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"Look at you, blushing... How cute" Her question prompted him to take out his silver bow from his back. "Indeed. I was originally a Sniper, but as of late, I took up the use of axes and became a Warrior" He carefully managed to place the arrow he was holding between her fingertips that held the other arrow, and pushed the side of his jacket back a bit, showing the blooded blade of a silver axe

Aimee pouted, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm not cute, I'm a... barrel warrior." She turned to see the bow, immediately gasping and reaching out to touch it. "I'm sorry... but bows are so amazing. Like my sister uses bows, and she can hit targets from SO far away, it's incredible, and one day she was out practicing and there was the target, like, right beside me and I was pretty far back and she just took aim and she HIT it and I felt the arrow go past me and everything and I was like, 'Whoa, that's amazing!' but Serena's kind of a stoic so she just sorta went 'Eh', but I was seriously impressed, like, wow."

Aimee finally paused to take a breath, only now realizing she'd managed to cram all of those words into such a short time frame, making her sound like a gushing little school girl.

"I - I mean. Yay... bows~ S-So cool~" she muttered, embarrassed.

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*Walks over* "Soo Dusk? What we talking about?"

He turned his head to face Sorin and smiled. "Hey, Sorin. Not a lot, just general chit-chat with our Anna friend here"

Aimee pouted, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm not cute, I'm a... barrel warrior." She turned to see the bow, immediately gasping and reaching out to touch it. "I'm sorry... but bows are so amazing. Like my sister uses bows, and she can hit targets from SO far away, it's incredible, and one day she was out practicing and there was the target, like, right beside me and I was pretty far back and she just took aim and she HIT it and I felt the arrow go past me and everything and I was like, 'Whoa, that's amazing!' but Serena's kind of a stoic so she just sorta went 'Eh', but I was seriously impressed, like, wow."

Aimee finally paused to take a breath, only now realizing she'd managed to cram all of those words into such a short time frame, making her sound like a gushing little school girl.

"I - I mean. Yay... bows~ S-So cool~" she muttered, embarrassed.

His attention went back to Aimee. "A barrel warrior eh? I'm absolutely terrified~" Snapping his fingers, he listened to her story about this Anna. "Oh, that's pretty amazing actually... But nobody's better than me when it comes to using bows, and that's a fact. I've even bested Draco, one of the Deadlords! And touch my weapon; it likes being stroked by a woman like yourself" Smirking, he knew that if Kat heard that, he would've been knocked out on the spot. She wasn't here though, so...

Edited by DodgeDusk
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He turned his head to face Sorin and smiled. "Hey, Sorin. Not a lot, just general chit-chat with our Anna friend here"

*whispers* "This the one your waifu mentioned?"

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(Why are you all talking in a burning fire...?)

*Looks around to see all his allies safe* "Good. This would be easier if I could I have a mystic tome but..." *Uses Rexcaliber to pick up water from the ocean and start dousing the flames*

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"Wah!" Aimee almost jumped back in shock at her suddenly digging into her bag, blushing slightly at her boldness. "Y-Yeah! Um. Mostly Thoron tomes, I've got an Elthunder in there for practicing stuff though..." she mumbled, trailing off as she reached into the girl's quiver and removed an arrow, holding it in front of her face to examine it. "Ooh. So pointy..."

Aimee flinched as the second arrow came into her eyesight, her eyes going wide as she fumbled with the arrow in her own hands out of shock of seeing the other appear. "I - I... yeah, that would be... not... so... not so great..." Aimee said, still blushing. "W-Wait. You're an archer too?"

​"Yeah, the arrows are the… uh… Holy Arrows of Retribution, so..."

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(I'm an idiot. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to stab myself with a brick.)

N-no nii-san! I won't let you! *Takes the brick*

Aimee pouted, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm not cute, I'm a... barrel warrior." She turned to see the bow, immediately gasping and reaching out to touch it. "I'm sorry... but bows are so amazing. Like my sister uses bows, and she can hit targets from SO far away, it's incredible, and one day she was out practicing and there was the target, like, right beside me and I was pretty far back and she just took aim and she HIT it and I felt the arrow go past me and everything and I was like, 'Whoa, that's amazing!' but Serena's kind of a stoic so she just sorta went 'Eh', but I was seriously impressed, like, wow."

