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He tried to attack this time, but I managed to dodge it and get behind him and held Falchion to his neck. You really think so? Try again, and that'll be your last move

"Barbarous filth! I am Raydrik! You fool, cannot defeat me! I am invincible!"
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*As Silvia is kicking ass, Klotho removes the lid of the barrel to look at the occupant* "Hello."

She blinked up at the sudden burst of light, tipping her head back to see a girl looking at her. She immediately squeaked and retreated further into the barrel, clutching onto her staff like a vice.

"Pay no mind to the girl in the barrel! T-There's nothing here...!" she said, only to realize her mistake almost seconds after she spoke."Oh. Oh-oh-oh, I wasn't supposed to talk. Um. R-Retreat?" She instantly pressed her body weight against the side of the barrel to knock it over and send it rolling, only to remember another fatal mistake.

"OhbytheGoddessIhavenocontrooooool, heeeeeeeeeeeelp!"

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She blinked up at the sudden burst of light, tipping her head back to see a girl looking at her. She immediately squeaked and retreated further into the barrel, clutching onto her staff like a vice.

"Pay no mind to the girl in the barrel! T-There's nothing here...!" she said, only to realize her mistake almost seconds after she spoke."Oh. Oh-oh-oh, I wasn't supposed to talk. Um. R-Retreat?" She instantly pressed her body weight against the side of the barrel to knock it over and send it rolling, only to remember another fatal mistake.

"OhbytheGoddessIhavenocontrooooool, heeeeeeeeeeeelp!"

​"What just…?" *goes chasing after the barrel before it rolls into some fire and catches it just in time, earning a burn on her non-guarded arm for her trouble* "So… uh…"

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"Barbarous filth! I am Raydrik! You fool, cannot defeat me! I am invincible!"

Now that I was behind him, and with the flames ever growing stronger, this was my opportunity to finish him off. To ensure that I do so, Starsphere: Level 1 activated and gave me an extra boost in power with its aura. With it, I sliced at Raydrik's torso, cleanly through the middle. Raydrik...... Your end has come.

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​"What just…?" *goes chasing after the barrel before it rolls into some fire and catches it just in time, earning a burn on her non-guarded arm for her trouble* "So… uh…"

The sudden jolt earned a squeak out of her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for impact or a horrible death or something. But instead... she got a voice from above her, outside the wooden confines she'd placed herself in. She swiftly shimmied her way out of the barrel, spilling into an awkward pile by the girl's feet. With another squeak she shoved herself to her feet, stumbling slightly as she brushed the dirt and soot off of her dress.

"O-Oh. Um... thank you?" she said, glancing up at the girl through her lashes before looking away again, her fingers nervously curling and uncurling around her staff. "I kind of almost roasted there and... oh no, you got hurt!" she said, immediately holding her Physic staff over the burn, looking up to mouth an apology to the girl.

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The sudden jolt earned a squeak out of her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for impact or a horrible death or something. But instead... she got a voice from above her, outside the wooden confines she'd placed herself in. She swiftly shimmied her way out of the barrel, spilling into an awkward pile by the girl's feet. With another squeak she shoved herself to her feet, stumbling slightly as she brushed the dirt and soot off of her dress.

"O-Oh. Um... thank you?" she said, glancing up at the girl through her lashes before looking away again, her fingers nervously curling and uncurling around her staff. "I kind of almost roasted there and... oh no, you got hurt!" she said, immediately holding her Physic staff over the burn, looking up to mouth an apology to the girl.

*in mild disbelief and in no way concerned about the burn on her arm* ​"So… you're one of the dreaded Annas?"

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Now that I was behind him, and with the flames ever growing stronger, this was my opportunity to finish him off. To ensure that I do so, Starsphere: Level 1 activated and gave me an extra boost in power with its aura. With it, I sliced at Raydrik's torso, cleanly through the middle. Raydrik...... Your end has come.

*turns to dust*"Lord Xert....."
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*in mild disbelief and in no way concerned about the burn on her arm* ​"So… you're one of the dreaded Annas?"

