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"If you're going to lecture, then follow your own advice first." *takes a mug of hot (okay, more like luke-warm at this point, since she'd waited to make sure it wasn't accidentally poisoned) chocolate and dumps it on his head, waiting until she sees the chocolate slip down his ridiculous hair* "You aren't a comrade in my eyes. You're a threat." *walks off, leaving Jxemas and Sorin behind*

"Nothing just..." *squirms* "Klotho shot Dan in the head when she saw him attacking me."

"He got shot in the head and he's ALIVE?" Silvia said, shaking her head. "I... gods above. I'd never survive something like that, how did he...?"

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"He got shot in the head and he's ALIVE?" Silvia said, shaking her head. "I... gods above. I'd never survive something like that, how did he...?"

"It wasn't a full draw. She was afraid of killing Cassandra or me. I think it only barely went into his skull, if that. No brain damage."

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"It wasn't a full draw. She was afraid of killing Cassandra or me. I think it only barely went into his skull, if that. No brain damage."

Silvia nodded, feeling a little pale herself at the thought. "R-Right... that's... incredibly lucky of him."

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Silvia nodded, feeling a little pale herself at the thought. "R-Right... that's... incredibly lucky of him."

"Yes. If Klotho hadn't been afraid of that, she would've killed him without a care. I'll have to talk to her about that. For now..." *yawns unexpectedly* "Oh, I'm sorry, Silvia. I... think I'm just going to cuddle with Dusk here and go to sleep."

"Aw, I wanted to give you hot chocolate." *smiles anyway to show she's not all that mad* "I'll just make some again in the morning. I'll set this tray downstairs with the rest. Crimson's still with Dan, and took two when I woke her up, and the rest all had some. ...Mostly."


"Oh, I'll tell you later." *smiles* "Night!"

(in all seriousness, I'm heading for bed. Night everyone.)

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"Yes. If Klotho hadn't been afraid of that, she would've killed him without a care. I'll have to talk to her about that. For now..." *yawns unexpectedly* "Oh, I'm sorry, Silvia. I... think I'm just going to cuddle with Dusk here and go to sleep."

"Aw, I wanted to give you hot chocolate." *smiles anyway to show she's not all that mad* "I'll just make some again in the morning. I'll set this tray downstairs with the rest. Crimson's still with Dan, and took two when I woke her up, and the rest all had some. ...Mostly."


"Oh, I'll tell you later." *smiles* "Night!"

(in all seriousness, I'm heading for bed. Night everyone.)

"Oh, no, that's fine... just don't cuddle too much~" she said with a laugh, before twirling out of the room and closing the door behind her with a snap. She sighed, deciding it would be so much better if she resettled on that couch with her book and read - her legs were starting to shake from her standing.

This was kind of ridiculous. Yes, she HAD been really angry last night, but gods, this wasn't healthy. Even SHE knew it at this point. She stumbled her way downstairs before plopping onto the couch with a sigh, burying her face in her hands and using her fingers to rub at her temples.

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yeah Klotho REAAALLY wants Dan dead

oh hi i haven't seen you in a while

what did ya think of Yandere! Dan if you bothered to read that far back

I haven't read any page before that one. Though I will when I have more time!

...my computer must have been glitching to hell. I see this three times.


On phone so no italics.

*sigh* "Ever since the Jugdral Sorin told me about the Massacre, thinking became impossible. I need somebody to take my mind off that.. Tiltyu was it? ..." *Walks out his room*

I call Tiltyu/Tilti now. Because tyu is the pronunciation that you only would use in Japanese names and that y can be used as i at the end of a name like i in a Japanese name can be used as y in an English name.

"Shame only the stronger blood survived."

