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Ace: "I'm just glad you're safe and sound, Klotho. If you're wondering where some of the others are, Kat, Sis and Poly are in the infirmary. Sorin is outside training.....and I have a feeling someone is harming themself."

"Okay, I'll go find them. Thank you." *smiles and walks… well… stumbles off. Her feet hurt again.*

Cassandra said nothing. Kat wasn't the one she wanted to see right now, so she didn't feel it necessary to acknowledge her.

​"…" *takes the knife from her and proceeds to search her for all weapons, not caring where she hunts* "This isn't healthy, and you know it. How would Dan or Klotho or… well, ANYONE feel if they caught you cutting some VERY major arteries. If you're trying to commit suicide, darling, just get yourself in the heart or neck and be done with it. Don't you go fucking around."

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Cassandra said nothing. Kat wasn't the one she wanted to see right now, so she didn't feel it necessary to acknowledge her.

"Oh, what is the malted liquor, what gets you drunker quicker, what comes in bottles or in cans? BEER~!"

Alicia had never tried any alcohol before, so she couldn't help but ask. "Does that stuff really have such an effect on a person?"

"Okay, I'll go find them. Thank you." *smiles and walks… well… stumbles off. Her feet hurt again.*

Ace: "Do you need a hand?"

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"It worked for a long time."

Sorin's strikes came to an abrupt stop. "...What are you saying?" The moon was giving the courtyard a light blue hue. Compared to the sick green glow it gave a few days ago, this was a welcomed change.

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"Nothing else is on me." Cassandra said bluntly, before getting a strange twitch. "S-Stop doing that... it tickles." She added, before flushing the lightest shade of pink she could.

(I'm not sorry)

*didn't hear Alicia since he's singing too loud* "I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW MUCH I HAVE HAD... I DRANK A TWELVE-PACK... WITH MY DAD~"

Edited by Polydeuces
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Sorin's strikes came to an abrupt stop. "...What are you saying?" The moon was giving the courtyard a light blue hue. Compared to the sick green glow it gave a few days ago, this was a welcomed change.

"Pain suffering... I could go on. What people do is to desire to kill. It runs in our veins as humans. We are nothing but animals, killing and destroying each other.."
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Alicia had never tried any alcohol before, so she couldn't help but ask. "Does that stuff really have such an effect on a person?"

Ace: "Do you need a hand?"

​"Oh, I'm fine. …What's that loud, horrible singing though?"


"Nothing else is on me." Cassandra said bluntly, before getting a strange twitch. "S-Stop doing that... it tickles." She added, before flushing the lightest shade of pink she could.

"Oh, good. Reaction. Next time I need your attention, I'll tickle your stomach." *sighs* "Honestly, what's wrong? Go ahead and rant. You won't get me into anymore trouble than I'm in already and OBVIOUSLY you need to talk." *tosses the knife behind her head, landing it perfectly in the door and sank half way, before reaching into the pack on her hip and pulling out bandages to tend to Cassandra's arms* "Also, if you were going for killing yourself, it's faster if you go with the vein. Trust me."

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*didn't hear Alicia since he's singing too loud* "I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW MUCH I HAVE HAD... I DRANK A TWELVE-PACK... WITH MY DAD~"

​"Oh, I'm fine. …What's that loud, horrible singing though?"


Ace: "That sounds like Poly's voice. Wonder why he's singing about being drunk though?"

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"Pain suffering... I could go on. What people do is to desire to kill. It runs in our veins as humans. We are nothing but animals, killing and destroying each other.."

"I won't deny humans are selfish creatures. But we don't become animals until you let those desires rule your life. Are you an animal?"

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"I won't deny humans are selfish creatures. But we don't become animals until you let those desires rule your life. Are you an animal?"

"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end

The goddess descends from the sky

Wings of light and dark spread afar

She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting"*pauses*"LOVELESS. Prologue."

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"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end

The goddess descends from the sky

Wings of light and dark spread afar

She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting"*pauses*"LOVELESS. Prologue."

"How is the game going by the way?"

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Ace: "Not sure really. Sis'll probably know why."

​"…I'm not sure if I should apologize to him drunk."

