. They are full of...pain...just like Artur...and Tinny... "...Very well...If you are a part of the Dreamers...then...I will kill you!" In a swift motion, she summoned another bolt aimed at Dan, which he dodged out of the way. Dan drew his sword to run at Ishtar, swinging at her. She was dodging every swing with ease.

Yuffie: "I can spare some time to dispose of these creatures. Let us know if you need help Dan. I'd be more than willing to educate Ms. Ishtar on electricity." He sneered at the Morphs. "I think fire should work well for you. I would love to burn your taint from this land."

Dusk: "Brilliant. The lad's tied up in chains here. On the one hand, Ishtar has supposedly done something for him, and yet, according to Poly, he loves Kat, who has ordered him to kill her... Oh, to hell with this!" Releasing the notch, he killed another morph and advanced towards Ishtar. "Goddammit Dan..."

Ishtar had fired another bolt at Dan, still dodging with ease. Neither one of them said a word to each other, both of them locked in fierce combat.

Yuffie: "Love triangles are always amusing, no?" Yuffie giggled as he span to face another Morph. "Burn, foul miscreation! Dusk, how should we handle these things? Any particular strategy, or just OW!" Yuffie stumbled back as one of the warriors slashed his arm with an Axe.

Dusk: Rushing towards Ishtar, he jumped and managed to dodge a spear from a nearby General morph. "Armoured enemies? Pah..." Flinging the bow back onto his back, he took out his killer axe and advanced towards the General. "Don't tink don't tink don't tink..." Hearing Yuffie's yelp in pain, he slid besides the General, lifted his helmet off and hacked into his neck. "Too easy..." Rushing towards Yuffie, he decided to stay behind the injured man and watch over him. "Don't be a fool, kid..."

Yuffie: "Don't call me a fool, mister! I've been injured far fewer times than you have!" He quickly applied some bandages to staunch the bleeding (Renewal), and incinerated an approaching General. "It's so easy to roast them in that heavy, metal armour. It's ludicrously impractical when fighting mages."

Dan had decided it time to use both his killing edges and swung both at once, Ishtar jumping back to dodge.

Ishtar: ''I never imagined a child such as you was this skilled...but...this must now end...'' Ishtar became enveloped in a bright green glow. Then, raising her hand, she released a bolt, too fast for Dan to dodge. Then another. And another, and another. ''This. Shall. END!'' She released one final bolt, much stronger than the last, hitting Dan one final time, creating an explosion.

Dusk: "Touché Yuffie" Next thing he knew however, was a huge explosion. "Huh?" Turning around, he saw Dan get electrocuted continuously by Ishtar. "Dan!" Wielding his killer bow, he closed an eye and focused on Ishtar's shoulder. [Guide my arrow, friends!] Releasing the notch, he watched the arrow soar through the sky towards Ishtar

Yuffie: "DAN!" Yuffie cried out. He stashed away Florence, and rushed over to Dan with his Mend staff, and began casting as many healing spells as he could muster. ​"Dusk, eviscerate this witch!" He turned back to Dan. "Dan, come on! Stay with me!"

Ishtar: As the smoke was clearing, Ishtar dodged the arrow shot by Dusk. ''This...this is what shall happen...to all those that defy the wishes of my lord Julius...''

Dan: ''...Nice attack.'' Ishtar quickly turned around. ''Here's mine.'' Dan swung Ragnell as hard and fast as he could, and struck Ishtar down. As she lay on the floor, bleeding, Dan bent down to her. ''I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I didn't want it to be this way...'' Dan's eye began to well up with tears.

Ishtar: ''...Shhhh...'' ? ''I-it's...okay...you...were completing your mission...just as I was...'' She looked at Dan'sright hand. ''Looks like the ring I gave you...helped...after all...I guess...I was meant to fall...Daniel...your eye is full ...of so much pain and...sorrow...Do not let it...consume...move on...Lord...Ju..li...us.......'' Her grey eyes closed one last time.

Dan: ''...Why...why does this always HAPPEN?!''

