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Alicia: "A life was nearly lost... There's sorrow in the air."

"As I said. I know EVERYONE will come home, alive. Have a little faith in our friends, Alicia, Poly. They're a stubborn lot. That's how we've survived this long."

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Alicia: "I...frightened... Do I dare see what happened?"

"Do you think our friends so weak, Alicia? Trust them. It will be fine."

I come on and there's drama EVERYWHERE (in the RP of course) I assume I can't come in either?

Anyone can pop in. Just… don't mess with Dan or Phoibus at this point for your own safety.

poly, Alicia, and Kat, though, are in a different location than the drama.

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"Well, looks like I've another idiot to deal with. Doma, damn it. Why didn't I listen to you? I'd have less of a headache." He drops the knife and conjures up a rune. "Recover… and this time, I'm placing a rune on you." He uses Silvia's blood to sketch something on her as the wound on her neck heals with only a slim, silver scar. "A rune that prevents you from taking your own life. See what happens when you have to force yourself to face your mistakes head-on, and can't run away. And also…" He draws a second rune. "This one… is your safety net. This will tell you when you're too close to becoming Grima again. A visible warning, that cannot be ignored. I won't call them gifts, but you will learn from them." With the runes set, he steps back, bleeding but clearly alive. "There we go. All better now. Gods, this is a mess. I need a good hit or something."

''Allow me to do so.'' Dan forced Phoibus around and punched him square in the face with his metal hand. ''You...HYPOCRITE! You talk of Grima causing death, yet how many have you killed!? You act as though you are a righteous judge, yet how many innocents have died by your hand?! You make me absolutely SICK! And I'm not letting you get away this time...''

Edited by Dandragon
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"Do you think our friends so weak, Alicia? Trust them. It will be fine." Anyone can pop in. Just… don't mess with Dan or Phoibus at this point for your own safety.poly, Alicia, and Kat, though, are in a different location than the drama.

Alicia: "No, I do not. I trust them as much as I do Ace. But the emotion of sorrow makes it difficult to refrain from acting."
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Alicia: "No, I do not. I trust them as much as I do Ace. But the emotion of sorrow makes it difficult to refrain from acting."

"That is precisely WHY you must refrain. Have faith. All will… eventually… be well."

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(Oh, uh… chains disappeared when Phoibus got punched. If you all want to move, that is.)

​"Everything will be fine." *thinking and smiles* "Yuffie should almost have that meal done. Maybe we should see about limping down and setting up a table."

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(Oh, uh… chains disappeared when Phoibus got punched.)

​"Everything will be fine." *thinking and smiles* "Yuffie should almost have that meal done. Maybe we should see about limping down and setting up a table."

(Can I send Cass over to Dan?)

"You can't even move, though. And my leg's still a wreck."

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(Can I send Cass over to Dan?)

"You can't even move, though. And my leg's still a wreck."

"Who said that? And you can limp. It's just not advised, but I'm sure Yuffie will love the company. We've been so hard on him lately, after all."

(Ask Dan that)

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Dan walked over to Phoibus'es fallen body. ''...You...are...a pathetic, worthless human being, only thinking for himself!'' He stomped on his wrist. ''Do you ANY idea the PAIN and SUFFERING you've caused me. And now, you come in and tie up my friend and accuse them of being the host of the Fell Dragon, who has been long since DEAD!'' Dan was constantly walking around Phoibus as he talked. He had been kicking him and stomping him where ever he could. ''You act as though you are some holy man, doing the act of some benevolent god! I'm sick of it! Today, you attone for your own sins!'' Dan stood on Phoibus'es chest, and leaned down towards his face. ''You say I cannot kill you, but that is not what I am here to do. I am here to cause you pain. Pain equal to that of those you slaughtered in front of my very eyes! And I will make sure it stays with you...'' Dan pulled out his killing edge.

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Sorin just watched from his perch on a nearby tree. "What's the point of the dream if I'm supposed to have help yet carry it myself? All the 'help' I receive? False. All the headaches and lack of sleep I endure for these ingrates and instead of a thank you, I re-payed with attempted desertion and suicide. Maybe bonds are just trash to these people. Whatever the case, I'm at the end of my rope. Period. I'm sorry if I let the people who actually care down but... I'm tired of bearing the guilt for things I have no control over." Sorin the contemplated his next move. To leave or not to leave? ... The next events would decide that. Maybe he could take care of the Annas quicker alone... or die trying...

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Sorin just watched from his perch on a nearby tree. "What's the point of the dream if I'm supposed to have help yet carry it myself? All the 'help' I receive? False. All the headaches and lack of sleep I endure for these ingrates and instead of a thank you, I re-payed with attempted desertion and suicide. Maybe bonds are just trash to these people. Whatever the case, I'm at the end of my rope. Period. I'm sorry if I let the people who actually care down but... I'm tired of bearing the guilt for things I have no control over." Sorin the contemplated his next move. To leave or not to leave? ... The next events would decide that. Maybe he could take care of the Annas quicker alone... or die trying...

"Leader, what are you doing up there?" *stumbling up. She's dressed in new clothes and looks a mess* "I'm sorry. Did I worry you? It's okay now, isn't it?" *smiles at him. It's a real smile, unlike yesterday.* "Thank you for looking for me, though. I'm sure you pushed off some work for my sake. I'm sorry. Do you want help?"

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Sorin just watched from his perch on a nearby tree. "What's the point of the dream if I'm supposed to have help yet carry it myself? All the 'help' I receive? False. All the headaches and lack of sleep I endure for these ingrates and instead of a thank you, I re-payed with attempted desertion and suicide. Maybe bonds are just trash to these people. Whatever the case, I'm at the end of my rope. Period. I'm sorry if I let the people who actually care down but... I'm tired of bearing the guilt for things I have no control over." Sorin the contemplated his next move. To leave or not to leave? ... The next events would decide that. Maybe he could take care of the Annas quicker alone... or die trying...

Ace happened to overhear Sorin through her sobbing. Not sure how to reply to him though, but was Silvia...dead? Did she dare check or pull Dan away. Ace eventually decided to remind herself why she was fighting, "No Sorin, you're not alone. As long as I remain here I'll help carry that dream with you! I've vowed to bring peace back here since I've arrived, and now more than ever now that my twin sister's going to stay here. So don't feel like you're alone because I'm right there with you!"
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