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​"That's not… I want you to have a better life than Phoibus… that's why I…" *trails off as he leaves* "Why can't I… get you to understand, Dan…?" *quietly crying* "You deserve better than what he got. So much better."

Dan was about to close the door when he heard Kat say that. "...Yes...I did deserve better..." Dan looked back with a menacing look. "I wonder who robbed me off that?" He closed the door, went to his room, and sat on his bed. He put his hands upon his face. "...Everything in this world...is shit."

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He barely registered what Cassandra just stated. "Wait... What?" He turned to her, then Klotho... Then back at her. [What? Is Cassandra tugging Klotho on strings here?]

​"Dusk… do you mind helping me walk?" *still crying quietly*

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Ace went and took a seat next to Cassandra, "I remember when he wasn't like this... What happened to the Dan I first knew?"

​"Decided to level up in jerkass?"

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​"Dusk… do you mind helping me walk?" *still crying quietly*

"Uh, yeah, su-" He turned around and saw a tear fall down her cheek. "Oh, Kat..." Putting his arm around her back and her arm around his shoulder, he escorted Kat back to the room

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"Silvia, I wanted to help you with that Fenrir spell. It can be temperamental at times. If you're not careful, you'll infect random people with a horrible illness where they cough up black blood, instead of killing your target."

(FE4 manga version of Fenrir is terrifying.)

"...Well, you love your brother so much to cry over him for an eye that he can regenerate, so I'm surprised you even cared." Dan let go of Silvia. He had become angry.

Cassandra had reached Dan, and without fear of hitting Silvia by accident, slapped Dan across the face, then retreated to the corner and slumped down into a chair nearby.

She winced, hearing the spells effects and suddenly not wanting to touch it anymore. "Yikes. You'd best do so... as soon as you lie down, because I'm with Dusk, you shouldn't be up right now."

She sighed, twisting her hair into a braid once Dan let go over her, the tension in the air building, stacking, as things sort of swirled around her. Clearly, her reclusive nature ha some downsides, but she did pick up this:

One, that Cass and Dan were apparently an item.

Two, weren't Cass and KLOTHO an item?

Three, wait weren't Phoibus and Klotho an item?


Five, Cass can slap the hell out of someone.

And six, she'd missed something with Kat and Dan. Again.

Silvia immediately ducked away from the crowd and gave chase, wincing at every creek and sway the boat gave as she moved. "Gods no," she thought, holding her arms out to stop herself so she could take a few breaths and stabilize herself before she moved again. After a few moments, she righted herself and headed towards Dan's room, knocking twice on the door. "Dan? Dan... it's Silvia."

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Ace turned to face Klotho, "It does seem that way. What I wanna know us why. Why did he become this...person?"

"I don't know. Everyone says he used to like Sister. Maybe it made him bitter or something. Or maybe he just decided he wanted attention and thought being a jerk was the way to go. Or maybe he was just always a jerk and you didn't know it. I don't know. Or care, for that matter. I still don't trust him, even if I… sorta… forgive him."

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With nothing else seeming to be under her control anymore, Cassandra simply remained in the corner and began to cry. Cry for her life, cry for Dan's sanity... all she felt that could do was cry.

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Despite being down below deck, he could hear everything that was happening. Everyone was criticizing him. Nobody cared about how HE felt. What about HIS feelings? What about HIS tears? Did no one care?! He could hear Ace talking about him in the past. Why would she care about his past self? He was WEAK! FRAIL! He could barely put up a decent fight on his own! Only SHE cared. Only SH-

She winced, hearing the spells effects and suddenly not wanting to touch it anymore. "Yikes. You'd best do so... as soon as you lie down, because I'm with Dusk, you shouldn't be up right now."

She sighed, twisting her hair into a braid once Dan let go over her, the tension in the air building, stacking, as things sort of swirled around her. Clearly, her reclusive nature ha some downsides, but she did pick up this:

One, that Cass and Dan were apparently an item.

Two, weren't Cass and KLOTHO an item?

Three, wait weren't Phoibus and Klotho an item?


Five, Cass can slap the hell out of someone.

And six, she'd missed something with Kat and Dan. Again.