Dusk: Clearing off the last few remaining morphs, Dusk ran up to Dan and knelt beside him. "... Are you alright?" He desperately wanted to chuck his axe into the throat of Ishtar, just to make sure, but he knew he couldn't. Not with him here

Yuffie: "Oh Dan, I'm so sorry." As much as he disliked Ishtar, he couldn't help but feel bad for her - and for Dan. They were two people, two friends who were forced to fight each other because some 'higher being' wished so.

Dan: ''...She...she gave me so much...in that desert...a place to sleep...food...water...clothes...a ring even! But...the most important thing...that she gave me...was counsel...she listened to my pain...she listened through it all...and she gave me a place for my tears to fall...that is something no one has...ever given me...'' Dan was struggling to speak through sniffling. Tears from his eye fell down onto Ishtar's body. ''...Why...why do those that give me that kind of love die? WHY, DAMMIT?!''

Dusk: "It's your duty to listen to your superiors, so you must do what they ask. It hurts, I know, but you must get over it. She wasn't meant to be a part of this word anyway. If anything, you did her a favour"

Dan: ''...By that logic...then Kat shoudn't be in this world, either, should she?...'' His voice was shaking, as was his body.

Yuffie: "I'm so sorry Dan. I wish this could have turned out another way." Try as he might, Yuffie was beginning to tear up too. Life was so unfair. Sometimes it seemed like the Gods would send you some miracle - be it a friend, or family, only to rip it away just as you were beginning to heal.

Dusk: "It's Kat's duty to work for her employer, keeping the natural order as balanced as possible" Flicking his fringe, he turned away from the two. "... Come on, we should go"

Dan: ''...You go on ahead...I...I want to at least give her a proper burial...'' Dan picked up Ishtar's body, and began to go find the nearest pleasant patch of grass.

Yuffie: "Dan, would you like us to help? I for one would be glad to."

Dan: ''...Yuffie...That would be nice...''

Dusk: He sighed. He just couldn't understand. He grew attached to the same person who fought against the Liberation army in the Judgrali saga. Granted, she wasn't exactly evil, but she was still a villain nonetheless. Lifting up his muffler, he waited besides Yuffie's horse

*a while later*

Dan: Dan and Yuffie had finished burying Ishtar. Dan had moved a large rock to symbolize a gravestone. He picked up the tome, and placed it upon the top of her grave. ''...Let's go...'' He said as he walked over to Dusk.

Dusk: "..." Rubbing his eyes, he actually forgot how tired he was. The battle didn't excite him that much. Obviously, Dan being electrocuted agitated him, but then again, it seems like every battle now somebody was getting injured. Just another day... Lowering his muffler a bit, he spat, then lifted it up again, before gesturing to Yuffie, telling him to hurry up

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(ugh, so I gotta deal with ghosts again? mother of...) Poly continued trailing Ace & Alicia, still trying to figure out exactly where they were going. 'I can't just let them go at something alone...' he thought, keeping his distance but making sure not to lose sight of the two as he did so, running through the edge of a nearby forest. 'I'm not losing them. After my daughter, they're all I've got left...'

Alicia:"Ace, I thought you weren't leaving till tomorrow?"

Ace:"I changed my mind. That vision I had creeped me out. The sooner that red robed moron dies, the better. And another thing, how did he know about me being the Heiress of Chaos?"

Alicia:"I don't know, Ace. But you clearly described the Dark Bishop Manfroy from the Jugdrali saga."

Ace:"Manfroy, that weird, schemeing jerkface who tore apart Seliph's parents? Ohohohoho, I'm going to make sure he dies screaming."

Alicia:"Just be careful Ace. Who knows what Manfroy has planned."

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Alicia:"Ace, I thought you weren't leaving till tomorrow?"

Ace:"I changed my mind. That vision I had creeped me out. The sooner that red robed moron dies, the better. And another thing, how did he know about me being the Heiress of Chaos?"

Alicia:"I don't know, Ace. But you clearly described the Dark Bishop Manfroy from the Jugdrali saga."

