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"You know, once you get down to it, the guy can be a right sweetheart. I think I need test my might against him or something one day"

"You'd either win without trying or lose without trying, depending on if he can get traps set up. He's hopeless otherwise. I was always the fighter of us."

Ace: "This is to buy time for Yuffie to get here. I did leave a note for him to meet us on here. Besides, I can't ignore a friend in need, though I will have to lecture him afterwards."

"Lecture him a LOT. This is just stupid."

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"You'd either win without trying or lose without trying, depending on if he can get traps set up. He's hopeless otherwise. I was always the fighter of us."

"Yet he's... Actually, never mind... Yeah, I wouldn't mind going up against him without any tomfoolery getting in the way... But I wouldn't go crazy against him... Hell, I might even like the guy"

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"You'd either win without trying or lose without trying, depending on if he can get traps set up. He's hopeless otherwise. I was always the fighter of us." "Lecture him a LOT. This is just stupid."

Ace: "Oh, don't worry I intend to. Any longer and this wound would have gotten a lot worse. Not very smart. Almost done here, now where's Yuffie?"
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"Probably cackling like a mad fool because he found more toadstools for his evil hexes or something." *sticks his tongue out* "You know I'm joking, of course. I'm not sure... maybe we should see if his staves would work this time."

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"W-well, if you don't like that knitting, then you've got to keep trying, right? Anyway, I have need you to all sign here..." He pulled out his notebook. "This is to give your permission to appear in my auto-biography; the chronicle of this war..."
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"Yet he's... Actually, never mind... Yeah, I wouldn't mind going up against him without any tomfoolery getting in the way... But I wouldn't go crazy against him... Hell, I might even like the guy"

"It doesn't take much to kill a person. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile and kind word. That's what Phoibus specializes in. Getting people to kill themselves." *shrugs* "Good luck, then. He doesn't spar much because his instincts are 'trap, trap, trap' and 'mock, mock, mock' and 'whoops, you just killed yourself, hahaha'."

Ace: "Oh, don't worry I intend to. Any longer and this wound would have gotten a lot worse. Not very smart. Almost done here, now where's Yuffie?"

"Grumbling in the infirmary about stupid Khans."

"Probably cackling like a mad fool because he found more toadstools for his evil hexes or something." *sticks his tongue out* "You know I'm joking, of course. I'm not sure... maybe we should see if his staves would work this time."

*kicks Poly in his non-wounded leg* "It's not funny. He's really stressed."

"W-well, if you don't like that knitting, then you've got to keep trying, right? Anyway, I have need you to all sign here..." He pulled out his notebook. "This is to give your permission to appear in my auto-biography; the chronicle of this war..."

​"And… I would do this because…?"

Edited by Kat
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"W-well, if you don't like that knitting, then you've got to keep trying, right? Anyway, I have need you to all sign here..." He pulled out his notebook. "This is to give your permission to appear in my auto-biography; the chronicle of this war..."

Raising an eyebrow, he reluctantly gets up and signs the notebook. "It won't hurt, I guess"

"It doesn't take much to kill a person. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile and kind word. That's what Phoibus specializes in. Getting people to kill themselves." *shrugs* "Good luck, then. He doesn't spar much because his instincts are 'trap, trap, trap' and 'mock, mock, mock' and 'whoops, you just killed yourself, hahaha'."

"Yeah, but he wouldn't kill me, so... Guess I win already"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"Probably cackling like a mad fool because he found more toadstools for his evil hexes or something." *sticks his tongue out* "You know I'm joking, of course. I'm not sure... maybe we should see if his staves would work this time."

Ace: "Next time, try not to move with a wound like that. I only know how to keep wounds from getting worse until a healer can look at it. If you waited any longer then that leg would have passed the point of no return...which would mean I'd have to---"

Alicia: *fingers in Poly's hair* "Ace, you don't mean..."

Ace: "Yeah...bye bye limb, nice knowing you."

Alicia:*to Klotho* "Is Yuffie still in the infirmary back at the inn, Klotho?"

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"Ms.Kat, this book of mine will be highly inaccurate if you're not in it."

"I don't even know what 'book' you're talking about."

Ace: "Next time, try not to move with a wound like that. I only know how to keep wounds from getting worse until a healer can look at it. If you waited any longer then that leg would have passed the point of no return...which would mean I'd have to---"

Alicia: *fingers in Poly's hair* "Ace, you don't mean..."

Ace: "Yeah...bye bye limb, nice knowing you."

Alicia:*to Klotho* "Is Yuffie still in the infirmary back at the inn, Klotho?"

"No, he's setting up here, muttering something about ungrateful people."

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"Hey, if I amputate my leg, then can Dan build me a replacement like he did with his arm or whatever?"

​"…I thought someone told me that Pyro made that. You know, the mad scientist?"

"...Third time I'm telling you this...!" He whispered. Nathaniel took a deep breath. "It's a chronicle of this war so far."

"And you need the permission of the immortal who's not supposed to appear in history books."

Edited by Kat
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"Huh. I thought Dan did it. Ah well, someone can build me a mechanical leg so I can go around kicking people's heads off WITH SCIENCE!"

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"I don't even know what 'book' you're talking about."

"No, he's setting up here, muttering something about ungrateful people."

Alicia: "Oh, that's good. Ace and I can escort Poly there."

"Hey, if I amputate my leg, then can Dan build me a replacement like he did with his arm or whatever?"

Ace:*flatly* "I'd rather not have to deal with an amputation. Too messy and bloody, not to mention painful."

Alicia: "Ace, let's bring Poly to the infirmary here. Can you lead the way, Klotho?"

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"Huh. I thought Dan did it. Ah well, someone can build me a mechanical leg so I can go around kicking people's heads off WITH SCIENCE!"

"Yeah, and the pain of having to learn how to walk properly."

"Well, looks like this book is going to be extremely inaccurate." Nathaniel laughed lightly.

"Why are you even writing it?"

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*shrugs* "Minor details."

"It's not minor. It's painful and it hurts and you fall on your face a lot. And DON'T make light of it! I'm still having to re-learn!"

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"You're doing just fine. Don't sell yourself short."


"I'm writing it to show the people of the world not to take for granted the peace we may grant them. They might screw up by helping to revive another dark dragon or something."

"That happens anyway."

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Alicia: "Klotho?"

Ace: "I don't think she expected Poly to say something like that."

Alicia: "Poly, when I caught up to you, I was worried you were hurting even more. Please, try to take more care when you're hurt. I don't want to lose you."

Ace: "Are we close to the infirmary?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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