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"... T-That sleeping medicine you have... would be so... nice right now."

"You want the sickness one first? Also, are you warm enough, dear?" *preparing the sleeping draught* "Yuffie's going to have his hands full after this."

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"You want the sickness one first? Also, are you warm enough, dear?" *preparing the sleeping draught* "Yuffie's going to have his hands full after this."

"I... y-yeah..." Silvia muttered, trying to keep her eyes open. That was one thing about water... being near it made her sleepy. "I'm... I'm fine Kat..."

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How did this happen? Dan was now practically naked in front of Klotho while she...'bathed' him. There was no bath on the boat, so she had to use fresh water that she found. It didn't help that Klotho had one of the best bodies in the entire army. Dear god, if she acted like Silvia, SHE would be the one known as 'Harem'. All Dan could do was sit there while Klotho did what she would with him. Although, in the back of his mind, he was enjoying this a little bit.

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"Need anything?"

"Who knows?"

"... T-That sleeping medicine you have... would be so... nice right now."

"W-Well, I certainly don't know why she started singing that stormy song," Alison stated. 'Klotho was one interesting girl...' she thought afterwards. Alison looked at Sylvia, with a concerned look in her eyes. "A...Are you alright?

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"I... y-yeah..." Silvia muttered, trying to keep her eyes open. That was one thing about water... being near it made her sleepy. "I'm... I'm fine Kat..."

"Here's the sickness draught." *passes it over* "This'll help your stomach stay in one place. I'm sure you don't want to wake up to be ill at a time like this. I'm almost done with the sleeping one. I flavored it with apple blossoms. That okay?"

How did this happen? Dan was now practically naked in front of Klotho while she...'bathed' him. There was no bath on the boat, so she had to use fresh water that she found. It didn't help that Klotho had one of the best bodies in the entire army. Dear god, if she acted like Silvia, SHE would be the one known as 'Harem'. All Dan could do was sit there while Klotho did what she would with him. Although, in the back of his mind, he was enjoying this a little bit.

"Okay, just about done, Daniel. You're still REALLY red, though."

Edited by Kat
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Meanwhile, outside of the bathroom, Cassandra fumed. Mostly at Dan, for what he was doing; soaking with Klotho, jumping into her breasts... it made her mad at him. But she couldn't stay mad at him, deep down. And that was the part that made her angrier.

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Meanwhile, outside of the bathroom, Cassandra fumed. Mostly at Dan, for what he was doing; soaking with Klotho, jumping into her breasts... it made her mad at him. But she couldn't stay mad at him, deep down. And that was the part that made her angrier.

*through the door* "Crimson! Dan needs a change of clothes!"

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Sorin once again went onto the deck in the midst of the storm but his time, he doubted he would be going back down for awhile. Making his way to the helm, a wave crashed against the side of the boat making it rock uncomfortably. It gave Sorin the perfect glimpse of the dark and seemingly endless abyss that was the ocean. Rolling back in fear Sorin could no longer think straight. He thought he saw the shadow of a beast down there but he could no longer distinguish the difference real and illusion as he scrambled in panic, another wave hit the boat knocking Sorin close to the stern of the boat. Due to the fact the deck was soaked, Sorin continued to slide dangerously close to the edge. He was trapped. Closing his eyes he, was greeted with the beast he believed to see, Leviathan. However, keeping his eyes open, he was greeted with endless amount of water. He wanted to yell. But he knew he couldn't. His pride wouldn't let him. Taking Storm off his back, he split it into two and stabbed the deck with both swords. His target was the door to below deck and he'd be damned if anything, let alone his imagination, stopped him. "I...refuse to be taken so easily. Not here and not ever... If you want me in hell so bad, you had better try harder!!!"

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"W-Well, I certainly don't know why she started singing that stormy song," Alison stated. 'Klotho was one interesting girl...' she thought afterwards. Alison looked at Sylvia, with a concerned look in her eyes. "A...Are you alright?

"Here's the sickness draught." *passes it over* "This'll help your stomach stay in one place. I'm sure you don't want to wake up to be ill at a time like this. I'm almost done with the sleeping one. I flavored it with apple blossoms. That okay?"

"Okay, just about done, Daniel. You're still REALLY red, though."

"Hey..." Silvia turned to shove herself up into a sitting position, or at least partially, holding out a hand for Alison to take. "Don't think I've met you..." She formally made the full effort to grab the draught Kat was passing to her and swallowed it. "Oh, no kidding... I - I don't even want to think about that... A-And that's fine... thank you..."

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"Hey..." Silvia turned to shove herself up into a sitting position, or at least partially, holding out a hand for Alison to take. "Don't think I've met you..." She formally made the full effort to grab the draught Kat was passing to her and swallowed it. "Oh, no kidding... I - I don't even want to think about that... A-And that's fine... thank you..."

"Okay, here." *passes it over* "It'll knock you out quick. I'll probably take one myself. I don't want to THINK about how bad this storm is going to get."

