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"I feel shipping." *sighs as he remembers he can't leave his bed due to the leg* "... Dusk, go check it for me. I think it's..." *points behind him* "That way."

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Breezy finally woke up, after who knows how long after he met with Phoibus at the harbor.

"Guess we're still here..."

(When did that happen?)

"I feel shipping." *sighs as he remembers he can't leave his bed due to the leg* "... Dusk, go check it for me. I think it's..." *points behind him* "That way."

"I smell love....Hehehehe...."*Walks down the hall*

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"I feel shipping." *sighs as he remembers he can't leave his bed due to the leg* "... Dusk, go check it for me. I think it's..." *points behind him* "That way."

"Shipping? Oh dear lord..."

"I smell love....Hehehehe...."*Walks down the hall*

Hearing Gulasca make him feel a bit more at ease. "He can check for us... By the way, we haven't had many conversations as of late, haven't we?" Sipping his tea, he waited for Poly's asnwer

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"Shipping? Oh dear lord..."

Hearing Gulasca make him feel a bit more at ease. "He can check for us... By the way, we haven't had many conversations as of late, haven't we?" Sipping his tea, he waited for Poly's asnwer

"Right away sirs."*Stalking down the hall till he reaches the door*"Where is a hammer when you need it..?"

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*shrugs* "Not a whole ton to talk about, honestly."

"I see..." He tried to recall anything that the Khan told him in past conversations that he could bring up. Thinking for a couple of moments, he remembered one of their first ever conversations. "Say, you never told me any stories about your life as a mercenary"

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Cassandra pouted at the fact that he had stopped. Though, to be fair, he was still young, so maybe she shouldn't have expected much... "Well... I suppose you'll have to figure that out for yourself~" She cooed out, before holding him tightly and burying her face into his shoulder, mouthing 'I love you' as she did. She couldn't tell him yet... but soon, she would.

Dan was about to make his next move when he heard footsteps down the hall. "Cass...I think we may get compromised."

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(Here's the Manfroy paralogue...now to finish the Yahn one...)

Ace had fallen fast asleep after somehow dreaming where Klotho was, recounting the battle with Manfroy.

[spoiler=Ace/Alicia/Poly vs Manfroy]

Ace:*Valflame in hand*"So this is the Manor of Lost Souls. Eerie looking place...wait, did that wall just repair itself?"

Alicia:*Tyrfing in hand*"The walls destroy and repair themselves."

Ace: "Alicia, Poly stay close. ...Something doesn't feel quite right. It's too quite in here."

Alicia:".....Malice...malice is in the air."

Poly: Ugh, I hate this place... *slowly begins to pull out his Tomahawk*

Manfroy: Too quiet? Or is it the darkness that penetrates your ears?

Alicia: "A Grimleal induced sickness that sounds horrible Poly. And to see a vision of Sumia while you were dying....that voice! It's Manfroy."

Poly: Eh?! What in the fuck... where'd that voice come from?!

Ace: "I am not scared of you, Dark Bishop Manfroy! In fact, come on out so I can show you true pain and agony!"

Poly: Hey, yeah! You're probably just some twiggy old fuck who'd crumple from a good punch! Get out here, Manfroy you fuck!

Manfroy: I'm not doing the fighting today. YOU Kahn Poly will. Now dance like a puppet and attack the two you love the most.

Ace: "No, you didn't!"


Ace: "Sis, if need be, I'll burn Manfroy alive and he'll be fine."

Poly: Don't worry Alicia, it's not like I'm going to fall for his bullshit.

Manfroy: Not when you are what you are right now. But I have a staff so cruel you'll attack both enemy and friend. Fear the berserk staff. *uses Berserk on Poly* Now, who ever wins this gets the honor of fighting me. Have fun..

Ace: "You forgot my specialty, Manfroy! Berserk staves use Chaos. Something I eat for breakfast."

Alicia: "A berserk staff...we don't have a restore staff on us."

Ace: "And you are a fool if you think I'd kill my brother in law."

Poly: Gah...! Fuck...! I... I have to fight this... *drops to one knee* It feels... like when I had... that other me... in my head... gah...

Manfroy: I used this same magic on Julia years ago. The only way to get rid of it is if you kill me. Or kill the possessed one.

Poly: Fuck... this blows... Ace, can... you pull... this shit... outta my head?

Ace: "Right, that's a lot of Chaotic energy there. Hold still and I'll draw it out."

Alicia: "Ace! Be careful!"

