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*frowns as she notes something* "The wind is off. Sorin, Dusk, it might be a good idea to do a head count." *pats Dusk on the shoulder* "Yep, done." *giggling at all the beaded braids in his hair*

"Right. And Dusk? Might want to look in a mirror." *Leaves the room *

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Soon, over twenty risen had been conjured by the book. More and more were appearing by the minute.

"F-father... It's been so long...!" Tears welled up in Nathaniel's eyes as he looked at his father, looking exactly the same as he had the day he had left.

"Son..." Weaver Blackwater smiled, then snapped his fingers. A young, blond woman appeared next to him, holding a small child in her arms. Elise, holding... H-holding...

"What is this, father?" Nathaniel shivered. The baby in the girl's arms could've easily been his son.

"Come home, Nathaniel." Weaver snapped his fingers again, creating a warm, pleasant scene: Nenlast, or what it would've been. A small cottage stood out amongst the others: What his home would've been, if he'd married Elise...

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Soon, over twenty risen had been conjured by the book. More and more were appearing by the minute.

"F-father... It's been so long...!" Tears welled up in Nathaniel's eyes as he looked at his father, looking exactly the same as he had the day he had left.

"Son..." Weaver Blackwater smiled, then snapped his fingers. A young, blond woman appeared next to him, holding a small child in her arms. Elise, holding... H-holding...

"What is this, father?" Nathaniel shivered. The baby in the girl's arms could've easily been his son.

"Come home, Nathaniel." Weaver snapped his fingers again, creating a warm, pleasant scene: Nenlast, or what it would've been. A small cottage stood out amongst the others: What his home would've been, if he'd married Elise...

"Why are there Risen?"

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Soon, over twenty risen had been conjured by the book. More and more were appearing by the minute.

"F-father... It's been so long...!" Tears welled up in Nathaniel's eyes as he looked at his father, looking exactly the same as he had the day he had left.

"Son..." Weaver Blackwater smiled, then snapped his fingers. A young, blond woman appeared next to him, holding a small child in her arms. Elise, holding... H-holding...

"What is this, father?" Nathaniel shivered. The baby in the girl's arms could've easily been his son.

"Come home, Nathaniel." Weaver snapped his fingers again, creating a warm, pleasant scene: Nenlast, or what it would've been. A small cottage stood out amongst the others: What his home would've been, if he'd married Elise...

"Good lord, so many Risen and..." The purple mist made it hard to make out, but it looked like there was a older man and a young woman in the room with Nathaniel" Taking out his silver axe, he buried it in the nearest Risen. "Nathaniel!"

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Ace drew out her forged Killing Edge, Alicia drew out Tyrfing.

Ace: "Sis, do you feel that?"

Alicia: "Yes, a feeling of malice is heavy in the air."

Ace: "Sweet Ashunera! Risen, here?! Let's kill them!"

Alicia: "Nathaniel...are those people...your family?" *Kills a Risen*

Edited by Ace Tactician
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The sweet, cold darkness of magic pulled her away from blood-stained blades and smiles that were far too at peace. Her eyes shot open, and she gripped the bedsheets in a vice under her fingers, embracing the spine-shivering chill it swept.

But she wasn't... causing that chill.

Silvia slowly pushed herself out of the bed, yanking her fingers away from the covers and slowly edging her way down the hall. "Okay... where is that coming from."

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Dan looked around furiously. Even with his blessed eyesight, it was hard to see through the mist. Then, he spotted Nathaniel holding a book. "There! That book is where it's all coming from!" Dan tried to rush towards it, but some Risen blocked his path.

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Kicking a Risen into the ground he shot it in the back of the head with an arrow from his killer bow. "Beaten by a guy to the point where your head is buried into the floor... Oh, your standards displease me"

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(You're not meant to see the people, they're in Nathaniel's head)

Nathaniel walked towards the cottage, and realised something: the scars and aches from the war were missing, and in their place was the wedding ring on his finger. He wasn't wearing his glasses, either.

"What... What is this?" Nathaniel looked at his father, who looked a little older.

"Nenlast, our home. This is where you belong, son..." Weaver grinned, and Nathaniel saw nothing bad in that grin. It was just his normal, slightly nostalgic smile.

"Father!" A child ran towards Nathaniel, his face slightly dirty. "Mummy wants to see you." Elise walked from behind the child, smiling.

"Welcome home, Nathaniel." Elise approached him and kissed him on the lips.

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Ace:*kills two Risen*"Something is wrong..,this still doesn't feel right."

Alicia:*kills two Risen*"Ace! That book! It's leaking malice!"

Ace:"Oh you've got to be kidding me! A cursed book?! Nathaniel, put that thing down now!"

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(You're not meant to see the people, they're in Nathaniel's head)

Nathaniel walked towards the cottage, and realised something: the scars and aches from the war were missing, and in their place was the wedding ring on his finger. He wasn't wearing his glasses, either.

"What... What is this?" Nathaniel looked at his father, who looked a little older.

"Nenlast, our home. This is where you belong, son..." Weaver grinned, and Nathaniel saw nothing bad in that grin. It was just his normal, slightly nostalgic smile.

"Father!" A child ran towards Nathaniel, his face slightly dirty. "Mummy wants to see you." Elise walked from behind the child, smiling.

"Welcome home, Nathaniel." Elise approached him and kissed him on the lips.


Standing alongside Klotho he protected her in case a pesky Risen got too close to her. "How're you holding up, little sister?"

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Silvia shrieked as one of the Risen barreled towards her, kicking off one of her shoes and bending down to grab it before drilling the heel of her shoe deep into the Risen's skull. She used her other foot to shove it down onto its back, before dragging the heel down a few inches, making a deep gash in its skull. She wrenched it out again, pleased with herself, before slipping her shoe back on and taking off towards her room.

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Standing alongside Klotho he protected her in case a pesky Risen got too close to her. "How're you holding up, little sister?"

"I'm fine." *shoots another Risen before rolling her eyes and stabbing another one through the eye with just the arrow* "Things are cramped."

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