(Actually, I'm not sure she should be UP. She's still bleeding from her shoulders and the like)

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​"…I'm not sure if I should apologize to him drunk."

(Actually, I'm not sure she should be UP. She's still bleeding from her shoulders and the like)

Ace: *finally notices Klotho's bleeding* "Apologies can wait, stopping that bleeding from your shoulders can't. I've got some first aid items on me."

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Ace: *finally notices Klotho's bleeding* "Apologies can wait, stopping that bleeding from your shoulders can't. I've got some first aid items on me."

"Huh? Oh, yeah." *thinking* "I guess my throats better too. My head still hurts from the crying, though."

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"Huh? Oh, yeah." *thinking* "I guess my throats better too. My head still hurts from the crying, though."

Ace: "I've cried pretty hard and screamed loudly myself...before I slid into blind rages." *bandaging Klotho's shoulders* "All that sobbing does make your head and throat hurt afterwards.... There, all better now."

[spoiler=One Man in his time plays many parts: Angie/Alicia vs Yahn and Anon’s farewell]

As he slipped out from consciousness, Anon was aware of very little. Everything around him seemed hazy and dark, and he felt like a snake had wrapped around his chest and was squeezing his lungs into mash. He had always found his senses useful, always able to know when something odd was happening, but now it felt like this was killing him. He tried to get up, but the result was the feeling of being stabbed in the back with a cold knife. Slowly the hazed image he could barely see darkened and melded together, slipping into an empty blackness just as he slipped slowly onto to the ground, unconscious.

"Come ON! Stay with us. Alicia can't you do something!?"

Alicia: "Oh no! Anon! No, no! Please wake up! You...can't be...dead... can you?"

"....But he can't. Why won't he wake up?"*Begins to tear up*

Anon inhaled feebly. It was odd to see him, the highest of all egos, inexplicably crumbled down and barely breathing.

Alicia: "Anon.....If you're really dead...then are you...at the Neutral Ground? Oh.....I didn't think....I'd have to judge the soul of a fellow Dreamer....I....I....I can't do it! I don't want to know if you're dead or still alive!" *covers face with gloved hands, glasses pushed up, crying* "Wait...I heard a breath...faint...but a breath..."


Alicia: "Yes....I think...Anon's comatose..."

"......Good. I just want to watch over him."

Alicia: "Then....so will I."

"Fine by me."*Turns around*

Alicia: "......What could have happened to cause this? Angie, how does a person suddenly fall comatose like this without any visible signs of trauma?"

"I don't know. It's so strange."

Alicia: "It is very strange, collapsing like that. No wounds serious enough to cause a coma on the outside. I wonder what happened..."

"Maybe it triggered a memory in his head."(Please just be alright..)

Alicia: "I can think of no other logical explanation than a memory must have been triggered. (Please Anon, please be okay...)

"Dammit! Why him? Why did he have to deserve this? This is going to be another life where I couldn't help them.."

Alicia: "Another person I can do nothing for, besides hope their okay... Why? Why did this have to happen?"

"Why do the gods call him early?"*Starts to cry again*

Alicia: "I'm...not sure... For some, their time is up sooner than others. It's something I've found out after judging so many souls... Some people go too soon...and those left behind often feel sadness and despair."

*proceeds to cry harder*

"What if...If...He never recovers?"

Alicia: "If he never recovers..........his spirit will be awaiting me in the Neutral Ground.......No, I don't want to have to....." *covers face with gloved hands again*

"Can't there be another way? Can't you bring the soul back to the body?"

Alicia: "The only way I can revive someone here.....is if it isn't their time to time yet. Like.......with Poly.....and Gaius..."

"Are you saying that it is his time to die then!? You're going to give up!?"

Alicia: "No, that's not what I'm saying, Angie. I can only bring someone back from death if their time to move on to the next plane hasn't come yet. I still feel a pulse from Anon so he isn't dead, thank Ashunera."

Angie: .....I'm just a terrible healer aren't I? I can't even help one person correctly...

Alicia: "No, comas are tricky, Angie. They are also unpredictable."

Angie: We need to move on. Or the enemy will find us.

Alicia: "Yes, we must move on. Come, Anon should be awake by the time we return."