Ace:"Manfroy, that weird, schemeing jerkface who tore apart Seliph's parents? Ohohohoho, I'm going to make sure he dies screaming."

Alicia:"Just be careful Ace. Who knows what Manfroy has planned."

(Ace need help with Manfroy for acting?)

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Alicia:"Ace, I thought you weren't leaving till tomorrow?"

Ace:"I changed my mind. That vision I had creeped me out. The sooner that red robed moron dies, the better. And another thing, how did he know about me being the Heiress of Chaos?"

Alicia:"I don't know, Ace. But you clearly described the Dark Bishop Manfroy from the Jugdrali saga."

Ace:"Manfroy, that weird, schemeing jerkface who tore apart Seliph's parents? Ohohohoho, I'm going to make sure he dies screaming."

Alicia:"Just be careful Ace. Who knows what Manfroy has planned."

Poly was confused. 'Manfroy...' he thought, trying to jog his brain as to whether or not he knew his myth. 'Nope... nothing.' He sighed, and continued on, still worried about Ace & Alicia.

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Dan had finally made it back with Dusk and Yuffie. He walked inside and saw Kat. Kat...someone he loved...no...used to love. Only now did he realize how cruel she was. How right Phoibus was...and how much he had wanted to harm her...how much he wanted to take the scarf around her neck and use it to strangle her. How much he wanted to not only take his eye back, but take her other eye as well. How much he wanted to take the knife he made for and stab her with. How much he wanted to stab her with his own sword. How much he wanted to knock her onto the ground and start punching her across the face repeatedly until he felt her blood cover his hands and her head seen splattered across the ground...How much he now wanted to do something so horrid, so menacing, so absolutely unforgivable that no one would ever accept him as a kind human being ever again...and he knew what that act was...and how easily it could be done...he knew all too well...as he stared at her lower torso...with a face full of hatred...

i am fucking going there Dan is THAT mad and downright insane

Edited by Dandragon
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Cassandra walked into the infirmary, seeing Dan standing over Kat with a crazed look on his face. Filling with dread quite quickly, she slowly walked over towards Dan. "Dan...?" she meekly cooed out, trying to get his mind off of Kat for whatever reason.

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(Ace need help with Manfroy for acting?)

(I think I got an idea of how he acts, obessed with Lopyr's revival, handcuffed to Juilius, big planner, right?)

Poly was confused. 'Manfroy...' he thought, trying to jog his brain as to whether or not he knew his myth. 'Nope... nothing.' He sighed, and continued on, still worried about Ace & Alicia.

Ace:"There it is, the Manor of Lost Souls. ....someone following us?"

Alicia:"There is?"

Ace:"Hehehe, I figured you'd tag along after us, Poly."

Alicia:"Poly's here?! Where?!"

Ace:".....Must be following close behind us. Let's wait here til he catches up. I don't want any of us to get separated, not with Manfroy present."

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Cassandra turned around and merely waved at Angie, before returning her focus to Dan. "Dan... are you okay? I've... never seen you... looking at someone like that..." she said, trying her best to keep her word count to a minimum while still making sense.

"Busted." Poly said as he stepped out from the woods he was in, hands up in a mocking surrender. "I'm not letting my wife and sister go to die alone, though. We live as a family..." he said, drawing Armads and slamming it head-first into the ground before him. "... And die as a family."

Edited by Polydeuces
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(I think I got an idea of how he acts, obessed with Lopyr's revival, handcuffed to Juilius, big planner, right?)Ace:"There it is, the Manor of Lost Souls. ....someone following us?"

Alicia:"There is?"

Ace:"Hehehe, I figured you'd tag along after us, Poly."

Alicia:"Poly's here?! Where?!"

Ace:".....Must be following close behind us. Let's wait here til he catches up. I don't want any of us to get separated, not with Manfroy present."