"H-Hey now..." she said, pulling her staff away and lifting the girl's arm, examining the burn spot once more before letting it fall gently back to the girl's side. She then folded her arms and gave her best attempt at a death glare. "I'm VERY vicious y'know. ... W-When I... y'know, wanna be..." she trailed off, her arms falling to her sides with a sigh. She instantly perked up again though, clicking her heels together and holding out the hand that wasn't carrying her staff. "But yeah! I'm Anna Aimee."

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"H-Hey now..." she said, pulling her staff away and lifting the girl's arm, examining the burn spot once more before letting it fall gently back to the girl's side. She then folded her arms and gave her best attempt at a death glare. "I'm VERY vicious y'know. ... W-When I... y'know, wanna be..." she trailed off, her arms falling to her sides with a sigh. She instantly perked up again though, clicking her heels together and holding out the hand that wasn't carrying her staff. "But yeah! I'm Anna Aimee."

*studies her for a moment and then bypasses the hand to poke Aimee's cheek* "You're a squishy wizard."

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*turns to dust*"Lord Xert....."

Lord Xert.... now who would that be? But there was no time to ponder the thought. The flames were becoming overwhelming as they began to inch closer and closer, consuming everything in their path. The charcoal black, suffocating smoke was finally kicking in, as the fumes caused me to violently choke from inability to breathe. I'm still isolated from the others, but i see no pathway for me to take. Oh Marth, what do i do know?

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*studies her for a moment and then bypasses the hand to poke Aimee's cheek* "You're a squishy wizard."

Aimee scrunched up her nose and stared back at her, puzzled as she raised her own hand and poked the girl's nose. "And you're a... not-so-squishy-but-still-kinda-squishy archer. S-So you can't mock me for my squishiness!"

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Aimee scrunched up her nose and stared back at her, puzzled as she raised her own hand and poked the girl's nose. "And you're a... not-so-squishy-but-still-kinda-squishy archer. S-So you can't mock me for my squishiness!"

*makes a face and pokes Aimee's cheek again* "But I'm a Marksman… woman… whatever. So I'm standing far back from the others. And I'm actually WEARING armor."

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*makes a face and pokes Aimee's cheek again* "But I'm a Marksman… woman… whatever. So I'm standing far back from the others. And I'm actually WEARING armor."

She frowned and poked the girl's nose, huffing slightly. "Good point. But... my outfit is cuter than yours~!" she said in a sing-song tone, twirling around once to show off. "So... ha!" She giggled. "Gotcha there!"

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She frowned and poked the girl's nose, huffing slightly. "Good point. But... my outfit is cuter than yours~!" she said in a sing-song tone, twirling around once to show off. "So... ha!" She giggled. "Gotcha there!"

​"I… didn't think mine was that bad…" *sad face*

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Still looking frantically for an escape. but to no avail, I was completely surrounded on my own, accompanied only by the flames. The fumes still poisoning my lungs,I began to fall on my knees choking. D-Damn. If I don't get out of hear s-soon....

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​"I… didn't think mine was that bad…" *sad face*

Aimee immediately balked at the girl's downcast expression, shuffling forward to give her a quick hug. "O-Oh, I'm sorry! I - I was just teasing you, yours is really cute..." She pulled back a little, reaching out to play with her hair and letting out a small groan of disappointment. "Ugh. Jealous. Look at this." She held a strand of her hair in front of the girl's eyes before dropping it and returning to her own. "You're so pretty..."

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Aimee immediately balked at the girl's downcast expression, shuffling forward to give her a quick hug. "O-Oh, I'm sorry! I - I was just teasing you, yours is really cute..." She pulled back a little, reaching out to play with her hair and letting out a small groan of disappointment. "Ugh. Jealous. Look at this." She held a strand of her hair in front of the girl's eyes before dropping it and returning to her own. "You're so pretty..."

​"Really? Because you're really cute! I'm horribly jealous. I LOVE your hair!"

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Silvia retreated back, raising her fingers to her lips to whistle for Aurum so she could scout the area. She had seen Sorin earlier, same with Ace, Alicia and Klotho... and the barrel, but one person was missing.