Anon slowly began to regain consciousness. First he regained awareness of existence, and shortly after peeled his eyes open. The sun shone in his eyes, immediately prompting him to shut them. He was lying on the ground with a throbbing pain in his head and a feeling of fire in his lungs, but neither of which very extreme. Slowly began to sit up, noticing that his body was shaking.

Later in his life he developed a sense of sorts, which cue him in to what was in general happened to people he knew, accompanied by a physical feeling as well. The last thing he remembered was a feeling of intense disgust that caused him to begin to feel lightheaded and hyperventilate, followed by a sense impending danger and of need. In conjunction with the first, the second one had hit like bullet. His chest felt like it was being crushed and he struggled to breath and soon lost the ability to stand up. His memories were very hazy, and after that was just an incoherent fade to black.

*scene change*

Alicia:"...I thought I heard something... Well, let's press on. We must kill that dragon Yahn."

Angie: The Dragon of the Scouring Yahn..

Alicia: "A dragon from a war torn time. I expect him to be a formidable foe. We mustn't underestimate him. *Fingers Tyrfing*"

Angie: Mhm...

Alicia: "We should be getting close now. It won't be long till we reach Plegia."

Angie: Agreed. I wonder how everybody else is..

Alicia: "I'm wondering that myself, I hope everyone is doing well since we slipped away during that strange mist...."

Angie: They'll be fine I guess. How far now?

Alicia: "Not long now, I see The Dragon's Table ahead of us. A few more paces and we'll arrive."

Angie: OK!

???: You must be the humans Xert was talking about.

Alicia: ".....What was that voice just now?! We've just arrived here...no one should have known we were.....no! I fear the enemy may have known of our arrival."

???: I didn't known that the human race became more ignorant. My name is Yahn.

Alicia: "Yahn! So Xert told you about our arrival then. I've come to see you back to the plane you belong in."

Yahn: I don't talk to normal, human blood. That girl is the only one worthy of talking to me.

Angie: What?

Yahn: I can feel it. You have Dragon Blood in you.

Alicia: "Angie has dragon blood apparently and I have goddess blood...how is it I'm not worth talking to?"

Yahn: When did Gods ever help dragons? They wanted to see my race die. That girl carries major Loptyr blood. Like her ancestor did many years ago..

Alicia: "How interesting you should mention that. For the Goddess I'm descended from happened to convince a nation of Dragons to come to her side. Though that was on another land. But enough of that, if your intention is to take Angie then you'll have to go through me!"

Yahn: Laguz aren't dragons. I am full blooded. A manakete who lived the scouring. Your human ancestors and goddess ancestors aren't superior to dragonkind.

Angie: Who was my descendant?

Yahn: I worked with him years ago. But you will have to defeat me to get that answer. I am alone. No Morphs. Let's see who will live the longest.

Alicia: "Two versus one. Angie, stay close to me. *Pulls out Forged Celica's Gale*"

Angie: O-ok..(Why do I feel like I know him...?)

Alicia: "Yahn being a dragon, I expect him to be able to counter magic but a close up fight would be too brutal. Let's stick to ranged attacks."

Yahn: No weapon should be able to hurt me. Unless you have a weapon that could do so..

Angie: Light Judgement has the power to do so.

Yahn: Light from Naga? In relative, it's more close to the Book Of Naga. Since it is a Dragon Weapon.

Angie: I-I'm not afraid to cast this on you...

Alicia: "I doubt any of mine can harm him, not even Tyrfing. Angie, you may be the only one able to kill him. If nothing else I'll keep you safe from harm...wait there's Rally Spectrum."

Angie: I'll try my best then.

Yahn: Are you humans done? Let's get on with it....

Angie: Here goes nothing...*launches Thoron at Yahn*

Yahn: That stung...For 20 seconds. Come on. You aren't using full power.

Alicia: *Uses Forged Celica's Gale on Yahn*

Yahn: You can blow wind, but you only fuel the fire..*uses Flametounge*

Angie: The breath is extremely hot...

Alicia: *just barely dodges* "So hot, that flame breath." *pulls sleeve up to see some redness on her arm* "How foolish of me, but a close up fight wouldn't be wise. It's either Micaiah's Pyre or Tyrfing..." *Pulls out Micaiah's Pyre* "Fire vs Fire....probably won't have much of an effect on him.....that leaves Tyrfing then..."

