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Magic had awakened them.

They'd been sleeping for a very long time. They hadn't wanted to wake up.

But they had. Now, they would take their price.

Slowly, they pushed through the damp and maggot-filled soil. Slowly, they clawed through.

And slowly, they dragged down a boy who smelled like demons into the soil with them.

​"You are ours…" they hissed with skeletal teeth and bugs crawling through their eyes and mouth. "You will give us what we lost…"

Edited by Kat
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Dan awoke down on the ground. He seemed to be in no definite area. He was about to get up...when hands burst through the floor. "What the fu-MMMPH!" He was grabbed by a bunch of hands, and dragged down beneath the floorboards. "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" It was too late. He was gone.



Cassandra thought she had heard a muffled scream nearby, so she ran out of the infirmary in time to see Dan's semi-conscious body dragged down by many hands. "DAN! NO!" She cried as she pounded the floor, tears streaming down her face. "It's all my fault... He wouldn't have been there if I wasn't such a bitch to him..."

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*walking down the halls*"I can't use magic in this vessel? Where is Twilight..? Unless he has it.."


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Down and down they drag the boy down. Deeper and deeper into the earth's rotting soil.

"You will feed us, nourish us. We will take from you what was taken from us…"

Notes - kill the enemies before they eat Dan?

More above them. So many more. Time to feed. Time to steal life back.

They were awakened. Now, they will live.

They emerge from the floorboards. Maggots and insects fall off them with every movement. Their bones are dull and crimson. Many are missing limbs, lost in battles long since passed.

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Cassandra began digging through the ground with her bare hands, trying frantically to reach Dan before it was too late. "Dan! Hold on, I'm going to save you!" She cried out, before adding, "I'm not going to lose my sunshine to this darkness!"

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Down and down they drag the boy down. Deeper and deeper into the earth's rotting soil.

"You will feed us, nourish us. We will take from you what was taken from us…"

Notes - kill the enemies before they eat Dan?


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Down and down they drag the boy down. Deeper and deeper into the earth's rotting soil.

"You will feed us, nourish us. We will take from you what was taken from us…"

Notes - kill the enemies before they eat Dan?

No. No, it can't end like this! So much he wanted to do. So much he wanted to say!

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Silvia moved from her spot and glanced over the balcony, seeing the Risen crawling back into the ground with Dan. She paused for a moment, before whipping her head around and yelling back at Kat, "TELL KLOTHO I'M SORRY!" before dashing off into her room, grabbing for the drawer and yanking it straight out, staring at the contents to determine which one to take.

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"... Fuck this. I'm not dealing with fucking ghosts and other such shit."

Ace: *walking by Poly to get Dan* "So you're just going to sit there then? Well, suit yourself then. Though I figured you'd be up for crushing some Risen skulls, guess I was wrong then." *Runs towards the hole in the floor, Forged Killing Edge in hand* "Dan, hold on I'm coming!"

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(Did a stealth edit)

Others claw up from the ground. These were… fresher. Skin and muscle desperately clung to their skeletons as they moved. Eyes moved oddly as they tried to focus in the world they'd long since abandoned, those who's eyes still stayed in their sockets, at least. Hearts long since stopped began pulsing again, drying itself fully of the blood still stored within. Atrophied lungs began working as they fell into old habits of breathing, despite no longer needing the air to survive.

The stench of their rotting flesh and destroyed intestines followed as they lurched for the living, dreaming of stealing their life away and taking it for their own.

"You are ours!" they hiss with withered tongues and shattered teeth. "Ours! We shall feed and be made whole again!"

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Cassandra noticed the undead monsters lurching towards her... rotting, decaying beasts who had long lost any claim they had to humanity. "N-no... You can't have him... I WON'T LET YOU!" She cried, drawing her Peshkatz and slicing through as many of the fiends as she could.

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Silvia grabbed the Ruin, Waste and Arcfire tomes, along with her short spears, suddenly having a plan. She skidded back onto the overhang, before ripping a page out of her Arcfire tome and jamming it onto her lance, throwing the two at a random Risen. "Watch out below!" she said, just as the page broke apart and released a torrent of fire magic upon the Risen.

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