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"I need to get this back to Kat, and most importantly, Phoibus... since he seems to... wait. Last page." Silvia said, flipping to the very end of the book. "Don't wait to help anymore, don't want to be here anymore, need a way out, wish I could take her with me... wait. Take who...?" Silvia took in a deep breath, wincing at how badly that hurt before she deciphered the paragraph below. "A... I... M... E... E. Huh... ... Ow."

"Aimee?" *cocks head to side in confusion and then shrugs* "I'll let you and Sister figure that one out."

Ace: "Aren't you....cold without shoes on?"

​"No? …Well, I think the scars on my feet are starting to hurt again, but no?"

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"Aimee?" *cocks head to side in confusion and then shrugs* "I'll let you and Sister figure that one out."

​"No? …Well, I think the scars on my feet are starting to hurt again, but no?"

Ace: "Just the scars on your feet hurt, but that's the only place that hurts...strange..."

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Ace: "Amazing...*sways*

Alicia: "Ace, it's late. You look exhausted."

Ace: "Yeah...I should get some sleep...."

Alicia: ".........."

Ace: "What's on your mind, sis?"

Alicia: "Oh, nothing really."

Ace: " I doubt it. Well, rather than stand out here in the cold, I'm going to sleep."

Alicia: "I shall retire for the night as well."

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"Harem, let's all inside. Meanie's already fast asleep here in the snow after making those weird… shapes in the sand. I can hand that book to Sister and you two can discuss it tomorrow with Leader?"

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"Aimee?" *cocks head to side in confusion and then shrugs* "I'll let you and Sister figure that one out."

​"No? …Well, I think the scars on my feet are starting to hurt again, but no?"

"I don't know... I don't any of these..." she said, glancing over the names again. "I mean, I remember... back at home we have an Anna Lucretia, and she mentioned they use... their middles names to tell each other apart a-and..." Silvia leaned back against the wall for a moment, closing her eyes briefly. "But I've never heard of... any of these. Gods be damned, what is...?" she muttered darkly under her breath, doubling over for a moment to catch her breath and recover from the sudden spasm of pain. She pulled her arm away, her eyes going wide at the streak of red that coated it. "Holy hell. I'm bleeding."

"Yup! Nope! That's a great idea. I'll talk this over with Kat, like, as soon as possible... before I pass out again. Like always..." She ended the sentence with a grumble, immediately darting off back towards the inn.

GOOD JOB, SLOW ONE. [/claps]

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"I don't know... I don't any of these..." she said, glancing over the names again. "I mean, I remember... back at home we have an Anna Lucretia, and she mentioned they use... their middles names to tell each other apart a-and..." Silvia leaned back against the wall for a moment, closing her eyes briefly. "But I've never heard of... any of these. Gods be damned, what is...?" she muttered darkly under her breath, doubling over for a moment to catch her breath and recover from the sudden spasm of pain. She pulled her arm away, her eyes going wide at the streak of red that coated it. "Holy hell. I'm bleeding."

"Yup! Nope! That's a great idea. I'll talk this over with Kat, like, as soon as possible... before I pass out again. Like always..." She ended the sentence with a grumble, immediately darting off back towards the inn.

GOOD JOB, SLOW ONE. [/claps]

*chases after Silvia* "Wait, you need to rest, Harem!"

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*chases after Silvia* "Wait, you need to rest, Harem!"

Silvia glanced back at Klotho chasing after her, before quickly shifting her stance and using the wall to kick off and charge towards the inn. "I'll rest after I give it to her!"

She skidded her way into the inn's lobby, before grabbing onto the stairwell and bounding her way up the stairs, slamming her fist into Kat's door once she got there before she opened it.

"KatlookwhatwefoundontheAnna," she gasped out, placing the book gently on the girl's lap before using the bedpost as a support, stopping to catch her breath.

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Silvia glanced back at Klotho chasing after her, before quickly shifting her stance and using the wall to kick off and charge towards the inn. "I'll rest after I give it to her!"

She skidded her way into the inn's lobby, before grabbing onto the stairwell and bounding her way up the stairs, slamming her fist into Kat's door once she got there before she opened it.

"KatlookwhatwefoundontheAnna," she gasped out, placing the book gently on the girl's lap before using the bedpost as a support, stopping to catch her breath.

"How Dusk's slept through today, I've no clue." *picks up the book and flips through it* "So… Anna stuff? Interesting."

(I'll announce it in the Chat too, but there's a Klotho char development thing for those that missed it and now a Phoibus-Kat thing for… after everyone's gone to bed.)

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"How Dusk's slept through today, I've no clue." *picks up the book and flips through it* "So… Anna stuff? Interesting."

Silvia nodded, trying to be discreet as she folded her arms over her stomach. "Right. Apparently, several of them have randomly gone missing... and she's listed not only the ones that have, but the one who's apparently next. Her name is... and get this... Anna Aimee."

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"How Dusk's slept through today, I've no clue." *picks up the book and flips through it* "So… Anna stuff? Interesting."

(I'll announce it in the Chat too, but there's a Klotho char development thing for those that missed it and now a Phoibus-Kat thing for… after everyone's gone to bed.)

So the cryptic actually has a soft side. My my.

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Silvia nodded, trying to be discreet as she folded her arms over her stomach. "Right. Apparently, several of them have randomly gone missing... and she's listed not only the ones that have, but the one who's apparently next. Her name is... and get this... Anna Aimee."

