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"Yeah, I know, but... that was still a bit... much. Even for me," Silvia mumbled, glancing up towards the ceiling as she heard Poly's voice resound throughout the air. "You don't want to go up there right now, do you?"

"No...I know when I am no appreciated...I'd rather stay down here...Are you gonna go or stay?"

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*turns to Sorin* "Oy. No need for speeches. We're fired up enough as is. Just make sure you don't get us killed."

Ace smirked again, "I couldn't have said better myself. Though I'm not about to lose anyone here."

Alicia: "Yes, I'm actually looking forward to what lies ahead."

Ace: *raises eyebrow* "Poly's words making you swoon sis?"

Alicia: "Ace, I think that's our cue to meet at the docks."

Ace: "Okay, I'm right behind you."

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"No...I know when I am no appreciated...I'd rather stay down here...Are you gonna go or stay?"

"Dan, Silvia! Did you hear me? We're leaving soon, I think!"

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*knocks on the door* "Silvia, Dan, just in case Meanie deafened you, we're meeting up on the docks. I think we're finally leaving."

"No...I know when I am no appreciated...I'd rather stay down here...Are you gonna go or stay?"

Silvia yelped at the sudden knock against her back, turning around and sighing. "Alright, coming," she said, glancing back at Dan. "How about this... we head over, see what they want, and I'm launching myself up in the air the second I can, and I'm taking you with me. Deal?"

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Silvia yelped at the sudden knock against her back, turning around and sighing. "Alright, coming," she said, glancing back at Dan. "How about this... we head over, see what they want, and I'm launching myself up in the air the second I can, and I'm taking you with me. Deal?"

"...That...sounds nice." Dan got up and follow Silvia.

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Silvia yelped at the sudden knock against her back, turning around and sighing. "Alright, coming," she said, glancing back at Dan. "How about this... we head over, see what they want, and I'm launching myself up in the air the second I can, and I'm taking you with me. Deal?"

"Silvia! Dan! You two are taking fore-"

"...That...sounds nice." Dan got up and follow Silvia.

"Oh, hello." *looks at Dan, makes a face, and sighed* "Um… by the way, that necklace was really pretty. But I don't like necklaces. I feel like they were choking me. I… uh… gave it to Crimson. Said it was from you. Anyway, I'm going ahead." *runs off*

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*turns to Sorin* "Oy. No need for speeches. We're fired up enough as is. Just make sure you don't get us killed."

"Fine then... Everyone, we are going to Valm. Stay aboard the ship at all times and enjoy yourself. We will encounter our first enemy in a few days. More than likely so that even if they can't kill us, we will be lost at sea if the boat takes to much damage. That is all. Samson, if you would." And they were off. 'Just gotta make it to Valm without throwing up right? It's ok as long as I can see land...'

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"Fine then... Everyone, we are going to Valm. Stay aboard the ship at all times and enjoy yourself. We will encounter our first enemy in a few days. More than likely so that even if they can't kill us, we will be lost at sea if the boat takes to much damage. That is all. Samson, if you would." And they were off. 'Just gotta make it to Valm without throwing up right? It's ok as long as I can see land...'

Ace: ".....First enemy within a few days...."

Alicia: "Ace, does that statement bother you?"

Ace: "No. It's fine, Alicia."

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"Fine then... Everyone, we are going to Valm. Stay aboard the ship at all times and enjoy yourself. We will encounter our first enemy in a few days. More than likely so that even if they can't kill us, we will be lost at sea if the boat takes to much damage. That is all. Samson, if you would." And they were off. 'Just gotta make it to Valm without throwing up right? It's ok as long as I can see land...'

"Well, it's about bloody time too" He looks at Kat. "Would you like to go back to our room, dear?"

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"...That...sounds nice." Dan got up and follow Silvia.

"Silvia! Dan! You two are taking fore-"

"Oh, hello." *looks at Dan, makes a face, and sighed* "Um… by the way, that necklace was really pretty. But I don't like necklaces. I feel like they were choking me. I… uh… gave it to Crimson. Said it was from you. Anyway, I'm going ahead." *runs off*

"Okay then," she said, turning around and opening the door to find Klotho there. "Sorry about that, Klo, we're coming," she replied, grabbing Dan's forearm and dragging him off out to the docks. "You'd better jump on Aurum because the second this is done, I'm taking off."

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"Okay then," she said, turning around and opening the door to find Klotho there. "Sorry about that, Klo, we're coming," she replied, grabbing Dan's forearm and dragging him off out to the docks. "You'd better jump on Aurum because the second this is done, I'm taking off."

''Yes, ma'am.'' Dan hopped aboard the Pegasus. Truth be told, animals always accepted him more than people, and this Pegasus seemed no different.

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"Well, it's about bloody time too" He looks at Kat. "Would you like to go back to our room, dear?"


''Yes, ma'am.'' Dan hopped aboard the Pegasus. Truth be told, animals always accepted him more than people, and this Pegasus seemed no different.

​"…Well, FINE… I know better than to try and apologize to you again." *stomps off*

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Ace: "Looks like Silvia is ready to take off on her pegasus, and with Dan riding too..."

Alicia: "Ace, what's it like riding a ship?"

Ace: "I've never used a ship before so I can't help you there, Sis."

Alicia: "Oh, I see. ...Klotho doesn't seem to like Dan."

Ace: "I've noticed that, to be honest I can identify with Klotho on that matter."

Alicia: "Should I help Poly board the boat?"

Ace: "Up to you, Sis. Though I'd think he'd be fine with that crutch though..."

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​"Hmm..." After a treacherous walk that involved evading people and endless decks, they eventually got back to their room. Plopping Kat on the bed, he sat next to her. "How are you feeling since earlier?"

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''Yes, ma'am.'' Dan hopped aboard the Pegasus. Truth be told, animals always accepted him more than people, and this Pegasus seemed no different.

She spend a grand total of 59 seconds on the deck after hearing Sorin's announcement before doubling back towards Dan and Aurum, sliding up into the saddle beside him and moving Dan's arms around her. "Yeah, not staying, we're off." With a simple command, Aurum took off towards the skies and she finally felt like she could breathe again. "Thank Naga... you okay up here?"

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​"Hmm..." After a treacherous walk that involved evading people and endless decks, they eventually got back to their room. Plopping Kat on the bed, he sat next to her. "How are you feeling since earlier?"


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She spend a grand total of 59 seconds on the deck after hearing Sorin's announcement before doubling back towards Dan and Aurum, sliding up into the saddle beside him and moving Dan's arms around her. "Yeah, not staying, we're off." With a simple command, Aurum took off towards the skies and she finally felt like she could breathe again. "Thank Naga... you okay up here?"

''You kidding?! I'm having a blast!!!''

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Sighing, he rubbed his fingers up and down the side of his nose numerous of times before drawing them away. "I don't even know what to do with him any more, regarding him... He just seems so... distant, from the rest of us"

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''You kidding?! I'm having a blast!!!''

Silvia sighed, twisting her hair into a braid and untwisting it. "Glad you're enjoying it up here..." she muttered, glancing down at the water below.

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