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I thought you were doing a pony tail? I need dat Vashyron look

Actually, it was originally pigtails, but then she decided to get creative. Dusk apparently has really nice hair.

Edited by Kat
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Actually, it was originally pigtails, but then she decided to get creative. Dusk apparently has really nice hair.

Oh yeah. He uses a bottle of shampoo and conditioner every time he washes his hair

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Oh yeah. He uses a bottle of shampoo and conditioner every time he washes his hair

Welp, now his fiancé is playing with his hair. With beads.

Edited by Kat
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​"I think they are creating more of the… things that attacked us here in the port 6 months ago… and the next target is one of the commanders, Anna Aimee."

Oh, that! Sure~

"What? That's disgusting. All things considered though, why is this bad if its one of the commanders? She was going to die anyway."

His patience was starting to wear thin. How long did it take to de-braid hair? Hearing Sorin's voice, he perked up a bit. "Hello, Sorin"

*currently making very tiny braids with beads in Dusk's hair*

"Yo Dusk... Err what's with the braids? They're so small. Didn't know you were going for that look."

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"What? That's disgusting. All things considered though, why is this bad if its one of the commanders? She was going to die anyway."

"Yo Dusk... Err what's with the braids? They're so small. Didn't know you were going for that look."

"Because, Sorin, there's such a thing known as a fate worse than death… and if I'm right, that's EXACTLY what they're planning." *gives him a stern look* "I would've thought that obvious."

"Kat's getting rid of them, I hope"

"Of course, darling." *still braiding*

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"Because, Sorin, there's such a thing known as a fate worse than death… and if I'm right, that's EXACTLY what they're planning." *gives him a stern look* "I would've thought that obvious."

"Of course, darling." *still braiding*

"Fate worse than Death? Sorry love, but who deserves a fate worse than death?"

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"Fate worse than Death? Sorry love, but who deserves a fate worse than death?"

"No one." *very adamant* "Absolutely no one DESERVES such a thing. Especially this. Mechanical in nature, everything you could've ever loved stripped away, left with only the desperation of regaining what you lost, despite not even knowing what it is… no one deserves that fate. No one."

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"No one." *very adamant* "Absolutely no one DESERVES such a thing. Especially this. Mechanical in nature, everything you could've ever loved stripped away, left with only the desperation of regaining what you lost, despite not even knowing what it is… no one deserves that fate. No one."

"Yes, I think most people don't deserve that. I was just curious on who you were talking about that doesn't deserve it, that's all"

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"Kat's getting rid of them, I hope"

"Because, Sorin, there's such a thing known as a fate worse than death… and if I'm right, that's EXACTLY what they're planning." *gives him a stern look* "I would've thought that obvious."

"Of course, darling." *still braiding*

"Fate worse than Death? Sorry love, but who deserves a fate worse than death?"

*Returns the stern look back* " I know that. I lived one before... There is another reason you want us to help her though... I just can't tell what. When we get to Valm, I'll see what I can do."

In some games I've played there are fates worse than death.

*Reads the skit again* You give fates worse than death.

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"Yes, I think most people don't deserve that. I was just curious on who you were talking about that doesn't deserve it, that's all"

"Anna Aimee."

*Returns the stern look back* " I know that. I lived one before... There is another reason you want us to help her though... I just can't tell what. When we get to Valm, I'll see what I can do."

"Phoibus said he could arrange her traveling with us."

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"So another Anna will be joining us? Oh my. This could be interesting"

​"Thank you." *pauses* "She'll… still die, of course. She has to. But, this way, we can attempt a cleaner death, at a later time. Priority, of course, is the villains. We can wait on her."

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​"Thank you." *pauses* "She'll… still die, of course. She has to. But, this way, we can attempt a cleaner death, at a later time. Priority, of course, is the villains. We can wait on her."

"Yes..." Pausing, he realigned himself so that he was sitting down. His legs had start to hurt. "When are we fighting the next villains anyway?"

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"Yes..." Pausing, he realigned himself so that he was sitting down. His legs had start to hurt. "When are we fighting the next villains anyway?"

"Well, I've got Angie and Samson leading groups to deal with the last of things here. I'm not sure if we can take Mount Origin yet, though, so we'll likely have to go to Valm first… Sorin? Your opinion?"

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"Well, I've got Angie and Samson leading groups to deal with the last of things here. I'm not sure if we can take Mount Origin yet, though, so we'll likely have to go to Valm first Sorin? Your opinion?"

Light: Someone say villains? I have your next set for you.
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Dan had looked everywhere but he couldn't find Cassandra. Was she hiding from him? He gave up searching for her and went to the mess hall to get something to eat. However, upon arriving, he saw no one else there. "...Guess I gotta cook myself." Dan went into the kitchen to see what ingredients they had. He found enough ingredients in order to make some Rosanne toast. "It's been a while since I've had to make my own meal. Oh well.."

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