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Silvia hated her devotion to her research sometimes, she didn't pay attention to anything around her. And she certainly didn't pay a lick of attention to the sudden gust of wind until she was on the ground, the breath knocked out of her and the final whispers of the icy wind fading into nothing.

She coughed and struggled to push herself up, glancing over to see Marth kneeling down behind her. "Fine! I'm fine, just... w-where did that come from?"

*riding up slowly* "An Anna, Silvia, decided to follow your school of tactics." *smiles to show that she's teasing* "Of course, she did help us end the stalemated match with the Risen. I'll give her that one. You'll have to forgive me for not sticking around, though. I'm… making myself less of a target by moving."

Aimee shot a look over to Charlotte, squirming her way out of the other girl's crushing grip. "Char-char! I don't... what are you doing here?" she said, turning around to spy Klotho giving chase. Charlotte caught her gaze and followed it, bursting into a fit of laughter as she watched her approach.

"Who the fuck is the scrub and who does she think she is?" Charlotte gasped, doubling over from her laughter. Aimee squeaked and gently kicked Charlotte's shin, her cheeks turning a flaming red.

"That's Klotho! That's no... no scrub! And if she is, she's MY scrub!"

*stumbles briefly, but determinedly keeps going after Charlotte and Aimee*

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*riding up slowly* "An Anna, Silvia, decided to follow your school of tactics." *smiles to show that she's teasing* "Of course, she did help us end the stalemated match with the Risen. I'll give her that one. You'll have to forgive me for not sticking around, though. I'm… making myself less of a target by moving."

*stumbles briefly, but determinedly keeps going after Charlotte and Aimee*

Silvia scowled, shoving herself to her feet and switching out her Fenrir tome for her Killing Lance. "You LOVE reminding me of that one..." she muttered, swiftly sticking her tongue out at Kat. "Well of course. You REALLY shouldn't be here."

Aimee was slowly growing aggravated with Charlotte's laughter, angry tears springing up in her eyes as Charlotte practically collapsed, gasping for air. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY?!" she screeched, folding her arms.

"THESE are the Dreamers. The infamous FUCKING Dreamers. Oh my stars above, we are getting our asses kicked by a bunch of fucking misfit casuals. DAMN, we suck!" Charlotte beat her fists against the ground. "And you're getting SO mad too. Calm DOWN."

"Y-You're insulting Klotho! Of course I'm gonna get mad!" Aimee said, stiffening in shock as Charlotte's laugh died almost instantly. She stood up, gauging the stumbling girl as she approached, before shooting a scathing glare back to Aimee.

"Are you serious. Are you... Mother Goddess, help my soul and hers. Of all the FUCKING people you have to spread your legs for... alright. Well. SHE dies first." Charlotte withdrew her Balmung and stalked over towards the girl, all while Aimee stood there, stuttering out incoherent words and blushing redder than her hair, only managing to squeak out a defeated-sounding, "Noooooo... that'snotrightatalllohmygosh CHAR-CHAR..."

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Silvia scowled, shoving herself to her feet and switching out her Fenrir tome for her Killing Lance. "You LOVE reminding me of that one..." she muttered, swiftly sticking her tongue out at Kat. "Well of course. You REALLY shouldn't be here."

"I know. I rode into the ambush. Oops?" *smiles* "Well, have fun you two~"

Aimee was slowly growing aggravated with Charlotte's laughter, angry tears springing up in her eyes as Charlotte practically collapsed, gasping for air. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY?!" she screeched, folding her arms.

"THESE are the Dreamers. The infamous FUCKING Dreamers. Oh my stars above, we are getting our asses kicked by a bunch of fucking misfit casuals. DAMN, we suck!" Charlotte beat her fists against the ground. "And you're getting SO mad too. Calm DOWN."

"Y-You're insulting Klotho! Of course I'm gonna get mad!" Aimee said, stiffening in shock as Charlotte's laugh died almost instantly. She stood up, gauging the stumbling girl as she approached, before shooting a scathing glare back to Aimee.