Angie: There must be some way to get near him...Alicia can you make a distraction?

Alicia: "That pillar looks like it's ready to fall down. From the sheer size of it, the impact ought to be enough to cause trauma to even a full blood manakete. Okay, I'll draw his attention. The only weapon that can harm him are Divine Weapons, which Tyrfing doesn't fall under. The closet weapon we have is Light Judgment. When the time comes, I'll need you to cast it on him, Angie. *pulls out Tyrfing* Alright, are you ready? Let's end this fight."

Yahn: I await it.

Angie: Take this! *launches Bolganone*

Yahn: You think flames can stop me? Dragons can reflect magic and weapons like leafs. Everything you try, you're going to fail at.

Alicia: "Even so, we won't know until we try! *attacks with Tyrfing*"

Yahn: Gah. That hurts....mildly. That sword is useless against me. Even if it was used by the twelve crusaders, it is useless to me.

Angie: (Any second..)*launches Thoron*

Yahn: We went through this. Magic is useless against me.*Breathes Flametounge*

Alicia just barely avoided the Flametounge, it's fire brushing against her left shoulder and arm. What happened next, even Alicia herself didn't see it coming, "Magic is useless, you say? Then try this spell," Alicia raised her free hand against Yahn and chanted out an ancient spell, "Forblaze, the purest fire!"

Yahn: How..! How is it possible to have such a spell...

Alicia swayed after casting Forblaze, nearly dropping to her knees on the floor, "I was reciting the words in my mind, it was like the power flowed up from within me..." Alicia then realized why casting that spell made her feel tired. "I get it now, that spell used my own energy as the catalyst for it to work. We don't have the tome with us to use...." (But...if this buys Angie time, so be it.) Alicia stood up, free hand raised at Yahn again, "This is who I am, Restriction. Order. Stability. Past. Certainty. Restraint. Heir of Goddess Ashera. You said you know about my friend, Angie. I'll make you talk right here and now! Forblaze!"

Yahn: I will... I am honorable. Even if you are a human.. Angie...No. Her name is false. Angel Zenbiniar one of the main descendants of him..,

Angie: You're lying...

Alicia: "Zenbiniar...the same as Shadowfrost. Wait, you're saying she's descended from Shadowfrost. I recall a good side to him... Angel Zenbiniar... What else do you know?"

Yahn: Light Judgement was made around the time he made the book of darkness....Twilight.. He could wield it. Evil hated dark magic. With that and the blood of dragon in his veins... He was unstoppable... Before that other one came along..

Alicia: "This other one that came along, who was that person?"

Yahn: I would not tell you.. Not to you. I've been sworn to do so...

Alicia: "But you will tell Angie...Angel right?" *exhaustion hits, drops to knees* (Twice now I've used Forblaze...Angie please tell me you'll cast Light Judgment on him. Another ancient Elibien spell...might cause me to pass out...)

Angie: You're telling lies. All lies. I don't have ancestors. I don't have a family. But now, I'm going to show you true power. I don't anyone to tell me who I am. Light save you.*casts Light Judgement*

Yahn: Agggh! One blow took my life away..? Humans and their pathetic weapons.. Xert...You are a fool...now come and take my life away...

Alicia: *slowly rising up* "He said Xert's name as he died... If I hurry I can grab his soul..."

Xert: Too late. His Quintessence is mine already. Heheh. See you in Valm..

Alicia: *mutters curses under her breath* "Angie...are you alright? You didn't...seem to believe what Yahn was saying about you."

Angie: My head... Hurts...

Alicia: "Let's head back to Port Ferox from this place. Yahn is no more, so we've accomplished what we've set out to do. Perhaps Anon is finally awake now. We did leave without him."

Angie: I guess...

*scene change*

Slowly Anon removed a hand from his aching head and sat up straight. He fluttered open his eyes and glanced about his surroundings.

Alicia: *entering, still exhausted* I...could use a goodnight's...rest....Anon? You're....awake...

"Hm?" Anon groggily turned for face his company, but in his mostly asleep state he failed to maintain his balance and fell on his side. "Ow."

