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*Isabelle starts practicing her dancing while putting scarecrows by her to overcome her shyness, but to no avail as she falls flat on her butt after seeing them during a twirl in her room.*

Isabelle: Ouuuu. >.<

Maybe a relationship will get me to be more of a sexist, but...I am a witch from Valetina that got sent to Ylisse to be raised after our kingdom got attacked when I was very young. If I date anyone now, I will endanger those around me with my powers and social status. *Scrapes her very long clear nail polished nail on her scepter then...*Flashback*

*It plays this track all throughout the flashback. As this gives a hint as to what us witches really are...*

Isabelle: *crying*

Mother: Take the children to safety.

Isabelle: Yes, mother. *sniff*

Mother: I am known as the hex born from someone that is long since forgotten from an ancestor of Judah.

Isabelle: Yeah. *sniff* You resemble someone that I have read from the history books of Valentina.

Mother: Us witches are at war here with Valm that was formely Valmese.

Isabelle: *crying*

Mother: Don't worry, dear. Shhhh.

Isabelle: *sniff* I hate all Valmesians. What did we do to harm them?

Mother: Dear, we only had you, because we survived the onslaught as a raid of confusion saved us from execution in Valm as we were to be burned at the stake during that time as all witches are from Zofia. We must press on and hide in another location, if possible.


Isabelle: Yes, mother.

Xeon: Quick. We must get shelter. Hide in here, Sonja, Isabelle.

Isabelle: Yes, dad.

Xeon looks like Deen except with pink hair with no eyepatch.

Sonja: Yes.

*Flashback ends*

Isabelle(Thinking): Originally, I'm a redhead, but had to hide eternally with brown hair dye, ...or else I could get burned at a stake and will be found out as a witch. As most Zofians have red hair wearing black leather and are witches.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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After many countless minutes in one of the bathroom stalls, he had finally taken out all of the glittering beads in his hair and de-braided it as well. How the hell did people do this? It was so bloody confusing. Shaking his head a bit, the now-free hair flopped around effortlessly, dancing in the air. They were leaving soon, and to fit the mood, he ripped a square out of one of the spare bed sheets. Making a bandanna out of it, he poorly drew a vinyl on it that literally made no sense. A skull and crossbones? What was doing through his mind? The lad wasn't a pirate. Looking into the bluey-green ocean, he patiently waited for the other Dreamers to set sail

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"Dusk, ol' buddy!" Nathaniel approached Dusk, carrying several tomes. He stepped onto the ship and placed the books on the deck so he could rest. "...I promised myself that I'd confess to Glaedyr at some point in Valm... It's getting kind of close, huh?" Nathaniel laughed and struggled with the books again."
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*having been settled into one of the lower rooms and is attempting to knit again, now that Poly isn't there to make snarky comments on her efforts*

"Do you want me to get you something to eat, Sister?" *finishing the last touches of Kat's unpacking for her*

​"Just some soup. I'm… feeling a bit nauseous."

"Okay." *skips off*

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Ace:*entering* "Hi Dusk, today feels like the day we finally set sail to Valm. Now where's Sis?"

"Dusk, ol' buddy!" Nathaniel approached Dusk, carrying several tomes. He stepped onto the ship and placed the books on the deck so he could rest. "...I promised myself that I'd confess to Glaedyr at some point in Valm... It's getting kind of close, huh?" Nathaniel laughed and struggled with the books again."

"I should hope so, Ace, I've even taken the time to look the part. I last saw your sister in the infirmary with the Khan... Err... Hopefully not getting up to funny business" Hearing Nathaniel's voice in the distance, he turned to face him. "Maybe, Natty boy. Want any help with those books?"

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"Sister is settled in the boat!" *cheerful as she passes by with some soup* "Um… can someone taste test this for me?"

Edited by Kat
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"Uh, sure... I have like ten of them..." He dropped several on the floor.

"Well, they aren't moving anywhere like that, and I KINDA have a bad back, so..." Smirking , he put his hand on his hip

"Sister is settled in the boat!" *cheerful as she passes by with some soup* "Um… can someone taste test this for me?"

"Hey, Klotho. Yeah sure"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Alicia:*entering* "Hello, Kat. Ace and I moved Poly to a different room on the ship last night. He shouldn't be around to bother you without walking a bit of a distance. Ace should be onboard already."

Meanwhile, down in the cargo hold the unserm figure from last night leaned back and grinned. He had made it in time.

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Alicia:*entering* "Hello, Kat. Ace and I moved Poly to a different room on the ship last night. He shouldn't be around to bother you without walking a bit of a distance. Ace should be onboard already."

"Good. I like the man, but one more minute of dealing with him, and he'd have third degree burns."

"Hey, Klotho. Yeah sure"

"Here, Brother?" *hands over the soup nervously*

Edited by Kat
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"I should hope so, Ace, I've even taken the time to look the part. I last saw your sister in the infirmary with the Khan... Err... Hopefully not getting up to funny business" Hearing Nathaniel's voice in the distance, he turned to face him. "Maybe, Natty boy. Want any help with those books?"

Ace laughed, "Nah, that's where I was at this morning helping Sis carry Poly to a room on the opposite side of the ship."

"Good. I like the man, but one more minute of dealing with him, and he'd have third degree burns."

Alicia: "Not to worry, Kat. Ace and I chose a room for him on the other side of the ship."
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Alicia: "Not to worry, Kat. Ace and I chose a room for him on the other side of the ship."

​"Good." *flipping through her book* "…Okay, so I need to do… okay… oh, I'm sorry, Alicia, did you need something? Before I bury myself into my own… work?"

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"Well, they aren't moving anywhere like that, and I KINDA have a bad back, so..." Smirking , he put his hand on his hip

"...That wasn't nice." Nathaniel snickered, picked up the books and took them to his room on the ship.

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"Yes, of course. Sorry" He tries a spoonful. "Mmm... This is fantastic, Klotho! And no, I'm not just saying that"

"Oh, good!" *smiles* "I'll drop this off with sister, and then go look for Leader. He's hiding again."

(This is sorta setting up a skit)

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"Oh, good!" *smiles* "I'll drop this off with sister, and then go look for Leader. He's hiding again."

"Leader's hiding?.. Oh, that seclusion thing he does. Right... Bye, Klotho"

I can support with Phoiby and I believe Klotho, by the way

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"Leader's hiding?.. Oh, that seclusion thing he does. Right... Bye, Klotho"

I can support with Phoiby and I believe Klotho, by the way

(Just PM me if you're able?)

"Off I go!" *laughs and dashes off*

(I can do supports if anyone's bored)

(I've been TRYING to do two supports with you for a while!)

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"Heeeeeello again~!" Nathaniel approached Dusk. "I expect we'll set off when Sorin appears, right?"

"I believe so, yes" He smirked. "... Although knowing him, he'll take years before he shows his face again"

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