"Are you serious. Are you... Mother Goddess, help my soul and hers. Of all the FUCKING people you have to spread your legs for... alright. Well. SHE dies first." Charlotte withdrew her Balmung and stalked over towards the girl, all while Aimee stood there, stuttering out incoherent words and blushing redder than her hair, only managing to squeak out a defeated-sounding, "Noooooo... that'snotrightatalllohmygosh CHAR-CHAR..."

*notices Charlotte coming for her* "Give Aimee back."

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*gasps* "No! Ted is DEAD! AGAIN!"

Distressed greatly by the untimely death of Ted, Yuffie scanned the battlefield again, and spotted Aimee snuggling up with *shock, horror* ANOTHER Anna!

"Oh my stars and garters, there's another Anna." Tempted as he was, Yuffie resisted the urge to pretend to faint. There was a battle to supervise.

Edited by YayForYuffie
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*gasps* "No! Ted is DEAD! AGAIN!"

Distressed greatly by the untimely death of Ted, Yuffie scanned the battlefield again, and spotted Aimee snuggling up with *shock, horror* ANOTHER Anna!

"Oh my stars and garters, there's another Anna." Tempted as he was, Yuffie resisted the urge to pretend to faint. There was a battle to supervise.

"Yuffie? Florence is amazing, for the record!"

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"I know. I rode into the ambush. Oops?" *smiles* "Well, have fun you two~"

*notices Charlotte coming for her* "Give Aimee back."

Silvia huffed, glaring up at Kat before reaching over and patting her knee. "And you call me reckless? Okay, sure. And... ah, while I'm at it..." Silvia held up a finger as she dove into her bag, pulling out the Waste tome she had written and handing it to Kat. "Since Klotho lovingly mentioned this to you, I may as well hand it over like I promised. And I get to stab my lance in things. That's ALWAYS fun."

Charlotte shot her deadliest glare at the girl, giving a harsh laugh at her request as she stopped directly in front of her, their toes touching. "Uh-huh. And ah, you gonna give my sister's virginity back?" She paused for a moment, before sneering an, "Exactly." She straightened herself up, folding her arms and giving her a quick once-over. "Now stand down you fucking casual."

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Silvia huffed, glaring up at Kat before reaching over and patting her knee. "And you call me reckless? Okay, sure. And... ah, while I'm at it..." Silvia held up a finger as she dove into her bag, pulling out the Waste tome she had written and handing it to Kat. "Since Klotho lovingly mentioned this to you, I may as well hand it over like I promised. And I get to stab my lance in things. That's ALWAYS fun."

"I see." *takes the book* "Okay, I'll flip through this while Florence meanders her way through."

Charlotte shot her deadliest glare at the girl, giving a harsh laugh at her request as she stopped directly in front of her, their toes touching. "Uh-huh. And ah, you gonna give my sister's virginity back?" She paused for a moment, before sneering an, "Exactly." She straightened herself up, folding her arms and giving her a quick once-over. "Now stand down you fucking casual."

*completely unafraid* ​"…What are you talking about? I want Aimee back." *thinking* "What… IS this 'virginity' anyway? And what's a 'fucking casual'?"

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*still from... wherever the fuck* "I BET you like to put your lance in things, Silvia."

Silvia whirled around and cupped her hands over her mouth. "THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT."

"I see." *takes the book* "Okay, I'll flip through this while Florence meanders her way through."

*completely unafraid* ​"…What are you talking about? I want Aimee back." *thinking* "What… IS this 'virginity' anyway? And what's a 'fucking casual'?"

"Great," she replied, turning back to Kat and picking her up lance again. "Let's hope I didn't royally fuck it up this time."

"Oh my Goddess," Charlotte snarled, whipping her head away from the girl in disgust. "What kind of rock did you crawl out from under? Okay, look." She dived forward and grabbed her shirt, twisting the fabric underneath her fingers near her neck. "I don't play games when it comes my family, okay? We're all pretty tight-knit. And if you wanna parade your little group through OUR turf and slaughter MY siblings, you had best expecting me to fuck you up. And then... and THEN, you think you can prance into MY baby sister's life and bat your little white eyelashes and make her swoon for you. Bitch PLEASE. You and all your other little shit heads just want her DEAD, and you're just dragging her into your trap. And don't pull the 'Oh, I'm innocent, I would NEVER hurt Aimee!' card on me, you fucking lying whore. This is YOUR team and whatever they do falls on YOU too. You know, stick together and all that teamwork shit? Not liking anymore now ARE you, bitch?"

