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"I'm fine... The other day, during the storm, Glaedyr accidentally ran into my room, then she was quite embarrassed as she ran out... Cheeks blazing and everything... I wasn't even asleep, or naked. I was just... Reading."

"... You know what that means, right?"

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Marth had continued to read the history books of the wars within each saga. Seeing as how we are up against the villains of history, he thought it would be best that he stayed well informed, so that he could at least have a premace of what we were going up against. Apparently, there was a man named Raydrik, who aligned himself with a dark bishop of the Lopto sect and doubled crossed both his king and the king of Thracia. Further records show that he eventually became one of the twelve Deadlords after defeat by Lord Leif of Leonster. Hmm... This fellow might be some trouble to us if left roaming the living world. Then again, all of them are, so either way, he must go down. Marth closed the book and went out towards the deck

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Ace: "Sure thing, Kat. I'll go make some rounds to see what everyone's up to."

​"Thanks. Normally I have Klotho do it for me, but she hasn't been in today…"

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"Ha... I get the feeling I'm missing something here... A-anyway! I'll be going with Breezy on his little adventure, and I think I'll confess to Glaedyr after that..." Nathaniel laughed half-heartedly. "...Sometimes I wonder whether or not I should even consider that sort of thing during a war... But I'll do it anyway. I'll never find out unless I try~!"
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"Ha... I get the feeling I'm missing something here... A-anyway! I'll be going with Breezy on his little adventure, and I think I'll confess to Glaedyr after that..." Nathaniel laughed half-heartedly. "...Sometimes I wonder whether or not I should even consider that sort of thing during a war... But I'll do it anyway. I'll never find out unless I try~!"

"Indeed, Nat. Hope it all works out for you~"

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"Thank you..." He sighed and began to scribble in his notebook. "I'm going to draft out the next chapter in my book... I owe you a chapter or two of this at some point."

"Oh, and why's that?"

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"No real reason. Even though you have casually insulted my research twice now, I do owe you a lot, old buddy. What if you'd decided to send an arrow straight into my heart the moment I threatened to attack you in Border Sands? Plus, I met Glaedyr through you, so all in all... You get a solid 7.8/10 on the friend scale."
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"No real reason. Even though you have casually insulted my research twice now, I do owe you a lot, old buddy. What if you'd decided to send an arrow straight into my heart the moment I threatened to attack you in Border Sands? Plus, I met Glaedyr through you, so all in all... You get a solid 7.8/10 on the friend scale."

Glaring at Nathaniel, he faked a frown. "Only 7.8? I'm hurt, Natty. I'm very hurt"

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"Ha... You know what scares me, Dusk? If I hadn't fought back against Elise's brother that fateful day, I'd never have gotten here, with you guys... If I hadn't, I'd have married Elise and I'd have lived happily ever after... It troubles me knowing this..."
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"Ha... You know what scares me, Dusk? If I hadn't fought back against Elise's brother that fateful day, I'd never have gotten here, with you guys... If I hadn't, I'd have married Elise and I'd have lived happily ever after... It troubles me knowing this..."

"You think too much... Do you regret your decision though?"

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​"…Yeah, definitely ill-advised." *pokes Yuffie's leg as she crouches by Dan* "How dangerous is this stuff?"

"It's tea that merely aids one in falling asleep by helping them relax. It's no anaesthesia. The only risk is him draining some of our tea supply. And also possibly wetting the bed."

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"It's tea that merely aids one in falling asleep by helping them relax. It's no anaesthesia. The only risk is him draining some of our tea supply. And also possibly wetting the bed."

"Oh, good. Sister mentioned there were some sleeping aids that you could overdose on and die from."

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"You think too much... Do you regret your decision though?"

"I... I don't know... On one hand, I never would've met you lot if I hadn't left, but on the other, because I left, Elise died... It's... It's too much to think about... However, there is one thing I'm sure of: I love Glaedyr, not Elise. My destiny lies in the future, not the past... Will Glaedyr be comparing herself to her?" He shook his head. "Although... My father wasn't very old when I left, and he was- or is- a very skilled sage. He could easily be alive."

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"Oh, good. Sister mentioned there were some sleeping aids that you could overdose on and die from."

"Fortunately, straining used in tea are not those. There's a reason that I give out teas instead of things more severe, as it's next to impossible to 'overdose' on tea. In order to do so, one would have to be drinking it constantly for well over a few hours."

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Cassandra sat in her bedroom and shivered in fright and nervousness, thinking about Dan and Klotho and just what they meant to her. What did her thoughts and dreams of them mean? What did she want out of them being in her life?

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"I... I don't know... On one hand, I never would've met you lot if I hadn't left, but on the other, because I left, Elise died... It's... It's too much to think about... However, there is one thing I'm sure of: I love Glaedyr, not Elise. My destiny lies in the future, not the past... Will Glaedyr be comparing herself to her?" He shook his head. "Although... My father wasn't very old when I left, and he was- or is- a very skilled sage. He could easily be alive."

"Hmm... I guess that will be a question that will never be answered... But Nathaniel" He pointed at him. "You must reassure if she does think that way. Your old feelings for Elise will probably never fade away, but you must shove them to one side and open your heart to Glaedyr. If you don't, then... Well, I'm sure you know what I'm on about"

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"Fortunately, straining used in tea are not those. There's a reason that I give out teas instead of things more severe, as it's next to impossible to 'overdose' on tea. In order to do so, one would have to be drinking it constantly for well over a few hours."

"Oh, so that's why Sister said she wasn't going to make those capsules unless you ordered it."

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