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*Raspy voice* "I'm fine." *shoots another enemy* "This is… nothing!"

"If you *cough* say so..." *Jumps back and uses Luce straight from the tome grunting in pain as he did so*

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"Cur. Do you know who I am? You cannot such as touch me."

Oh, i know very well who you are. However, I don't think you know who you're up against. As we spoke, the flames around us began to intensify, further increasing the temperature of the area we were isolated in. I had hoped for this to be easy, but I guess not. En garde!

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​*notices the healing magic* "…Huh? Oh, whatever." *gets back to shooting things, grinning* "This is more like it!"

The barrel made some sort of sound, something like a: "Yay!" before it waddled forward a few inches and used its Physic staff again, this time sending the healing magic in Sorin's direction before it awkwardly sidestepped a magic spell and decided to stop, parking itself against the wall about two feet in front of her.

Silvia just stared at it, her bemusement clear.

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Ace: "Silvia? Ugh....Klotho?...Nnnn, hurts to breathe....Sorin? Anyone around?"

Alicia: "It's...hard to see through this smoke.*kills an enemy*"

Ace: "I've...noticed...*kills an enemy* Ugh, this smoke really...stings my eyes."

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The barrel made some sort of sound, something like a: "Yay!" before it waddled forward a few inches and used its Physic staff again, this time sending the healing magic in Sorin's direction before it awkwardly sidestepped a magic spell and decided to stop, parking itself against the wall about two feet in front of her.

Silvia just stared at it, her bemusement clear.

"Harem! Everything okay?" *notices Ace and Alicia in the distance and snipes a sorcerer attacking them* "There!"

Edited by Aqua
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"Harem! Everything okay?" *notices Ace and Alicia in the distance and snipes a sorcerer attacking them* "There!"

Ace: *hears the arrow hit the sorcerer* "Thanks Klotho. *ends up coughing from talking*"

Alicia: "I wonder...just how many foes this smoke...conceals.*Kills another enemy*

Ace: "WAIT! Alicia, trying using your Celica's Gale tome here. See if the aftermath....*coughs again* of the attack blows away some of this smoke..."

Alicia: "Okay...*puts Tyrfing away and pulls out Forged Celica's Gale tome* I'll...*coughs* give it a try."

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Ace: "Silvia? Ugh....Klotho?...Nnnn, hurts to breathe....Sorin? Anyone around?"

Alicia: "It's...hard to see through this smoke.*kills an enemy*"

Ace: "I've...noticed...*kills an enemy* Ugh, this smoke really...stings my eyes."

"Harem! Everything okay?" *notices Ace and Alicia in the distance and snipes a sorcerer attacking them* "There!"

The voice pulled from her from her... very odd thoughts, and she immediately ran forward into the smoke, coughing as she inhaled far too much. "A-Ace! Alicia!" she gasped out, using her lance as support while she stopped to catch her breath. "I... I think, Klotho? ... You sure there wasn't some sort of hallucinogen in those barrels?"

Speaking of barrels, THE barrel started moving again, sidling forward a bit to use its Physic staff twice more, once on Alicia, and once on Ace.

Edited by Vashiane
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Ace: "Silvia? Ugh....Klotho?...Nnnn, hurts to breathe....Sorin? Anyone around?"

Alicia: "It's...hard to see through this smoke.*kills an enemy*"

Ace: "I've...noticed...*kills an enemy* Ugh, this smoke really...stings my eyes."

I hear them. *Takes out a Rexcaliber and shoots in the direction of their voices. He then runs to them and grabs one under each shoulder* "Hang on."

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The voice pulled from her from her... very odd thoughts, and she immediately ran forward into the smoke, coughing as she inhaled far too much. "A-Ace! Alicia!" she gasped out, using her lance as support while she stopped to catch her breath. "I... I think, Klotho? ... You sure there wasn't some sort of hallucinogen in those barrels?"

Speaking of barrels, THE barrel started moving again, sidling forward a bit to use its Physic staff twice more, once on Alicia, and once on Ace.

"I think we've got bigger things to worry about first!" *shoots another hero through the leg*

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Oh, i know very well who you are. However, I don't think you know who you're up against. As we spoke, the flames around us began to intensify, further increasing the temperature of the area we were isolated in. I had hoped for this to be easy, but I guess not. En garde!

*draws Lopto sword* "I wish I didn't waste time on a fool like you."
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The voice pulled from her from her... very odd thoughts, and she immediately ran forward into the smoke, coughing as she inhaled far too much. "A-Ace! Alicia!" she gasped out, using her lance as support while she stopped to catch her breath. "I... I think, Klotho? ... You sure there wasn't some sort of hallucinogen in those barrels?"

Speaking of barrels, THE barrel started moving again, sidling forward a bit to use its Physic staff twice more, once on Alicia, and once on Ace.

Ace felt the healing magic on her, the burning feeling in her chest going away. "Phew, much better...if only I could see where that came from.." Alicia: "Healing magic, from this distance...a Physic staff was used. It does feel better to breathe now."

I hear them. *Takes out a Rexcaliber and shoots in the direction of their voices. He then runs to them and grabs one under each shoulder* "Hang on."

Ace: "Okay." Alicia: "Of course."

Ace: "Thanks Sorin, I'll rest for a bit here."