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*coming towards the battlefield, twirling his Thaniblade* "Shouldn't it be the other way around? Oh, but DO remember I have a wife now, and have therefore obviously moved on from you, Silvia."

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Silvia whirled around and cupped her hands over her mouth. "THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT."

"Great," she replied, turning back to Kat and picking her up lance again. "Let's hope I didn't royally fuck it up this time."

​"I'm sure that, so long as you took your time, you didn't. Besides, you're already better. You asked someone else to look over your work first."

"Oh my Goddess," Charlotte snarled, whipping her head away from the girl in disgust. "What kind of rock did you crawl out from under? Okay, look." She dived forward and grabbed her shirt, twisting the fabric underneath her fingers near her neck. "I don't play games when it comes my family, okay? We're all pretty tight-knit. And if you wanna parade your little group through OUR turf and slaughter MY siblings, you had best expecting me to fuck you up. And then... and THEN, you think you can prance into MY baby sister's life and bat your little white eyelashes and make her swoon for you. Bitch PLEASE. You and all your other little shit heads just want her DEAD, and you're just dragging her into your trap. And don't pull the 'Oh, I'm innocent, I would NEVER hurt Aimee!' card on me, you fucking lying whore. This is YOUR team and whatever they do falls on YOU too. You know, stick together and all that teamwork shit? Not liking anymore now ARE you, bitch?"

"I still don't know what you're talking about, but I will make one thing clear. I love Aimee. She is my best friend, and I promised to protect her and help her when she needed it. The Dreamers are MY family. Insult me all you want, lying whore of a bitch, but I will NOT tolerate you insulting Aimee, Phoibus, or the Dreamers!" *kicks Charlotte in the stomach before punching her in the head* "If you really do care for her, then you had better shut up and listen when she's trying to talk to you! Secondly, you do what makes her happy, because that's what family is supposed to do, ESPECIALLY those who claim to love. Thirdly, you don't go around making assumptions and then get all angry when you're wrong. It's WOEFULLY unbecoming."

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Seeing Anna Char-Char ranting at Klotho, Yuffie realised it was his sacred duty to get all up in this business. He stormed up to Anna Char-Char, forced her hands off of Klotho, and unleashed the Kraken.

"How DARE you talk to her like that, you insolent, ill-bred little floozy? No-one takes that tone with Klotho unless it's been approved of by at least three of her close friends!"

Klotho kicked Charlotte in the stomach. Yuffie snapped his fingers in approval. Klotho then punched her in the head.

"I don't know what sort of backwater swamp you came from, scum, but I assure you that we do NOT take your tone and words kindly. What's more - I highly disapprove. You know nothing about Klotho. You have no right to say those things to her, you vulgar miscreant. I don't care how tight-knit your adorable family of clones is - no-one speaks to my friends like that and get away with it! So either you apologise to Klotho and PROMISE to never speak like that again, or I unleash a world of pain upon you!"

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*coming towards the battlefield, twirling his Thaniblade* "Shouldn't it be the other way around? Oh, but DO remember I have a wife now, and have therefore obviously moved on from you, Silvia."

"Well, I'd say so, but your sword's KIND of short. And trust me. The WHOLE camp is well aware of how much you love Alicia."

​"I'm sure that, so long as you took your time, you didn't. Besides, you're already better. You asked someone else to look over your work first."

"I still don't know what you're talking about, but I will make one thing clear. I love Aimee. She is my best friend, and I promised to protect her and help her when she needed it. The Dreamers are MY family. Insult me all you want, lying whore of a bitch, but I will NOT tolerate you insulting Aimee, Phoibus, or the Dreamers!" *kicks Charlotte in the stomach before punching her in the head* "If you really do care for her, then you had better shut up and listen when she's trying to talk to you! Secondly, you do what makes her happy, because that's what family is supposed to do, ESPECIALLY those who claim to love. Thirdly, you don't go around making assumptions and then get all angry when you're wrong. It's WOEFULLY unbecoming."

