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Silvia ducked a wing that almost crashed into the side of her face, and glanced up at the rider, almost dropping her tome when she saw it was Sumia. "No way... Sumia!" she called out, just as her brother aimed an Arcthunder strike for an approaching Risen's head. "Nice one," she said, giving him a smile that he swiftly returned.

"Aren't you going to do anything yourself? I can't do EVERYTHING," he said teasingly, giving her a pointed look.

"Yeah, you didn't change," Silvia replied, shaking her head.

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Risen Chief: Rawrrrrrr. *Points his sword*

*It plays this tune as the remaining Risen charges towards us.*

Isabelle: Tonozabit de cackling flames.

Cook thy enemies into crisps.


*Shoots a forged Elfire blast incinerating a Risen. Not knowing that she needed to aim for the head. It then cherged forward and clawed her chest as she got dealt 15 dmamge.*


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Ace: "Everyone's coming to help kill these Risen. Even my mother, I can't fully express how grateful I am." (I wonder...did Sis really do this?)

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​"So, these people won Marth's admiration? I can see why. They're naive fools, who are horribly skilled and horribly kind, just like him." Despite the harsh words, the paladin looks at the Dreamers with a fond smile. "Well, I'll not stand idly by and let them be slaughtered. Wolf?"

"We ride, Coyote, at your orders."

"Then charge!" Hardin, vilified by history, proves his honor and nobility as he leads the Wolfguard to Dreamers' aid.

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"Darling, what are you doing? Why aren't you giving them a swift smack?" A haughty yet kind voice rings out as a zombie falls to a parasol hit. Blonde curls bobbing with the movements, she glares at the fiend. "My husband is stronger than that."

"Aw, lighten up, Ma. I'm sure Da's got something planned." A rough healer appears next to the woman, beaming at Yuffie as he hefts an ax. "And I've got some strength now to help."

Yuffie grins, as tears flow from his eyes. He had hoped to see his family again, but he knew that wouldn't happen, yet here they were. Back from the dead to help in his hour of need. Brady had always wanted to be strong - to be a hero, and here he was being a big damn hero for his "Dear ol' da".

And Maribelle was gracefully striking down zombies with her parasol. He knew the others had always doubted the existence of her 'Parasol-fu'. Hah! If they could see her now! Gregor would be proud - few people knew that it was he who introduced her to the art.

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"I am your omega!" The normally peaceful priest flies into the fray, killer axe deftly destroying the fields. "Gods forgive me…" He slaughters them. "But I will protect them!" Thus stands Libra, Priest of Naga and the Shepherds.


or is this Prince Marth and not-gay Hardin

(This is Hero-King Marth and Hardin… the actually DEAD ones.)

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"Shit, there's a lot of people showing up in here..."

"It's okay, Poly... we can do it together!"

"Damn right we can, Sumia. It's... been too long since we've done this."

"What am I, then? Chopped liver? Hah, you've gotten sassy since you beat me! Come on, come on!"

"Yeah... let's go! We've still got our home to keep safe!"

"I am your omega!" The normally peaceful priest flies into the fray, killer axe deftly destroying the fields. "Gods forgive me…" He slaughters them. "But I will protect them!"

Cassandra looked over as she heard the voice. The man who had taken her in as if she were his own daughter... the one who gave her a way to live without stealing, if only for a while... "Thank you, o Holy Father." Cassandra whispered as she threw her Peshkatz through a Risen's head.

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Silvia turned around at the voice, watching Libra sail into the battle with the grace of a swan, like always. Silvia waved at him, feeling her heart clench up at the sight. It hurt seeing him - even though she missed him so much, but like this? Dead? She sighed, bitterly rubbing at her chest as she stared down at the ground.

"Silvia, please! Focus!" Silver yelled, zapping the head of a Risen that had almost dug its claws into her.

But she couldn't. Who else would she see? Who would she find here, their spirits gathered to help them one last time.

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"I had a feeling they would need help." Up on the buildings, two mercenaries rested. One wielded a slim blade, colored crimson, designed for slipping intro the crevices of armor to kill quickly. The other carried a flat, broad blade, designed for heavy and slow strikes.


"As talkative as ever. Come on. We're dead. Let's fight for free, for once, Nabarl."

"A shame we can't continue our own duels, Ogma."


"I'll not let them harm the women here. They have suffered enough."

"Then let's go."

Ogma and Nabarl have returned to the living realm to save the Dreamers, just as they once saved Marth and his allies in ages long past.

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Ace: "I may not be from this realm, but I will protect my friends! And the family I do have here!"

Mira: "Ace, you mentioned meeting Alicia here. And now you have family here?"

Ace: "Yeah, Sis is engaged to the current Khan of Ferox."

Mira: "Where is your twin sister?"

Ace: "Off on a mission to kill a dragon named Yahn."

Mira: "I see, I'll will have to visit her to offer my blessing. Would this Khan be that grey-haired young man over there with the longcoat?"

Ace: "Yes, that's my brother in law, Polydeuces."

Mira: "Quite the interesting fellow Alicia fell for. Mind if I speak to him before I go?"

Ace: "Lemme guess, you want to see what he's like, right?"

Mira: "Naturally. Now let's rid the land of these creatures!"

Ace: "I'm right behind you, mother. Let's kill them all!"

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"Milady, the targets are below us. Shall we proceed?"

"I see no reason why not, Palla. I thank you for humoring me."

"We are your spears and shield, Lady Minerva. Est, shall we proceed with a triangle attack?"

"Yeah, Catria! Let's show them our strength!"

From above, like gods' judgement, the Whitewings, led my Minera the Red Dragoon, fall into the fray.