Ace:*puts hands on Poly's shoulders, gloves off*"Chaos is my power, Chaos is my substance, my energy, the thing that fuels my rage, anger, fury... Now...come to me, Chaos!" *Starts drawing out the massive amounts of Chaotic energy

beserking Poly* "D...Drat...so much Chaos..."

Alicia: "Ace...is it working?"

"Gah! Any more Chaos and I'll lose control! Alicia, come with me. I feel sooooo, strong." *Starts bashing in the walls, one after the other, eyes deep red in color* "Ah-a! There you are Manfroy! I absorbed some of that chaos you used on Poly! And guess what? I feel fine."

Poly: Guh... *drops to both knees, crawling through the holes in the walls Ace had made* God... damn, that hurts my head... Seriously, why is my head the one that everyone enjoys fucking with all the time?

Alicia: "Poly! You're okay! *Hugs him, then runs after Ace*

Poly: Yeah, I'm fine... *slowly stands up, then follows Alicia*

Manfroy: Ah. You are the one Xert talks about. No matter. Come my morphs. Destroy them all!

Ace: "You can't escape me now, Manfroy! Now you shall perish in the same flames that wrongfully killed Sigurd!"

Alicia: "Morphs... let's kill them and help Ace."

Manfroy: A Fala and Baldo descendant? This will be interesting. You'll have to find me first.

Poly: ... Right. At least it's not ghosts... *swings Armads through a nearby Morph's neck*

Alicia: "I will find you! And I will send you to hell for daring to harm my love!" *kills a nearby morph*

*Scene change to Ace running ahead*

Ace: "Yeah, that's right, the fires of Valflame await you!"*burns another morph to ashes*"I'm getting closer, when I find you, I'll burn you alive!"

Manfroy: I am only a pedestal to Xert and Julius. They will finish what I started regardless. Now come closer descendant of Fala. Closer..

Ace: "I hear you, I can see you." *Killing morphs left and right* You can't stop Chaos!"*crits a morph with Valflame* "I found yoooooou! Ready to die, very, very, very painfully?"

Manfroy: I am. Try me.*casts hell on Ace* Feel the pain and horror of Hell!

Ace:"GAAAAH! Sheesh that's hot!" *flails to snuff out flames, then evilly grins* "My turn!" *Casts Valflame on Manfroy*

*scene change to Alicia and Poly*

Poly: This bastard... *swings Armads through one Morph* Dares to... *slices through another Morph* Harm my family? *cuts another Morph in half before drawing his Tomahawk* FUCK THIS GUY! *throws the Tomahawk through another Morph's head*

Alicia: "You are...*kills a morph* the lowest...*kills another morph* most horrible bishop I have ever met!*runs Tyrfing through another morphs head*

Poly: Shit... *draws his Light Brand fires a shot of light magic at a nearby Morph, knocking it through a wall* How many of these are left?

Alicia:*kills the last few morphs with Tyrfing*"That should...be the last of them."

Poly: Good... now, to go help Ace... *grabs Alicia's hand, then stops* Wait. *kisses Alicia before they go any further* ... Just in case we don't both make it.

Alicia:*kisses Poly back*"We'll make it back. I'm sure of it. I...hear Ace fighting nearby."

Poly: ... Let's go, then. *takes Alicia's hand and runs off to where he hears explosions*

*Scene change back to Ace and Manfroy*

Manfroy: Maybe I'll turn you all into slaves for Lord Julius. He is Loptyr incarnate. Agh! How do you have such power? Are you truly one full of Fala?

Ace:"Actually....*grabs Manfroy by the throat, Valflame opened in other hand, brand showing*I'm Chaos itself. Weeeeell, the heir of the Goddess of Chaos, Yune actually. But that's all you'll find out about me since....My appearance spells doom for you all!" *Uses Valflame again on Manfroy at point blank range*

Alicia:*sees this*"ACE NO!"

Poly: Shit! At that range, using Valflame will roast both of them alive!

Alicia:"ACE! You moronic fool! You....hotheaded..."*starts crying*

Manfroy: *clearly survived the attack* You're..just like...Arvis..weak, foolish... Like all descendants of Fala..

Poly: God... dammit! *rushes Manfroy* YOU'LL FALL BY MY HAND, FUCKNOZZLE!

Ace:*stabs Manfroy from behind with Mercurius, staggering, eyes nearly pupiless*"What was that...about being weak?"