The moment Aurum touched down, she grabbed onto the reins and swung herself onto the saddle, telling Aurum to take off again.

It didn't take long, despite the acrid black smoke choking the air... maybe it was the bright blue hair against all the orange and yellow, maybe it was the light reflecting off the tiara.

... Definitely the latter. It nearly blinded her.

She dropped Aurum's height again, and jumped down the moment she was close enough, immediately running over to wrap her arms around Marth and pull him to his feet. "H-Hey... Marth? You HAVE to stay with me okay?" she told him, guiding him back to Aurum and pushing him up on the saddle before boarding herself, wrapping one around him to keep him in place and the other to hold Aurum's reigns as they took off to the sky again.

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Dusk was on a random balcony, sniping away at some of the generic enemies down below him. Watching Raydrik turning into dust only brought a crooked smile to his face. He was so engrossed in the fighting that he actually didn't notice Klotho had disappeared from the perch beside him. Wanting to check on her, he turned and nearly asked her if she was coping okay, but to his surprise, she wasn't there. Lowering his bow, he retreated into the building and went to find her, only to see her conversing with an Anna. Withdrawing the bow, he kept his hand near his belt, which housed his killer axe. Nobody could see it though, as his jacket was concealing it. "... You must be Aimee"

(Tell me if I'm going out of a plan or anything. Skype isn't showing any recent messages I don't think, so I'm kinda in the dark)

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​"Really? Because you're really cute! I'm horribly jealous. I LOVE your hair!"

Dusk was on a random balcony, sniping away at some of the generic enemies down below him. Watching Raydrik turning into dust only brought a crooked smile to his face. He was so engrossed in the fighting that he actually didn't notice Klotho had disappeared from the perch beside him. Wanting to check on her, he turned and nearly asked her if she was coping okay, but to his surprise, she wasn't there. Lowering his bow, he retreated into the building and went to find her, only to see her conversing with an Anna. Withdrawing the bow, he kept his hand near his belt, which housed his killer axe. Nobody could see it though, as his jacket was concealing it. "... You must be Aimee"

(Tell me if I'm going out of a plan or anything. Skype isn't showing any recent messages I don't think, so I'm kinda in the dark)

Aimee twirled the bottom of one of her pigtails and shyly looked up at the girl. "Wha... really? But yours is... like, I have NEVER seen that color. Then again, I grew up with a ton of redheads but really... it's very - huh?" She paused, spinning around to the source of the footsteps and clutching her hand around her back, taking a step back as the person drew forward. "Yes... I'm Aimee..."

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Aimee twirled the bottom of one of her pigtails and shyly looked up at the girl. "Wha... really? But yours is... like, I have NEVER seen that color. Then again, I grew up with a ton of redheads but really... it's very - huh?" She paused, spinning around to the source of the footsteps and clutching her hand around her back, taking a step back as the person drew forward. "Yes... I'm Aimee..."

"Hmm? What's wrong?" *turns* "Oh, hello brother." *turns back to Aimee and pokes her cheek again* "You're so SQUISHY, Ribbon."

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"Hmm? What's wrong?" *turns* "Oh, hello brother." *turns back to Aimee and pokes her cheek again* "You're so SQUISHY, Ribbon."

Aimee twirled the bottom of one of her pigtails and shyly looked up at the girl. "Wha... really? But yours is... like, I have NEVER seen that color. Then again, I grew up with a ton of redheads but really... it's very - huh?" She paused, spinning around to the source of the footsteps and clutching her hand around her back, taking a step back as the person drew forward. "Yes... I'm Aimee..."

"Hey there, Klotho" Turning his head to the Anna that had just announced herself as Aimee, he gave him a stern look. "Aimee... Oh, Phoibus sent you here, didn't he? Oh, and I have that unusual hair colour too, in case you haven't noticed"

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"Hey there, Klotho" Turning his head to the Anna that had just announced herself as Aimee, he gave him a stern look. "Aimee... Oh, Phoibus sent you here, didn't he? Oh, and I have that unusual hair colour too, in case you haven't noticed"

​"Phoi… bus…?"

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