Aimee finally paused to take a breath, only now realizing she'd managed to cram all of those words into such a short time frame, making her sound like a gushing little school girl.

"I - I mean. Yay... bows~ S-So cool~" she muttered, embarrassed.

"Aimee I presume?"

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He turned his head to face Sorin and smiled. "Hey, Sorin. Not a lot, just general chit-chat with our Anna friend here"

His attention went back to Aimee. "A barrel warrior eh? I'm absolutely terrified~" Snapping his fingers, he listened to her story about this Anna. "Oh, that's pretty amazing actually... But nobody's better than me when it comes to using bows, and that's a fact. I've even bested Draco, one of the Deadlords! And touch my weapon; it likes being stroked by a woman like yourself" Smirking, he knew that if Kat heard that, he would've been knocked out on the spot. She wasn't here though, so...

​"Yeah, the arrows are the… uh… Holy Arrows of Retribution, so..."

She glanced up at him and pouted again. "Of course I'm terrifying! I'm a barrel warrior! I can do... barrel... rolls and... espionage." She paused for a moment, mulling over her prowess with a barrel and realized that actually wasn't that terrifying. Maybe if she painted eyes on it. Glowing eyes. That'll work.

"Whoa... really? Wait... a - a Deadlord? Itotallyhavetheashesofoneofthem~!" she said with a squeal, jumping up and down twice before stopping, now fully aware of what she just said. "I mean. T-That's creepy~ W-What kind of... creepy person... has that stuff?" She fiddled with the arrow in her hands, glancing around at everything that wasn't the man in front of her. Oh hey, new person. She had been about to respond to them, but the man effectively shut her up. "I... ook-kay...?" she said, quite positive her cheeks were the same color as her hair as she reached out to run her finger along the curve of the bow.

The girl's reply was practically heaven-sent, maybe she could stop blushing so badly!

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, these are totally holey arrows. 'Cause you put holes in people when you shoot them! A-And. Um. ... T-T-That actually wasn't funny."

Now she glanced back over to the new man that had walked in and gave a quick bow. "That's my name~"

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She glanced up at him and pouted again. "Of course I'm terrifying! I'm a barrel warrior! I can do... barrel... rolls and... espionage." She paused for a moment, mulling over her prowess with a barrel and realized that actually wasn't that terrifying. Maybe if she painted eyes on it. Glowing eyes. That'll work.

"Whoa... really? Wait... a - a Deadlord? Itotallyhavetheashesofoneofthem~!" she said with a squeal, jumping up and down twice before stopping, now fully aware of what she just said. "I mean. T-That's creepy~ W-What kind of... creepy person... has that stuff?" She fiddled with the arrow in her hands, glancing around at everything that wasn't the man in front of her. Oh hey, new person. She had been about to respond to them, but the man effectively shut her up. "I... ook-kay...?" she said, quite positive her cheeks were the same color as her hair as she reached out to run her finger along the curve of the bow.

The girl's reply was practically heaven-sent, maybe she could stop blushing so badly!

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, these are totally holey arrows. 'Cause you put holes in people when you shoot them! A-And. Um. ... T-T-That actually wasn't funny."

Now she glanced back over to the new man that had walked in and gave a quick bow. "That's my name~"

*laughs* "You're adorable. I'm going to ask Sister if we can take you home with us."

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*whispers* "This the one your waifu mentioned?"

She glanced up at him and pouted again. "Of course I'm terrifying! I'm a barrel warrior! I can do... barrel... rolls and... espionage." She paused for a moment, mulling over her prowess with a barrel and realized that actually wasn't that terrifying. Maybe if she painted eyes on it. Glowing eyes. That'll work.

"Whoa... really? Wait... a - a Deadlord? Itotallyhavetheashesofoneofthem~!" she said with a squeal, jumping up and down twice before stopping, now fully aware of what she just said. "I mean. T-That's creepy~ W-What kind of... creepy person... has that stuff?" She fiddled with the arrow in her hands, glancing around at everything that wasn't the man in front of her. Oh hey, new person. She had been about to respond to them, but the man effectively shut her up. "I... ook-kay...?" she said, quite positive her cheeks were the same color as her hair as she reached out to run her finger along the curve of the bow.