(Meh. In a sense. He is the Ephidel/Gharnef of FE4/5. So yeah. Let me know if you need help or what not.)
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Dan noticed Cassandra and turned to her. ''Ah...Cassandra. Didn't notice you there...How are you..?'' Dan was speaking slower than usual. ''I was just...looking at the baby...and thinking how...precious life can be...especially if that life is some you love...love with all your heart...and all your soul...and how...painful it must feel to lose that love...''

take note shadow this is how you yandere

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Dan's words were like daggers to Cassandra's already-fragile heart. She'd known Dan likely had feelings for someone else in the army, but for it to be Kat... for her to be standing right before the woman who captured his heart and then sundered it was surreal to her. She wanted to do something... something to help Dan get through all his pain... But all she could do was stand before him. She couldn't speak, couldn't move... she was paralysed by all that was in front of her.

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Cassandra turned around and merely waved at Angie, before returning her focus to Dan. "Dan... are you okay? I've... never seen you... looking at someone like that..." she said, trying her best to keep her word count to a minimum while still making sense. "Busted." Poly said as he stepped out from the woods he was in, hands up in a mocking surrender. "I'm not letting my wife and sister go to die alone, though. We live as a family..." he said, drawing Armads and slamming it head-first into the ground before him. "... And die as a family."

Ace:*smirking*"I couldn't have said it better myself. Though this being Manfroy, I'd be careful."

Alicia:"Poly, you did come. Please be careful. He is capable of wielding Anima and Dark magics."

Ace:"Right then, now that we're all gathered, let's kill Manfroy and quickly."

Meanwhile: inside the Manor

Manfroy:"Come, child of Chaos. Come to the side of Loptyr!"

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''...Cassandra...am I...hurting you?...I wouldn't want to see you in pain...No, you do not deserve pain. Such a sweet...charming young girl...does not deserve pain...'' Dan slowly inched towards Cassandra. His movements were also different now. He usually moved quick and with a purpose but these were slow.

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"A mage, huh?" Poly snarled as he drew his Light Brand, keeping a hand in his coat pocket to draw his Tomahawk if the need arose to use a more physical approach. "Right... Alicia?" he said quickly, before walking up to her and giving her a kiss. "Don't die here. Please."

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(I think you might need help Ace. Manfroy didn't sound like that at all..)


Alicia:*blushing*"I won't die here, I have to drag Manfroy back to hell once Ace kills him."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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''...Cassandra...am I...hurting you?...I wouldn't want to see you in pain...No, you do not deserve pain. Such a sweet...charming young girl...does not deserve pain...'' Dan slowly inched towards Cassandra. His movements were also different now. He usually moved quick and with a purpose but these were slow.

Cassandra stepped back a few paces, completely terrified. What she saw coming towards her wasn't the man she thought Dan was... rather, all she saw was a spoiled child who hadn't gotten his way and was about to throw a fit. A child who'd hurt her the way Kat had hurt him, albeit in a different way than the latter. "D-Don't..." she stuttered out, eyes slowly filling with tears. She'd felt like everything was gone now... she felt as if Dan had ripped her heart out of her chest and cut it to ribbons before her very eyes.

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Julius: First Ishtar...Manfroy!

Manfroy: Your highness.

Julius: Kill them. You have enough morphs to do so.

Manfroy: I don't need them. I will turn them against each other. Like how I did to your sister.

Julius: Then don't fail me. One loss is enough.*warps*

Manfroy: Come to me Child of Order. I will show you all the true meaning of fear..

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Julius: First Ishtar...Manfroy!

Manfroy: Your highness.

Julius: Kill them. You have enough morphs to do so.

Manfroy: I don't need them. I will turn them against each other. Like how I did to your sister.

Julius: Then don't fail me. One loss is enough.*warps*

Manfroy: Come to me Child of Order. I will show you all the true meaning of fear..

(Should we be doing co-ordination for this via PM?)

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(Well, I didn't know if you & Ace had done so already...)

Poly shuddered as he entered the Manor of Lost Souls with Ace and Alicia. "Shit... this is where all the ghosts and shit were. And where I nearly died of Grimleal-induced sickness and saw a vision of Sumia comforting me as I was dying."

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