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"Intimidate you? Hah! You're not worth the effort. Some of us choose to not act like animals. I know this may seem like a rather foreign concept to you, so I shall endeavour to explain it in a way that even one as barbaric as yourself could understand."

Yuffie consciously shifted his stance so that he would be looking down his nose at him.

"Now, how can I put this extremely simply for you? How about 'I'm not some animalistic fool who can't control his tongue.'? No... too many syllables. 'You're no better than a common dog.'. Too insulting to dogs. Hmm... It appears that I can't quite dumb myself down to your level. It would be a shame, were I to actually care. Fortunately for me, you're most certainly not worth the effort."

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"Oh how ADORABLE! You're trying to be intimidating! I'm afraid it's not going to work. You... aren't what I'd call scary. What would be a more fitting word? Ah yes! Pathetic! That word suits you more. Or 'swine'. All sorts of words work quite well with a... subhuman like yourself. Klotho, please step out. I'd rather not have you suffer his presence."

Yuffie smiled at Dan, masking the urge to smash Dan's skull open with a staff.

No-one insulted those who he called family, and got away lightly.

​"Uh… okay?" *slips out*

Upon seeing a crying Kat, Ace forgot why she was mad, "Oooooh crap. What happened between you and Dusk? *tries to comfort Kat* Need someone to vent to about how being pregnant sucks sometimes?"Alicia: "I can feel sadness coming from this direction. Dusk can't kill himself, I'd only bring him back."

​"I don't… I don't know!" *wailing* "He was… flirting or something, might not've been, but I took it that way and then I got jealous and… oh, why am I bothering you with this?"

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Alicia: "Dusk, Poly and I were concerned. Is this related to Kat somehow? I can't think of any other logical reason for you to be this sad and in this much pain. Your emotions were easy to pick up on, emotions of heartbreak."

"..." Without saying a word, he took off his left glove and... Well, the rest was self explanatory. He winced, hoping that one last tear would still leak out but... Nope. The lad was all tapped out

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"... Ah. Are you... sure you want to do something like that? With your child on the way, no less? Or... is it her forcing your hand here?"

"... A child can be a bastard, Poly. It makes no difference... I'll still be the father though. That won't change"

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"... A child can be a bastard, Poly. It makes no difference... I'll still be the father though. That won't change"

"..." *punches Dusk in the back of the head* "Enough moping around! Go get your woman back, dammit! She's moody and bedridden and GOD DAMMIT SHE NEEDS YOU NOW GO AND NOT BE A FUCKHEAD."

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​"Uh… okay?" *slips out*

​"I don't… I don't know!" *wailing* "He was… flirting or something, might not've been, but I took it that way and then I got jealous and… oh, why am I bothering you with this?"

Ace: "Flirting? I recall Sis telling me Dusk carried her to the infirmary when she wasn't supposed to walk, him sparring with Glaedyr, but flirting? I don't remember seeing him flirt with anyone."

Alicia: "It is Kat then. Dusk, you still have a child on the way. A child can be a bastard, yes. But...*cut off when Poly punches him* Poly is right, Kat needs you more than ever. And...I did see Ace go into her room on impulse."

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"Intimidate you? Hah! You're not worth the effort. Some of us choose to not act like animals. I know this may seem like a rather foreign concept to you, so I shall endeavour to explain it in a way that even one as barbaric as yourself could understand."

Yuffie consciously shifted his stance so that he would be looking down his nose at him.

"Now, how can I put this extremely simply for you? How about 'I'm not some animalistic fool who can't control his tongue.'? No... too many syllables. 'You're no better than a common dog.'. Too insulting to dogs. Hmm... It appears that I can't quite dumb myself down to your level. It would be a shame, were I to actually care. Fortunately for me, you're most certainly not worth the effort."

"Then why don't you do us all a favor and shut up for once? Hm? Or are you too much of an egotistical prick to know when your 'lectures' aren't wanted. Now, let ME make this simple for you. I'm not some little child mewling for his parents nor am I some brat who needs discipline. And I'm most certainly not some barbarian. Now, are you quite finished? You annoy me to the largest degree, and it pains me to hear you speak right now. Or are you going to attempt to 'lecture' me some more?"