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Silver slid underneath a Risen's claw and stood up again, releasing a spell at its head and watching it pop open with a burst of lightning. "Are you really going to... oh!" Silver suddenly dashed over with his Recover staff in hand, holding it near Silvia's legs and guiding the magic onto the cuts. "I - I didn't even see this! Silvia! W-Why didn't you say something, you'll die like this!" He stood up again, worry filling his eyes as he reached out to touch her shoulders. "Please, just, say something next time!"

Silvia stood there, numbed by his concern and trying, trying, pleading with herself not to lose it, not to drop to her knees and try to hold him and wish for him back. "Right. I - I'll... I'll do that..."

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While the ghosts all fight outside, Kat simply smiles and glances up at the moon. A full, blue moon, bright with magic and power. A night like this… it was easy for any dead to pass through to the living, until dawn touched the earth. All it required was a simple… question.

'Would anyone like to help us? We are injured and tired.'

The response was overwhelming, and it made her feel warm. Mila had no qualms, of course. The barrier was naturally weak here. So long as they returned… no rule was broken. Only bent.

"Sister, are you paying attention?" She turns her attention back to another who'd crossed over. Tabitha, her precious little sister, who was bouncing with all the energy she had in life over her pregnancy. "I'm telling you tricks!"

"Yes, I know. I'm listening." There was no need to worry. Everything would be okay. For now, at least.

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​"So… this is what's happened since I've died?" A lone warrior stands apart from the others, studying the group. His shoulder-length blue hair is bound by a simple circlet. A sword rests on his hip. "Such… chaos. I feel so sorry for my successors. I left them a heavy burden. But… I am proud of them. I am proud of how they've borne the weight. I will step forward to fight one more time, for their sake." The man draws his sword, revealing the glowing blade to be Falchion. "Artemis… watch over me for this battle. I will return to you soon, I swear it."

Thus, Anri, hero of the first war against Medeus, charges into the fray, to save the Dreamers who protect the beloved land of his Artemis.

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Ace: "So mother, how did you come here? Did Sis send you?"

Mira: *kills a Risen* "No dear, on a night like this with a full, blue moon. All one needs to do is ask and someone will come. Mila didn't have any qualms with us coming, though at dawn's first light we head back."

Ace: *kills a Risen* "Oh, then....."

Mira: "Something wrong, dear?" *kills another Risen*

Ace: "Ah, just something I said to Poly that this might have been Sis's doing."

Mira: "Something to give him the motivation to fight?"

Ace: "Yeah..."

Mira: "He already sounds like quite the interesting son in law."

Ace: "Oh yeah, he's one of a kind."

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Rosaline balanced her sword in her hand before glancing over at her sister, sighing a little. "Thessy... what did you do with my dagger?" she asked, re-sheathing the sword in exchange for her bow once more.

"It's with the woman... the one who looks like Phoibus... I asked her to give it to him."

She paused, letting the bow go slack as she formally turned to stare at her sister, bewildered.

"What...? I - I thought... I thought you cared for him s-so I left it to him a-as a -"

"Thank you."

Theresa took a step back, shaking her head and sending her kinked curls astray. "Y-You're thanking me? I... I did something right?"

"... You rarely do anything wrong, Theresa. At least, in my eyes." Rosaline gave the girl a smile, watching as she covered her mouth with a hand, her eyes tearing up in shock. "And don't forget that, either."

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(No idea what color I used for her, so we'll go with this one.)

As she tears into the monsters with swords and spells, she keeps glancing over at her son. He's gotten taller and is much more filled out. Though his coloring is like hers, his face, and stature, reminds her of his father when he was young. But she's proud of the man Sorin has become, unlike her husband. She's proud of the decisions he's made, though she would wish he'd laugh and smile more. Too serious, most of the time.

But, still, that was her only complaint, and she couldn't be happier or prouder that he was HER son.

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Silvia and Silver had taken on the Risen in their usual brand of odd.

Silvia played bait, running in front of the Risen and catching their attention while Silver aimed at them from afar. She would dance out of the way and lead them into a trap. It was beautiful and flawless and just like old times.

She'd lost what was left of her shoes, buried them in a Risen's skull and managed to dive for the Ruin tome she had stored on the stairs, carefully calming herself before she attempted to use it.

Watching the black magic go through the air and strike was so, so lovely.

Silver's reaction was not.

"YOU BROKE IT?!" he screeched, dropping his staff in shock. "W-What the hell... h-how did you even -?"

"That was YOU? I thought it was Henry!"

"Yes it was me! You were the vessel, remember? You were corruptible! I was trying to save you so you'd never hurt yourself!"

"... Of course," she snarled, glaring at him with every ounce of hatred she had. "You really should have mentioned that."

"I'm dead, remember?"

"You should have thought about that BEFORE you killed yourself, idiot."

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With banter, arguments, and laughter, the ghosts who had been called assisted the Dreamers in destroying the dead that tried to return to life. Heroes of old joined with heroes of new as blades danced, spears rained, axes cleaved, and arrows flew. As fire roared, thunder crashed, wind whipped, and darkness devoured. As healing magic flooded the field to save the those who could still rightfully claim life.

As the corpses disappeared, the ghosts lingered. To talk, to laugh, to advise, to argue. Taking advantage, every advantage, of the time allotted to them by a simple request.

However, as the sun's rays peeked over the horizon, the ghosts disappeared, one by one. Reassuring smiles, last minute advice. Something to try and help ease the pain of a second farewell. Until, finally, as dawn truly bloomed as the last of the ghosts vanished into the air, as if they'd never been in the first place.

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