"Next for what is the main question." *flipping through* "She has the names, but what it is and what it does are completely blacked out or incoherent. The MOST coherent thing is 'harbor' and 'prisims'." *pauses* "…Prisms. Silvia, remember Mount Prism?"

So the cryptic actually has a soft side. My my.

(Would've thought that obvious by his affection for Kat, but yeah. BIG TIME.)

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"Next for what is the main question." *flipping through* "She has the names, but what it is and what it does are completely blacked out or incoherent. The MOST coherent thing is 'harbor' and 'prisims'." *pauses* "…Prisms. Silvia, remember Mount Prism?"

(Would've thought that obvious by his affection for Kat, but yeah. BIG TIME.)

"Yes... the prisms we found. You don't think... the Annas made those...?" Silvia said, trying to wrap her brain around it. "I still don't understand how those even work but... Okay."

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"Yes... the prisms we found. You don't think... the Annas made those...?" Silvia said, trying to wrap her brain around it. "I still don't understand how those even work but... Okay."

"I doubt they made the original ones, but I wouldn't put it past them to have recreated a… broken copy of them."

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"I doubt they made the original ones, but I wouldn't put it past them to have recreated a… broken copy of them."

The implication washed over her slowly, and Silvia felt the color drain completely out of her skin with each puzzle piece she put together. She nodded, before lifting an arm to press her hand to her mouth, mulling it over. She glanced down at her arm for a second, sighing at the blood smeared on it before she dropped her arm again. "It's... possible, yeah..."

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The implication washed over her slowly, and Silvia felt the color drain completely out of her skin with each puzzle piece she put together. She nodded, before lifting an arm to press her hand to her mouth, mulling it over. She glanced down at her arm for a second, sighing at the blood smeared on it before she dropped her arm again. "It's... possible, yeah..."

"Here, I've been sleeping on and off all day, so why don't I have a look at this while you, and Klotho who's hiding there, get to the infirmary and sleep on it? Maybe I'll find something you didn't, being a little more awake."

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"Here, I've been sleeping on and off all day, so why don't I have a look at this while you, and Klotho who's hiding there, get to the infirmary and sleep on it? Maybe I'll find something you didn't, being a little more awake."

She stiffened, thinking she had hid it well but clearly, she hadn't. She nodded, waving a hand at the book before backing up towards the door. "Yeah... have fun with that," she muttered, dashing out of the room without a second glance and into the infirmary, slamming the door closed behind her and shaking.

It made her sick. It made her sick, thinking about it. And with all the Annas' disappearance... And Lucretia...

Silvia swallowed back the urge to vomit and decided she couldn't think about it anymore. She threw herself onto the nearest bed, holding the pillow over her head and forcing herself to think of happy things, like black-and-white roses and princes and princesses and... and... true love and affection.

Despite all her effort, she fell asleep to the image over her brother, driving his blade into her side, that smile on his face being just... too... serene.

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Well guys, it's been fun and all, but this is pretty time consuming and, well, not exactly PG rated. I've been considering this for a while, and, well, let's just put it like this. I have a life with a look of looking out for and a lot of looking up to. I really think I can do something great, that I can be the example people want to follow. And here is good for you guys, but I simply don't have the time to this and that. I have my own stars to climb, and my own blessed future to reach. There's better things to put my life towards, like my family or learning or my God. So, I say adieu. Enjoy your little game, because I'm on my way to the top of the world! Good luck!

I'm such a bad person for coming late to this...

But anyway, you were a really nice guy and although I haven't known you for long, you were awesome to talk to. Best wishes to what you're trying to achieve! :) trying not to cry

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​Unbeknownst to him, he had been asleep for over 24 hours. Those herbs Yuffie gave him must've eased his sleep quite a bit. For the past week or so excluding yesterday, the guy must've had around 10 hours total. Those 24 hours were well deserved. Stirring in the bed, he slowly opened his eyes and, unsurprisingly, his arms were wrapped around Kat. Pulling her a bit closer to him, he nuzzled into the back of her shoulder

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Ace had gotten up and finished treating what wounds remained, which weren't many. Stepping outside her room, Ace was greeted with a trail of melted snow leading to Alicia's room. "Huh, someone must have fallen asleep in the snow." Ace mused with a smirk as she went to see who else was up.

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"She loves me...she loves me not...she loves me...she loves me not.......shit. What the fuck does half a petal mean?"

(She both loves you and doesn't? Morning, Sumia.)

​Unbeknownst to him, he had been asleep for over 24 hours. Those herbs Yuffie gave him must've eased his sleep quite a bit. For the past week or so excluding yesterday, the guy must've had around 10 hours total. Those 24 hours were well deserved. Stirring in the bed, he slowly opened his eyes and, unsurprisingly, his arms were wrapped around Kat. Pulling her a bit closer to him, he nuzzled into the back of her shoulder

"Nice to see you're alive. I don't suppose you could get a fire up." *absently looking through her notes of the book* "Phoibus covered the broken window, but it's still cold."

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Ace: "Morning Sis."

Alicia: "Good morning Ace."

Ace: "What's with the melted snow on the floor? Did you drag someone inside?"

Alicia: "Poly fell asleep outside in the snow."

Ace: "Ah-a! So you dragged him inside. Hahaha!"

Alicia: "And dropping off Cassandra's weapons. I put them in her room, propped up against the wall."

Ace: "Yeah, Cassandra....wonder how she's doing since last night..."

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