Alicia: "Thank you, Sorin. I'll be taking a break for a moment."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"I think we've got bigger things to worry about first!" *shoots another hero through the leg*

Silvia nodded, doubling over to have a coughing fit, before slashing her lance upward to protect herself from the enemy coming towards -

Nope. It was just the barrel again, which gave a really loud squeak and promptly fell over, rolling around for a few moments and making a whining sort of sound.

Silvia immediately pressed her face into her palm, sighing, before yelling out, "AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THIS?!"

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*still doing her best to cover* "I don't think this was thought through as well as it could've been…"

Silvia nodded, doubling over to have a coughing fit, before slashing her lance upward to protect herself from the enemy coming towards -

Nope. It was just the barrel again, which gave a really loud squeak and promptly fell over, rolling around for a few moments and making a whining sort of sound.

"Are you done fighting inanimate objects, Harem?"

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*draws Lopto sword* "I wish I didn't waste time on a fool like you."

Marth charges Raydrik with a swing of his blade and begins swordplay. Being the naturally better swordsman, Marth was keeping control of the pace. Your slow! I said as we continued to clash steel

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Marth charges Raydrik with a swing of his blade and begins swordplay. Being the naturally better swordsman, Marth was keeping control of the pace. Your slow! I said as we continued to clash steel

*doesn't move*"Lopto sword makes me invincible. *Hits with Loptyr Sword* You cannot best me."
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*still doing her best to cover* "I don't think this was thought through as well as it could've been…"

"Are you done fighting inanimate objects, Harem?"

Silvia huffed, coughing and sinking to her knees to regroup before hoarsely replying, "I - It's not inanimate! IT'S. ROLLING."

She waved the hand that wasn't clutching her chest towards the barrel, which had accidentally rolled too close to a fire and was now rolling back towards the group, all while saying, "Noooooo, too hot, too hot, way too hot...!"

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*doesn't move*"Lopto sword makes me invincible. *Hits with Loptyr Sword* You cannot best me."

His attack was only a mere scratch to me. I quickly retaliated and managed to gain a hit by his left wrist. Thats what you think. I am the one who shall purge you back to the depths of wherever you came from! The flames were steadily growing again. If I don't finish this soon....

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Silvia huffed, coughing and sinking to her knees to regroup before hoarsely replying, "I - It's not inanimate! IT'S. ROLLING."

She waved the hand that wasn't clutching her chest towards the barrel, which had accidentally rolled too close to a fire and was now rolling back towards the group, all while saying, "Noooooo, too hot, too hot, way too hot...!"

*heads down and stops the barrel* "Okay, I've stopped the deadly barrel from attacking you. Can we get back to more important things? Like not dying?"

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His attack was only a mere scratch to me. I quickly retaliated and managed to gain a hit by his left wrist. Thats what you think. I am the one who shall purge you back to the depths of wherever you came from! The flames were steadily growing again. If I don't finish this soon....

"Agh.. That still can't hurt me. Pain is nothing. So are you.*hits with Lopto sword*"
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"Agh.. That still can't hurt me. Pain is nothing. So are you.*hits with Lopto sword*"

He tried to attack this time, but I managed to dodge it and get behind him and held Falchion to his neck. You really think so? Try again, and that'll be your last move

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*heads down and stops the barrel* "Okay, I've stopped the deadly barrel from attacking you. Can we get back to more important things? Like not dying?"

"T-That's still highly irregular..." Silvia mumbled, shoving herself back to her feet, but not before a Physic staff appeared and knocked against her skull twice, before the magic released from him and surrounded her. Silvia glanced down, just in time to see a flash of a bright smile and red pigtails before the person retreated into the barrel again, like nothing had happened.

"... Think you bruised my skull there..." Silvia complained, rubbing her temple with her fingers.

"Oh gosh, sorry!"

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"T-That's still highly irregular..." Silvia mumbled, shoving herself back to her feet, but not before a Physic staff appeared and knocked against her skull twice, before the magic released from him and surrounded her. Silvia glanced down, just in time to see a flash of a bright smile and red pigtails before the person retreated into the barrel again, like nothing had happened.

"... Think you bruised my skull there..." Silvia complained, rubbing her temple with her fingers.

"Oh gosh, sorry!"

​"…Okay, I deal with the strange one here. You deal with the sorcerers trying to kill us there?"

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​"…Okay, I deal with the strange one here. You deal with the sorcerers trying to kill us there?"

"Killing things is the ONLY thing making any sense..." she muttered, swinging the lance around so she could get into her typical stance, before dashing off towards the first sorcerer she could jam her lance into and doing just that, swinging her body around the hilt once the body toppled to the ground. She landed back on the ground, removing her lance and swinging it into the sorcerer's neck.

The barrel is a barrel. Nothing more~.

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"Killing things is the ONLY thing making any sense..." she muttered, swinging the lance around so she could get into her typical stance, before dashing off towards the first sorcerer she could jam her lance into and doing just that, swinging her body around the hilt once the body toppled to the ground. She landed back on the ground, removing her lance and swinging it into the sorcerer's neck.

The barrel is a barrel. Nothing more~.

*As Silvia is kicking ass, Klotho removes the lid of the barrel to look at the occupant* "Hello."

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