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"..." *punches Dusk in the back of the head* "Enough moping around! Go get your woman back, dammit! She's moody and bedridden and GOD DAMMIT SHE NEEDS YOU NOW GO AND NOT BE A FUCKHEAD."

Alicia: "It is Kat then. Dusk, you still have a child on the way. A child can be a bastard, yes. But...*cut off when Poly punches him* Poly is right, Kat needs you more than ever. And...I did see Ace go into her room on impulse."

His head jolted forward by the sheer impact of the punch. Damn, he was strong. Not as strong as his old mentor, mind you... But still strong. "... Not right now... I need to get my head straight..."

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Ace: "Flirting? I recall Sis telling me Dusk carried her to the infirmary when she wasn't supposed to walk, him sparring with Glaedyr, but flirting? I don't remember seeing him flirt with anyone."

​"But… but then he goes and… and he rarely comes by and then he left the ring here so… so obviously he just doesn't…" *wailing again*

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He had scaled the derelict building and found himself near the roof. Not on it mind, because he didn't want to be seen, but just high enough for him to look at the land he called 'Home'... It was one of the two things he cared about right now. He had hoped nobody saw him walk off, but he had a feeling somebody did. Sighing, he slumped into a nearby wall and held his head in shame. Was his actions just? Was it the right thing to do? He didn't know. He acted on impulse and... He didn't know

She had seen him leave.

And she knew that walk, the slump in someone's shoulders when the world grew too heavy for their shoulders. She saw it in Bernadette, with her love snatched away from her. She saw it in Margeaux, her sisters' actions troubling her to the point of migraines. She saw it in Theresa - oh by the GODDESS - had Theresa held that sadness in her at Margeaux's death, oh HELL, had she been more distraught than anything. The weight of the world had dropped upon them and they were now alone...

Without the thing they loved the most.

She carefully stood a bit out of the way, fiddling with her staff as she approached Dusk's slumped form. "Dusk? I... I... hi. I don't know if I can..." She trailed off with a gasp, before readying her staff in her grip and swinging it into Poly's back. "Y-YOU DON'T HIT SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" she screeched, horrified by his actions.

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"Do I need to punch you again to do that? Fuck, Dusk... look, it's like this. Are you willing to die for her? Are you able to stand by her side and never lose interest in her for a second? Are you actually wanting to be a good father?" *points back to the ship* "If so, go and fix this with her. NOW."

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She had seen him leave.

And she knew that walk, the slump in someone's shoulders when the world grew too heavy for their shoulders. She saw it in Bernadette, with her love snatched away from her. She saw it in Margeaux, her sisters' actions troubling her to the point of migraines. She saw it in Theresa - oh by the GODDESS - had Theresa held that sadness in her at Margeaux's death, oh HELL, had she been more distraught than anything. The weight of the world had dropped upon them and they were now alone...

Without the thing they loved the most.

She carefully stood a bit out of the way, fiddling with her staff as she approached Dusk's slumped form. "Dusk? I... I... hi. I don't know if I can..." She trailed off with a gasp, before readying her staff in her grip and swinging it into Poly's back. "Y-YOU DON'T HIT SOMEONE LIKE THAT!" she screeched, horrified by his actions.

Like with the Khan, he didn't bother looking up at the... thing that was meant to be his enemy. ".... Hey"

"Do I need to punch you again to do that? Fuck, Dusk... look, it's like this. Are you willing to die for her? Are you able to stand by her side and never lose interest in her for a second? Are you actually wanting to be a good father?" *points back to the ship* "If so, go and fix this with her. NOW."

His attention went to Poly. A sharp, bitter tone crept into his voice. "Of course, but clearly, she doesn't feel the same way"

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His head jolted forward by the sheer impact of the punch. Damn, he was strong. Not as strong as his old mentor, mind you... But still strong. "... Not right now... I need to get my head straight..."

Alicia: "Yes, Kat may be moody and bedridden, but it's all the more reason to stick by her side. Even if it feels she's pushing you away. Poly and I have your back...*sees Anna Aimee* You saw him leave too?"

