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"Then you REALLY need a bath."

"Well then drag me to the bath instead of the infirmary. It's kind of hard to bathe when you can barely move."

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"Well then drag me to the bath instead of the infirmary. It's kind of hard to bathe when you can barely move."

"No way. There might be a special soap you need. It's to the infirmary. Hysterical Sage should know exactly what to do."

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​"Good." *flipping through her book* "…Okay, so I need to do… okay… oh, I'm sorry, Alicia, did you need something? Before I bury myself into my own… work?"

*staggering through the ship* "Muh... this leg wound sucks dick..."

Alicia finally caught up to Klotho, "Wait, Klotho. I wish to help."
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"Well, where have you kept your previous projects? Least I can do is inspect them"

​"…" *points to a small chest by the bed*

"But he's eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil."


Alicia finally caught up to Klotho, "Wait, Klotho. I wish to help."

"No, he's being bad. You just kiss him."

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​"…" *points to a small chest by the bed*

"Right" Opening the chest, he looks inside and... 'Oh my' was the first thing that came into his mind. He took out a pair of socks. "Well... You ARE definitely improving" [... I think I'd get a blister from even wearing these if they fitted me... Oh my]

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"I will kick you if you insult him again. He's healing you from the kindness of his heart. The least you can do, KHAN, is show him some respect."

"Right" Opening the chest, he looks inside and... 'Oh my' was the first thing that came into his mind. He took out a pair of socks. "Well... You ARE definitely improving" [... I think I'd get a blister from even wearing these if they fitted me... Oh my]

"That's some pretty faint praise. You don't have to lie to make me feel better, Dusk."

Edited by Kat
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Alicia: "Ace said she had some first aid supplies... Oh sweet Ashunera Poly, we need to get that wound cleaned.*runs fingers playfully through hair*"

Ace:*entering* "Just couldn't wait, huh? Sis keep him busy."

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Alicia: "Ace said she had some first aid supplies... Oh sweet Ashunera Poly, we need to get that wound cleaned.*runs fingers playfully through hair*"

Ace:*entering* "Just couldn't wait, huh? Sis keep him busy."

"See, you're rewarding for being bad."

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"That's some pretty faint praise. You don't have to lie to make me feel better, Dusk."

"Because being awfully blunt makes people feel better, doesn't it?.. Knitting is an art, and it takes time. You'll get the hang of it eventually"

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"Because being awfully blunt makes people feel better, doesn't it?.. Knitting is an art, and it takes time. You'll get the hang of it eventually"


"Or she loves me. Y'know, because that's an option."

"Sometimes, you have to punish in order to curb bad behavior. That's what Sister says, at least."

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Her silence felt like daggers in his heart. Was he doing or saying the wrong things? Seeing no other alternative, he pulled out more candy from his pocket and tossed it to her. "I've been stockpiling these up as of late. I know how much you love them. You've worked hard knitting today, I think you need to take a small break and treat yourself"

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Her silence felt like daggers in his heart. Was he doing or saying the wrong things? Seeing no other alternative, he pulled out more candy from his pocket and tossed it to her. "I've been stockpiling these up as of late. I know how much you love them. You've worked hard knitting today, I think you need to take a small break and treat yourself"

​"…You can't be stockpiling them. Someone had to have given you a lot. They stopped making them over 2000 years ago."

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"See, you're rewarding for being bad."

Ace: "Nah, Sis just seems to have a thing for his hair. Okay Sis, distract him for me will you?"

Alicia: "Of course, Ace." *Kisses Poly*

Ace: "Okaaaay, this may sting a bit." *Begins cleaning Poly's wound*

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​"They did?.. Does candy preserve for that long?"

​"…No, Phoibus made them."

Ace: "Nah, Sis just seems to have a thing for his hair. Okay Sis, distract him for me will you?"

Alicia: "Of course, Ace." *Kisses Poly*

Ace: "Okaaaay, this may sting a bit." *Begins cleaning Poly's wound*


"S-sorry I'm late!" Nathaniel ran into the door and fell through it, but it opened. "More knitting...?" He looked at the knitting curiously. "You're definitely improving."


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​"…No, Phoibus made them."



Ace: "This is to buy time for Yuffie to get here. I did leave a note for him to meet us on here. Besides, I can't ignore a friend in need, though I will have to lecture him afterwards."
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