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Silvia gasped at Kat's words and immediately turned into her room to grab her Micaiah's Pyre and her short spear, before racing outside again, only pausing to watch Poly skip along, completely bemused by what she was seeing. "Okay...?" she muttered before she took off again, almost skidding due to the slippery ground.

Voices? Vivienne froze, the book clutched in her chest as she reached down and fumbled for her bow, notching an arrow only to drop it again. "W-Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" she screeched, shoving the bow into her other hand and reaching for the wooden box chained to her belt, trying to unclasp it with her shaking fingers.

"I'd say 'you first', but this snow's annoying."

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*draws his Tomahawk* "Oh, no you don't!" *tosses the Tomahawk at the box that the Anna was holding*

"I'd say 'you first', but this snow's annoying."

Vivienne screeched and jumped to the side, watching the tomahawk sail past her as she clutched a hand to her chest, breathing heavily. "I - oh, Mother Goddess, help me," she whimpered, her breath hitching as she tried not to sob. "I - I told them they were sending the wrong girl...!" She finally fumbled with the box enough to open it, flinging it into the alleyway and taking off, screaming a "LEAVE ME ALONE!" on her shoulder as she left, slipping and sliding against the ground.


Enemy Count: Five (5) Reverents

Objective: Chase and Defeat Commander Anna Vivienne


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Vivienne screeched and jumped to the side, watching the tomahawk sail past her as she clutched a hand to her chest, breathing heavily. "I - oh, Mother Goddess, help me," she whimpered, her breath hitching as she tried not to sob. "I - I told them they were sending the wrong girl...!" She finally fumbled with the box enough to open it, flinging it into the alleyway and taking off, screaming a "LEAVE ME ALONE!" on her shoulder as she left, slipping and sliding against the ground.


Enemy Count: Five (5) Reverents

Objective: Chase and Defeat Commander Anna Vivienne


"I won't let you get away!" *chases after Anna Vivienne*

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Silvia stared at the escaping Anna with a bewildered look, pausing a moment to knead her fingers into her temple for a moment. "Is this the Twilight Zone or something?" she mumbled before gearing herself for battle.

Silvia throws a Short Spear for 15 damage!

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*Stops running briefly to aim a shot at Anna Vivienne* "Hold still, you!" *arrow hits Vivienne for 20 damage*

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Vivienne stopped dead in her tracks to yank the arrow out of her, flinging it behind her and stopping to fire two arrows back. "Oh Goddess above, GO. THE HELL. AWAY!" she yelled, reaching for the other box and struggling to unchain it while running.

She almost crashed face-first into a wall by doing this, and only managed to veer out of the way in time.

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Enemy Count: Five (5) Reverents

Objective: Chase and Defeat Commander Anna Vivienne

Total Amount of Enemies Excluding the Boss: 10

Also note that all Risen have the standard 80 HP/Claws, except they all have Counter and Miracle.

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"Oh, hiya, Chaos!" *waves cheerfully before slipping* "I guess I shouldn't have left my boots behind."

Ace: "Hi Klotho, you alright? *helps Klotho up* "Wow, that Anna crashed into a tree. Now's our chance!"

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Vivienne stopped dead in her tracks to yank the arrow out of her, flinging it behind her and stopping to fire two arrows back. "Oh Goddess above, GO. THE HELL. AWAY!" she yelled, reaching for the other box and struggling to unchain it while running.

She almost crashed face-first into a wall by doing this, and only managed to veer out of the way in time.

*dodges one arrow, but the other lodges in her leg for 10 damage* "Oops." *rips out the arrow and keeps on running*

Ace: "Hi Klotho, you alright? *helps Klotho up* "Wow, that Anna crashed into a tree. Now's our chance!"

"Will the others be okay?"

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*dodges one arrow, but the other lodges in her leg for 10 damage* "Oops." *rips out the arrow and keeps on running*

"Will the others be okay?"

Ace: "Yikes! Just two arrows? Well, sis went to help Poly but..."

Alicia: "Ace, I caught up to you!"

Ace: "Where's Poly?"

Alicia: "I lost track of him...I'm sorry."

Ace: "Great, these Revenants have Counter and Miracle so we better find him." *Both run after Klotho*

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*dodges one arrow, but the other lodges in her leg for 10 damage* "Oops." *rips out the arrow and keeps on running*

"Will the others be okay?"

You know there's like... five Risen right in front of you now, right?

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Ace: "Yikes! Just two arrows? Well, sis went to help Poly but..."

Alicia: "Ace, I caught up to you!"

Ace: "Where's Poly?"

Alicia: "I lost track of him...I'm sorry."

Ace: "Great, these Revenants have Counter and Miracle so we better find him." *Both run after Klotho*

*ignoring the Risen to go straight for Vivienne*

You know there's like... five Risen right in front of you now, right?

(Klotho's chief problem - sheer stubbornness. Feel free to have her be attacked. She's bee-lining for Vivienne to make sure she doesn't escape.)

Edited by Kat
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*whistling away as he keeps tossing Tomahawks at the Revenants* "I love killing, I love choppin' things~"

"Okay, Henry," Silvia quipped, lobbing another short spear at the Risen before switching to her Arcfire tome instead and letting the magic shred into it instead. "Thought you were at home."

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"Okay, Henry," Silvia quipped, lobbing another short spear at the Risen before switching to her Arcfire tome instead and letting the magic shred into it instead. "Thought you were at home."

*remembers Mount Prisim Paralogue and bursts out laughing*

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"Okay, Henry," Silvia quipped, lobbing another short spear at the Risen before switching to her Arcfire tome instead and letting the magic shred into it instead. "Thought you were at home."

"Nyahaha." *flings a Tomahawk at another Revenant*

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*whistling away as he keeps tossing Tomahawks at the Revenants* "I love killing, I love choppin' things~"

Alicia: "I hear him!" *Kills two Revenants with Forged Celica's Gale*

*ignoring the Risen to go straight for Vivienne*

(Klotho's chief problem - sheer stubbornness. Feel free to have her be attacked. She's bee-lining for Vivienne to make sure she doesn't escape.)

Ace: *Kills one Revenant's with Katarina's Bolt , then chases after Klotho* "Oh crud, that last one I attacked lived!"

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