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​"Um… hey, Cassandra?"

Cassandra turned around as Klotho addressed her. "Yes, Klotho?" She asked, unaware that Dan was right behind her as well.

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"I decided against it. I would rather spend time with my fiancé. We haven't exactly had a proper day to ourselves now, have we?.. Err, you know, except yesterday, but I was sleeping, so that doesn't count!"

​"…Okay." *smiles sweetly* "You know… you've never gotten around to telling me that childhood story you promised."

Cassandra turned around as Klotho addressed her. "Yes, Klotho?" She asked, unaware that Dan was right behind her as well.

*hasn't caught sight of Dan* "What we did last night? It was nice. I'd like to do it again, sometime?"

(I'll change this if needed?)

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​"…Okay." *smiles sweetly* "You know… you've never gotten around to telling me that childhood story you promised."

His mind drew a blank, and his expression showed this clearly. "I did? When was this?"

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​"…Okay." *smiles sweetly* "You know… you've never gotten around to telling me that childhood story you promised."

*hasn't caught sight of Dan* "What we did last night? It was nice. I'd like to do it again, sometime?"

(I'll change this if needed?)

"..." Dan once again felt his heart pierced. He was feeling like he was being rejected by Kat all over again.

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His mind drew a blank, and his expression showed this clearly. "I did? When was this?"

"It deals with your teacher, and axe, and a beehive?"

"..." Dan once again felt his heart pierced. He was feeling like he was being rejected by Kat all over again.


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*hasn't caught sight of Dan* "What we did last night? It was nice. I'd like to do it again, sometime?"

Cassandra flushed slightly and shook her head. "I can't, as fun as it was." She replied. "I have somebody else to please."

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Cassandra flushed slightly and shook her head. "I can't, as fun as it was." She replied. "I have somebody else to please."

"Aw… okay."

Dan's eyes widened. "And...who would that person be?"

"You, obviously." *smirks at him and skips off* "Well, that was easier than expected."

(…I swear, she does still hate Dan. She just likes Cassandra.)

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Cassandra yelped somewhat and turned back to Dan, who she was unaware had been listening in the whole time. "Um... well, that is..." She looked to Klotho to bail her out, but then she blurted something out and skipped off, causing Cassandra to blush even more.

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"Well, first off, what were you doing near the beehive?"

"Right, right. It's all coming back to me now! Basically, Sir Thomas wanted me to practice my speed and agility by agitating the bees in the beehive with a huge iron axe. Doing as he commanded, I hit the beehive and straight away legged it, still holding the axe... Well, the bees caught up with me even before I saw the house and..." Pausing, he huffed a few times. "Ow, that sting so much... Thomas laughed his ass off once he saw the swollen spots all over me... Worse thing is, he didn't even treat them. Told me I have to deal with it as punishment, stubborn ass..."

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Cassandra yelped somewhat and turned back to Dan, who she was unaware had been listening in the whole time. "Um... well, that is..." She looked to Klotho to bail her out, but then she blurted something out and skipped off, causing Cassandra to blush even more.

"What? Go on." *shoves Cassandra into Dan* "I may hate him, but I like you enough to help out. He has communication problems anyway."

"Right, right. It's all coming back to me now! Basically, Sir Thomas wanted me to practice my speed and agility by agitating the bees in the beehive with a huge iron axe. Doing as he commanded, I hit the beehive and straight away legged it, still holding the axe... Well, the bees caught up with me even before I saw the house and..." Pausing, he huffed a few times. "Ow, that sting so much... Thomas laughed his ass off once he saw the swollen spots all over me... Worse thing is, he didn't even treat them. Told me I have to deal with it as punishment, stubborn ass..."

​"Aw… poor baby. Do you want me to make them better?"

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Cassandra yelped somewhat and turned back to Dan, who she was unaware had been listening in the whole time. "Um... well, that is..." She looked to Klotho to bail her out, but then she blurted something out and skipped off, causing Cassandra to blush even more.

Dan took Cassandra's hands.

"What? Go on." *shoves Cassandra into Dan* "I may hate him, but I like you enough to help out. He has communication problems anyway."

​"Aw… poor baby. Do you want me to make them better?"

"Cass...I think I've been meaning to say this for a while now...and...maybe you have been too....but, I think it's time...Cassandra...I...I love you."

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Dan took Cassandra's hands.

"Cass...I think I've been meaning to say this for a while now...and...maybe you have been too....but, I think it's time...Cassandra...I...I love you."

*nods and walks away, singing softly under her breath*

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"As long as it doesn't hurt you or little you then fine" Grinning, he slowly pulled Kat towards him

"Could be a little you, you know." *softly kisses his neck* "So… where did it hurt?"

Ace: *looking out the window* "Alicia, be careful out there. A dragon from the Scouring of Elibein lore... That's a tough opponent, if only I recovered sooner...I'd be there with you."

"Something wrong?"

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Dan took Cassandra's hands.

"Cass...I think I've been meaning to say this for a while now...and...maybe you have been too....but, I think it's time...Cassandra...I...I love you."


Cassandra was shocked. For him to come out and just... say it like that... "I... I need time. This is all so fast..." She replied, running off while breathing heavily, as her heart continued to pound.

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"Could be a little you, you know." *softly kisses his neck* "So… where did it hurt?"

"Something wrong?"

Ace: "Hi Klotho, just wondering how Alicia is doing right now. I noticed she embarked on that mission to kill Yahn during the chaos today... She's with Angie and Anon so I have faith that those three will come back."

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Cassandra was shocked. For him to come out and just... say it like that... "I... I need time. This is all so fast..." She replied, running off while breathing heavily, as her heart continued to pound.

"Well...that didn't go so well...maybe I should ask Kat for advice, again?"

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Cassandra was shocked. For him to come out and just... say it like that... "I... I need time. This is all so fast..." She replied, running off while breathing heavily, as her heart continued to pound.

(Welp, someone to Kat's advice sessions?)

Ace: "Hi Klotho, just wondering how Alicia is doing right now. I noticed she embarked on that mission to kill Yahn during the chaos today... She's with Angie and Anon so I have faith that those three will come back."

"Oh, I'm sure she's fine."

"Well...that didn't go so well...maybe I should ask Kat for advice, again?"


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"Could be a little you, you know." *softly kisses his neck* "So… where did it hurt?"

"Well unfortunately, it kinda hurt everywhere. You know what most Warriors are like; they barely wear anything clothing. Might need to do a thorough check"

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"Well unfortunately, it kinda hurt everywhere. You know what most Warriors are like; they barely wear anything clothing. Might need to do a thorough check"

"Oh? Well, I better go check." *brushes her mouth against his collarbone*

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