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"Nyahaha." *flings a Tomahawk at another Revenant*

"Naga, can everyone do that?" Silvia said with a wince, completely missing the Risen she was trying to aim her spear at because of this.


Risen #1 attacks Poly for 11 damage!

Risen #2 attacks Silvia for 25 damage!

Risen #3 attacks Poly for 9 damage!

Risen #4 attacks Silvia for 23 damage!

Risen #5 attacks Alica for 19 damage!

Risen #6 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #7 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #8 attacks Ace for 18 damage!



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"Naga, can everyone do that?" Silvia said with a wince, completely missing the Risen she was trying to aim her spear at because of this.


Risen #1 attacks Poly for 11 damage!

Risen #2 attacks Silvia for 25 damage!

Risen #3 attacks Poly for 9 damage!

Risen #4 attacks Silvia for 23 damage!

Risen #5 attacks Alica for 19 damage!

Risen #6 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #7 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #8 attacks Ace for 18 damage!



(So, I'm going to assume that the 50 I mentioned earlier is here, because… uh… otherwise, she'd be really dead, I think.

Klotho's HP - 10/70)

*keeps on running, not noticing the pain*

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(Wait, we're using numbers?)

*flings a Tomahawk at a nearby Risen*

lol I'm a math nerd.

And it's how I used to run skirmishes WAYWAYWAYWAY back in the day. So.

And yeah, Kat I'm accounting for the 50 you mentioned.

Edited by Vashiane
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"Naga, can everyone do that?" Silvia said with a wince, completely missing the Risen she was trying to aim her spear at because of this.


Risen #1 attacks Poly for 11 damage!

Risen #2 attacks Silvia for 25 damage!

Risen #3 attacks Poly for 9 damage!

Risen #4 attacks Silvia for 23 damage!

Risen #5 attacks Alica for 19 damage!

Risen #6 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #7 attacks Klotho for 25 damage!

Risen #8 attacks Ace for 18 damage!



Ace winced at taking damage, Renewal kicking in. The pain going away. But Klotho..."KLOTHO! STAY BY MY SIDE!" Ace screamed in a paincked state, Attacking another Risen with Valflame this time and killing it. Running up besides Klotho, Ace then attacked another Risen and watched it fall, severely injured.

Alicia felt the Risen attack her, and retaliated by killing a Risen with her Forged Celica's Gale, Lifetaker healing her wound as she chased after the Anna, noting Poly a few yards besides her...running parallel to her as she ran towards Ace and Klotho.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace winced at taking damage, Renewal kicking in. The pain going away. But Klotho..."KLOTHO! STAY BY MY SIDE!" Ace screamed in a paincked state, Attacking another Risen with Valflame this time and killing it. Running up besides Klotho, Ace then attacked another Risen and watched it fall, severely injured.

Alicia felt the Risen attack her, and retaliated by killing a Risen with her Forged Celica's Gale, Lifetaker healing her wound as she chased after the Anna, noting Poly a few yards besides her...running parallel to her as she ran towards Ace and Klotho.

"I've almost got her!" *keeps on running*

I might just get back to doing that somewhere along the way

(Is Marth going to jump into the fray here?)

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Sorry. Not until we reach Valm and Act 2 is complete

(Darn. *missing Marth*)

Ace: "I don't want lose you! If I can get closer, I can cast Valflame..."

"I'm fine!"

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So that's two Risen down. Okay. Releasing the last box on her!

Vivienne finally unchained the final box, pressing her lips to it briefly before throwing it out at her pursuers, following that up with three random arrow shots. "Almost out, I'm almost out, I'm almost out, I - I can make it...!"

Edited by Vashiane
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So that's two Risen down. Okay. Releasing the last box on her!

Vivienne finally unchained the final box, pressing her lips to it briefly before throwing it out at her pursuers, following that up with three random arrow shots. "Almost out, I'm almost out, I'm almost out, I - I can make it...!"

*one of the arrows glances off Klotho for nine damage, but she keeps running, vaguely hearing the box opening behind her* "I've got you!"

(HP - 1/70)

Edited by Kat
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Ace: *dodges the other two arrows* "Oh no you don't! You hurt my friend and now you pay! I've got you in my sights!" *Casts Valflame on Anna Vivienne for 45 damage, then tries to protect Klotho from the Risen while still chasing after the Anna*

Alicia meanwhile: *Kills two more Risen with Forged Celica's Gale* "Ace, hold up! I'm coming!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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