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As Cassandra headed towards the infirmary, she noticed that there were a couple of people already headed that way - to be precise, Dan & Klotho, the two people she wasn't sure if she could see right now.

*turns to Alicia* "...Good enough, I suppose. This leg fracture sucks ass, though."

Alicia: "I still feel awful those fractures happened because of my actions... We'll be landing soon from what Ace tells me." *gives Poly a kiss*

"How many waves and who's leading? Can you reveal either?"

"Thanks." *smiles at her* "Everything just gets so messy when you can't pick things up yourself. Dusk nearly fell on his face when he left this morning."

"Hey, Crimson!"

Ace: "Wow, Guess I better start tidying things up."

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"Well the brain tends to forget dreams after a while, so I'm going to give you a notepad and a quill, so when you have nightmares, I want you to write down anything you remember from them, okay? I'll also give you some of the herbs that I have for helping sleep."

"I forget as soon... as I wake up..."

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Alicia: "I still feel awful those fractures happened because of my actions... We'll be landing soon from what Ace tells me." *gives Poly a kiss*

Ace: "Wow, Guess I better start tidying things up."

"You're an angel, Ace."

"It would be nice if people told me they were doing this. It would explain the sudden increase in herb usage, for one. Anyway, Klotho, do you need my help for anything, or did you come here to ensure that Dan arrived?"

​"But… Sister said she told you she was making them and the sea sickness potions. And no? Unless you wanted to check those injuries on my legs again. But I've been doing those exercises you said to do and I'm walking much better! …I think."

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Ace: *tidying stuff up, grinning* "Just doing what I can to help out. Almost done, lotta things to tidy up in here."

"I know. I get the books and the like, but can't put them back, so then they just get thrown or dropped everywhere."

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"I have a... A bit of announcement, I guess. After a bit of reading into the art of magic being combined with music, I think I've found a way to make it possible to call spirits via the tune of my violin. However... I need someone to play it with. I require more than one musician; it's a bit of a duet..." Edited by Wizard
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Dusk was just listening to the conversation at hand, sitting on a chair knitting a pair of baby socks

"I have a... A bit of announcement, I guess. After a bit of reading into the art of magic being combined with music, I think I've found a way to make it possible to call spirits via the tune of my violin. However... I need someone to play it with. I require more than one musician; it's a bit of a duet..."

This however, peaked his interested. "A duet that can call spirits? Explain, Nathaniel"

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"It's hard to explain in exact terms, but put simply: When certain chords are played in succession, and other certain chords are played at the same time in conjunction, spirits can hear the sounds, and might decide to go through to this world briefly to speak with us. I can't force the spirits to appear, but I can 'suggest' it to them."
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"I know. I get the books and the like, but can't put them back, so then they just get thrown or dropped everywhere."

Ace: "I've done that whenever I stay up all night researching tactics. I forget to put the books back until later. Much later sometimes." *Picking up books and putting them away*

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Try as he might, he could not fall asleep where he was. And it made him angry. Yet he was too tired to become angry. Then, he saw about 10 bottles of that stuff Kat had Klotho give him. He had only drunk a little bit but...maybe if he drank more...He reached out, fell to the floor again, lifted himself up, picked up a bottle, opened it, and started drinking.

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"It's hard to explain in exact terms, but put simply: When certain chords are played in succession, and other certain chords are played at the same time in conjunction, spirits can hear the sounds, and might decide to go through to this world briefly to speak with us. I can't force the spirits to appear, but I can 'suggest' it to them."

Dusk paused and stared at Nathaniel. "I... What?"

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Ace: "I've done that whenever I stay up all night researching tactics. I forget to put the books back until later. Much later sometimes." *Picking up books and putting them away*

"Again, thank you."

Try as he might, he could not fall asleep where he was. And it made him angry. Yet he was too tired to become angry. Then, he saw about 10 bottles of that stuff Kat had Klotho give him. He had only drunk a little bit but...maybe if he drank more...He reached out, fell to the floor again, lifted himself up, picked up a bottle, opened it, and started drinking.

​"Uh… Sage? I think he's doing something ill-advised?"

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"In far, FAR simpler terms... I can play music to summon ghosts."

"That... That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my entire life... Can you prove it? I know Sorin plays the violin"

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Dan kept drinking. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to rest. And if this stuff could make him do it, then by god, he'll drink every last bottle until he sleeps. He finished the bottle, and was about to grab another one when he fell to the floor again. He felt his eyes closing, and was unable to stop it even if he wanted to. In mere seconds, he was sleeping silently on the floor...

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Ace smiles, "Just one more and....there. All tidy now."

"You're wonderful, Ace. Thank you."

Dan kept drinking. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to rest. And if this stuff could make him do it, then by god, he'll drink every last bottle until he sleeps. He finished the bottle, and was about to grab another one when he fell to the floor again. He felt his eyes closing, and was unable to stop it even if he wanted to. In mere seconds, he was sleeping silently on the floor...

​"…Yeah, definitely ill-advised." *pokes Yuffie's leg as she crouches by Dan* "How dangerous is this stuff?"

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"That... That is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my entire life... Can you prove it? I know Sorin plays the violin"

"If I didn't know you better, Dusk, I'd be crushed by you calling my studies 'crap'... And yes, I do have proof. There are various records of spirits being called through music in history books."

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"If I didn't know you better, Dusk, I'd be crushed by you calling my studies 'crap'... And yes, I do have proof. There are various records of spirits being called through music in history books."

"... I see" He continued with his knitting

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"I'm fine... The other day, during the storm, Glaedyr accidentally ran into my room, then she was quite embarrassed as she ran out... Cheeks blazing and everything... I wasn't even asleep, or naked. I was just... Reading."
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