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*semi-awake now that he's being moved* "Muh..."

Ace: "Hi Klotho, didn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation."

Alicia: "We were looking for Poly, and happened to overhear upon finding him asleep outside Kat's room."

Ace: "I'm surprised Poly didn't wake up at the mention of battle."

Alicia: "He would have for shipping. *To Poly* Poly, are you alright? Do those fractures hurt?"

Ace: "You really shouldn't try to move too much until those heal completely."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"I'm fine, now. It was kinda awkward to use the crutch at first, but I'm used to it. I probably can't fight like this unless I stick to shooting light beams at people."

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Ace: "Hi Klotho, didn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation."

Alicia: "We were looking for Poly, and happened to overhear upon finding him asleep outside Kat's room."

Ace: "I'm surprised Poly didn't wake up at the mention of battle."

Alicia: "He would have for shipping. *To Poly* Poly, are you alright? Do those fractures hurt?"

Ace: "You really shouldn't try to move too much until those heal completely."

​"I'm… Kat, Ace. Kat." *sighs* "We're close. Should we begin?"

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"I was thinking Cassandra, actually. Girl's been moping too much. We need to stir that survival instinct out of her." *very, VERY, bluntly*

Cassandra? is she a new recruit? Well... if you believe so. This could work well in revealing her potential

Edited by Hero-King
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Cassandra? is she a new recruit? Well... if you believe so. This could work well in revealing he potential

"Yes, she is. And has been mopey due to emotional issues."

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"I was thinking Cassandra, actually. Girl's been moping too much. We need to stir that survival instinct out of her." *very, VERY, bluntly*

"I'm for that. We can't start Valm depressed."

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"I'm fine, now. It was kinda awkward to use the crutch at first, but I'm used to it. I probably can't fight like this unless I stick to shooting light beams at people."

Alicia: "Oh, thank goodness. But until those fractures heal, you're not in any shape to fight unless it's from a distance, and I'm there to protect you."

Ace: "Whoops, so sorry Kat. Anyway, is it true we're gonna have a fight on our hands?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Kat. How has Klotho's work with flaming arrows come along? If we can keep our element of surprise and moved a few barrels of oil into place...I'm sure you can tell what comes next.""

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"Kat. How has Klotho's work with flaming arrows come along? If we can keep our element of surprise and moved a few barrels of oil into place...I'm sure you can tell what comes next.""

"You'll have to give her a bigger target than you normally would, but that'll be just fine, I think."

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"You'll have to give her a bigger target than you normally would, but that'll be just fine, I think."

"Good." *Looks outside a porthole and sees land* "We don't have much time. I need everyone in here so we only go over this once."

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"Good." *Looks outside a porthole and sees land* "We don't have much time. I need everyone in here so we only go over this once."

"Then I guess you'd better start rounding people up."

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"Then I guess you'd better start rounding people up."

"Right then." *Leaves*


Let's just say he gathered everyone in Kat's room now and explained the plan.


"Are we all on the same page here?"

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"Right then." *Leaves*


Let's just say he gathered everyone in Kat's room now and explained the plan.


"Are we all on the same page here?"

I'm ready.

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​"…Angie, why don't you stay here and protect me? I'll need someone just in case. I'll understand if you want to refuse, of course, but I know I'd feel a lot safer this way."

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Silvia made her way around the corner into the room every one was gathered in, twirling her Killer Lance in her hand as she slumped against the door frame. "Present and accounted for. ... And so ready to get off this boat..."

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