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Ace: "Me helping sis....really awkward. Though I could listen outside the door..."

"No, I meant you do it and Alicia goes to do something else. Like, I don't know, prepping the bed or something."

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Silvia made as well lived in Kat's room, for all the times she ended up in there. She plopped herself down on the edge of her bed, glancing over at her before sighing.

"Crying is extremely annoying Kat. Seriously. Why is it a thing." She muttered, haphazardly playing with two strands on her hair. "I need to find my ribbons to, while I'm at it."

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Silvia made as well lived in Kat's room, for all the times she ended up in there. She plopped herself down on the edge of her bed, glancing over at her before sighing.

"Crying is extremely annoying Kat. Seriously. Why is it a thing." She muttered, haphazardly playing with two strands on her hair. "I need to find my ribbons to, while I'm at it."

"Yup, just ignore the guy sitting next to you... How casual" Tapping his foot on the wooden boards, he almost went into a rhythm

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Silvia made as well lived in Kat's room, for all the times she ended up in there. She plopped herself down on the edge of her bed, glancing over at her before sighing.

"Crying is extremely annoying Kat. Seriously. Why is it a thing." She muttered, haphazardly playing with two strands on her hair. "I need to find my ribbons to, while I'm at it."

"Because it's a way of relieving stress and letting you know there is a problem?" *smiles at her* "Oh, when I had Klotho organizing the convoy for me, I found these." *holds up a stack of tomes* "These are tomes specific to Tellius. You should try them? Oh and…" *brings out some papers* "I also recopied your notes for you, fixing that clerical error and removing the Grima runes. This is incredibly fascinating, by the way. I've never seen it, but it looks amazing. Do be careful, of course, of the wounds you'll obtain. Lifetaker might become less effective at healing wounds it causes?" *smiles at her* "Regardless, this theory is brilliant."

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"I doubt that Ace is interested in cleaning her brother-in-law. I'll just clean the baths vigorously after they finish!"

Ace: "You got it right, Yuffie. I am not going there, that is Alicia's area of expertise. She's his fiance after all. I'll clean the baths though should anything....go down in there."
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Ace: "You got it right, Yuffie. I am not going there, that is Alicia's area of expertise. She's his fiance after all. I'll clean the baths though should anything....go down in there."

"Maybe take a bath apiece? I am the one who forced him to take it, after all."

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Silvia made as well lived in Kat's room, for all the times she ended up in there. She plopped herself down on the edge of her bed, glancing over at her before sighing.

"Crying is extremely annoying Kat. Seriously. Why is it a thing." She muttered, haphazardly playing with two strands on her hair. "I need to find my ribbons to, while I'm at it."

''Hey, Silvia! I was looking for you! ...You don't look to good...''

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"Yup, just ignore the guy sitting next to you... How casual" Tapping his foot on the wooden boards, he almost went into a rhythm

"Because it's a way of relieving stress and letting you know there is a problem?" *smiles at her* "Oh, when I had Klotho organizing the convoy for me, I found these." *holds up a stack of tomes* "These are tomes specific to Tellius. You should try them? Oh and…" *brings out some papers* "I also recopied your notes for you, fixing that clerical error and removing the Grima runes. This is incredibly fascinating, by the way. I've never seen it, but it looks amazing. Do be careful, of course, of the wounds you'll obtain. Lifetaker might become less effective at healing wounds it causes?" *smiles at her* "Regardless, this theory is brilliant."

''Hey, Silvia! I was looking for you! ...You don't look to good...''

Silvia shot a look over at Dusk before leaning over to ruffle his hair. "I actually DIDN'T see you." She sighed, turning back to Kat and listening to her explanation and glancing down at the Tellius tomes that Kat handed to her. "... Henry would die. Absolutely die, if he saw these." She held up the Fenrir tome first, flicking it open with her thumb and reading over the first few pages. "Well, it's really the only way I can even use the tomes... I - I tried not to tell you that since I'd be harming myself and you... naturally... didn't want that. Maybe I should have mentioned it..." she muttered, quickly looking up to mouth a thank you before turning over to Dan.

"... I do? Um. Thanks for warning me... I - I feel fine though."

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Silvia shot a look over at Dusk before leaning over to ruffle his hair. "I actually DIDN'T see you." She sighed, turning back to Kat and listening to her explanation and glancing down at the Tellius tomes that Kat handed to her. "... Henry would die. Absolutely die, if he saw these." She held up the Fenrir tome first, flicking it open with her thumb and reading over the first few pages. "Well, it's really the only way I can even use the tomes... I - I tried not to tell you that since I'd be harming myself and you... naturally... didn't want that. Maybe I should have mentioned it..." she muttered, quickly looking up to mouth a thank you before turning over to Dan.

"... I do? Um. Thanks for warning me... I - I feel fine though."

"I don't want it, no. But the theory is sound, as is the reasoning behind it. I can't exactly speak about causing injuries for magic. That's the basic concept behind both Black AND White Magic. What I don't want is indiscriminate. You not sleeping is indiscriminate. You carefully constructing a method to use dark magic isn't, so long as you don't push yourself too far." *grins* "And if you like them, they're yours. There are many in the convoy, after all. You are looking a tinsy bit pale though. Anticipation for the nausea ship?"

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"Why is it awkward? They've had sex before."

Ace: "Good question. I think it's because it's this is a new experience for Alicia. She probably feels the way I did when I accidentally walked in on Chrom."

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Ace: "Good question. I think it's because it's this is a new experience for Alicia. She probably feels the way I did when I accidentally walked in on Chrom."


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