​"But… but then he goes and… and he rarely comes by and then he left the ring here so… so obviously he just doesn't…" *wailing again*

Ace: "Dusk is Grand General, so it's kinda like me being Queen of Ylisse. I'm busy, I go and go and go and often I forget about Chrom. Come on, Kat.*tries again to comfort Kat* So you pushed him away by mistake, I'm sure someone saw him leave and went after him. In fact, I saw three figures outside the window running towards the buildings there. Want me to carry you to them?"

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"Well Dusk, you don't know how she feels unless you ask her, you half-baked-" *winces from the staff to the back, turning towards Aimee* "Oy oy oy! Just who the hell do you think you are?!"

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Ace: "Dusk is Grand General, so it's kinda like me being Queen of Ylisse. I'm busy, I go and go and go and often I forget about Chrom. Come on, Kat.*tries again to comfort Kat* So you pushed him away by mistake, I'm sure someone saw him leave and went after him. In fact, I saw three figures outside the window running towards the buildings there. Want me to carry you to them?"

​*shakes head, still crying horribly* "He… he left the RING… he doesn't… I…" *starts coughing violently* "Ugh…"

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​*shakes head, still crying horribly* "He… he left the RING… he doesn't… I…" *starts coughing violently* "Ugh…"

Ace frowned, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I saw the look in his eyes, one of clear pain. Heck, if I had to guess I'd say he did that because he must've felt you didn't love him anymore. I'm not an empath like Sis is, but I can read unspoken motives. Why else would he do that? Calm down, please? Think of the baby."

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"Then why don't you do us all a favor and shut up for once? Hm? Or are you too much of an egotistical prick to know when your 'lectures' aren't wanted. Now, let ME make this simple for you. I'm not some little child mewling for his parents nor am I some brat who needs discipline. And I'm most certainly not some barbarian. Now, are you quite finished? You annoy me to the largest degree, and it pains me to hear you speak right now. Or are you going to attempt to 'lecture' me some more?"

Yuffie laughed.

"I'M egotistical? Darling, have you ever had the misfortune of listening to yourself? You moan, and complain, and pontificate about how 'no-one listens to me', or 'how no-one cares about me.'. 'Tis always about you, and quite frankly, the only person who cares about that subject is your "esteemed" self. And another thing, child - lectures tend to not be wanted. I'd be surprised that you weren't aware of something obvious, but then I remembered that I have unfortunately been subjected to your presence before. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you know how to speak, never mind form a coherent sentence. Thank the Goddess for small blessings, they say. But then again, you're the antithesis of a blessing.

And this nonsense about not being a barbarian. Pah! Ridiculous. Such vulgarities and idiocy come from your mouth! If you were not a barbarian, I would be forced to believe that someone cared enough about you to not throw you to the wolves, and hope you didn't survive the outcome. Also, I have to say, it's incredibly amusing to see you attempting to put on airs. You aren't worthy of the courts. The only court that would have you is a magistrates, before sentencing you to some well deserved fate."

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Ace frowned, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I saw the look in his eyes, one of clear pain. Heck, if I had to guess I'd say he did that because he must've felt you didn't love him anymore. I'm not an empath like Sis is, but I can read unspoken motives. Why else would he do that? Calm down, please? Think of the baby."

​"I…" *coughs even more violently* "Ow…"

Yuffie laughed.

"I'M egotistical? Darling, have you ever had the misfortune of listening to yourself? You moan, and complain, and pontificate about how 'no-one listens to me', or 'how no-one cares about me.'. 'Tis always about you, and quite frankly, the only person who cares about that subject is your "esteemed" self. And another thing, child - lectures tend to not be wanted. I'd be surprised that you weren't aware of something obvious, but then I remembered that I have unfortunately been subjected to your presence before. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you know how to speak, never mind form a coherent sentence. Thank the Goddess for small blessings, they say. But then again, you're the antithesis of a blessing.

And this nonsense about not being a barbarian. Pah! Ridiculous. Such vulgarities and idiocy come from your mouth! If you were not a barbarian, I would be forced to believe that someone cared enough about you to not throw you to the wolves, and hope you didn't survive the outcome. Also, I have to say, it's incredibly amusing to see you attempting to put on airs. You aren't worthy of the courts. The only court that would have you is a magistrates, before sentencing you to some well deserved fate."

