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"I'm fine." *shoots another Risen before rolling her eyes and stabbing another one through the eye with just the arrow* "Things are cramped."

"Indeed. Just be careful. Cramped situations aren't good for us bow users" Roundhouse kicking a Risen, he took an arrow from Klotho's quiver and stabbed it in the eye. "It's been too long since I'm done that. Rather satisfying, really"

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"Indeed. Just be careful. Cramped situations aren't good for us bow users" Roundhouse kicking a Risen, he took an arrow from Klotho's quiver and stabbed it in the eye. "It's been too long since I'm done that. Rather satisfying, really"

"Don't steal my arrows. It throws off my count."

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Samson pulled out his staff, he used it, pushing away the mist for a second, before it returned (... no. we're going to need to tackle the source.) A risen tried to hit him with it's claws,but he dodged, before electrocuting it to death

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Dan kept slashing through Risen until he got to Nathaniel. He saw Ace and Alicia were still trying to get that book away from him. "Stand back!" He said as he raised his sword. He slashed down in an attempt to split the book in two.

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"I know so- Klotho, watch out!" Shoving her out of the way, he slashed his way through a Risen's neck, then proceeded to push it to the floor

"That was stupid. I HAD a shot." *stabs the Risen with an arrow before shooting another one with the same arrow*

Dan kept slashing through Risen until he got to Nathaniel. He saw Ace and Alicia were still trying to get that book away from him. "Stand back!" He said as he raised his sword. He slashed down in an attempt to split the book in two.

(Can't do that.)

Glaedyr got up and wandered out of her room. She could hear some sort of commotion so she went to investigate. "What's...going on?"

"Your boyfriend is in trouble."

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Meanwhile, more risen were formed by the dark mist...

Nathaniel felt her lips against his, and jerked his head away. "This... This is wrong!" Nathaniel turned on his heel and grabbed Weaver.

"No, Nathaniel. This is right... So very, very right!" Weaver threw his head back and laughed, showing his red eyes. "This is how everything should've been! You, Elise..."

"No... NO!" Nathaniel turned around and ran as fast as he could. Weaver appeared in front of him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Why resist? You have everything thing you'd ever want here, in this book..." The book. THE BOOK.

Nathaniel's eyes snapped open, and he went back to reality. He tried to throw the book to the ground, but his arms refused to move. Without him giving the command, his arms began to reach down for his tome to attack the Dreamers...

"N-no... Let me go, bastard!"

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Glaedyr got up and wandered out of her room. She could hear some sort of commotion so she went to investigate. "What's...going on?"


In the midst of all the gore he was so intend of making he could hear Glaedyr's voice. "Glaedyr, be careful! These's a bunch of Risen nearby, and Nathaniel is in the middle of it!"

"That was stupid. I HAD a shot." *stabs the Risen with an arrow before shooting another one with the same arrow*

"Better to be safe than sorry, eh?"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Meanwhile, more risen were formed by the dark mist...

Nathaniel felt her lips against his, and jerked his head away. "This... This is wrong!" Nathaniel turned on his heel and grabbed Weaver.

"No, Nathaniel. This is right... So very, very right!" Weaver threw his head back and laughed, showing his red eyes. "This is how everything should've been! You, Elise..."

"No... NO!" Nathaniel turned around and ran as fast as he could. Weaver appeared in front of him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Why resist? You have everything thing you'd ever want here, in this book..." The book. THE BOOK.

Nathaniel's eyes snapped open, and he went back to reality. He tried to throw the book to the ground, but his arms refused to move. Without him giving the command, his arms began to reach down for his tome to attack the Dreamers...

"N-no... Let me go, bastard!"

"Nathan- urk!" He was hit by Nathaniel's spell, and had to step back "Why are you attacking?"

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"Your boyfriend is in trouble."

"Boyfriend...? I don't have a boyfriend?"


In the midst of all the gore he was so intend of making he could hear Glaedyr's voice. "Glaedyr, be careful! These's a bunch of Risen nearby, and Nathaniel is in the middle of it!"


She turned to hear Dusk call out. "N-nathaniel? Huh? What's going on? Is he OK?" She sees all the risen and draws her sword, ready for combat.

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"That was stupid. I HAD a shot." *stabs the Risen with an arrow before shooting another one with the same arrow*

(Can't do that.)

"Your boyfriend is in trouble."

The sword simply bounced off the book. "What the hell?" He tried again, but again, it was deflected. "How the?..."

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She turned to hear Dusk call out. "N-nathaniel? Huh? What's going on? Is he OK?" She sees all the risen and draws her sword, ready for combat.

"I don't know! He's in the middle of the battle, and he hasn't moved one bit!" Hacking through more Risen, he felt a smirk coming to his face

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"Boyfriend...? I don't have a boyfriend?"


She turned to hear Dusk call out. "N-nathaniel? Huh? What's going on? Is he OK?" She sees all the risen and draws her sword, ready for combat.

"The bloody wizard."

The sword simply bounced off the book. "What the hell?" He tried again, but again, it was deflected. "How the?..."

"Uh oh."

"I don't know! He's in the middle of the battle, and he hasn't moved one bit!" Hacking through more Risen, he felt a smirk coming to his face

"Actually, he's attacking us."

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Ace: "Sorry, Nathaniel. *Puts forged Killing Edge away, cracks knuckles* I have to resort to fisticuffs here. It's for your own good."*proceeds to punch Nathaniel two times* Edited by Ace Tactician
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"I don't know! He's in the middle of the battle, and he hasn't moved one bit!" Hacking through more Risen, he felt a smirk coming to his face

"Gosh...Sounds...really strange..." She says between slashes of her sword as she aims at the risen closest to her with her killing edge, slicing off two of its limbs.

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"Let me go!" Nathaniel yelled, but he once again felt himself readying an attack.

"Nathaniel! What are you doing?" Samson dodged Nathaniel's spelll by a few inches, releasing a small electric shock at him.

Edited by BravuraLevi
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Silvia managed to dive into her room and slam the door behind her before she grabbed her Killer Lance, dragging it behind her as she opened the door, only to a Risen to practically knock her aside and the dresser next to the door.

The dresser... didn't matter, because all she saw was the fluttering of pages as its claws ripped into her book.

... The Prince of Light and the Princess of Darkness.

It... shredded the first several pages and removed several more.

Silvia blinked in shock, a torrent of emotions running through her as she jabbed her lance into the Risen and ripped it to her right. And did it again, but only with the left.

And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

She wasn't even THINKING about it, she was just... shredding it, like it shredded the pages of her - no, THEIR - book. And she didn't stop until there was nothing left to shred.

Silvia dragged the lance behind her as she walked, shoving her way past the Dreamers and the Risen to get to the source.

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Ace dodged Klotho's arrows, then picked Nathaniel up and slammed him against a nearby wall. "NATHANIEL! Put that damn book down!....Sis is gone...oh yeah, the mission to kill Yahn. She and Angie must have left."
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