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(Is she going to find the truth?)

No... last I recall all memories of Shadow were erased, so she doesn't know WHO she's trying to expose him as. But she does remember that fact about Jxmnas, so she used it.

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"I... Ugh. No, I suppose you didn't. Guess I walked into that one" Feeling around his hair a bit more, he noticed some parts were really hard and smooth. "Beads too? I've been walking around with beaded hair? Oh, kill me now..." Sighing, he slumped into the bed he was sitting on

"I think you look quite handsome."

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No... last I recall all memories of Shadow were erased, so she doesn't know WHO she's trying to expose him as. But she does remember that fact about Jxmnas, so she used it.

I did say that.... Mind pondering question. Wonder who's gonna ask first then..
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"I think you look quite handsome."

"I bet the others have laughed their asses off, though... Oh, look at me! I feel like I'm a fairy or something. The braids fine, but the beads? Really?" Covering his face with his bloodied hands, he sighed into them

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"I bet the others have laughed their asses off, though... Oh, look at me! I feel like I'm a fairy or something. The braids fine, but the beads? Really?" Covering his face with his bloodied hands, he sighed into them

"Well, I think they're quite pretty in your hair. Gives it a bit of color to catch the eye. And they match your eyes."

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"Well, I think they're quite pretty in your hair. Gives it a bit of color to catch the eye. And they match your eyes."

"I see..." Rising up, he took a sip from his tea. "Mmmm... You really think so?"

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"...Ow...my head...what the fuck happened?"

"You got knocked out."

"I see..." Rising up, he took a sip from his tea. "Mmmm... You really think so?"

"I wouldn't have picked them if they didn't."

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"I wouldn't have picked them if they didn't."

"Ha..." Smirking, he got up and kisses Kat on the forehead, cupping his hand around her cheek once he finishes. "I don't say as much as I should, but I do love you Kat... Today has ruffled me up quite a bit, and I think I need some alone time to myself. Read a book maybe, or practice some archery. Is that okay with you?"

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"Ha..." Smirking, he got up and kisses Kat on the forehead, cupping his hand around her cheek once he finishes. "I don't say as much as I should, but I do love you Kat... Today has ruffled me up quite a bit, and I think I need some alone time to myself. Read a book maybe, or practice some archery. Is that okay with you?"

"Okay." *not really happy about it, but pretends otherwise*

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"Okay." *not really happy about it, but pretends otherwise*

Dusk examined her entire body movement when she said that work. If there was anything he could've picked up that would've said otherwise... Her bottom lip wobbled the tiniest bit, and he noticed it. Stroking her cheek with his thumb, he cocked his head a bit so that all of his hair that wasn't done up brushed the tip of her nose. "... It's not though, is it?"

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Dusk examined her entire body movement when she said that work. If there was anything he could've picked up that would've said otherwise... Her bottom lip wobbled the tiniest bit, and he noticed it. Stroking her cheek with his thumb, he cocked his head a bit so that all of his hair that wasn't done up brushed the tip of her nose. "... It's not though, is it?"


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"Hey...you...guys." Dan was wobbling a hit from the blow on his head. "Hey...is...Kat...alright?"

"... I see" Hearing Dan, he turned around. "Yeah, she's going to be just fine"

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Cassandra had just finished her training and was off to speak with Kat related to what happened last night. "Those Risen... she needs to know." She said to herself as she walked towards Kat's room.

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That's for chat.

Cassandra had just finished her training and was off to speak with Kat related to what happened last night. "Those Risen... she needs to know." She said to herself as she walked towards Kat's room.

"Sister is in the Infirmary right now."

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Cassandra turned around and smiled, brushing some hair out of her face. "I see... thank you Klotho." She replied as she began walking towards the infirmary.

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Cassandra turned around and smiled, brushing some hair out of her face. "I see... thank you Klotho." She replied as she began walking towards the infirmary.

​"Um… hey, Cassandra?"

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Coming up to the conclusion that Kat didn't want him to leave her, he slid a bed right next to her's and laid on it

"I thought you said you wanted alone time?"

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"I thought you said you wanted alone time?"

"I decided against it. I would rather spend time with my fiancé. We haven't exactly had a proper day to ourselves now, have we?.. Err, you know, except yesterday, but I was sleeping, so that doesn't count!"

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