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Dan heard someone. He ran out to find Dusk bleeding. "W-what the hell happened?!"

Cassandra was concerned. She knew Dan cared about others, but for him to seem this upset over a comrade... it soothed her somewhat. "Dan... can we get him up?"

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Ace had gotten out of bed, still tired but a missing comrade was one of those things that she just couldn't sleep on. Having stumbled onto Dusk slumped onto the ground with Alison, Ace dashed over. "It seems like the craziest things happen while I'm sleeping."

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Dan heard someone. He ran out to find Dusk bleeding. "W-what the hell happened?!"

"Y-Yes, that's right!" she stammered, trying to help him up."What happened?! Did an enemy do this?!" Alison whirled around cautiously, but saw no enemy in sight. "Y-You're bleeding... Here, let me help you..." She pulled out her Mend Staff. Suddenly another man came running over, and was as freaked out as she was about Dusk's condition.

"I... Ugh, my head..." Slowly, his head started to feel a bit better and the gash that was scratched on his face soon disappeared. "Th-thank you, Alison..." Holding his head with his hand, he took a moment to gather himself. "Have... You guys found Klotho?"

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Cassandra was concerned. She knew Dan cared about others, but for him to seem this upset over a comrade... it soothed her somewhat. "Dan... can we get him up?"

"i-I think so." Dan helped Dusk up as Alison's staff gave off the soothing light that a staff always does.

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"I... Ugh, my head..." Slowly, his head started to feel a bit better and the gash that was scratched on his face soon disappeared. "Th-thank you, Alison..." Holding his head with his hand, he took a moment to gather himself. "Have... You guys found Klotho?"

Cassandra shook her head as a single tear began to form on her face. "No... we just left to look for her and found you." She replied, as she helped Dan hoist Dusk up off the ground as Alison healed him. Some of the healing magic seemed to go into her as well, as she felt much of the pain in her legs from yesterday and earlier today disappear.

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Ace had gotten out of bed, still tired but a missing comrade was one of those things that she just couldn't sleep on. Having stumbled onto Dusk slumped onto the ground with Alison, Ace dashed over. "It seems like the craziest things happen while I'm sleeping."

"I... Ugh, my head..." Slowly, his head started to feel a bit better and the gash that was scratched on his face soon disappeared. "Th-thank you, Alison..." Holding his head with his hand, he took a moment to gather himself. "Have... You guys found Klotho?"

Sighing with relief that Dusk was alright, she healed his wound. Glancing over at Ace, Alison replied; "I...I know right? We never know these days when unexpected things happen suddenly." When the male asked about Klotho, she stayed quiet. "...I-I was just searching for her now, and then I found you here."

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Cassandra shook her head as a single tear began to form on her face. "No... we just left to look for her and found you." She replied, as she helped Dan hoist Dusk up off the ground as Alison healed him. Some of the healing magic seemed to go into her as well, as she felt much of the pain in her legs from yesterday and earlier today disappear.

Sighing with relief that Dusk was alright, she healed his wound. Glancing over at Ace, Alison replied; "I...I know right? We never know these days when unexpected things happen suddenly." When the male asked about Klotho, she stayed quiet. "...I-I was just searching for her now, and then I found you here."

"So nobody's... DAMMIT!" Forcing himself out of Dan and Cass' grip, he smashed his head into the tree again and just left it there, tears pouring down his face. "Klotho..." Pushing himself away from the tree and the others, he forced himself to stumble into the forest, holding his head in pain. He didn't care though... He was determined to find his little sister

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Sighing with relief that Dusk was alright, she healed his wound. Glancing over at Ace, Alison replied; "I...I know right? We never know these days when unexpected things happen suddenly." When the male asked about Klotho, she stayed quiet. "...I-I was just searching for her now, and then I found you here."

Ace glanced over at Alison, "It would seem that way, I didn't sleep at all last night. And now I wake to see one of my comrades is still missing." Ace then noticed that some of the healing rays from Alison's staff had healed up some more of her wounds.

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Sighing with relief that Dusk was alright, she healed his wound. Glancing over at Ace, Alison replied; "I...I know right? We never know these days when unexpected things happen suddenly." When the male asked about Klotho, she stayed quiet. "...I-I was just searching for her now, and then I found you here."

''So nobody seems to know where she is...I don't like that...I don't like that at all.''

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"So nobody's... DAMMIT!" Forcing himself out of Dan and Cass' grip, he smashed his head into the tree again and just left it there, tears pouring down his face. "Klotho..." Pushing himself away from the tree and the others, he forced himself to stumble into the forest, holding his head in pain. He didn't care though... He was determined to find his little sister

Ace glanced over at Alison, "It would seem that way, I didn't sleep at all last night. And now I wake to see one of my comrades is still missing." Ace then noticed that some of the healing rays from Alison's staff had healed up some more of her wounds.

