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"Tomorrow at the latest, I'm certain. We might delay just to come up with a suitable plan… and to lure out any fliers the enemy might have."

"Sister sent this for you." *hands Angie a potion* "It's a sleeping draught. She was afraid you wouldn't be able to sleep well."

"I....leave me....pain....just...myself....."

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And yet... I still don't want to believe that he has died. No, I won't. Not until there is proof... He's out there...somewhere

Angie: There's...nothing...I can....do....he's..dead...and he....promised...that he would never....leave...again.....words...nothing to me.....*starts to tear up*
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"I....leave me....pain....just...myself....."

*presses it into her hands* "You can do what you want with it. Sister just thought it might help."

And yet... I still don't want to believe that he has died. No, I won't. Not until there is proof... He's out there...somewhere

"That's what Sister said too."

Angie: There's...nothing...I can....do....he's..dead...and he....promised...that he would never....leave...again.....words...nothing to me.....*starts to tear up*

​"…Well, I'd think… he's still alive because he needs to get yelled at for breaking a promise to you. I don't think death'll accept him until you give him a good thrashing!"

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Angie: There's...nothing...I can....do....he's..dead...and he....promised...that he would never....leave...again.....words...nothing to me.....*starts to tear up*

Patting her back. There there Angie. He'sstill out there. I just know it. until then, you have to be strong. For his sake

*presses it into her hands* "You can do what you want with it. Sister just thought it might help."

"That's what Sister said too."

​"…Well, I'd think… he's still alive because he needs to get yelled at for breaking a promise to you. I don't think death'll accept him until you give him a good thrashing!"

Maybe a yelling isn't necessary Klotho. But yes, he does need a talking to for when we find him

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Patting her back. There there Angie. He'sstill out there. I just know it. until then, you have to be strong. For his sake

Maybe a yelling isn't necessary Klotho. But yes, he does need a talking to for when we find him

​"…Well, it would make ME feel better to see her yell at him for breaking a promise."

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Dan awoke with a start. He had been having very odd nightmares, but he was unable to remember a single thing about them. All was silent except for the sound of the wooden boards creaking and the waves of the ocean. He sighed. 'Am I ever gonna get a good nights sleep?' he thought to himself. He got out of bed, and, like a drunkard, fumbled about with his clothes. After about ten minutes, he finally was dressed, save for signature jacket. He decided not to wear it, and instead walked out wearing the white ti-shirt he always wore under it. He stumbled around as he walked, his eyes red with sleep deprivation which made it hard for him to see, even with his gifted eyesight.

Edited by DenDurgon
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Dan awoke with a start. He had been having very odd nightmares, but he was unable to remember a single thing about them. All was silent except for the sound of the wooden boards creaking and the waves of the ocean. He sighed. 'Am I ever gonna get a good nights sleep?' he thought to himself. He got out of bed, and, like a drunkard, fumbled about with his clothes. After about ten minutes, he finally was dressed, save for signature jacket. He decided not to wear it, and instead walked out wearing the white ti-shirt he always wore under it. He stumbled around as he walked, his eyes red with sleep deprivation which made it hard for him to see, even with his gifted eyesight.

​"…Either someone didn't drink the sleeping draughts Sister made him or someone is suffering from a hangover."

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​"…Either someone didn't drink the sleeping draughts Sister made him or someone is suffering from a hangover."

"I did...then I had some weird ass nightmares...and I've never drank alcohol in my life, thank you very much."

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Ace: "Alicia? Are you okay?"

Alicia: "I...I'm still shook up, Ace. I still have to..."

Ace: "From what I've been hearing I wouldn't bother going to the Neutral Ground. Not until a body turns up."

Alicia: "But, Ace. If I go there...then I can tell them..."

Ace: "Here, have some dark chocolate. Courtesy of Gaius."

Alicia: "Thank you...Ace."

Ace: "No problem, incidentally I see land in the distance so we'll be landing soon."

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Ace: "Alicia? Are you okay?"

Alicia: "I...I'm still shook up, Ace. I still have to..."

Ace: "From what I've been hearing I wouldn't bother going to the Neutral Ground. Not until a body turns up."

Alicia: "But, Ace. If I go there...then I can tell them..."

Ace: "Here, have some dark chocolate. Courtesy of Gaius."

Alicia: "Thank you...Ace."

Ace: "No problem, incidentally I see land in the distance so we'll be landing soon."

"You two are loud." *scribbling inside her room* "Alicia, until you've a clear head, don't go into the Neutral Ground. You might hurt yourself by accident. Doesn't judging require a stable heart? You don't have that quite yet."

"I did...then I had some weird ass nightmares...and I've never drank alcohol in my life, thank you very much."

"That's weird. Those potions are supposed to suppress nightmares."

Edited by Aqua
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"You two are loud." *scribbling inside her room* "Alicia, until you've a clear head, don't go into the Neutral Ground. You might hurt yourself by accident. Doesn't judging require a stable heart? You don't have that quite yet."

Alicia: "Yes, judging requires a stable heart. Something...I've lost...for now."

Ace: "You'll pull through, Sis. I've got your back, and Poly does too."

Alicia: "I'll avoid the Neutral Ground until I'm stable enough in heart to judge again,"

Ace: "Why don't you go check on Poly until we disembark?"

Alicia: "Sure, let me know when we do disembark." *heads off*

Ace: "Don't worry, I will."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"You two are loud." *scribbling inside her room* "Alicia, until you've a clear head, don't go into the Neutral Ground. You might hurt yourself by accident. Doesn't judging require a stable heart? You don't have that quite yet."

"That's weird. Those potions are supposed to suppress nightmares."

"Well maybe it suppresses memories of them, because I can't remember a single thing that happened in those dreams." He tripped and fell on the floor, face first. "Fuck..." He had trouble getting up, his hands slipping all over the floor. "Dear god, I'm no use to anyone like this."

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Alicia: "Yes, judging requires a stable heart. Something...I've lost...for now."

Ace: "You'll pull through, Sis. I've got your back, and Poly does too."

Alicia: "I'll avoid the Neutral Ground until I'm stable enough in heart to judge again,"

Ace: "Why don't you go check on Poly until we disembark?"

Alicia: "Sure, let me know when we do disembark." *heads off*

Ace: "Don't worry, I will."

"Ace, you mind help me organize some things in here?"

"Well maybe it suppresses memories of them, because I can't remember a single thing that happened in those dreams." He tripped and fell on the floor, face first. "Fuck..." He had trouble getting up, his hands slipping all over the floor. "Dear god, I'm no use to anyone like this."

​"…" *sighs and helps him up* "Okay, come on you. We're talking you to the Hysterical Sage. You might be coming down with something."

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Cassandra slowly stirred for the first time in days. Last thing she remembered was Dan and his... well... she didn't like to think too much about that. She merely shook it off and got out of bed, trying to make something of the day.

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Cassandra slowly stirred for the first time in days. Last thing she remembered was Dan and his... well... she didn't like to think too much about that. She merely shook it off and got out of bed, trying to make something of the day.

"Whoever's moving out there, can you do me a favor?"

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Cassandra blinked, wondering how Kat could have heard her. "Huh? Oh... yes, I can." She replied, confused as to what Kat would want with her.

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Cassandra blinked, wondering how Kat could have heard her. "Huh? Oh... yes, I can." She replied, confused as to what Kat would want with her.

*absently holds out a basket filled with jars and bottles as she continues scribbling something* "These need to get to Yuffie in the infirmary, please."

"Sorry to tell you but plans have changed again."

"Finally, the catch I've been waiting for. Please, share your wisdom."

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