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"Yuffie's doing all he can with Samson resting and Angie sulking. Poly's been horribly uncooperative. Poor Yuffie."

Alicia: "I'm sorry to hear Poly's been uncooperative. Perhaps if I stay with him, he'll cooperate a little more."

Ace grinned at Silvia, "I tend to fret over stuff anyways. Man, I really bawled my eyes out yesterday, my eyes still feel red from sobbing."

Alicia also smiled at Silvia, "Every person has areas they can improve on. Life is a continous learning process, it's how people learn. We make mistakes and thus learn from them."

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Silvia lifted her head again, fully prepared to give Dusk a verbal what-for for being so damned forgiving, but he was right there. So close, that if she moved an inch in the wrong direction she could kiss him, without even trying. "And you... believe that?" she whispered as he began to walk back towards Kat's bed. She breathed again, running her fingers through her hair and suddenly missing the two ribbons she usually had in her hair. Fortunately she had more. She moved her hands again, intertwining them and circling her thumbs around each other. "It's extremely confusing... The faith you have... seems almost blind and yet... Oh c'mon, Dusk, I don't. You're KIND of amazing, you," she said, untangling her hand to wave a finger teasingly at him.

She let herself fall into Kat's arms, gently tracing a finger along her arm as Kat spoke. "Phoibus... I really need to thank him, I suppose. Figure out what the hell these runes are... but I need to thank him. This is... the third time?" she said with a pause, counting. "If... if he comes by, send him to me, will you?" she asked, listening to her tell of her own mistakes, on how to fix hers and that she was... there for her, no matter how.

"C-Couldn't have asked for a better sister myself, Kat..." she said, taking Kat's hand in her own. She glanced up at Ace and Alicia, smiling at the both of them.

"I tend to worry you too much, don't I? Remind me to get better at that."

"Uhhhh, should I leave?"

​"Ah, Yuffie! Sorry for worrying you so much last night with the walking around!"

​"…No, I still don't trust you. But…" *takes a breath* "I can… try to… forgive you. At least."

"I'm sister to Phoibus. Trust me when I say I'm used to it. I can decipher the runes if you want it now, or if you'd rather wait for him to explain. I'll definitely send him to you. I think he stole one of your ribbons last night to bind a wound."

"I suppose I could... but it'll cost you. Would it be considered unprofessional to enforce bedrest as a punishment? I can have people come here to you, Kat. They're not going to deny a pregnant woman, and the guy who has the tea!"

Alicia: "I'm sorry to hear Poly's been uncooperative. Perhaps if I stay with him, he'll cooperate a little more."

Ace grinned at Silvia, "I tend to fret over stuff anyways. Man, I really bawled my eyes out yesterday, my eyes still feel red from sobbing."

Alicia also smiled at Silvia, "Every person has areas they can improve on. Life is a continous learning process, it's how people learn. We make mistakes and thus learn from them."

"If you could get him to cooperate, that would be fantastic. He gets very fidgety when he's bored, and it doesn't really help anyone when when he does so."

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​"Ah, Yuffie! Sorry for worrying you so much last night with the walking around!"

​"…No, I still don't trust you. But…" *takes a breath* "I can… try to… forgive you. At least."

"I'm sister to Phoibus. Trust me when I say I'm used to it. I can decipher the runes if you want it now, or if you'd rather wait for him to explain. I'll definitely send him to you. I think he stole one of your ribbons last night to bind a wound."

"I... he put them on. I'd rather hear it from him." She decided, folding her arms and slowly pulling herself away. "So he has my... huh. That explains it. Well, if we truly are going to Valm, I'd better get myself ready..." she replied, heading out the door, but not before she stopped, briefly reaching out to run her fingers through Ace's hair and kiss the top of her head before she headed to her room.

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"Uhhhh, should I leave?"

"I suppose I could... but it'll cost you. Would it be considered unprofessional to enforce bedrest as a punishment? I can have people come here to you, Kat. They're not going to deny a pregnant woman, and the guy who has the tea!"

​"I know… I just felt I needed to try, in case I had to run to that horse you promised me."

"I... he put them on. I'd rather hear it from him." She decided, folding her arms and slowly pulling herself away. "So he has my... huh. That explains it. Well, if we truly are going to Valm, I'd better get myself ready..." she replied, heading out the door, but not before she stopped, briefly reaching out to run her fingers through Ace's hair and kiss the top of her head before she headed to her room.

"Either she's picking up my habits, or she's trying to tell you something, Ace."

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"...About her feelings...What about MY feelings?! What about the fact that he was the one that killed my parents right in front of my eyes?! What about the fact that Phoibus, accusing Silvia of being Grima and wanting to kill thousands, has done far worse in the name of far less! But you don't care...you don't care at all! It's always Dan's fault!" Dan's darkened face had returned.

"Is that so? Look, your hatred against him is justified, but the guy's invincible. You literally achieve nothing from pounding him all day and night. Yes, his eye might say otherwise, but I'm sure you know that'll come back good as new... Your little statement about him killing more for less isn't far off though. I mean, the guy's been alive for how long? It's his job to kill; he's Doma's warrior" Noticing Dan's darkened face, he could only scoff at him. "Your expression means nothing to me"

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"I... he put them on. I'd rather hear it from him." She decided, folding her arms and slowly pulling herself away. "So he has my... huh. That explains it. Well, if we truly are going to Valm, I'd better get myself ready..." she replied, heading out the door, but not before she stopped, briefly reaching out to run her fingers through Ace's hair and kiss the top of her head before she headed to her room.