''So nobody seems to know where she is...I don't like that...I don't like that at all.''

"T-That's terrible..." Alison responded to Ace. "But...I believe we'll find her soon enough. We're probably worrying over...nothing." The statement was mostly said to reassure Alison herself, instead of everyone else. "You guys haven't seen her either?" She asked both of them worriedly. Suddenly Dusk bashed his head again and stumbled deeper into the forest. "D-Dusk, wait!!"

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"T-That's terrible..." Alison responded to Ace. "But...I believe we'll find her soon enough. We're probably worrying over...nothing." The statement was mostly said to reassure Alison herself, instead of everyone else. "You guys haven't seen her either?" She asked both of them worriedly. Suddenly Dusk bashed his head again and stumbled deeper into the forest. "D-Dusk, wait!!"

Ace wanted to believe that they'd find Klotho soon, but her dreams suggested otherwise. Then Dusk bashed his head again and went deeper into the woods, "Come on you guys, just standing here doesn't get us any closer to finding Klotho." Ace then went after Dusk.

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Cassandra nodded as she followed Ace and Dusk, but her heart felt heavy. First Dan ran off, and now Klotho went missing...? Did everyone she loved in this army have to leave her? Why could she not just hold the two of them tightly in her arms and never let go?

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"Ugh..." Ignoring what the others have said, he ventured further into the forest, trying to find his adoptive little sister. His head hurt so much, but that wasn't faltering his determination one bit. Scouring through the woods, he was set on finding Klotho... No matter the cost

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Ace wanted to believe that they'd find Klotho soon, but her dreams suggested otherwise. Then Dusk bashed his head again and went deeper into the woods, "Come on you guys, just standing here doesn't get us any closer to finding Klotho." Ace then went after Dusk.

Cassandra nodded as she followed Ace and Dusk, but her heart felt heavy. First Dan ran off, and now Klotho went missing...? Did everyone she loved in this army have to leave her? Why could she not just hold the two of them tightly in her arms and never let go?

Alison stood there for a moment, frighted and eyes full of worry. When Ace pep-talked them back into it, Alison followed the rest of them deeper in the woods. 'Dusk... Klotho, where are you? You're worrying your brother, and the rest of us.' she thought to herself as she ran past trees.

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Dan felt a chill down his spine. Something felt off. Something felt really off. He could smell something, and he didn't like it. At once, he finally burst outside of the forest, and nearly threw up at what he saw.

''Dear god...''

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What Dusk saw... He almost felt something... Limbs. Bodies... Insides splattered the entire ground like a child attempting to paint. He wasn't exactly shocked by this discovery, since he'd seen similar actions before, but... It still struck a nerve. In the middle of it all was Klotho... "Klotho..?"

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Dan felt a chill down his spine. Something felt off. Something felt really off. He could smell something, and he didn't like it. At once, he finally burst outside of the forest, and nearly threw up at what he saw.

''Dear god...''

Ace shuddered, something felt wrong. Coming up behind Dan, Ace could hardly believe her eyes at what she saw. "What in the---"

As Cassandra came out of the forest, she saw what lay in front of her and screamed in horror.

What Dusk saw... He almost felt something... Limbs. Bodies... Insides splattered the entire ground like a child attempting to paint. He wasn't exactly shocked by this discovery, since he'd seen similar actions before, but... It still struck a nerve. In the middle of it all was Klotho... "Klotho..?"

Alison continued to follow the others, suddenly heard exclamations. Running over, she saw the Dreamers there with shocked expressions. Alison asked nervously, "W-What's going-" She immediately stopped talking when she gazed around the forest in front of them and shrieked.. "N-No...."

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Ace couldn't believe it, just like what she had dreamed about. Klotho was there in the middle of a pile of bodies. "Klotho? Is...that you? What happened?"

Alison just stood there in horror, breathing heavily. Unlike the others, she hadn't seen a sight as bad as this yet. Ace pointed out Klotho who was lying among the dead bodies. "K...Klotho..."

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"Ugh... The lass is alright from the looks of things though at least..." Clutching his head, the pain had finally caught up with him. "Good lord that hurts... I'm heading back. Make sure she comes back alive and well. Most people... They couldn't do that..." Quickly leaving, he made his way back to the port

AKA, goodnight!

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Alison just stood there in horror, breathing heavily. Unlike the others, she hadn't seen a sight as bad as this yet. Ace pointed out Klotho who was lying among the dead bodies. "K...Klotho..."

Ace noticed this sight seemed to really shock Alison, "You alright, Alison? This is really brutal to see." Ace then turned her attention to Klotho, "Klotho...it's Ace. Chaos? Are you okay?"

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