The girl's reply was practically heaven-sent, maybe she could stop blushing so badly!

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, these are totally holey arrows. 'Cause you put holes in people when you shoot them! A-And. Um. ... T-T-That actually wasn't funny."

Now she glanced back over to the new man that had walked in and gave a quick bow. "That's my name~"

"My wai-... Yes, Sorin. This is the one Kat mentioned" Turning his head back to Aimee, he quietly laughed to himself, then withdrew his bow. "Right then... Should we escort you back to where we're currently residing? Methinks you need a nice room, all to yourself~"

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"My wai-... Yes, Sorin. This is the one Kat mentioned" Turning his head back to Aimee, he quietly laughed to himself, then withdrew his bow. "Right then... Should we escort you back to where we're currently residing? Methinks you need a nice room, all to yourself~"

"No, she can share with me. SOME people are untrustworthy, after all. It's much better if so."

Edited by Aqua
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She glanced up at him and pouted again. "Of course I'm terrifying! I'm a barrel warrior! I can do... barrel... rolls and... espionage." She paused for a moment, mulling over her prowess with a barrel and realized that actually wasn't that terrifying. Maybe if she painted eyes on it. Glowing eyes. That'll work.

"Whoa... really? Wait... a - a Deadlord? Itotallyhavetheashesofoneofthem~!" she said with a squeal, jumping up and down twice before stopping, now fully aware of what she just said. "I mean. T-That's creepy~ W-What kind of... creepy person... has that stuff?" She fiddled with the arrow in her hands, glancing around at everything that wasn't the man in front of her. Oh hey, new person. She had been about to respond to them, but the man effectively shut her up. "I... ook-kay...?" she said, quite positive her cheeks were the same color as her hair as she reached out to run her finger along the curve of the bow.

The girl's reply was practically heaven-sent, maybe she could stop blushing so badly!

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, these are totally holey arrows. 'Cause you put holes in people when you shoot them! A-And. Um. ... T-T-That actually wasn't funny."

Now she glanced back over to the new man that had walked in and gave a quick bow. "That's my name~"

"Err... Right. You're a cheerful one. I'm Sorin, the leader of this merry band. I'm also the one that executed Theresa and am going to kill your sisters." *Eerie smile that makes it hard to tell if he is serious.* "...Just kidding."

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"Err... Right. You're a cheerful one. I'm Sorin, the leader of this merry band. I'm also the one that executed Theresa and am going to kill your sisters." *Eerie smile that makes it hard to tell if he is serious.* "...Just kidding."

"As I said. Some people aren't trustworthy in matters of Annas." *very bluntly*

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*laughs* "You're adorable. I'm going to ask Sister if we can take you home with us."

"My wai-... Yes, Sorin. This is the one Kat mentioned" Turning his head back to Aimee, he quietly laughed to himself, then withdrew his bow. "Right then... Should we escort you back to where we're currently residing? Methinks you need a nice room, all to yourself~"

"Err... Right. You're a cheerful one. I'm Sorin, the leader of this merry band. I'm also the one that executed Theresa and am going to kill your sisters." *Eerie smile that makes it hard to tell if he is serious.* "...Just kidding."

"Waitwaitwait, I do kind of have a mission here... Hang on a second!" Aimee immediately dove into her bag, searching for something and giving a soft "Aha!" when she found it. She unfolded the piece of paper and scanned it, only to realize that was the wrong note.

"Uh... nope, grocery list..." The second sheet of folded paper wasn't it either. "Runes... oh so THAT'S it...!" she muttered to herself, pointing out the one rune she kept messing up on before trying again. The third sheet of paper made her blush the moment she unfolded it, and she quickly stowed it again, giggling. "Phoiby~ Oh, okay, this HAS to be it! Yeah! Okay." She quickly scanned the paper before closing it again. "I'm kind of looking for the Dreamers. Know of them?"

At the remark of the man called Sorin, she tensed, wrapping her fingers around her staff and beaming at him. "Nice to meet you Sorin!" She dropped the smile, readjusting her grip so she could swing the staff straight into his stomach. "... Just kidding."

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"Waitwaitwait, I do kind of have a mission here... Hang on a second!" Aimee immediately dove into her bag, searching for something and giving a soft "Aha!" when she found it. She unfolded the piece of paper and scanned it, only to realize that was the wrong note.

