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Cassandra somberly made her way to the boat, feeling very upset in regards to what happened earlier. 'I know that he was just playing around with Silvia... but... does that mean that he's lost interest in me?' She thought, silently stepping onto the boat. 'Is Dan being honest about his feelings for me? Or... is he just trying to break my heart?' She felt her chest tighten up, clutching it and letting out a soft squeak. 'Oh Dan... you say you're strong and good at killing things... but the only one you're killing right now... is me.'

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Silvia sighed, twisting her hair into a braid and untwisting it. "Glad you're enjoying it up here..." she muttered, glancing down at the water below.

''What's the matter? Don't enjoy my company? ...Oh yeah, the sea...''

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''What's the matter? Don't enjoy my company? ...Oh yeah, the sea...''

"N-No, it's not you... I'm just... a lot on my mind..." she twisted her fingers around her horse's reigns.

"... I have a question, since you were there that day. You don't think I'm... Grima, do you?"

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"N-No, it's not you... I'm just... a lot on my mind..." she twisted her fingers around her horse's reigns.

"... I have a question, since you were there that day. You don't think I'm... Grima, do you?"

''That's a stupid question. You're you, and that's that. Those accusations from Phoibus don't mean a damn thing.''

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''That's a stupid question. You're you, and that's that. Those accusations from Phoibus don't mean a damn thing.''

"T-Those weren't just accusations though... Y-You were there!" Silvia replied, stunned at his response. "You saw... how I was acting, what I said, I wasn't... thinking like I normally do, Dan!"

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"T-Those weren't just accusations though... Y-You were there!" Silvia replied, stunned at his response. "You saw... how I was acting, what I said, I wasn't... thinking like I normally do, Dan!"

''And whose to say you weren't just thinking like Henry did? Being around people like that can alter your thoughts like that. Besides, if your strong enough to handle 3 Grimas! You got a lot of willpower!''

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''And whose to say you weren't just thinking like Henry did? Being around people like that can alter your thoughts like that. Besides, if your strong enough to handle 3 Grimas! You got a lot of willpower!''

Silvia flinched at the mention of Henry, her fingers shaking now as she threaded through her hair, braiding and unbraiding the same few strands over and over. "I... T-Three Grimas? I only handled one... A-And... in case you... haven't noticed, Henry's not... here." Her voice broke, reducing it to nothing but a whisper. "He - He's not here... s-so it can't be... him."

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Silvia flinched at the mention of Henry, her fingers shaking now as she threaded through her hair, braiding and unbraiding the same few strands over and over. "I... T-Three Grimas? I only handled one... A-And... in case you... haven't noticed, Henry's not... here." Her voice broke, reducing it to nothing but a whisper. "He - He's not here... s-so it can't be... him."

''...Then, it's probably me affecting you.'' He smiled. ''I seem to be doing that lately.''

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Cassandra somberly made her way to the boat, feeling very upset in regards to what happened earlier. 'I know that he was just playing around with Silvia... but... does that mean that he's lost interest in me?' She thought, silently stepping onto the boat. 'Is Dan being honest about his feelings for me? Or... is he just trying to break my heart?' She felt her chest tighten up, clutching it and letting out a soft squeak. 'Oh Dan... you say you're strong and good at killing things... but the only one you're killing right now... is me.'

*Hugs Cassandra* "It's okay."


...uh.....why did Klotho...act that way?...

(Check a few posts back. She was trying to apologize about the necklace in their C support… and Dan completely ignored her. At least, when I posted that)

Edited by Kat
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''...Then, it's probably me affecting you.'' He smiled. ''I seem to be doing that lately.''

Silvia glanced over at him, blinking in shock. "W-What, you? How... How did you draw that conclusion?"

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Silvia glanced over at him, blinking in shock. "W-What, you? How... How did you draw that conclusion?"

(Because he's getting full of himself. For reasons. Teehee)

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''Well...Haven't you noticed how much I've chaned?''

"I... no?" Silvia's hand dropped into her lap as she regarded Dan, her eyes trailing up and down his form. "Besides the new jacket... n-not exactly. I really haven't noticed much in... anyone, so..."

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"How does something this huge float?"

"I... no?" Silvia's hand dropped into her lap as she regarded Dan, her eyes trailing up and down his form. "Besides the new jacket... n-not exactly. I really haven't noticed much in... anyone, so..."

*loudly* "Harem! Can you come down for a second? I have a question from Sister!"

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"I... no?" Silvia's hand dropped into her lap as she regarded Dan, her eyes trailing up and down his form. "Besides the new jacket... n-not exactly. I really haven't noticed much in... anyone, so..."


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"How does something this huge float?"

*loudly* "Harem! Can you come down for a second? I have a question from Sister!"

"No, I - if I missed something you can tell me, I mean, I want to -" Silvia was cut off by Klotho's yell and sighed bitterly at the interruption, guiding her pegasus down a bit lower so she could hear her better. "What's the question?"

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"No, I - if I missed something you can tell me, I mean, I want to -" Silvia was cut off by Klotho's yell and sighed bitterly at the interruption, guiding her pegasus down a bit lower so she could hear her better. "What's the question?"

"Sister was wondering if you'd like her to make a sleeping draught for you, so that you could get to sleep quickly and not have to worry about the sea sickness, and if you wanted the sea sickness drinks she's making to have a specific flavor."

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"Sister was wondering if you'd like her to make a sleeping draught for you, so that you could get to sleep quickly and not have to worry about the sea sickness, and if you wanted the sea sickness drinks she's making to have a specific flavor."

"Wow," Silvia said, touched by the offer. "That's sweet of her, thank you. And no, it doesn't matter at all. Just as long as I sleep." She laughed, leaning over to ruffle Klotho's hair.

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"Wow," Silvia said, touched by the offer. "That's sweet of her, thank you. And no, it doesn't matter at all. Just as long as I sleep." She laughed, leaning over to ruffle Klotho's hair.

"Okay, I'll let her know. I think she's trying to keep busy to keep from crying again."

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"Okay, I'll let her know. I think she's trying to keep busy to keep from crying again."

Silvia muttered under her breath, "She's been doing that a LOT lately," before waving to her and taking off towards higher skies again - she was close enough to hear the waves hitting the ship and... ugh, no.

"N-Now what were you telling me, Dan?"

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Alicia lingered above deck, looking out on the open waters. Feeling the breeze against against her face, the sounds the waves made against the ship. It was just like that time on the balcony with Poly, only this time, Alicia felt like the whole ship was a balcony in a way. Ace was elsewhere, probably trying to comfort Cassandra if she had to guess. Alicia thought back to the sad look Cassandra wore, and the sad emotions that Alicia felt from her.

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Alicia lingered above deck, looking out on the open waters. Feeling the breeze against against her face, the sounds the waves made against the ship. It was just like that time on the balcony with Poly, only this time, Alicia felt like the whole ship was a balcony in a way. Ace was elsewhere, probably trying to comfort Cassandra if she had to guess. Alicia thought back to the sad look Cassandra wore, and the sad emotions that Alicia felt from her.

"It's weird walking on a ship. I keep feeling like I'm going to fall over."

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