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*draws Armads* "THEN I'M GONNA FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER AS THANKS!" *starts throwing Tomahawks and swinging Armads through the skulls of the Risen*

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"Darling, what are you doing? Why aren't you giving them a swift smack?" A haughty yet kind voice rings out as a zombie falls to a parasol hit. Blonde curls bobbing with the movements, she glares at the fiend. "My husband is stronger than that."

"Aw, lighten up, Ma. I'm sure Da's got something planned." A rough healer appears next to the woman, beaming at Yuffie as he hefts an ax. "And I've got some strength now to help."

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Suddenly, there's something in front of Silvia, Ace, and Yuffie. A trickster, both there and not, with hair as crimson as blood and a grin as bright as fire.

"Sorry, but it's time for the dead to rest."

The woman turns to smile at Silvia in particular. "Sorry for what happened a while back. Leave this to us." She turns her attention back to the corpses. "I'm Anna Theresa, fiends! Just TRY to break through my blades!"

Another steps nearby laughing as she destroys a zombie's head. "Trying to show me up, Theresa?"

"Quiet, Rosaline. You just got here second."

"And more to come."

(Vash will now take over for these two as I think of more protective ghosts. …Poly, I've got one just for you~)

"Whu... whut? But they died, didn't they? This doesn't make any sense!" Wait, no, don't be rude to your saviours Yuffie. That's rude, and makes you seem like a lout. "My apologies ladies. Thank you for assisting us."

"Now, Silvia, with these lovely lasses covering us, I should be able to make a fair amount of progress with your legs here, and that should get you back on your feet! Oohh, accidental pun! Here, take this." Yuffie hands Florence to Silvia. "Treat her well please. She burns."

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"Dan, what are you doing? Stand down and tend to the girl." Suddenly, a man who looks a lot like an older, wearier Dan appeared, knocking Dan. "Don't you know how to use a weapon. It's to protect people, not power or vengeance. I didn't teach you well enough, it seems." The man smiles. "I'll show you how a smith is suppose to fight, son."

(I have no idea how his dad's supposed to act, Dan.)

...Dad? ''Y-yeah.'' Dan ran off to Cassandra.

that works, Kat

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"Silvia, what are you doing?" A charming young man appears, smiling at Silvia. "Will you let me assist to apologize for the trauma I gave you?"

...Dad? ''Y-yeah.'' Dan ran off to Cassandra.

that works, Kat


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*draws Armads* "THEN I'M GONNA FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER AS THANKS!" *starts throwing Tomahawks and swinging Armads through the skulls of the Risen*

Ace: *giggling like a madwoman* "You can thank me later Sis!" *starts slicing Risen skulls again*


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Thunder suddenly falls from the sky to incinerate some of the corpses. There, in the battlefield, stands the goddess of thunder.

"I thank you, Mila, for giving me this chance." She sighs and prepares a spell. "I know, you cannot keep me from that mad man for long. But, for the time that I am able… I WILL FIGHT FOR THE DREAMERS!"

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One step closer to my plan of turning it into the FE4 thread.
To wizard: Light: Sure....If I could touch objects.

It shall come into good fruition soon enough.

*deep breath* "...You remember when I was gone for a long time? I had gotten teleported near Dragon's Table. While walking the way back, I found a house. It was empty at the time, and was furnished very nicely. I decided to rest in there. Little did I know that the house was owned by Ishtar, herself. However, instead of screaming, instead of kicking me out, she let me sleep. For about a day. She even healed my stab wound from when I tried to kill myself. She gave me food. She gave me water. ...And...she gave me counsel... The conversation we had had come to my past...and I started crying. The next thing I knew, she was hugging me, letting my tears flow, rather then telling me to stop crying. She gave me the type of love that only my mother had given, and I had not felt it for so long...If not for her giving me a backpack full of food and water, I would not be here. I would be buried in the sand somewhere...So...when you told me to go kill her...I went alone...I thought maybe I could save her, like she did me...then Dusk and Yuffie showed up, and I had no choice..." He fell to his knees. "I blamed you...for so much...and that drove me to do what I did...and yet, you told me that...that your child...would be my nephew or niece...and I couldn't do it...I couldn't bring myself...to kill more of what little family I had left in this world...I had seen Ishtar as a mother to me...and I killed her...and I blamed you...I'm so sorry." Dan was in tears. He had been crying a lot lately, but he felt as though he was crying in Ishtar's embrace once again, and it made him cry more. He just wanted to empty his tears.