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Sorin once again went onto the deck in the midst of the storm but his time, he doubted he would be going back down for awhile. Making his way to the helm, a wave crashed against the side of the boat making it rock uncomfortably. It gave Sorin the perfect glimpse of the dark and seemingly endless abyss that was the ocean. Rolling back in fear Sorin could no longer think straight. He thought he saw the shadow of a beast down there but he could no longer distinguish the difference real and illusion as he scrambled in panic, another wave hit the boat knocking Sorin close to the stern of the boat. Due to the fact the deck was soaked, Sorin continued to slide dangerously close to the edge. He was trapped. Closing his eyes he, was greeted with the beast he believed to see, Leviathan. However, keeping his eyes open, he was greeted with endless amount of water. He wanted to yell. But he knew he couldn't. His pride wouldn't let him. Taking Storm off his back, he split it into two and stabbed the deck with both swords. His target was the door to below deck and he'd be damned if anything, let alone his imagination, stopped him. "I...refuse to be taken so easily. Not here and not ever... If you want me in hell so bad, you had better try harder!!!"

"...I hate my life. I h-hate water. But to save him...Damn I hate myself.."*Walks over to Sorin*

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"...I hate my life. I h-hate water. But to save him...Damn I hate myself.."*Walks over to Sorin*

"Jxemas? G-get back inside..."

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Dan looked up to see Phoibus shirtless...this for some reason made him redder. And then he realized that this was Cassandra's room. And became redder. Then he remembered he was naked. Dan fainted instantly. Use next pokemon?...

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*hearing Phoibus and smiles brightly* "Hiya!" *bursts out of the bathroom* "What are you doing here?"

"Going to check up on… why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

Dan looked up to see Phoibus shirtless...this for some reason made him redder. And then he realized that this was Cassandra's room. And became redder. Then he remembered he was naked. Dan fainted instantly. Use next pokemon?...

"I knew he was sick."

"I… think that was something else. Klotho, seriously, WHY aren't you wearing a shirt?"

Edited by Kat
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"Okay, here." *passes it over* "It'll knock you out quick. I'll probably take one myself. I don't want to THINK about how bad this storm is going to get."

"How quick?" Silvia asked, swallowing that as well before lying back down, flinching as a particularly loud roll of thunder swept by. "I... I feel you. I don't want to imagine it either... ... Poor Morgan... he'd be... terrified right now..."

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"Hey..." Silvia turned to shove herself up into a sitting position, or at least partially, holding out a hand for Alison to take. "Don't think I've met you..." She formally made the full effort to grab the draught Kat was passing to her and swallowed it. "Oh, no kidding... I - I don't even want to think about that... A-And that's fine... thank you..."

"I-I don't think we've formally met before..." Alison stated. "I've definitely seen you before but...I've never introduced myself. My...My name is Alison." When she noticed the platinum blonde female sit up, she said, "I-If you don't feel well, you should lay back down."

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"How quick?" Silvia asked, swallowing that as well before lying back down, flinching as a particularly loud roll of thunder swept by. "I... I feel you. I don't want to imagine it either... ... Poor Morgan... he'd be... terrified right now..."

"A couple minutes at most. Morgan's afraid of storms?"

"I-I don't think we've formally met before..." Alison stated. "I've definitely seen you before but...I've never introduced myself. My...My name is Alison." When she noticed the platinum blonde female sit up, she said, "I-If you don't feel well, you should lay back down."

"She just gets sea sick."

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"I-I don't think we've formally met before..." Alison stated. "I've definitely seen you before but...I've never introduced myself. My...My name is Alison." When she noticed the platinum blonde female sit up, she said, "I-If you don't feel well, you should lay back down."

"A couple minutes at most. Morgan's afraid of storms?"

"She just gets sea sick."

"Alison?" Silvia replied. "I can remember that... Alison... okay. And what Kat said... it's just sea sickness..." She flopped back down onto the bed, closing her eyes. "He does... I don't know... why or how, but storms just... bother him so badly... and he never told me why..."

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"Alison?" Silvia replied. "I can remember that... Alison... okay. And what Kat said... it's just sea sickness..." She flopped back down onto the bed, closing her eyes. "He does... I don't know... why or how, but storms just... bother him so badly... and he never told me why..."

"I guess he's trying to be tough for Mommy. It's common thing for boys." *smirks at her* "Liking my bed, Silvia?"

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"A couple minutes at most. Morgan's afraid of storms?"

"She just gets sea sick."

"Alison?" Silvia replied. "I can remember that... Alison... okay. And what Kat said... it's just sea sickness..." She flopped back down onto the bed, closing her eyes. "He does... I don't know... why or how, but storms just... bother him so badly... and he never told me why..."

"Oh, sea sickness? That's a relief it's not something more dangerous..." Alison managed a small smile. "And Silvia, if you're sure..." She wouldn't admit it, but her worrying nature never seemed to fade away until things were truly okay.

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"I guess he's trying to be tough for Mommy. It's common thing for boys." *smirks at her* "Liking my bed, Silvia?"

Silvia grinned back before reaching up one last time and wrapping her arms around Kat's hips, pulling her down softly onto the bed with her and snuggling against her. "I do now~"

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