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"And then you're going to have to deal with King Zephiel or King Ashnard. I forget."

"Oh? Didn't seem too patient a couple days ago."

"Ashnard will drop faster than a brick. My arrows will send him crashing down" His attention then went to Kat. "Eh? I can't remember what you're referring to"

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"Ashnard will drop faster than a brick. My arrows will send him crashing down" His attention then went to Kat. "Eh? I can't remember what you're referring to"

"You forget that his armor makes him untouchable. Blessed by Ashera it was.. You need a special type of weapon.."
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"They keep on changing places. Hard to keep up. My client who tells me these things is hating it."

"I see."

(Shadow, remember that Anna Aimee is stationed in Valm Harbor. I think Michel might still be in the Valm Castle, but ask Vash about that.)

"Ashnard will drop faster than a brick. My arrows will send him crashing down" His attention then went to Kat. "Eh? I can't remember what you're referring to"

"Poly interrupted us, remember?" *smiles* "Klotho might beat you to the arrow thing, though."

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"You forget that his armor makes him untouchable. Blessed by Ashera it was.. You need a special type of weapon.."

"Poly interrupted us, remember?" *smiles* "Klotho might beat you to the arrow thing, though."

"Well then, I'll have to bury the lad in the ocean or something. Either way, I'm killing him" Hearing what Kat said, he remembered what she was on about, causing his voice to go up a few pitches. "Oh yeah... That was an exception?"

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"I see."

(Shadow, remember that Anna Aimee is stationed in Valm Harbor. I think Michel might still be in the Valm Castle, but ask Vash about that.)

"Poly interrupted us, remember?" *smiles* "Klotho might beat you to the arrow thing, though."

(Shit! That's where Lloyd was going to be... Maybe we need to talk about Villain locations.)
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"Well then, I'll have to bury the lad in the ocean or something. Either way, I'm killing him" Hearing what Kat said, he remembered what she was on about, causing his voice to go up a few pitches. "Oh yeah... That was an exception?"

(guess who has RAGNELL~)

"We were kissing and… stuff like that. It was nice, but…"

"Morphs? Oh, joy."

​"Well, maybe it's to teach you… patience."

"...But?" Dan had a look of concern. He was actually worried.

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"I see. This is somewhat personal in a convoluted way."

"Right. Try not to let it cloud your judgement, Sorin. I trust you, but sometimes things can get… crazy."

"Well then, I'll have to bury the lad in the ocean or something. Either way, I'm killing him" Hearing what Kat said, he remembered what she was on about, causing his voice to go up a few pitches. "Oh yeah... That was an exception?"

"Sure it was. Pointing out here I'm also pregnant."

(Shit! That's where Lloyd was going to be... Maybe we need to talk about Villain locations.)

(PM Vash and me and Dusk and Sorin.)

"...But?" Dan had a look of concern. He was actually worried.

"Something felt missing. Maybe a guy." *thinking* "Yeah, I like girls, but a guy would've made it more exciting, I think."

(I… Klotho…)

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"Right. Try not to let it cloud your judgement, Sorin. I trust you, but sometimes things can get crazy."

"Sure it was. Pointing out here I'm also pregnant."

(PM Vash and me and Dusk and Sorin.)

"Something felt missing. Maybe a guy." *thinking* "Yeah, I like girls, but a guy would've made it more exciting, I think."

(I Klotho)

(Later. Working with Sorin on "stuff". After that..)
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(guess who has RAGNELL~)

Guess who's the only villain I've shotgunned?

"Sure it was. Pointing out here I'm also pregnant."

He smirked and laughed quietly. "We can have fun and not go that far, you know"

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(Later. Working with Sorin on "stuff". After that..)


Guess who's the only villain I've shotgunned?

He smirked and laughed quietly. "We can have fun and not go that far, you know"

"Well, certainly can't now."

(Who called Ashnard's death?)

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Nathaniel sat at his desk, the book by his father sitting in front of him. He had to read it, of course... It was the only thing that would possibly allow him to feel at peace.

He opened it up to the first page. The pages were made of slightly crusty, yellowed parchment.

He didn't even read the first page before it began.

Lances of deep purple energy lanced up from the book and swirled above him, before striking the floor around him and changing shape into people; risen. They ignored him and began marching out of his door.

"Wha- What?!" Nathaniel stifled a yell. The dark energy swirled out from the tome and around him, surrounding him in darkness.

"Nathaniel... Nathaniel Blackwater." Nathaniel's entire vision went black and he gasped.

In the darkness that surrounded him was his father, Weaver.

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"Right. Try not to let it cloud your judgement, Sorin. I trust you, but sometimes things can get… crazy."

"Sure it was. Pointing out here I'm also pregnant."

(PM Vash and me and Dusk and Sorin.)

"Something felt missing. Maybe a guy." *thinking* "Yeah, I like girls, but a guy would've made it more exciting, I think."

(I… Klotho…)

"...I...see." Dan almost started flushing. It seemed like he wasn't gonna get the information that he was looking for from Klotho. "...So...you hungry?"

Guess who's the only villain I've shotgunned?

He smirked and laughed quietly. "We can have fun and not go that far, you know"

(well guess who doesn't have a sword rank :P)

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"Well, certainly can't now."

"... Damn company..."

(Dusk. Does Dusk want Berserk Ashnard or regular?)

Err... I'm only familiar with regular

(well guess who doesn't have a sword rank :P)

*shakes fist*

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"...I...see." Dan almost started flushing. It seemed like he wasn't gonna get the information that he was looking for from Klotho. "...So...you hungry?"

(well guess who doesn't have a sword rank :P)

(Dusk called Ashnard.)

​"Um… maybe." *thinking* "Yeah, I suppose. I'll make something for myself."

"... Damn company..."

"And pregnancy, Dusk. And pregnancy."

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*frowns as she notes something* "The wind is off. Sorin, Dusk, it might be a good idea to do a head count." *pats Dusk on the shoulder* "Yep, done." *giggling at all the beaded braids in his hair*

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*frowns as she notes something* "The wind is off. Sorin, Dusk, it might be a good idea to do a head count." *pats Dusk on the shoulder* "Yep, done." *giggling at all the beaded braids in his hair*

"Rightio. I feel something odd too" Getting up, he kisses Kat on the cheek. "I'll be right back" Heading out of the room, he first went to see if Nathaniel was around

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