Silvia nodded - even though it had taken her three days to part from the thing - and readied her lance as one of the Risen shambled near. "Yeah... I guess that's an improvement." She lunged forward, plunging her lance directly into the chest of the Risen, knocking it to the ground as she swung her body around her lance and landed to her feet. "Nice. 8 points for style."

Seeing Anna Char-Char ranting at Klotho, Yuffie realised it was his sacred duty to get all up in this business. He stormed up to Anna Char-Char, forced her hands off of Klotho, and unleashed the Kraken.

"How DARE you talk to her like that, you insolent, ill-bred little floozy? No-one takes that tone with Klotho unless it's been approved of by at least three of her close friends!"

Klotho kicked Charlotte in the stomach. Yuffie snapped his fingers in approval. Klotho then punched her in the head.

"I don't know what sort of backwater swamp you came from, scum, but I assure you that we do NOT take your tone and words kindly. What's more - I highly disapprove. You know nothing about Klotho. You have no right to say those things to her, you vulgar miscreant. I don't care how tight-knit your adorable family of clones is - no-one speaks to my friends like that and get away with it! So either you apologise to Klotho and PROMISE to never speak like that again, or I unleash a world of pain upon you!"

Charlotte continued her fiery glare, cracking her knuckles and taking in a deep breath before she punched the lights - and maybe the eyeballs - out of this girl. "Oh cute. You live in a little fairytale land where promises don't get broken, huh? Do you know what reality IS? Reality, is a cold, hard, bitch and she has NO problem ripping the thing you love and promised yourself to into fucking ashes. And you think everything's so black and white? That I'm a big bad Anna with her big bad plans to do something you don't like? I don't know. How many people have you killed trying to get to us? How many of MY sisters have you buried in your pathetic SHALLOW graves just to get to the next place? To the next goal? Don't you think THAT is a terrible thing? Or is it suddenly okay because it's your precious little DREAMERS."

Charlotte stopped, clutching the girl's shirt with both of her hands. When she hit her though, something inside Charlotte just... snapped. She let out a scream and shoved the girl to the ground, jamming her forearm into the girls throat so she'd maybe shut her fucking mouth.

"I do listen to her. Fuck, I'm not Michel. I grew up around Theresa, I WATCHED that happen. No one listened to HER and look what the hell she became. I wouldn't wish that anyone, not even a piece of fucking scum like you. I want her to be happy. Of course I do. I can't exactly make that happen when you run around KILLING everyone she's ever loved." She paused, hearing Aimee's footsteps crunching against the grass, her steps wavering. "Like, ah, I don't know. Marceline?" She waited, hearing her sister's breath hitch and shudder. Marceline was Aimee's idol - she always worshipped her like some kind of goddess. She clung to her words and sang along with her songs, and sometimes when Aimee was upset, only Marceline's voice could soothe her.

"So, for her sake I think I do have the right to kick the ever-loving shit out of - oof!" Charlotte was suddenly yanked off of the girl, her back hitting the ground as she scrambled to figure out what happened. Aimee was standing above her, tears in her and running down her face. "Aimee, what the hell. Do not tell me you're going to stand up for the bitch who jammed a sword into your sister's body. You HAVE to be fucking kidding me."

"I - I - I d-don't know..." Aimee said through her sobs, burying her face into her hands. Charlotte felt a pang in her chest, so painful it almost knocked her back onto the ground. "... And YOU. You little fucking pussy-whipped overlording BASTARD. Before I even THINK about how many ways I want to pound your face in I'm going to say ONE -"

She was cut off again, by Aimee suddenly producing her staff and swinging it, full-force into the sage's face, her body wracked with sobs. "I... I am n-n-not... a-a c-clone..." she hiccuped, returning to her crying fit once she lowered her arms. Charlotte smirked, reaching up and rubbing the girl's back. "That's my baby sis."

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Charlotte continued her fiery glare, cracking her knuckles and taking in a deep breath before she punched the lights - and maybe the eyeballs - out of this girl. "Oh cute. You live in a little fairytale land where promises don't get broken, huh? Do you know what reality IS? Reality, is a cold, hard, bitch and she has NO problem ripping the thing you love and promised yourself to into fucking ashes. And you think everything's so black and white? That I'm a big bad Anna with her big bad plans to do something you don't like? I don't know. How many people have you killed trying to get to us? How many of MY sisters have you buried in your pathetic SHALLOW graves just to get to the next place? To the next goal? Don't you think THAT is a terrible thing? Or is it suddenly okay because it's your precious little DREAMERS."

