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"Well, he slept, scrunched up his face, and then… yeah. I pushed him out of the bed to try and wake him up."

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't have done that. However, it's highly unlikely that a fall like that would lead to convulsions. Why didn't you shout for someone?"

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"Yeah, you probably shouldn't have done that. However, it's highly unlikely that a fall like that would lead to convulsions. Why didn't you shout for someone?"

​"Uh… I had no idea if this was normal or not. I thought he'd had too much tea."

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"...Because it was foolish for me to feel this way. They told me how you had to leave immediately and yet... Your guard was rather positive you'd say something like that but..."

​Sorin, you have no reason to feel that way. I'm here. You're here. And unless circumstances demand, its going to stay that way. You and I are both comrades in arms and that will not ever change for as long as i live. I even see a little bit of my royal guard in you. So don't doubt cloud yourself with presumptions that might be true. Tis better to go and find out for yourself

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"General rule of thumb, Klotho, is that you do not push someone out of bed, unless it's yours and you don't want them there. So, want to help me carry him to the infirmary?"

​"…Is Crimson going to let him go?"

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​Sorin, you have no reason to feel that way. I'm here. You're here. And unless circumstances demand, its going to stay that way. You and I are both comrades in arms and that will not ever change for as long as i live. I even see a little bit of my royal guard in you. So don't doubt cloud yourself with presumptions that might be true. Tis better to go and find out for yourself

"Heheh.... Yeah, won't happen again. I'm sorry."

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"I just thought it was him having a bad reaction to the nightmare. Or tea."

"I'd like to attribute it to the nightmare, but it could also be the tea. We may have to find a way for him to fall asleep without any supplements. But he's said he has issues doing so..."

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"Heheh.... Yeah, won't happen again. I'm sorry."

*Softly smiling* It's all right. I'm sorry for having to leave so abruptly. Now, Valm awaits us. Shall we retire to Kat's quarters and plan our course of action?

BTW, for this encounter:



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"I'd like to attribute it to the nightmare, but it could also be the tea. We may have to find a way for him to fall asleep without any supplements. But he's said he has issues doing so..."

​"…Wow, Crimson, you must really like his head on your chest."

*Softly smiling* It's all right. I'm sorry for having to leave so abruptly. Now, Valm awaits us. Shall we plan our course of action?

(You mean what Kat's been doing the whole day?)

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*Softly smiling* It's all right. I'm sorry for having to leave so abruptly. Now, Valm awaits us. Shall we plan our course of action?

BTW, for this encounter:



"Yes." *Eyes become serious* "The harbor... When I arrived there with the Shepherds, the enemy already knew of our presence. I had our fliers and mages advance along the beach while our cavalry and heavier units slowly advanced the line giving the beach units time to flank.... *sigh* We should probably see if Kat has anymore info though. After you." *Motions to below deck*

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Ace: "Sis, wanna help me check on everyone?"

Alicia: "Ace, I lost track of Poly."

Ace: "Lemme guess, he wandered off, with fractures."

Alicia: "Yes, on crutches."

Ace: "Right...we better find him. And see if Yuffie can mend them."

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"Yes." *Eyes become serious* "The harbor... When I arrived there with the Shepherds, the enemy already knew of our presence. I had our fliers and mages advance along the beach while our cavalry and heavier units slowly advanced the line giving the beach units time to flank.... *sigh* We should probably see if Kat has anymore info though. After you." *Motions to below deck*

Very well then. *Proceeds to Kat's room alongside Sorin and knocks on her door* Permission to enter? Its Marth. And Sorin as well

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Very well then. *Proceeds to Kat's room alongside Sorin and knocks on her door* Permission to enter? Its Marth. And Sorin as well

"Come on in. I've just finished writing down all the info I can remember for the fight. We've got two definite enemies, with a potential third."

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*is asleep outside Dusk & Kat's room*

As Cassandra lifted her head off of Dan's chest, satisfied with his health, she gently let him go and stood up. "Klotho... please, if he starts to foam up like he did just now again, come and get me. I... may be able to help by comforting him." She said.

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*is asleep outside Dusk & Kat's room*

As Cassandra lifted her head off of Dan's chest, satisfied with his health, she gently let him go and stood up. "Klotho... please, if he starts to foam up like he did just now again, come and get me. I... may be able to help by comforting him." She said.

"Or it was coincidence. I favor that personally. Far more logical. I'm getting the Sage next time."

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"Come on in. I've just finished writing down all the info I can remember for the fight. We've got two definite enemies, with a potential third."

Two enemies and a potential third? And whom may they be?

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Cassandra let out a soft chuckle and ruffled Klotho's hair. "Well, it's not just for him... I wouldn't mind spending more time with both you and him." She replied, before leaning up against the wall and slowly removing the scarf along her stomach.

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*is asleep outside Dusk & Kat's room*

As Cassandra lifted her head off of Dan's chest, satisfied with his health, she gently let him go and stood up. "Klotho... please, if he starts to foam up like he did just now again, come and get me. I... may be able to help by comforting him." She said.

Alicia: "Sleeping outside Kat's room... He didn't get very far."

Ace: "Right, gimme a hand Sis. Sleeping on the floor isn't very comfortable...hold on, we're gonna have a fight on our hands?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Two enemies and a potential third? And whom may they be?

"Raydrik, Lloyd the white wolf, and a confirmed reinforcement of wyvern knights. I'd rather prepare for three commanders and then be pleasantly surprised, but I'll leave that to you and Sorin." *passes over notes* "This is everything I could remember about those two, by the way."

Cassandra let out a soft chuckle and ruffled Klotho's hair. "Well, it's not just for him... I wouldn't mind spending more time with both you and him." She replied, before leaning up against the wall and slowly removing the scarf along her stomach.

"But it's boring watching him sleep."

Alicia: "Sleeping outside Kat's room... He didn't get very far."

Ace: "Right, gimme a hand Sis. Sleeping on the floor isn't very comfortable...hold on, we're gonna have a fight on our hands?"

"I hear voices."

Edited by Aqua
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"Raydrik, Lloyd the white wolf, and a confirmed reinforcement of wyvern knights. I'd rather prepare for three commanders and then be pleasantly surprised, but I'll leave that to you and Sorin." *passes over notes* "This is everything I could remember about those two, by the way."

Raydrik.... I had just read records of him recently. *Looks over notes* So he wields the Loptyr Sword.... I think I can take him on. Now as for the White Wolf...

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Raydrik.... I had just read records of him recently. *Looks over notes* So he wields the Loptyr Sword.... I think I can take him on. Now as for the White Wolf...

"I was thinking Cassandra, actually. Girl's been moping too much. We need to stir that survival instinct out of her." *very, VERY, bluntly*

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