Alicia:*also stabs Manfroy with Tyrfing, tears coming out*

Poly: *slamming the blade of Armads into Manfroy's head, eyes blazing with anger, while tears are running down his face as well*

Manfroy: My..Purpose is finished.. Xert. I leave Julius in your hands..... Become a god. Take..my quintessence...*dies*

Ace:"Hahaha...Manfroy's dead. You guys....thought I was dead? *Should really see a healer, but doesn't seem to realize this. Grinning kinda evilly, eyes close to losing their pupils*"


*starts talking in a voice like a childs*"She's actually out cold right now. Nearly died from Valflame if it wasn't for me. I had to step in and save her. Otherwise, I also would have died."

Poly: Son of a bitch, I thought we'd lost you.

Ace: "You would have lost her, Khan Poly, if I didn't step in like I did."

Alicia: "Who...are you? You don't sound like Ace at all."

Poly: ... Yune, I presume?

Ace/Yune: "Yeah, that's me. I may have changed over the years with the people I've inhabited, but I'm still Yune, and I'm also Ace. I'm about to run out of time to speak to you, I haven't had to do that.....ever. Poly, can you take Ace back? And we will meet again, during the test...just...don't hate me..."

*Ace faints*

Alicia: "She's okay....let's get her back to see a healer and quickly!"

Poly: Er... right. (Yune, huh? And... what did she mean by 'test'?)

Ace then murmured out in answer to Kat's question, "Do you...want me to bring her back here?"

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​"Has… anyone found Klotho?"

"That's what was... Oh for Naga's sake..." Placing his brew on the counter, he made his way out of the infirmary. "Sorry Poly, maybe later?" Looking around for Klotho, his expression soon turned to that of a concerned and worried one. Where the hell was she?

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"I see..." He tried to recall anything that the Khan told him in past conversations that he could bring up. Thinking for a couple of moments, he remembered one of their first ever conversations. "Say, you never told me any stories about your life as a mercenary"

"Hmm... well, there was one time where we had to go to all the way out to Ylisse and guard the Exalt, and wouldn't you know it, fuckin' Plegians show up. They were weak compared to us, though, especially with our skill. Man, that Gregor... I'm pretty sure he killed just as many of those assholes as I did. And then what happens after? She shits on us for fighting with them! I mean, you hire mercenaries since all your knights are training for some annual skirmish, and then you yell at them for doing their job?" *notices Dusk left* "... Asshat." *pouts*

Dan was about to make his next move when he heard footsteps down the hall. "Cass...I think we may get compromised."

Cassandra heard something too, as the faint sound of a door unscrewing permeated the air. Without thinking of the consequences, she drew her Peshkatz and threw it at the door where she heard the sound come from, before hugging Dan tightly once more. "There. Hopefully that'll fix it."

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"....Dammit.*Takes out screwdriver* Here goes nothing.."


He heard someone messing with the door outside. He scrambled up and out of the bed. "OI! What the hell is going on out there?!"

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"Hmm... well, there was one time where we had to go to all the way out to Ylisse and guard the Exalt, and wouldn't you know it, fuckin' Plegians show up. They were weak compared to us, though, especially with our skill. Man, that Gregor... I'm pretty sure he killed just as many of those assholes as I did. And then what happens after? She shits on us for fighting with them! I mean, you hire mercenaries since all your knights are training for some annual skirmish, and then you yell at them for doing their job?" *notices Dusk left* "... Asshat." *pouts*

Cassandra heard something too, as the faint sound of a door unscrewing permeated the air. Without thinking of the consequences, she drew her Peshkatz and threw it at the door where she heard the sound come from, before hugging Dan tightly once more. "There. Hopefully that'll fix it."

"SHIT! *Moves out of the way* Back to it.."

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Cassandra heard something too, as the faint sound of a door unscrewing permeated the air. Without thinking of the consequences, she drew her Peshkatz and threw it at the door where she heard the sound come from, before hugging Dan tightly once more. "There. Hopefully that'll fix it."

"I-I guess that works."

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"No, wait." Cassandra said to Dan as she stood up slowly. Opening the door, she saw Gulasca messing around with a screwdriver... and promptly shrieked and kicked him in the face.

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"No, wait." Cassandra said to Dan as she stood up slowly. Opening the door, she saw Gulasca messing around with a screwdriver... and promptly shrieked and kicked him in the face.

"SHIT FUCKING HELL!*Falls over* I smelled love. I came packing. Now to report to the boss.."*Walks back*

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"No, wait." Cassandra said to Dan as she stood up slowly. Opening the door, she saw Gulasca messing around with a screwdriver... and promptly shrieked and kicked him in the face.

"...T-that works, too..." He said as he got up. At this point, he felt uncomfortable. He thought that he should get back to his work. He looked over at his desk, his project still sitting there, unfinished.

(at this point im really feeling uncomfortable. lets just stop this for now)

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