Charlotte stopped, clutching the girl's shirt with both of her hands. When she hit her though, something inside Charlotte just... snapped. She let out a scream and shoved the girl to the ground, jamming her forearm into the girls throat so she'd maybe shut her fucking mouth.

"I do listen to her. Fuck, I'm not Michel. I grew up around Theresa, I WATCHED that happen. No one listened to HER and look what the hell she became. I wouldn't wish that anyone, not even a piece of fucking scum like you. I want her to be happy. Of course I do. I can't exactly make that happen when you run around KILLING everyone she's ever loved." She paused, hearing Aimee's footsteps crunching against the grass, her steps wavering. "Like, ah, I don't know. Marceline?" She waited, hearing her sister's breath hitch and shudder. Marceline was Aimee's idol - she always worshipped her like some kind of goddess. She clung to her words and sang along with her songs, and sometimes when Aimee was upset, only Marceline's voice could soothe her.

"So, for her sake I think I do have the right to kick the ever-loving shit out of - oof!" Charlotte was suddenly yanked off of the girl, her back hitting the ground as she scrambled to figure out what happened. Aimee was standing above her, tears in her and running down her face. "Aimee, what the hell. Do not tell me you're going to stand up for the bitch who jammed a sword into your sister's body. You HAVE to be fucking kidding me."

"I - I - I d-don't know..." Aimee said through her sobs, burying her face into her hands. Charlotte felt a pang in her chest, so painful it almost knocked her back onto the ground. "... And YOU. You little fucking pussy-whipped overlording BASTARD. Before I even THINK about how many ways I want to pound your face in I'm going to say ONE -"

She was cut off again, by Aimee suddenly producing her staff and swinging it, full-force into the sage's face, her body wracked with sobs. "I... I am n-n-not... a-a c-clone..." she hiccuped, returning to her crying fit once she lowered her arms. Charlotte smirked, reaching up and rubbing the girl's back. "That's my baby sis."

"Marceline. I've buried one. Marceline. She was scared of YOU all. Scared of what happened to her Bonnie. I wonder why. I never asked. But I held her as she cried and sobbed into my shoulder, I sat next to her as she died after attacking the other Dreamers, and I buried her as best as I could, though I know it's not enough." *shrug* "I'm stupid. I'm dumb. I'm a bitch. I know these things. I know that I'm worthless on my own. I can't make moral decisions. I make decisions based on what those I trust say. I can never claim they are right. I can never claim they are wrong. But… I WANT to keep my promise. I really do. And, stupid as I am, I know two things. I, personally, have never killed one of your sisters, and you have made Aimee cry."

Edited by Aqua
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Silvia hated her devotion to her research sometimes, she didn't pay attention to anything around her. And she certainly didn't pay a lick of attention to the sudden gust of wind until she was on the ground, the breath knocked out of her and the final whispers of the icy wind fading into nothing.

She coughed and struggled to push herself up, glancing over to see Marth kneeling down behind her. "Fine! I'm fine, just... w-where did that come from?"

​"I'm sure that, so long as you took your time, you didn't. Besides, you're already better. You asked someone else to look over your work first."

I was relieved to find that Silvia had come out all right from that wind storm. However, before I had the chance to speak, Kat had rode over to us and starting conversing with Silvia. All the while, the Risen were still alive, though some mutilated by the wind blades, but were very much able and still hungry for death' s release upon us. I had taken a stab at one, followed by chucking my favorite Rapier at the Risen that were in my immediate vicinity, which left their battered corpses littering the field with their shadows, as their undead bodies faded into oblivion. Well, that takes care of those two Risen. Now...Reclaiming the Star Rapier from the ground, I took a look around and noticed the two Anna sisters who didn't quite look like they were getting along I wasnt sure exactly what to make of it honestly,since it looked to be a personal confrontation with both her and Klotho. Wonder whats going on over there. Then I turned around. What baffled me was the fact that Kat and Silvia were STILL talking, despite the surviving Risen . Uh....yeah, great talk you two but uh..... why don't you...

