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The Risen grins sickly, baring bloody teeth as it lurches for Kat and tries to claw her. The amulet activates to slow down the movement, but Kat still gets deep gouges to her arms and back as she falls from the bed to try and escape. More, however, appear in the doorway.

​"Oh… Mila…"

​They all lurch for her, surrounding her. Kat shakily draws a rune in the air as she resists the urge to scream. As one lunges for her, though, she shrieks and instinctively curls up to protect her stomach as the Risen manages to dig into her back. ANYTHING to protect her baby...


"Somebody help!"

Dusk snapped. That was something he never wanted to hear in his life. Belting towards the room, he wielded his silver axe and stormed through the door. "Ka- CRAP!" He proceeded to hack his way through the Risen, basically throwing himself into danger in hopes of rescuing his fiancé and unborn child

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... Did we actually KILL all the Risen?

... ... Actually. Did we kill all the Risen from yesterday?


like I said… fair game. XP

…Hang on one moment.

"Sounds like everything has calmed…" *looks up to see a Risen in the doorway* "…You have… got to be kidding me."

(Who's idea was it to leave the pregnant woman with just a protection amulet?)

The Risen grins sickly, baring bloody teeth as it lurches for Kat and tries to claw her. The amulet activates to slow down the movement, but Kat still gets deep gouges to her arms and back as she falls from the bed to try and escape. More, however, appear in the doorway.

​"Oh… Mila…"

​They all lurch for her, surrounding her. Kat shakily draws a rune in the air as she resists the urge to scream. As one lunges for her, though, she shrieks and instinctively curls up to protect her stomach as the Risen manages to dig into her back. ANYTHING to protect her baby...


"Nope!" Sorin stabbed the Risen on Kat's back and proceeded to kill two more to make room. "Are you ok?! Just... don't move."

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"Nope!" Sorin stabbed the Risen on Kat's back and proceeded to kill two more to make room. "Are you ok?! Just... don't move."

​"I'm… I'm fine." *bleeding badly from the neck, back, and shoulders* "I'll… be fine… oh, this was stupid. We should've… set up a patrol… or something."

"SISTER!" *kills two Risen with headshots* "Where did these come from?!"

(How many are there?)

Edited by Kat
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Silvia had half a mind to return to her room, and yet the sight of the book would probably force her into tears, which she didn't want. She has already cried enough dealing with the aftermath of the battle in the forest, and that was more than enough for her.

Until she heard Kat's scream.

She chucked the lance into the wall and ran into the room, hovering in the doorway as she glared at the Risen attacking her. She gritted her teeth, before she reached for the nearest Risen and grabbed onto its head and neck, holding its neck still while she twisted the head around a full 95 degrees, the snapping sound its spine made almost like some sort of strange music.

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Silvia had half a mind to return to her room, and yet the sight of the book would probably force her into tears, which she didn't want. She has already cried enough dealing with the aftermath of the battle in the forest, and that was more than enough for her.

Until she heard Kat's scream.

She chucked the lance into the wall and ran into the room, hovering in the doorway as she glared at the Risen attacking her. She gritted her teeth, before she reached for the nearest Risen and grabbed onto its head and neck, holding its neck still while she twisted the head around a full 95 degrees, the snapping sound its spine made almost like some sort of strange music.

(she just… snapped it's neck)

Sorin was here now too. Great. More help the better. "Beheading the nearest Risen, he made his way to the two of them. "You two alright?"

​"I'm… fine." *manages a smile, despite the blood dripping down her face and neck* "I'm… okay… the baby… is fine too…"

I think they're were... about... 9 remaining?

Five are dead now, so...


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(she just… snapped it's neck)

​"I'm… fine." *manages a smile, despite the blood dripping down her face and neck* "I'm… okay… the baby… is fine too…"


So, wait, would that Risen still be alive or...?

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​"I'm… fine." *manages a smile, despite the blood dripping down her face and neck* "I'm… okay… the baby… is fine too…"

"Give me a minute. Just stay put, okay?" Instantaneously, he spinned on one foot and decapitated another head off a Risen, the blood from it splattering all over his face. "Mmm..."

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​"I'm… I'm fine." *bleeding badly from the neck, back, and shoulders* "I'll… be fine… oh, this was stupid. We should've… set up a patrol… or something."

"SISTER!" *kills two Risen with headshots* "Where did these come from?!"

(How many are there?)

Sorin was here now too. Great. More help the better. "Beheading the nearest Risen, he made his way to the two of them. "You two alright?"

"She needs a healer. Now. Go, I'll make you a path if you carry her." Sorin cut one across it's trachea before clashing with another. He pushed it into one more before he remembered that all Risen need is the remains of a body. Where they are staying at the port was built recently, after the Shepherds took it. No telling how many body this was built on top of.