It tis true, Nintendo.
*Meanwhile in her room she twirls her ribbons around and around her legs as she dances around the room quietly as a drop of a sweat dripped from her face.*
Isabelle(Thinking): I've got to get over my fear of dancing around people I don't know. Many slave traders of the pirates' brigades always would work us like animals for their amusement, personnel game, and to line their pockets with gold. That is why that I must understand that not all people are selfish, dishonest, foolish and weak minded individuals.
*As she now swings her long ribbon gently forward landing on the ground with another sweatdrop from her face.
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Dan awoke once again strapped in the chair, still bound by chains. He looked up to see Cassandra, who had been sleeping on the floor. He also noticed something else. His chains were more loose than before. MUCH more loose. Perhaps she had undone some of the binds to help make him more comfortable? Yet, he kept the chains upon himself. He didn't want her to get into trouble. However...he wondered...what had she done with the Brave Sword that he gave her? And had Anon decided to actually help him get back Ragnell? He was concerned. He had kept a promise to stay with her, and if it was decided that he should die, he wouldn't be able to defend himself with just his bare hands...would he?

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Dan awoke once again strapped in the chair, still bound by chains. He looked up to see Cassandra, who had been sleeping on the floor. He also noticed something else. His chains were more loose than before. MUCH more loose. Perhaps she had undone some of the binds to help make him more comfortable? Yet, he kept the chains upon himself. He didn't want her to get into trouble. However...he wondered...what had she done with the Brave Sword that he gave her? And had Anon decided to actually help him get back Ragnell? He was concerned. He had kept a promise to stay with her, and if it was decided that he should die, he wouldn't be able to defend himself with just his bare hands...would he?

"After 7 months of solitude, I come and find you tied like an animal. Why is this not surprising, after you tried to commit suicide all those months ago?"
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Ace: "Looks like my wounds are healing up nicely. Though not completely yet." After reappplying the balms to her remaining wounds and wrapping fresh bandages around them, Ace went out to see who else was up.

Alicia meanwhile still lingered in bed, Poly was still asleep. Soon, when Anon came back, then Angie would set out to kill Yahn. Alicia wanted to remain besides Poly until it was time to depart.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"After 7 months of solitude, I come and find you tied like an animal. Why is this not surprising, after you tried to commit suicide all those months ago?"

"...You don't have to do any re-introductions. I know your presence anywhere...Now explain to me why the hell you aren't dead, like you were at the Dragon's table?"

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"...You don't have to do any re-introductions. I know your presence anywhere...Now explain to me why the hell you aren't dead, like you were at the Dragon's table?"

"I wear a new body, fractured and useless at the moment. But when I get my memories back, I'll be able to tell you the answer. I'll be whole once more."
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"I wear a new body, fractured and useless at the moment. But when I get my memories back, I'll be able to tell you the answer. I'll be whole once more."

"And I was so happy thinking the guy who had caused all those wars was finally dead...Of course, you probably blame that on your 'counterpart' ...so, are you here to mock me?"

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"And I was so happy thinking the guy who had caused all those wars was finally dead...Of course, you probably blame that on your 'counterpart' ...so, are you here to mock me?"

"I'm free from him in body. Not in the spirit world. I came to thank you."
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"I doubt my brother would have gone berserk if I didn't come back. Thanks for being a brother to him I guess."

"...Some brother I turned out to be...He hates me guts at this point...As does your sister..."

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Dan awoke once again strapped in the chair, still bound by chains. He looked up to see Cassandra, who had been sleeping on the floor. He also noticed something else. His chains were more loose than before. MUCH more loose. Perhaps she had undone some of the binds to help make him more comfortable? Yet, he kept the chains upon himself. He didn't want her to get into trouble. However...he wondered...what had she done with the Brave Sword that he gave her? And had Anon decided to actually help him get back Ragnell? He was concerned. He had kept a promise to stay with her, and if it was decided that he should die, he wouldn't be able to defend himself with just his bare hands...would he?

Sorin was still contemplating Dan's punishment. "He attacked a woman twice. She was pregnant the second time and he almost killed her. Managed to piss me off also so there is a feat within itself... But when I think about it... I could have turned out just like him...*sigh*"

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Sorin was still contemplating Dan's punishment. "He attacked a woman twice. She was pregnant the second time and he almost killed her. Managed to piss me off also so there is a feat within itself... But when I think about it... I could have turned out just like him...*sigh*"

"Need help with punishment? I think you should listen to him. Then decide. A leader hears both sides of the story."
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"Need help with punishment? I think you should listen to him. Then decide. A leader hears both sides of the story."

"Yeah..." *Goes into Dan's Chamber and takes a seat* "You know why I'm here?"

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