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"Well I'm not leading! As your doctor, I order you to choose where to go."

Muahahaha. Medical benefits.

"Actually, considering this is under the realm of confidentiality, I believe it is your obligation to choose a location where we can talk privately."

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"However, as you are the one who wishes to keep this conversation private, it is up to you to decide upon a location that you are sure is free of possible eavesdroppers."

"Isn't a healer SUPPOSED to keep things confidential, though? Besides, you're older and smarter. I'm young and stupid."

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"Oh, no. You chose that path. You could've just stayed back. You could've just chosen to ignore that duty. You CHOSE not to. There is no such thing as a path being chosen for you. If you feel that way, it is because you chose to go with the path, instead of fighting against it. Family and blood… they don't mean anything when it comes to your paths. You chose to go with your family's expectations. You CHOSE to leave Talys and reclaim your homeland. Don't blame the path for your own choices. If you had truly wanted, you could've stopped, looked around, and found that harder, rougher, path hidden to the side and chosen to walk it instead. And you would've tripped, you would've fallen, but you could choose, again, to get right back up and keep walking it."

Well.....yes, I am aware of that. Thanks for the reminder. By the way, shouldn't you still be in bed?

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"I know even fewer! You're the one who knows of a safe place, not me!"

"No, I don't! That's why I asked!"

Well.....yes, I am aware of that. Thanks for the reminder. By the way, shouldn't you still be in bed?


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"Klotho, if I have to sit here and sulk until you decide on a room, I will. Don't think I haven't done this before."

"That's unprofessional and stupid of you."

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Sulking ensues.

​"…And you're the healer in charge of us? No wonder we all keep getting hurt and no wonder people avoid talking to you sometimes."

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"People get hurt because you're unprofessional and stupid? How's that MY fault?"

Yuffie rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm saying that you're acting childishly. I asked you because I have no clue where to meet, but you turned the question back on me instead of, I don't know, asking someone else? You're supposed to be the smart one here. I'm just a… a stupid bitch, really."

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Well, I guess its too late for that now, isnt it? *sighs*

"Yep. I'm already out here. Also, Silvia's cuddly. More so when she stops flinching. Am I on a wound, dear? Or… did Marth and I hit some nerves?"

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"No, I'm saying that you're acting childishly. I asked you because I have no clue where to meet, but you turned the question back on me instead of, I don't know, asking someone else? You're supposed to be the smart one here. I'm just a… a stupid bitch, really."

"Of course I'm acting childishly. It's fun. Klotho, I genuinely have no idea where to go either. I was just teasing you. You're the little sister I never had. Just with a different hair colour, and you arrived into my life a little late. And you're most definitely neither stupid, nor are you a bitch. Anyone who says otherwise is just an idiotic, small minded fool, who doesn't know how great you truly are. If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, just ignore them, kay? Now come on, we'll head to that room Nathaniel talked about, shall we?"

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"Maybe…" *rests her head on top of Silvia's* "First off, how about you sit so that we don't have giant cricks in our neck?"

​"I broke the mirror."

"Wouldn't that heal them?"

​"Yes, it's quite strange just how much the world changes. It's like a slow growing child, really. Look here. The coastline used to be much rougher and farther back. Now, it's grown smooth and further forward, allowing for a safe port. Just as a human grows older and trips up a bunch of times before finally finding the path that leads to where THEY want to go. And, yes, a book. He didn't say what is was, though."

"No. It wouldn't, because I'm smacking them with justice. And justice HURTS!" Aimee said, pausing her healing to strike a quick pose. "Especially if you catch them right on the back of the neck and their neck kind of pops. Sometimes they kinda stop moving , so be careful. And um... you're pretty, Klo. Why would you break a mirror?"

I had already been aware of her issues with corruption. Kat had already told me that much. And yet..... I had wanted to hear it from her, to confirm that it was indeed the problem. I honestly would rather not have her suffer from it. Anything that you feel needs to be said. I'm listening

Silvia glared up at Kat's hair, scowling. "Why are you so much taller than me?" Kat continued speaking, waxing nostalgic about the coastline and how it had receded, or grown, she wasn't exactly sure. They sort of drifted over her head, despite the fact that she really SHOULD listen. The words had meaning now maybe, but it, too, would recede and fade into nothing, just like the sea. Words were... pointless, and sometimes she wished she didn't have to speak. Or listen. Just exist.

And she didn't want to do THAT.

She flinched, though, once the words did sink in. It sounded a lot like her own inner monologue of paths and walkways and footsteps. It felt odd, like Kat somehow knew her private thoughts, and while she tried so hard NOT to flinch it happened.

"... Right. The book. It's... 'The Prince of Light and the Princess of Darkness'. That." Silvia mumbled. "And I'm a force of destruction, I don't have time to be cuddly."

"But... It's extremely long, extremely complicated and EXTREMELY annoying, Marth."

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"Of course I'm acting childishly. It's fun. Klotho, I genuinely have no idea where to go either. I was just teasing you. You're the little sister I never had. Just with a different hair colour, and you arrived into my life a little late. And you're most definitely neither stupid, nor are you a bitch. Anyone who says otherwise is just an idiotic, small minded fool, who doesn't know how great you truly are. If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, just ignore them, kay? Now come on, we'll head to that room Nathaniel talked about, shall we?"

"But Dan said… oh, whatever. Sure."

"No. It wouldn't, because I'm smacking them with justice. And justice HURTS!" Aimee said, pausing her healing to strike a quick pose. "Especially if you catch them right on the back of the neck and their neck kind of pops. Sometimes they kinda stop moving , so be careful. And um... you're pretty, Klo. Why would you break a mirror?"

Silvia glared up at Kat's hair, scowling. "Why are you so much taller than me?" Kat continued speaking, waxing nostalgic about the coastline and how it had receded, or grown, she wasn't exactly sure. They sort of drifted over her head, despite the fact that she really SHOULD listen. The words had meaning now maybe, but it, too, would recede and fade into nothing, just like the sea. Words were... pointless, and sometimes she wished she didn't have to speak. Or listen. Just exist.

And she didn't want to do THAT.

She flinched, though, once the words did sink in. It sounded a lot like her own inner monologue of paths and walkways and footsteps. It felt odd, like Kat somehow knew her private thoughts, and while she tried so hard NOT to flinch it happened.

"... Right. The book. It's... 'The Prince of Light and the Princess of Darkness'. That." Silvia mumbled. "And I'm a force of destruction, I don't have time to be cuddly."

"But... It's extremely long, extremely complicated and EXTREMELY annoying, Marth."

"It was lying."

"Genetics. And I'm a force of destruction too, with the power to slay gods, sorta, but according to some people, the extra fat the baby's made me put on has REALLY made me cuddly." *Smiles slightly* "Look, Silvia, if you ever need to talk, just fine me. I am so glad to have met you, Silvia, and I'm glad you were born and continue to live so that we could meet and talk and laugh. I enjoy listening to you talk, though I'm sure you're getting tired of my lectures!" *looks startled at the book* "The Prince of… oh, yes, I do have a copy of that. Would you like it? It's a little… well, battered. But it's still readable, I promise." *smiles nostalgically and sings* "'Though my legacy leads me to darkness, I choose to fight it to join with the light. I choose to fight my so-called destiny, for the good all. I am myself, no more and no less, and I will forever choose the path less traveled to not fall into my family's mistakes'." *laughs softly* "I loved that scene."

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