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Love you Poly.

As Sorin awoke from his restless slumber, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of his mother. Cesyli was her name and she was beautiful to say the least. Long, flowing silver hair graced her head and her brand found a rather awkward place to rest on her neck. "Can't be as bad as were Severa's is..." Sorin remembered as he recalled how Severa's brand was in a... sexually provocative place to say the least. It was above the belt though so he couldn't complain. His Mother's smile radiated through the desolate battlefield even with the chaos around them. He occasionally caught her sneaking glances at him and turning before he could call her on it. "She is a genius." He thought. He must have inherited his eye for strategy from her. The only problem was her extremely low self esteem from being abused most her life. It ran her into the arms of Validar. Though she regretted it, for she couldn't be there to raise her son like she had planned, she was still so very proud of who he became. What Sorin hadn't had the chance to tell her was that even though she couldn't be his mother physically, she had anchored him spiritually and mentally since he found out what he was. All he could say was thank you. With tears forming in his eyes, Sorin stood looking to the heavens before uttering one simple phrase. "I love you mother." He then left his room.

"Good morning."
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"You won't be getting it that easily. That fedora is one of my most prized possessions, same with my muffler. You won't be stealing it any time soon~!"

​"So sure about that, darling? It's rather easy to get you… undressed and squirming."

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"Do you need me to get anything? Some water? A bit of food? Some blankets?" Dan was very worried.

"N-No, I'm fine, thank you. Just... tired, and hurt from last night." Cassandra replied, trying to cover her face with Dan's pillow.

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Ace:*near the infirmary* "Patch this mark up, and this one... Wonder how Poly reacted to the ghosts coming to help? Mother said it was because of the full, blue moon last night. Perfect for spirits to come visit their loved ones. Though Sis still is the Judge of Souls. Wonder...is that the night Mila allows her to leave the gates to the Heaven Plane opened?"
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"N-No, I'm fine, thank you. Just... tired, and hurt from last night." Cassandra replied, trying to cover her face with Dan's pillow.

"Alright...I'm gonna get back to my work...Just tell me if you need anything. Okay?" As Dan turned, his haired moved in a way that revealed his new left eye.

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Cassandra noticed the eye that Dan was sporting in place of his eyepatch... she was wondering just how he'd gotten it. "Um... Dan..." She began, before trailing off, wondering if it was a subject she should be getting into at this point.

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Cassandra noticed the eye that Dan was sporting in place of his eyepatch... she was wondering just how he'd gotten it. "Um... Dan..." She began, before trailing off, wondering if it was a subject she should be getting into at this point.

"Hm? What's up?"

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"Hm? What's up?"

Cassandra brushed some hair out of her face and decided to just ask away. "Um... why do you have a second eye now?"

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Cassandra brushed some hair out of her face and decided to just ask away. "Um... why do you have a second eye now?"

"Oh! That...uhm..." Shit. How was he gonna explain it to her. "I...had an eyepatch on because my eye was healing. Now it's all fixed up again. Must have been the fortify from Emmeryn."

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Cassandra frowned, lowered her head, and shook it. "Dan... do you not trust me enough to tell me the truth?"

"...I just don't want to frighten you, again...You've been so distant, I don't want to scare you with what I do..."

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"..." Tilting the fedora down and bit, he slumped back into the bed. "Now, about these beads..."

"What? I think they're pretty. And they make it easier to grab and tug your hair."

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"...I just don't want to frighten you, again...You've been so distant, I don't want to scare you with what I do..."

Cassandra simply sighed and turned onto her stomach, facing away from Dan.

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Cassandra simply sighed and turned onto her stomach, facing away from Dan.

"...When I was getting dragged down...my left eye socket started glowing. Then...I had...taken one of the eyes from the zombie Risen...and it formed into an eye that was exactly like the one I lost, and it fit back into my socket..." Dan was waiting for her to start screaming or to run away from him.

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"...When I was getting dragged down...my left eye socket started glowing. Then...I had...taken one of the eyes from the zombie Risen...and it formed into an eye that was exactly like the one I lost, and it fit back into my socket..." Dan was waiting for her to start screaming or to run away from him.

Cassandra turned back towards Dan with a start. "Are... are you sure... that you're okay with that?" She asked, slowly trying to get off the bed, but wincing enough that she decided against it.

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"I don't want anybody touching my hair though!.. Well, except you of course, but..."

​"Well, yes. I was talking about when you do THAT…. makes it easier."

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Cassandra turned back towards Dan with a start. "Are... are you sure... that you're okay with that?" She asked, slowly trying to get off the bed, but wincing enough that she decided against it.

"...Are you okay with it?"

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"...Are you okay with it?"

Cassandra raised an eyebrow and inched closer to the edge of the bed. "Why... why are you so concerned about what I think? I'm not important enough..." She replied, sighing heavily.

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​"Well, yes. I was talking about when you do THAT…. makes it easier."


"Uh huh" Turning his body to face Poly, he gave him a stern stare. "If you don't want to hear anything, then get out!"

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"Uh huh" Turning his body to face Poly, he gave him a stern stare. "If you don't want to hear anything, then get out!"

"I can't. My leg..." *lifts up his pant leg to reveal that the entire left part of his left leg is torn up* "... Is kinda fucked. I'm stuck in here for a while."

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