Silvia immediately ducked away from the crowd and gave chase, wincing at every creek and sway the boat gave as she moved. "Gods no," she thought, holding her arms out to stop herself so she could take a few breaths and stabilize herself before she moved again. After a few moments, she righted herself and headed towards Dan's room, knocking twice on the door. "Dan? Dan... it's Silvia."

"...Come on in..."

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With nothing else seeming to be under her control anymore, Cassandra simply remained in the corner and began to cry. Cry for her life, cry for Dan's sanity... all she felt that could do was cry.

"It's okay." *hugs Crimson* 'Sister says it's okay to cry. So cry on my shoulder, Crimson. It's going to be okay."

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Despite being down below deck, he could hear everything that was happening. Everyone was criticizing him. Nobody cared about how HE felt. What about HIS feelings? What about HIS tears? Did no one care?! He could hear Ace talking about him in the past. Why would she care about his past self? He was WEAK! FRAIL! He could barely put up a decent fight on his own! Only SHE cared. Only SH-

"...Come on in..."

Silvia slipped into the room, closing the door behind her and pressing herself against it. "D-Dan I am... so... sorry, I didn't know what was going to happen and I never would have done that if I had actually known and... Gods be damned. I - I can't say it enough."

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"I don't know. Everyone says he used to like Sister. Maybe it made him bitter or something. Or maybe he just decided he wanted attention and thought being a jerk was the way to go. Or maybe he was just always a jerk and you didn't know it. I don't know. Or care, for that matter. I still don't trust him, even if I… sorta… forgive him."

Ace quietly sighed, "I am aware of Dan having feelings for Kat. But I don't think that was quite it." Ace then thought back to the day Dan pummeled Phoibus, just barely recalling the sounds of Dan's sword against Phoibus, the words he spoke while she cried over Silvia's apparent suicide. And had a thought, "I wonder if that's it.."

With nothing else seeming to be under her control anymore, Cassandra simply remained in the corner and began to cry. Cry for her life, cry for Dan's sanity... all she felt that could do was cry.

Klotho was hugging Cassandra so Ace decided to try some reassurance, "Klotho does have a point, it's okay to let out your feelings. Heck I've literally done that several times. This new Dan....I wanna punch him next time. He makes my skin crawl for some reason..."

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*standing at the docks, crutch in hand* "OY! YA BUNCH OF SLAGS! GATHER 'ROUND! THE COMMANDER'S TRYING TO GET US READY TO GO!"

​"Dusk… you need to help me up there."

"Oh, that was loud."

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Silvia slipped into the room, closing the door behind her and pressing herself against it. "D-Dan I am... so... sorry, I didn't know what was going to happen and I never would have done that if I had actually known and... Gods be damned. I - I can't say it enough."

"...It's not your fault...You don't need to apologize...I was the one who started flirting..." ...Perhaps...this one cares?

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*standing at the docks, crutch in hand* "OY! YA BUNCH OF SLAGS! GATHER 'ROUND! THE COMMANDER'S TRYING TO GET US READY TO GO!"

Ace smirked at hearing this, "Yeah! I'm itching for some action here!"

Alicia: *coming up*

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Sorin had put his violin down by this point. He wasn't brooding this time. More of planning for what is to come. 'Battle the Wyverns at sea. Then we take the port... should be simple if everyone listens to my plans. We actually have a chance at this. We can win.' "Speech time eh? ...I'll keep it short. Leave the big speeches to Dusk."

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*standing at the docks, crutch in hand* "OY! YA BUNCH OF SLAGS! GATHER 'ROUND! THE COMMANDER'S TRYING TO GET US READY TO GO!"

​"Dusk… you need to help me up there."

"That sounded like Shipping King... This is going to take too long. Enjoy the ride, love" Picking Kat up bridal style, he made his way to the docks

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"...It's not your fault...You don't need to apologize...I was the one who started flirting..." ...Perhaps...this one cares?

"Yeah, I know, but... that was still a bit... much. Even for me," Silvia mumbled, glancing up towards the ceiling as she heard Poly's voice resound throughout the air. "You don't want to go up there right now, do you?"

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"Yeah, I know, but... that was still a bit... much. Even for me," Silvia mumbled, glancing up towards the ceiling as she heard Poly's voice resound throughout the air. "You don't want to go up there right now, do you?"

*knocks on the door* "Silvia, Dan, just in case Meanie deafened you, we're meeting up on the docks. I think we're finally leaving."

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