*turns towards Klotho & Charlotte* "KICK HER IN THE BALLS~!"

"Well, I'd say so, but your sword's KIND of short. And trust me. The WHOLE camp is well aware of how much you love Alicia."

Silvia nodded - even though it had taken her three days to part from the thing - and readied her lance as one of the Risen shambled near. "Yeah... I guess that's an improvement." She lunged forward, plunging her lance directly into the chest of the Risen, knocking it to the ground as she swung her body around her lance and landed to her feet. "Nice. 8 points for style."

No sooner as I said that, did Silvia take up her lance and impaled a Risen. (Well.... never mind then. ) And then noticing that Poly had entered the battlefield, yet was cheering on Klotho like it was some sort of school fight. Umm....

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*coming towards the battlefield, twirling his Thaniblade* "Shouldn't it be the other way around? Oh, but DO remember I have a wife now, and have therefore obviously moved on from you, Silvia."

*turns towards Klotho & Charlotte* "KICK HER IN THE BALLS~!"

Ace: "Geez, wait up Poly! (I feel like I have to watch these two...)"

Alicia: "Poly! You joined the battle!"

Ace: "Yup, now then *looks at Anna Charlotte* Who wants to die first?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace: "Geez, wait up Poly!"

Alicia: "Poly! You joined the battle!"

Ace: "Yup, now then *looks at Anna Charlotte* Who wants to die first?"

*turns towards Ace & Alicia* "...Eh? There's more going on than shipping and a catfight?"

"Risen." *points to the still lumbering about Risen* "RISEN."

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*turns towards Ace & Alicia* "...Eh? There's more going on than shipping and a catfight?"

Ace nodded, "I'd say yeah, but we have Risen to kill." *readies Valflame* "Ow, that spell hurt earlier. At least now I can kill these things!" Ace then attacked the nearest Risen

Alicia for one was happy to see Poly back in action, Forged Celica's Gale in hand, "I can't begin to express just how much I missed fighting by your side, Poly. Let's exterminate these creatures together. As a family."

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Yuffie turned around while Anna Char-Char was ranting, and killed Blenderina and Snuffles with Celica's Gale, before turning back to face Char-Char. Aimee then struck him in the face with her staff. (Yuffie Disapproves 20px-Ico_DisAppr_Heart.png (-5)). Yuffie stood back up then struck Char-Char across the face, hard. He then hissed at Aimee.

"How DARE you imply that I know nothing about loss?! How DARE YOU!? Because of you STUPID Anna's and your STUPID lust for power, my FAMILY is all dead! My WIFE is dead, my SON is dead, my other son is NEVER GOING TO SEE HIS MOTHER! My home was destroyed, and I had to bury family upon family, friend upon friend! I know ALL about broken promises! I promised my wife that I would protect her and our children with my life. They're dead. I'm still here. I swore to my people that I would stand by them under assault. They lie dead. I yet draw breath. I promised my son a future. I promised to show him Ylisse, and Ferox, and everywhere I could take him. I can't do that now. I can't show him anything. I can't see him smile, or laugh, or play his violin, or talk with his friends. Because he's dead. They're dead. And it's all your fault."

"Yes, we have killed. Why have we killed? So that future generations don't have to suffer your tyranny. Destroyed villages, starving families, death, destruction and mayhem. All of this has been caused by you and your family. Thousands upon thousands slaughtered. Yet you have the audacity to complain about a few of your own dead? You make me sick. Your sisters are responsible for the deaths of innumerable people, including MY family. Yes, for these crimes, you do deserve death. To do otherwise would be an insult to the lives you have taken."

"As for the sisters of yours we have buried? I do not know. And unlike you, we had the decency to bury those whom we killed. You speak of your tight-knit family. Don't make me laugh. I saw how your precious sister stood in a sea of her sisters blood. I saw her impale one of her sisters on her sword. I've heard about all of your infighting, your treacheries and your murders. Don't you dare speak about family. You know nothing of the sort."