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"She needs a healer. Now. Go, I'll make you a path if you carry her." Sorin cut one across it's trachea before clashing with another. He pushed it into one more before he remembered that all Risen need is the remains of a body. Where they are staying at the port was built recently, after the Shepherds took it. No telling how many body this was built on top of.

"But... Yeah, sure" Butting one of the few remaining Risen in the nose, he turned around and carefully picked up Kat. "Right then, the the infirmary with you!" Kicking another Risen to the ground, he made his way out of the room and into the infirmary

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"She needs a healer. Now. Go, I'll make you a path if you carry her." Sorin cut one across it's trachea before clashing with another. He pushed it into one more before he remembered that all Risen need is the remains of a body. Where they are staying at the port was built recently, after the Shepherds took it. No telling how many body this was built on top of.

"Did someone say healer?" Samson backhanded a risen, before halving it.

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"But... Yeah, sure" Butting one of the few remaining Risen in the nose, he turned around and carefully picked up Kat. "Right then, the the infirmary with you!" Kicking another Risen to the ground, he made his way out of the room and into the infirmary

​"I'm… okay…" *smiles at him, eyes not quite able to focus on him* "I'm okay…"

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Silvia left the room for a moment to yank her Killer Lance out of the wall, before dragging it behind her and driving it into the skull of the first Risen she saw, shoving it along the floor before pressing it against the wall and kicking it through the window.

"Wait. Who broke the window?"

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Silvia left the room for a moment to yank her Killer Lance out of the wall, before dragging it behind her and driving it into the skull of the first Risen she saw, shoving it along the floor before pressing it against the wall and kicking it through the window.

"Wait. Who broke the window?"


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​"I'm… okay…" *smiles at him, eyes not quite able to focus on him* "I'm okay…"

"Look at you..." Carefully laying her down on the nearest bed he could see, he found a couple of bandages and bandaged whatever he could see that was cut. "Just rest... I shouldn't have left you alone, dammit..."

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"Because if I start worrying about Kat, I'm going to cry. And I do not. want. to cry."

"Sister… will be fine."

"Look at you..." Carefully laying her down on the nearest bed he could see, he found a couple of bandages and bandaged whatever he could see that was cut. "Just rest... I shouldn't have left you alone, dammit..."

​"I'm… fine, Dusk… Just… fine…"

(I'm a bad person. I'm cackling.)

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Hearing a scream, Yuffie rushed from the clinic in search of the source. He ran out, straight into the arms of a Risen. "Eughhhh!"

He recoiled, and using his stave, struck the Risen in the head, and attempted to stab it with his stave. Failing miserably, he reached into his satchel, and pulled out Florence, incinerating the Risen. Seeing Dusk carrying Kat in his periphery vision, he made his way over to them. "What happened?" He could see Kat was wounded, and he immediately began using his Mend Stave on her.

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Hearing a scream, Yuffie rushed from the clinic in search of the source. He ran out, straight into the arms of a Risen. "Eughhhh!"

He recoiled, and using his stave, struck the Risen in the head, and attempted to stab it with his stave. Failing miserably, he reached into his satchel, and pulled out Florence, incinerating the Risen. Seeing Dusk carrying Kat in his periphery vision, he made his way over to them. "What happened?" He could see Kat was wounded, and he immediately began using his Mend Stave on her.

"Risen appeared and they ambushed Sis in her room!" *flailing* "I thought that amulet was supposed to protect her!"

​"It… did…" *still managing to smile* "It… dulled and slowed them… just not… perfect…"

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​"I'm… fine, Dusk… Just… fine…"

Hearing a scream, Yuffie rushed from the clinic in search of the source. He ran out, straight into the arms of a Risen. "Eughhhh!"

He recoiled, and using his stave, struck the Risen in the head, and attempted to stab it with his stave. Failing miserably, he reached into his satchel, and pulled out Florence, incinerating the Risen. Seeing Dusk carrying Kat in his periphery vision, he made his way over to them. "What happened?" He could see Kat was wounded, and he immediately began using his Mend Stave on her.

Kissing her forehead, he turned to face Yuffie, who had just entered the room. "Risen infiltrated her room... If only I was there..."

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Hearing a scream, Yuffie rushed from the clinic in search of the source. He ran out, straight into the arms of a Risen. "Eughhhh!"

He recoiled, and using his stave, struck the Risen in the head, and attempted to stab it with his stave. Failing miserably, he reached into his satchel, and pulled out Florence, incinerating the Risen. Seeing Dusk carrying Kat in his periphery vision, he made his way over to them. "What happened?" He could see Kat was wounded, and he immediately began using his Mend Stave on her.

"I have no- look out!" Samson pulled out his bolt axe, electrocuting a risen behind Yuffie.

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