Very touching. <3

Cassandra blinked a couple of times, then without warning, grasped Klotho's hand and placed the bleeding finger in her mouth to try and moisten the wound to bandage it. "There..." She said as she finished, pulling off a piece of her top's fabric to wrap Klotho's finger with.

now Dan needs to come in to make it an orgy

Nice. A way of healing that the FE society never has done.

As Cassandra stared deeply into Klotho's eyes, she pushed her off briefly and began to pull off her top. "I'll get to that soon~" She cooed out, before her top came all the way off. She still kept her undergarments on - she felt naked without them, even with actual clothes - but she decided to show off everything she could.

(I regret nothing)

"Oh, yeah. Uh... can we push the bed over?"

"Wheh?" *tries to listen in*

Give me a K
Give me an I
Give me an N
Give me a K
Give me a Y

What does that spell?

This is quotable for me.

"Travant... I've heard that name... Wait, did he kill the Gae Bolg wielder, Quan, during his life?


Silvia shrieked as one of the Risen barreled towards her, kicking off one of her shoes and bending down to grab it before drilling the heel of her shoe deep into the Risen's skull. She used her other foot to shove it down onto its back, before dragging the heel down a few inches, making a deep gash in its skull. She wrenched it out again, pleased with herself, before slipping her shoe back on and taking off towards her room.

Those sharp heels can be used as a killing weapon using your other foot to keep it from getting up.

Silvia had half a mind to return to her room, and yet the sight of the book would probably force her into tears, which she didn't want. She has already cried enough dealing with the aftermath of the battle in the forest, and that was more than enough for her.

Until she heard Kat's scream.

She chucked the lance into the wall and ran into the room, hovering in the doorway as she glared at the Risen attacking her. She gritted her teeth, before she reached for the nearest Risen and grabbed onto its head and neck, holding its neck still while she twisted the head around a full 95 degrees, the snapping sound its spine made almost like some sort of strange music.

Like haunting themes...?

(she just… snapped it's neck)


"Right, right. It's all coming back to me now! Basically, Sir Thomas wanted me to practice my speed and agility by agitating the bees in the beehive with a huge iron axe. Doing as he commanded, I hit the beehive and straight away legged it, still holding the axe... Well, the bees caught up with me even before I saw the house and..." Pausing, he huffed a few times. "Ow, that sting so much... Thomas laughed his ass off once he saw the swollen spots all over me... Worse thing is, he didn't even treat them. Told me I have to deal with it as punishment, stubborn ass..."

Angering the bees is not good.

Silvia grabbed the Ruin, Waste and Arcfire tomes, along with her short spears, suddenly having a plan. She skidded back onto the overhang, before ripping a page out of her Arcfire tome and jamming it onto her lance, throwing the two at a random Risen. "Watch out below!" she said, just as the page broke apart and released a torrent of fire magic upon the Risen.

They should have had brides use magic. x.x

Hands claws at his ankles, preventing him from moving properly.

Some managed to break through and tackle Poly, grinning savagely as it tries to claw through his armor to the skin beneath.

Aimed for his pressure points. It's super effective!!!

*drops his axe* "Fuck it." *leaps out the window*

Cassandra's mind suddenly snapped into several thoughts at once, causing her to suddenly collapse.

Smartest comment I've seen all day.

"Uhh, Silvia, would you be a dear, and RUN FASTER PLEASE! I have wind magic that can knock them back, and buy us some time! Then I can heal you up, and you can get some form of stabbing implement, and sever their spinal cords - that way, they won't be able to move any more."

That's if they actually have any. Creatures from mist. :D

*Isabelle hears sounds of clashing and fighting nearby. She takes her tomes and gets out into the frey and says...*

Isabelle: These evil abominations just don't know when to quit. It would be wise to observe a bit before taking the initiative.

*As she holds her scepter in her right arm and sees the feint glimpse of the battle before she got dizzy and fainted.*

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"It seems Mila's working hard here." A woman with the hair of the dawn steps onto the field, smiling as she prepares a spell. "Well, far be it to let me refuse a request to protect my daughter!"

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Thunder suddenly falls from the sky to incinerate some of the corpses. There, in the battlefield, stands the goddess of thunder.

"I thank you, Mila, for giving me this chance." She sighs and prepares a spell. "I know, you cannot keep me from that mad man for long. But, for the time that I am able… I WILL FIGHT FOR THE DREAMERS!"

