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"I'll fill you in on the details of that later..." Silvia said with a wink, before pushing herself up off the ground and stretching, raising her arms above her head. "Great, now, can someone fill me in on what we're accomplishing here?"

"Fire, fire, burn, burn." *deadpanned tone*

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Those idiots... They are dead yet they act like they live. I'll put them back to sleep though. We have finished moving the barrels. I then made a sign for the Dreamers to quietly get away from here. As we moved I whispered, "Klotho, can you make a shot from that building? Wait till everyone is out of range. I'll be covering you."

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"Fire, fire, burn, burn." *deadpanned tone*

Silvia blinked twice, before the possibilities truly crept up inside her mind and she immediately dove for her Arcfire tome, grinning like a madwoman. "Hell yes... things need to burn..."

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Those idiots... They are dead yet they act like they live. I'll put them back to sleep though. We have finished moving the barrels. I then made a sign for the Dreamers to quietly get away from here. As we moved I whispered, "Klotho, can you make a shot from that building? Wait till everyone is out of range. I'll be covering you."

"Got it." *heads over and prepares the arrow* "Easy…" *waits very still and patiently. One breath… two breaths… three… all allies out of range...* "Time to sleep." *sets the arrow on fire and looses it to hit the barrels*

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They didn't move at first but as the smell of flames grew, they panicked. Something then ignited the flame even more making it spread in a frenzied pace. A small explosion later and... "Now! Charge!" I yelled Leaping from the balcony of the building and putting Storm immediately through a Hero's neck.

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They didn't move at first but as the smell of flames grew, they panicked. Something then ignited the flame even more making it spread in a frenzied pace. A small explosion later and... "Now! Charge!" I yelled Leaping from the balcony of the building and putting Storm immediately through a Hero's neck.

*continues picking off forces from her perch. Some are kills, but others are just crippling wounds to the legs and arms*

Edited by Aqua
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As I watched the flames dancing wildly on the field, I made my leap into the field to follow through with our plan, Falchion in hand. But as I did, the flames had quickly spread and isolated me from the rest of the group. Drat... Looks like I'm either going to have to go it solo, or get back to everyone else as soon as I can. But then, I felt someone's prescence

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Silvia immediately grabbed her lance and ran towards the fray, ducking behind a wall next to a surprisingly unsinged barrel, squinting through the smoke to scour out the surroundings. She pulled herself up and swung her legs around so she could properly sit on the barrel.

Only to hear a small, squeaking sound and for the barrel to shake.

Silvia paused for a moment, gripping her lance tight and debating whether to run it through the barrel, but the sight of a sorcerer aiming his spell at Sorin made her completely forget about it. Instead she opted to jump off of it and charge forward, slamming the end of her lance into the sorcerer's stomach to throw off his aim and following up by flipping it around to stab him.

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As I watched the flames dancing wildly on the field, I made my leap into the field to follow through with our plan, Falchion in hand. But as I did, the flames had quickly spread and isolated me from the rest of the group. Drat... Looks like I'm either going to have to go it solo, or get back to everyone else as soon as I can. But then, I felt someone's prescence

"One rat gets seperated from the pack? Bah. Julius makes it too easy for me. You'll all be dead anyway."
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*coughs some from the smoke and her eyes water from it. Despite this, though, she manages to shoot a hero in the eye* "ALL RI-!" *coughing fit*

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"One rat gets seperated from the pack? Bah. Julius makes it too easy for me. You'll all be dead anyway."

You're associated with Julius? Who are you? Show yourself.

Edited by Hero-King
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The smoke was blinding, so thick she could hardly see her own hands. She furiously wiped at her eyes, trying to take her breaths as shallowly as she could to keep from inhaling the smoke, but the weight of the air felt like it was crushing her. Gods above. This was agonizing.

Silvia swore under her breath and coughed into her fist, before dropping to the ground to avoid an orb of dark magic being shot at her.

"Hell," she murmured, shoving herself back to her feet and re-brandishing her lance, swinging wildly at the Hero that suddenly shot out of the cloud of smoke towards her.

The sudden force and her attempts to retreat had her pinned against a wall before she could fully become aware of what was happening, her lance locked into a power struggle with the enemy's axe.

... Until a random Thoron bolt struck the Hero in the back, staggering it enough to her to run it through.

"... This is so goddamn weird, what...?"

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"I am Raydrik. Surely you have heard of me?"

You.... he looks just as how the records depicted him as. I also took notice of the Lopto sword that he carried at his side.Unsheathing Falchion, I wasted no time with him. I've no interest in dawdling so I'll cut straight to the chase. Yield now, or face defeat.

Edited by Hero-King
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Ace tried not to breathe in too much smoke as she fought enemy Hero's with Mercurius in hand. The cloud of smoke obscuring her vision at times. Alicia stayed close to her twin sister, Tyrfing in hand as she tried to cut down enemies through the cloud of smoke. Both ladies could only wonder how their friends were doing fighting in this smoke, surrounded by flames.

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The smoke was getting darker, more acrid - it burned her lungs to even breathe. She didn't want to breathe anymore but she had to.


She went to dive to her left, to dodge a incoming sphere of dark magic, only to run smack into the barrel and fall in a heap on the ground, completely confused.

Only to grow even more confused as the lid popped off and a Physic staff appeared from it, sending its healing magic over to Klotho before it vanished back inside, reattaching the lid like nothing had happened.


"I... I'm hallucinating again... have to be."

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The smoke was getting darker, more acrid - it burned her lungs to even breathe. She didn't want to breathe anymore but she had to.


She went to dive to her left, to dodge a incoming sphere of dark magic, only to run smack into the barrel and fall in a heap on the ground, completely confused.

Only to grow even more confused as the lid popped off and a Physic staff appeared from it, sending its healing magic over to Klotho before it vanished back inside, reattaching the lid like nothing had happened.


"I... I'm hallucinating again... have to be."

​*notices the healing magic* "…Huh? Oh, whatever." *gets back to shooting things, grinning* "This is more like it!"

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You.... he looks just as how the records depicted him as. I also took notice of the Lopto sword that he carried at his side.Unsheathing Falchion, I wasted no time with him. I've no interest in dawdling so I'll cut straight to the chase. Yield now, or face defeat.

"Cur. Do you know who I am? You cannot such as touch me."
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