"Uh... nope, grocery list..." The second sheet of folded paper wasn't it either. "Runes... oh so THAT'S it...!" she muttered to herself, pointing out the one rune she kept messing up on before trying again. The third sheet of paper made her blush the moment she unfolded it, and she quickly stowed it again, giggling. "Phoiby~ Oh, okay, this HAS to be it! Yeah! Okay." She quickly scanned the paper before closing it again. "I'm kind of looking for the Dreamers. Know of them?"

At the remark of the man called Sorin, she tensed, wrapping her fingers around her staff and beaming at him. "Nice to meet you Sorin!" She dropped the smile, readjusting her grip so she could swing the staff straight into his stomach. "... Just kidding."

"Good hit. And we're the Dreamers. Why are you looking for us?"

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"Waitwaitwait, I do kind of have a mission here... Hang on a second!" Aimee immediately dove into her bag, searching for something and giving a soft "Aha!" when she found it. She unfolded the piece of paper and scanned it, only to realize that was the wrong note.

"Uh... nope, grocery list..." The second sheet of folded paper wasn't it either. "Runes... oh so THAT'S it...!" she muttered to herself, pointing out the one rune she kept messing up on before trying again. The third sheet of paper made her blush the moment she unfolded it, and she quickly stowed it again, giggling. "Phoiby~ Oh, okay, this HAS to be it! Yeah! Okay." She quickly scanned the paper before closing it again. "I'm kind of looking for the Dreamers. Know of them?"

At the remark of the man called Sorin, she tensed, wrapping her fingers around her staff and beaming at him. "Nice to meet you Sorin!" She dropped the smile, readjusting her grip so she could swing the staff straight into his stomach. "... Just kidding."

"We are indeed the Dreamers" He extended his arm out. "I'm Dusk, in case I didn't mention it before. Grand General and all that malarkey. Nice to meet you"

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As the battle died down for a time, Cassandra walked towards the suddenly large group that was forming over nearby. She blended in with the group, unaware of who the strange little girl was or what was going on in the first place.

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"Good hit. And we're the Dreamers. Why are you looking for us?"

"We are indeed the Dreamers" He extended his arm out. "I'm Dusk, in case I didn't mention it before. Grand General and all that malarkey. Nice to meet you"

Aimee withdrew her staff and glanced over at the girl, sighing. "Wait... you are? Well that was easy!" She brightened up almost instantly, before glancing down at the floor for a moment to remember the name. "Ah... I'm supposed to find a woman named Agrona and tag along with her."

She turned back to Dusk and smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you Dusk, I'm Aimee." She withdrew her hand and waved, only to squeal at the sight of the new girl's hair color. "ANOTHER REDHEAD, YEAH!"

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Aimee withdrew her staff and glanced over at the girl, sighing. "Wait... you are? Well that was easy!" She brightened up almost instantly, before glancing down at the floor for a moment to remember the name. "Ah... I'm supposed to find a woman named Agrona and tag along with her."

She turned back to Dusk and smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you Dusk, I'm Aimee." She withdrew her hand and waved, only to squeal at the sight of the new girl's hair color. "ANOTHER REDHEAD, YEAH!"

"Yeah, isn't her hair pretty? I don't know 'Agrona', but I bet Sister does. She knows a LOT of people."

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Aimee withdrew her staff and glanced over at the girl, sighing. "Wait... you are? Well that was easy!" She brightened up almost instantly, before glancing down at the floor for a moment to remember the name. "Ah... I'm supposed to find a woman named Agrona and tag along with her."

She turned back to Dusk and smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you Dusk, I'm Aimee." She withdrew her hand and waved, only to squeal at the sight of the new girl's hair color. "ANOTHER REDHEAD, YEAH!"

"Agrona... I can escort you to her, if you like?"

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Cassandra was startled at the young girl's enthusiasm over her hair colour, but that dissipated quickly. "Oh, my... um, well, hello. It's nice to meet you."

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"Agrona... I can escort you to her, if you like?"

"Or Brother can know. I'll come too!" *pauses* "Oh, wait, aren't there still enemies? But I wanted to show Aimee our room." *pouts*

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