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"Oh, hey, I've some empty bottles in my pack!" *passes them over to Aimee* "Here!"

"Socoolsocoolsocool~" Aimee uncorked a bottle and removed the clasp on her cape, letting it flutter to the ground so she could sit on it and drain the sap from the plant into the bottle.

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"Socoolsocoolsocool~" Aimee uncorked a bottle and removed the clasp on her cape, letting it flutter to the ground so she could sit on it and drain the sap from the plant into the bottle.

​*watches carefully* "Wow… That's a lot from one plant."

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Ace: "(She and Anna Aimee are best friends... Personally, I haven't really talked to her much but..... Dang, I really don't wanna be the one to tear a rift in this friendship. I know I once swore in a deep rage to kill them all, but..... Fuck! This is gonna be one Anna I don't wanna kill!) That's great, Klotho. All the more reason for me to help you two find those plants!"

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Ace: "(She and Anna Aimee are best friends... Personally, I haven't really talked to her much but..... Dang, I really don't wanna be the one to tear a rift in this friendship. I know I once swore in a deep rage to kill them all, but..... Fuck! This is gonna be one Anna I don't wanna kill!) That's great, Klotho. All the more reason for me to help you two find those plants!"

​"Okay! …Hmm, I read somewhere that some of the most decadent alcohol is refined from the deadliest poison… and something similar with some of the strongest medicine. Hmm… Aimee, should we get extra for Yuffie to experiment with?"

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"Never doing that again. Good lord..." He genuinely hated that supply run. Yeah, the Dreamers have more nourishment, but... he didn't know. Just seemed a bit pointless to go around and scavenge food when there was perfectly viable game roaming around the desolated walk ways and buildings. Just needed the patience. He also wondered when they were moving next. They've been on this boat for how long? They shouldn't be loitering around making no progress. Least, that's what he thought. Annoyed, he went off to practice his archery

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*humming happily as she tallies up the new supplies* "Good, this should last us for a bit. Now then… do we wait for Kempf to come to us, or should we rush him instead and get moving?"

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Ace walked in, "If it's just a lone bad guy, we have a numbers advantage if we rushed him. Though that would backfire if there are traps set up, or ambushes."

​"That's the problem. Let's see… according to what I remember, he lost his life because he was lured out of ballista range. He's prideful and arrogant, things that can easily be used against him. Assuming that the enemies even HAVE ballista, of course."

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Ace nodded, "Ballista would be a huge problem to deal with should the enemy bring those with them. We need to have someone kill the enemy archer manning them, but conversely, we could also use them against our enemy. Archers, snipers and Marksmen can make use of them."

Alicia meanwhile was giving Poly a head massage.

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Ace nodded, "Ballista would be a huge problem to deal with should the enemy bring those with them. We need to have someone kill the enemy archer manning them, but conversely, we could also use them against our enemy. Archers, snipers and Marksmen can make use of them."

Alicia meanwhile was giving Poly a head massage.

"Assuming there are materials left for them. Yes, we made some LONG ago, back when we were still in Ylisse, but… it seems that they haven't been used here in quite some time."

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Ace: "Yeah, I do recall us having one back is Ylisse. If there are no materials left for them, then we shouldn't have to worry about them.

Soooo, who's gonna be the one to kill Kempf then?"

"I've no idea." *sigh* "Where is Sorin, damn it? I'm horribly tired. Oh, and thank you for the supply run yesterday by the way."

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Nathaniel applied the finishing touches to the torn-page, and grasped it in his hands firmly. "...This should summon a phantom that will last until the message is sent, and then until it returns with the reply, without expending any of my magical energy as the energy is already within the parchment..." He left his room.

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"I've no idea." *sigh* "Where is Sorin, damn it? I'm horribly tired. Oh, and thank you for the supply run yesterday by the way."

Ace: "You're welcome, Kat. I haven't seen Sorin yet today, so I'm not sure what he's up to."
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Ace: "You're welcome, Kat. I haven't seen Sorin yet today, so I'm not sure what he's up to."

"No one has been up and about for quite some time. It makes plans move slower, because I've no idea who's even up FOR moving." *sighs* "At this rate, my baby's going to be GROWN by the time we're done fighting, if that."

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Ace: "Yeah, I hear you. Perhaps I ought to go see who's up and about and inquire about moving on, though with Kempf headed our way, if we did decide to move on, we'd have to kill him first."

Alicia meanwhile had left her room to see who else was up and about.

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Least practising his archery cheered him up somewhat. He was a tad confused though. His fault really though. Klotho was a Marksman, yet Dusk was the best archer in the Dreamers. How come he was only a Sniper? Putting the practice bows and bolts away, he made his way to where Kat and Ace were. "Hello"

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