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Dan was waiting for everyone to get going. He had already set up a room on the boat, and was anxious to ship off. That conversation with Cassandra didn't go as planned...perhaps...she still has feelings for Klotho...

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"Damn. I was hoping I'd fool you again."

"Shut up. I'm mad at you."

Dan was waiting for everyone to get going. He had already set up a room on the boat, and was anxious to ship off. That conversation with Cassandra didn't go as planned...perhaps...she still has feelings for Klotho...

(Support to be handed to me soon?)

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"When you two are done bickering, I'd like to ask somebody a few questions. And then I'll ask myself why all my patients keep running away from me. That's disheartening too."

Yuffie has sprung his guilt trap. He hopes it works.

"Yes, Hysterical Sage?"

"It's because you yell a lot."

"You obviously need it."

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"It's because you yell a lot."

"I yell because people disobey me, or do something reckless. This would all be so much simpler if you accepted me as your overlo....oker of medical matters. And I don't think you have much room to talk, Mr. 'I'll drive away people with my shipping.' I haven't seen Glaedyr in days!"

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"If you said 'overlord', I would've hit you. ... And I haven't seen Glaedyr in even longer, so that one's not my fault."

"You drove Nathaniel away too. And Dan."

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"I did nothing to Dan. Hell, his unshippability almost drove ME off. And... well, okay, I could give you Natty, except he's still here."

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"You even think about touching my clothes like that and you'll be getting an oceanic funeral. I can bathe myself still... my arms work just fine."

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"Plausible deniability. Anyway, you're coming with me. Also you need a bath. There are two ways to do this. Th first option being - me giving you a sponge bath." Yuffie shudders at the thought.

"I volunteer to help."

"You even think about touching my clothes like that and you'll be getting an oceanic funeral. I can bathe myself still... my arms work just fine."

"Except you obviously haven't."

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"You even think about touching my clothes like that and you'll be getting an oceanic funeral. I can bathe myself still... my arms work just fine."

"Fortunately, there is a second option!"

Alicia spoke up, "Then...what's option two, Yuffie?"

Ace: "You give Poly a bath, Sis. That's a no brainer!"

"And we have a winner! But, if this is to happen, I want there to be no fraternising in the bath. Other people use that."

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