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"Oh, look at THIS, they're lecturing me. I didn't do a thing to Marceline. No one has. You know how she mentioned her Bonnibel wasn't, y'know, right? SHE'S the one that not right, Bonnibel got creeped the fuck out and left and she can't accept that fact. Some people can't live with their reality." Charlotte cracked her knuckles and sighed, leveling her gaze at the girl.

"Just because you've never killed anyone doesn't mean you can't still hurt them. Fuck, what kind of rock DO you live under child? And I don't give a DAMN that you can't figure out your friend's morals, that sounds like a personal problem. The only thing I care about -" Charlotte said, yanking Aimee down beside her and wrapping her arms around her sister. "Is this right here. And I don't give a FUCKING damn about your pride and how proud you are that you got to prove me wrong." She released Aimee, leaning in close to Klotho and whispering, "You may not have driven a sword into her but you'll kill her. Inside out. Break her heart, shatter it. You'll find a way. We've never had a good run with our lovers, you know."

Charlotte stood up, only to receive a slap in the face and a rant about family and loss. Ha. Ha. She shook all over, her body quivering like a leaf in a storm. He didn't think she experienced LOSS? He didn't think she knew what it was like to lose the ones she loved? To watch her sisters die, hear of their deaths one by one by ONE and not be able to put a finger to the destruction?

And they didn't know... they didn't know what they were going to destroy... how much they'd wreck the world in their quest to save it.

"You have no idea... You have no idea what you're going after do you? Do you know what you're going to destroy? YOU will destroy everything you've ever loved on your quest to stop me and my sisters you ignorant ASSHAT." Charlotte unsheathed her sword, and turned to the still sobbing Aimee, regret flashing across her face as she brought the hilt of the blade against Aimee's head with a thud, wincing as her eyes rolled back and she dropped the grass without another word.

"... You're better off asleep, baby sis."

She sighed, turning back to the others with her eyes blazing. "Alright. Fucking TRY me then. You want to hurt my family? Gotta go through me first, damn it."

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"Oh, look at THIS, they're lecturing me. I didn't do a thing to Marceline. No one has. You know how she mentioned her Bonnibel wasn't, y'know, right? SHE'S the one that not right, Bonnibel got creeped the fuck out and left and she can't accept that fact. Some people can't live with their reality." Charlotte cracked her knuckles and sighed, leveling her gaze at the girl.

"Just because you've never killed anyone doesn't mean you can't still hurt them. Fuck, what kind of rock DO you live under child? And I don't give a DAMN that you can't figure out your friend's morals, that sounds like a personal problem. The only thing I care about -" Charlotte said, yanking Aimee down beside her and wrapping her arms around her sister. "Is this right here. And I don't give a FUCKING damn about your pride and how proud you are that you got to prove me wrong." She released Aimee, leaning in close to Klotho and whispering, "You may not have driven a sword into her but you'll kill her. Inside out. Break her heart, shatter it. You'll find a way. We've never had a good run with our lovers, you know."

Charlotte stood up, only to receive a slap in the face and a rant about family and loss. Ha. Ha. She shook all over, her body quivering like a leaf in a storm. He didn't think she experienced LOSS? He didn't think she knew what it was like to lose the ones she loved? To watch her sisters die, hear of their deaths one by one by ONE and not be able to put a finger to the destruction?

And they didn't know... they didn't know what they were going to destroy... how much they'd wreck the world in their quest to save it.

"You have no idea... You have no idea what you're going after do you? Do you know what you're going to destroy? YOU will destroy everything you've ever loved on your quest to stop me and my sisters you ignorant ASSHAT." Charlotte unsheathed her sword, and turned to the still sobbing Aimee, regret flashing across her face as she brought the hilt of the blade against Aimee's head with a thud, wincing as her eyes rolled back and she dropped the grass without another word.

"... You're better off asleep, baby sis."

She sighed, turning back to the others with her eyes blazing. "Alright. Fucking TRY me then. You want to hurt my family? Gotta go through me first, damn it."

"Huh? OH! That's what you're talking about. Um… Aimee and I are friends, miss. Not lovers. Obviously, you have sex on the brain if you think that." *shrugs* "I didn't say that you all hurt her. I said she was scared and wondered why. See about the assumptions? They just make you ugly." *casually walks around her, picks up Aimee as best as she can, and strolls right into the forest*

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