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Hearing loud thuds, Yuffie walked quickly out of the clinic , and followed the noise, to find Dusk kicking a door.

"Dusk! What on earth are you doing?!"

"The bastard who lives in this room threatened my fiancé! Give me a goddamn lecture later, Yuffie. I am going to utterly break Dan with my bare hands"

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"Assuming, of course, we're dealing with a 'reasonable' leader... and forces who are capable of thinking."

"I haven't been able to check. She hasn't been here, and I can't get up and hunt for her."

"Klotho's mad at Dan. That's all, really."

"Right..." Silvia muttered, before straightening up again, re-glancing over her map. "We have no idea where this 'leader', Anna Michel is, OR the sniper. So honestly, we're running into this situation blind unless we find someway to get more inside information. And Aimee's our best bet so far."

"It was just an idea... Now Aimee. Where is sh-

"Too right. We don't even know their real plans and..."

*pokes her head into Kat's room, barely noting Ace and Alicia* "Hey, Leader, Harem? I'm sure Sister didn't mention that Dan actually attacked her last night, so..."


"I won't go into everything he did or tried to do, but I won't hide it like you did. You even put make-up on your neck to hide the bruise!"


"He's a threat and, if you're going to keep him around, then someone else needs to know. Someone who won't just forgive him and walk away."

"Klotho, you shot him."

"I wanted to kill him, and still do, for being such a large threat. I don't trust him, and I won't ever again. He betrayed it, and it's his own damn fault too. No matter how much he tries to blame it on you, the only thing that wasn't his fault was his village dying." *stomps off*

Are you kidding me? That is twice. "I'll be right back" Sorin muttered tightening his grip on Purgatorial Storm.

Edited by Sorin
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! "...Cassandra...I need you to get out of here...now, through the window..." He said as he began to move something in front of the doorway. "Just go! Now!"

Cassandra wasn't about to do that. Drawing the Peshkatz, she glared at the door. "Dan, when I give the signal, you have to move. I'll throw this dagger and finish off our intruder." She said coldly, twirling the dagger in her hand.

Edited by Polydeuces
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"It was just an idea... Now Aimee. Where is sh-

Are you kidding me? That is twice. "I'll be right back" Sorin muttered tightening his grip on Purgatorial Storm.


Cassandra wasn't about to do that. Drawing the Peshkatz, she glared at the door. "Dan, when I give the signal, you have to move. I'll throw this dagger and finish off our intruder." She said coldly, twirling the dagger in her hand.

(Oh dear.)

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"Too right. We don't even know their real plans and..."

*pokes her head into Kat's room, barely noting Ace and Alicia* "Hey, Leader, Harem? I'm sure Sister didn't mention that Dan actually attacked her last night, so..."


"I won't go into everything he did or tried to do, but I won't hide it like you did. You even put make-up on your neck to hide the bruise!"


"He's a threat and, if you're going to keep him around, then someone else needs to know. Someone who won't just forgive him and walk away."

"Klotho, you shot him."

"I wanted to kill him, and still do, for everything he did and threatened to do. I don't trust him, and I won't ever again. He betrayed it, and it's his own damn fault too." *stomps off*

Oh, oh, oh, Silvia hadn't felt this kind of raw rage in a LONG time.

It's the anger that simmers up slowly, and you can feel it pooling inside you but you can still push it back. And then everything rushes over you, it breaks, and your body - from your vision to your fingertips blurs red.

She tried to hide it, keeping her expression as neutral as possible as the banging from down the hallway started, going on and on.

"Should I intervene... or should I... not."

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Cassandra wasn't about to do that. Drawing the Peshkatz, she glared at the door. "Dan, when I give the signal, you have to move. I'll throw this dagger and finish off our intruder." She said coldly, twirling the dagger in her hand.

Beating down hard on the door, he slowly felt the whole thing breaking apart. Hearing a feminine voice however, he paused for a second. [... Cassandra...] "Cassandra! Dammit Dan... Using a woman as a hostage... I am going to enjoy this FAR more than I should, you vile bastard!"

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Oh, oh, oh, Silvia hadn't felt this kind of raw rage in a LONG time.

It's the anger that simmers up slowly, and you can feel it pooling inside you but you can still push it back. And then everything rushes over you, it breaks, and your body - from your vision to your fingertips blurs red.

She tried to hide it, keeping her expression as neutral as possible as the banging from down the hallway started, going on and on.

"Should I intervene... or should I... not."

"It's really not that big of a deal. Certainly not something to abandon strategies over. I sent Dan into a situation without all the facts and, well... he lashed out a bit. Nothing much."

(Boy... did Klotho make things dramatic... *startled at the protective response from everyone*)

Edited by Kat
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Cassandra wasn't about to do that. Drawing the Peshkatz, she glared at the door. "Dan, when I give the signal, you have to move. I'll throw this dagger and finish off our intruder." She said coldly, twirling the dagger in her hand.

"...You know as well as I do our intruder is one of our comrades. Run. Now...I don't want you to get hurt." Dan had finished the barricade for the door. He began packing what he needed. He sheathed his 2 killing edges and put Ragnell away, and packed what he needed in his backpack. A couple of snacks, some water, some spare clothes. Then he saw his brave sword. "...Take this." He gave it to Cassandra. "Now. RUN!" He opened the window.