Angie: Slow...Down. You...need to rest...

"Im hont hah muh ah a foice..." Anon muttered into the ground.

Alicia: Anon....are you...okay? What...caused you to...faint?

Anon muttered some more incoherent words into the soil and began to pick himself up. "I felt...some horrid disturbance..."

Alicia: "What was it...that you felt?"

"I'm...not quite sure..." Anon sat himself up and put a hand to his head, "at first I felt lightheaded and like...there was something disgusting going on...then I felt like there was some kind of...danger approaching, I know that sounds vague, but...then I felt the same thing again, only much stronger...I just sorta...gave out. I-I'm sorry guys, I left you to fight Yahn alone...damnit, I missed fighting a manakete!"

Alicia tried to reassure Anon he didn't miss out on much, "Anon....that fight...was tough...." Alicia felt another wave of exhaustion come over her from using Forblaze twice without the tome. "Being able to feel...something like what you just described...has to feel so awful..."

"Heh, it's usually more handy than anything," Anon joked, "just, uh...some extreme. Oh dang it! If I was right, then the others might be in trouble!"

Alicia: "You have...friends...or family that are in danger?"

"Both probably!" Anon exclaimed, quickly leaping up. "Gr," he exclaimed, gripping his side as soon as one foot hit the ground, though that time he managed to hold onto his balance.

Alicia became concerned when Anon stumbled, "Are you....alright to be moving? Shouldn't you...rest?"

"No time for resting! Who knows what could be happening back at home!" Anon threw a hand in the direction of the sea, barely visible in the horizon, "my family," Anon realized that this was rather selfish of him to say and restarted, more controlled. "Our families could be in serious danger!"

Alicia: "And you intend to....help them...right?"

"What else can someone do?"

Alicia's eyes began welling up with tears, "I...understand...what you must do...it saddens me...to see you leave....but it's for a worthy cause..."

"...hey, look, my pigeon! Maybe it'll have a letter from my brother!" Anon rushed over to the bird, "oh feeling be wrong, let them be okay!"

Alicia watched Anon open the letter the bird carried with it, "Is it...good news Anon?"

Anon scanned the letter intently, not even nodding at Alicia. As he read, his shoulders slumped and he sighed. After finishing, he folded the letter in half and put it in his pocket. "My sister is sick...and my brother tore up his arm in some foliage..."

Alicia: "How terrible... Did you...faint from feeling what your siblings suffered then?

"It must be...he says everyone misses me...maybe I feel guilty about leaving them alone."

Alicia: "If you decide to go aid your siblings....I won't stop you. I...don't have any family left...besides Ace...and Poly... I will...support your choice, Anon."

"..." Anon remained quiet and walked over to his Swordslayer, grabbing it by the hadle and lifting it up. Still recovering, the otherwise routine motion caused him to stumble around for a short time. "Thanks Alicia," he headed seawards, "tell everyone I said farewell. Hey, maybe after you all finish fooling around and saving the world you can all come by and tell me. I'll have my grandmother prepare a feast!"

Alicia smiled despite the tears she was shedding as she watched Anon depart, "You're welcome and take care. We...we will meet again after this war. Ace and I will tell you...all about it over a delicious feast prepared by your grandmother. I'll be sure to inform everyone...you said farewell."

Angie: ......If that is what you want. If my family was endanger, I would help them. Good luck.

"You guys can keep it, I don't care for luck."

(And here is the completed Yahn paralogue^^)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: "I've cried pretty hard and screamed loudly myself...before I slid into blind rages." *bandaging Klotho's shoulders* "All that sobbing does make your head and throat hurt afterwards.... There, all better now."

"Thank you."

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​"…Hey, Chaos? How do you… deal with your… uh… I guess instincts?"

Ace had to sleep on this one. How did she deal with her instincts? The desire to kill when in Chaos Mode. Ace finally woke up that morning with the answer in her head, "I usually go with my instincts, unless they happen to be wrong. But usually, my instincts are rarely wrong."

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"What the hell are you knitting, Kat?"

​"Um…" *coughs and blushes, horribly embarrassed* "W-well, eventually, I'll knit some things for the baby, but for now, I'm practicing on mittens. …Very mangled… mittens…"

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