Dan stopped. Was it...her? Could it really be?! ''...Ishtar?...''

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"It seems Mila's working hard here." A woman with the hair of the dawn steps onto the field, smiling as she prepares a spell. "Well, far be it to let me refuse a request to protect my daughter!"

Ace: "Mother... it's really you." Ace couldn't stop smiling, even as some tears fell from her eyes. "I met Alicia for the first time here, and I have so much more to say, but first these creatures must fall!"

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"Haha, you're safe with me!" Rosaline giggled, jumping back and firing her bow at one of the Risen's skulls. Theresa gave a tiny sigh and shook her head, raising her Killing Edge to the height of the Risen's head and slashing at its neck, severing it completely.

"Safe? Yes, I feel quite safe around you..." she said drily. Rosaline scoffed, notching another arrow before firing.

"If anyone shouldn't feel safe right now, it's me. Fortunately for me, you can't drive another knife into my back." Rosaline stuck her tongue out at the girl, who giggled and returned the gesture.

"Should we really risk bringing them towards her?"

Yuffie snatches the tome from Silvia, and stows it away in his satchel. "If I have to stage an intervention, I will! I'll lend you Florence, just come on, we need to take care of your legs!"

Silvia sighed bitterly, almost wanting to snatch it away and hand Florence back to him instead. "Fine... fine. But -"

A voice distracted her from her protests, and she shook her head, unbelieving. Great. She was probably about to die, and now she was hearing her brother's voice.

Until he floated right in front of her.

She paused, staring in complete disbelief at the sight before her. Her brother, twirling his always present Recover staff on hand, with that same tiny smile on his face.

"S-Silver..." she whispered, already feeling the tears sting her eyes. "Yeah... you and me. L-Let's... let's go."

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​"So… this is the army you lead, my son?" A strange woman appears near Sorin. She smiles softly at him and hugs him lightly. "I'm proud of you, dear. Though, why you're so insistent on that dragon I'd never understand." She turns to face the corpses. "Well, let's see what I can still do, yes?"

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Thunder suddenly falls from the sky to incinerate some of the corpses. There, in the battlefield, stands the goddess of thunder.

"I thank you, Mila, for giving me this chance." She sighs and prepares a spell. "I know, you cannot keep me from that mad man for long. But, for the time that I am able… I WILL FIGHT FOR THE DREAMERS!"

*As she has fainted, the glow on her scepter flashed a goldenish color as the glow on the scepter stopped and became a normal color. Isabelle wakes up and says...*

Isabelle: These things...where did they come from...? How did they anticipate our location...?

*While scraping her long clear nailpolished nail on her scepter handle*





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Cassandra felt something wash over. Much like before, she felt it was healing magic, but... this time, it actually worked on her. "Oh... well, I suppose I should thank our healer..." She said, before standing up and flipping her daggers into her hands, sighing. "Now... I choose to live."

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"I do not like… fighting…" Another sage appears, smiling softly. "But… I will… heal…" She raises her staff, a fortify, to mend the wounds the Dreamers have suffered. The light of the staff reveals her a face anyone would know. Emmeryn, the Exalt, has appeared to help the Dreamers.

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*Isabelle faintly looks on her scepter and sees Emmeryn into the frey healing the characters.*

Isabelle: EMMERYN. *She quickly packs her knapsack and uses her Rewarp Staff to join the frey*

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No one was paying attention, but that was okay. He never did need the notice to help. He kills the zombies and receives no smile, no applause. But that was okay. Kellam had been the Invisible Shield of the Shepherds in life. He had no problems being that in death as well.

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"Coming through!" Flying through the air on her trusty pegasus, who found her in the afterlife, Sumia, former Empress of Ferox, has the appearance of a goddess as she destroys those who threaten her fellows. "Don't… trip…" The clumsiness she had on ground wasn't apparent as she gracefully fought. "I'll end this now!"

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Ace: "Kellam, often not seen by most people. Well, I see you Kellam. And thank you." *drives Forged Killing Edge through another Risen's head while her mother casts a spell on another Risen coming up behind Ace*

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"I shall assist." In a flash of light, a white dragon appears on the horizon, roaring in triumph. "This might get unpleasant!" Tiki, Divine Daughter of Naga, gladly returned to the fray to assist the Dreamers who took up the banner dropped by the heroes of long past. "But we shall prevail!"

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