​"Um… Sage, if you're done yelling, I wandered by Sister's room and she was crying and coughing pretty hard. Uh… bye!" *races off*

Edited by Aqua
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Alicia: "Yes, Kat may be moody and bedridden, but it's all the more reason to stick by her side. Even if it feels she's pushing you away. Poly and I have your back...*sees Anna Aimee* You saw him leave too?"

"Well Dusk, you don't know how she feels unless you ask her, you half-baked-" *winces from the staff to the back, turning towards Aimee* "Oy oy oy! Just who the hell do you think you are?!"

He painfully sniffs. He just wanted to leave him alone... "... To think a mere mortal could even begin to please the warrior of a Goddess... I'm surprised Phoibus hasn't ripped out my neck yet"

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"Of course Klotho, I'm on my way!"

Yuffie walked to the door, and turned towards Dan and spoke, cutting Dan off. "I'm off to help people who are worthy of the effort. This, fortunately spares me the indignity of suffering your presence."

Yuffie turned on his heel, and set off in search of Kat.

Edited by YayForYuffie
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*snaps his head back to Dusk* "You pleased her enough to get her pregnant. Think about that; you got a SEMI-IMMORTAL DEMIGOD to fall in love with you and get pregnant with YOUR child." *smirks as he looks back at Alicia briefly* "Besides, you're not the only one."

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​"I…" *coughs even more violently* "Ow…"

​"Um… Sage, if you're done yelling, I wandered by Sister's room and she was crying and coughing pretty hard. Uh… bye!" *races off*

Ace: "Oh no....*takes a deep breath* YUFFIE! GET IN HERE NOW!"

He painfully sniffs. He just wanted to leave him alone... "... To think a mere mortal could even begin to please the warrior of a Goddess... I'm surprised Phoibus hasn't ripped out my neck yet"

Alicia: "Don't say that, Dusk. ...Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he did show up about now. He does seem to respond to Kat's mood. And also...don't look down on yourself, and as Poly said, you aren't the only one.*smiles as she looks and winks at Poly*

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Like with the Khan, he didn't bother looking up at the... thing that was meant to be his enemy. ".... Hey"

His attention went to Poly. A sharp, bitter tone crept into his voice. "Of course, but clearly, she doesn't feel the same way"

Alicia: "Yes, Kat may be moody and bedridden, but it's all the more reason to stick by her side. Even if it feels she's pushing you away. Poly and I have your back...*sees Anna Aimee* You saw him leave too?"

Ace: "Dusk is Grand General, so it's kinda like me being Queen of Ylisse. I'm busy, I go and go and go and often I forget about Chrom. Come on, Kat.*tries again to comfort Kat* So you pushed him away by mistake, I'm sure someone saw him leave and went after him. In fact, I saw three figures outside the window running towards the buildings there. Want me to carry you to them?"

"Well Dusk, you don't know how she feels unless you ask her, you half-baked-" *winces from the staff to the back, turning towards Aimee* "Oy oy oy! Just who the hell do you think you are?!"

"Hey..." Aimee began, raising a hand in greet before nodding at Alicia. "I did. I - I mean, I wasn't trying to, y'know, spy, but I was kinda strolling along and I saw him and I, like had to stop, so I did and he just looke so sad, like, how could I not be here right now and try to help even though I'm sure I won't do much help considering that I kinda don't know much. Or uh, anything." Aimee stopped to take a breath, before whipping her head around. "I'm Anna Aimee, since you wanna ask! But no, really, you can't hit people that is SO mean."

She paused again, mulling over what she just said. "Uh... even though I uh... hit you. S-Sorry?"

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*snaps his head back to Dusk* "You pleased her enough to get her pregnant. Think about that; you got a SEMI-IMMORTAL DEMIGOD to fall in love with you and get pregnant with YOUR child." *smirks as he looks back at Alicia briefly* "Besides, you're not the only one."

Alicia: "Don't say that, Dusk. ...Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he did show up about now. He does seem to respond to Kat's mood. And also...don't look down on yourself, and as Poly said, you aren't the only one.*smiles as she looks and winks at Poly*

He turns his head away from the two of them. "I just... Want to be alone... Take your happiness somewhere else"

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