"Valm. I can finally see light in person again.."
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"Is that so? Look, your hatred against him is justified, but the guy's invincible. You literally achieve nothing from pounding him all day and night. Yes, his eye might say otherwise, but I'm sure you know that'll come back good as new... Your little statement about him killing more for less isn't far off though. I mean, the guy's been alive for how long? It's his job to kill; he's Doma's warrior" Noticing Dan's darkened face, he could only scoff at him. "Your expression means nothing to me"

"And how many innocents do you think he's killed, hm? How is he any worse than what he claimed Silvia to be?! Now, if that's all you wanted to talk to me about, then I think I'm going to go back to everyone. Maybe they won't ruin my mood." Dan walked back to the group.

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"And how many innocents do you think he's killed, hm? How is he any worse than what he claimed Silvia to be?! Now, if that's all you wanted to talk to me about, then I think I'm going to go back to everyone. Maybe they won't ruin my mood." Dan walked back to the group.

"Ha, no" Grabbing Dan by the collar, he pulled him back into the room. "Nobody is worse than Grima, Dan. And ruining your mood?" Dusk smirks at him. "I can get a kick or two from that"

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"Uhhhh, should I leave?"

"I suppose I could... but it'll cost you. Would it be considered unprofessional to enforce bedrest as a punishment? I can have people come here to you, Kat. They're not going to deny a pregnant woman, and the guy who has the tea!"

"If you could get him to cooperate, that would be fantastic. He gets very fidgety when he's bored, and it doesn't really help anyone when when he does so."

Alicia smiled, "I'll be ensure to be present when you treat him, Yuffie. I'll make sure he cooperates next time."

"I... he put them on. I'd rather hear it from him." She decided, folding her arms and slowly pulling herself away. "So he has my... huh. That explains it. Well, if we truly are going to Valm, I'd better get myself ready..." she replied, heading out the door, but not before she stopped, briefly reaching out to run her fingers through Ace's hair and kiss the top of her head before she headed to her room.

Ace: "Oooh, I think I get understand. I did sob pretty hard, because I thought I lost a friend.I'm pretty stubborn about losing people close to me. Well, I'll go get my stuff and yours sis."

Alicia: "Ah, Ace. I'll go with you."

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Alicia smiled, "I'll be ensure to be present when you treat him, Yuffie. I'll make sure he cooperates next time."

"Withhold sex from him. That'll get him to do just about anything, I bet." *still cross with Poly*

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​"I know… I just felt I needed to try, in case I had to run to that horse you promised me."

"Either she's picking up my habits, or she's trying to tell you something, Ace."

"You can always practice with supervision! What if you had fallen over? What if you fell down the stairs? What if we were attacked, and we went searching for you, and couldn't find you!"

*wakes up from his nap* "Muh. What?"

"Good morning Poly!"

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"Ha, no" Grabbing Dan by the collar, he pulled him back into the room. "Nobody is worse than Grima, Dan. And ruining your mood?" Dusk smirks at him. "I can get a kick or two from that"

"...tOUcH mE aGaIN..." Dan gave him a look, his eyes glowing in the light. It was apparent that his eyes were no longer the blue-green he had once had, but now a deep navy. "I dARE YoU..."

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"You can always practice with supervision! What if you had fallen over? What if you fell down the stairs? What if we were attacked, and we went searching for you, and couldn't find you!"

​"…I know. I'm sorry…"

"...tOUcH mE aGaIN..." Dan gave him a look, his eyes glowing in the light. It was apparent that his eyes were no longer the blue-green he had once had, but now a deep navy. "I dARE YoU..."

(I am so looking forward to that demon leaving Dan)

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"...tOUcH mE aGaIN..." Dan gave him a look, his eyes glowing in the light. It was apparent that his eyes were no longer the blue-green he had once had, but now a deep navy. "I dARE YoU..."

"Aww, am I agitating the little child?" Not fazed in the slightest, he prodded Dan's nose. "Well, would you look at that..."

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"Afternoon. And why are you so cheerful?"

"Because I had tea with three sugars. Wahahahaha! That, and Alicia has promised to stay here with you, so you can stop grumbling about Dusk and Kat caboodling, and treating your leg should be easier for everyone involved."

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(Do I gotta bring Cass in?)


"Because I had tea with three sugars. Wahahahaha! That, and Alicia has promised to stay here with you, so you can stop grumbling about Dusk and Kat caboodling, and treating your leg should be easier for everyone involved."

"We're being careful."

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"Aww, am I agitating the little child?" Not fazed in the slightest, he prodded Dan's nose. "Well, would you look at that..."

Dan punched Dusk hard in the face, making him fall over. "I don't appreciate someone who makes me angry on purpose. I find those types of people despicable. Now, do you want me to hit you again, or can I go back to having a nice conversation with some of the more enjoyable people in this army."

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Dan punched Dusk hard in the face, making him fall over. "I don't appreciate someone who makes me angry on purpose. I find those types of people despicable. Now, do you want me to hit you again, or can I go back to having a nice conversation with some of the more enjoyable people in this army."

"Hitting people's not going to help your case, I think."

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