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Beating down hard on the door, he slowly felt the whole thing breaking apart. Hearing a feminine voice however, he paused for a second. [... Cassandra...] "Cassandra! Dammit Dan... Using a woman as a hostage... I am going to enjoy this FAR more than I should, you vile bastard!"

Cassandra's mind shifted to her past, before she took up thievery... back when society wasn't crumbling, and she was taken and raped almost daily... "I AM NOBODY'S PAWN!" She cried, throwing the Peshkatz towards the door, making sure she wouldn't hit Dan.

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"The bastard who lives in this room threatened my fiancé! Give me a goddamn lecture later, Yuffie. I am going to utterly break Dan with my bare hands"

"DUSK CALM DOWN! You mustn't do this! I know you want to beat the crap out of him, and you're FAR from alone in that, but in this state you'll KILL him! He threatened Kat - we don't know why! He just had to kill his best friend, he's bound to be emotional and irrational. He didn't kill Kat, but if you get to him, you will! I demand that you stop right now!"

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"It's really not that big of a deal. Certainly not something to abandon strategies over. I sent Dan into a situation without all the facts and, well... he lashed out a bit. Nothing much."

(Boy... did Klotho make things dramatic... *startled at the protective response from everyone*)

Silvia took in a deep, shaky breath and released it, managing to quell her anger - and wonder where the hell it came from - for now. "A bit? Kat. You're bedridden. And pregnant. I've already hurt you, I know that, but..." The banging continued, and it was starting to bother her, driving its way into her skull. "Maybe... I can reason with them? Maybe?"

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"...You know as well as I do our intruder is one of our comrades. Run. Now...I don't want you to get hurt." Dan had finished the barricade for the door. He began packing what he needed. He sheathed his 2 killing edges and put Ragnell away, and packed what he needed in his backpack. A couple of snacks, some water, some spare clothes. Then he saw his brave sword. "...Take this." He gave it to Cassandra. "Now. RUN!" He opened the window.

*shoots an arrow through it* "No running. You've done that enough. Not talking, assuming things are obvious, running away from responsibility, blaming others when it's your own fault you never spoke up... no more running."

Silvia took in a deep, shaky breath and released it, managing to quell her anger - and wonder where the hell it came from - for now. "A bit? Kat. You're bedridden. And pregnant. I've already hurt you, I know that, but..." The banging continued, and it was starting to bother her, driving its way into her skull. "Maybe... I can reason with them? Maybe?"

"Not only is my being pregnant making me useless, but it's driving everyone insane it seems." *smiles bitterly* "Please, at least try?"

Edited by Kat
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"Let's be smart about this. Last time, Dan ran. This time Dan will run. And since Dusk is no doubt by the door, I'll take the window." I wonder how tight Dan likes his ropes...or coffin? Either will do.

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Cassandra's mind shifted to her past, before she took up thievery... back when society wasn't crumbling, and she was taken and raped almost daily... "I AM NOBODY'S PAWN!" She cried, throwing the Peshkatz towards the door, making sure she wouldn't hit Dan.

"Cassandra!" Dan held her one last time. "...Please...I don't want you to feel any more pain...but...I have to run...I must...I'm sorry." Dan lept out the window, and ran off into the streets. I have to get away. I have to get away. I have to get away!!!

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"DUSK CALM DOWN! You mustn't do this! I know you want to beat the crap out of him, and you're FAR from alone in that, but in this state you'll KILL him! He threatened Kat - we don't know why! He just had to kill his best friend, he's bound to be emotional and irrational. He didn't kill Kat, but if you get to him, you will! I demand that you stop right now!"

Cassandra's mind shifted to her past, before she took up thievery... back when society wasn't crumbling, and she was taken and raped almost daily... "I AM NOBODY'S PAWN!" She cried, throwing the Peshkatz towards the door, making sure she wouldn't hit Dan.

"Yuffle... Do NOT get in my way!" Pushing Yuffie with his full weight, he shoulder charged into the door and eventually snapped it in half. Emerging into the room, he glanced at Dan's sudden departure and finally, Cassandra. "Cass! Stay here! I'm going after that devil child!"

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"Let's be smart about this. Last time, Dan ran. This time Dan will run. And since Dusk is no doubt by the door, I'll take the window." I wonder how tight Dan likes his ropes...or coffin? Either will do.

(Five people plan to kick Dans ass. This is enjoyable to me.)
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"Cassandra!" Dan held her one last time. "...Please...I don't want you to feel any more pain...but...I have to run...I must...I'm sorry." Dan lept out the window, and ran off into the streets. I have to get away. I have to get away. I have to get away!!!

(You totally missed Klotho firing an arrow in the window? Well then...)

*snipes Dan's knee*

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"Let's be smart about this. Last time, Dan ran. This time Dan will run. And since Dusk is no doubt by the door, I'll take the window." I wonder how tight Dan likes his ropes...or coffin? Either will do.

"Cassandra!" Dan held her one last time. "...Please...I don't want you to feel any more pain...but...I have to run...I must...I'm sorry." Dan lept out the window, and ran off into the streets. I have to get away. I have to get away. I have to get away!!!

"And the mouse continues to run." Sorin ran after him not losing any ground.

Da best Speed and Skill FTW

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