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"So you wish to devolve to violence? Shameful. But if you so desire it, then I shall acquiesce."

Raising Celica's Gale, he fired out a blast of powerful wind magic. The magic sent Char-Char stumbling off balance, dealing 31 damage. As she staggered back, Yuffie noticed a weakness in her armour.

His eyes narrowed. "I am sorry for what I must do." He twirled for no adequately explained reason, and Charlotte was struck by the mighty wind magic yet again, dealing 46 damage. The gale sent Charlotte and her horse flying back through the air, and they crashed into the group, unmoving, trailed by sparkles that Yuffie could have sworn were not there before.

Yuffie walked over to Charlotte and her horse. He removed her helmet, and checked for a pulse. There was none.

Anna Charlotte was dead. Anna Charlotte was dead by his hand. He sighed heavily. Leaning down, he picked the deceased woman up. Her words were going to haunt him. He knew that much.

"I'm taking her back to the base. She... she deserves a burial. I think Aimee would like to say her goodbyes."

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*Isabelle was checking around town for the civilians safety. Administering their taxes and agricultural trade, the civilians are put at bay. Agriculture is an issue to the civilians as the Anna's and other villains have made it, so that war funds were to be put to pay for all of the damages and things to the towns as the battles waged on here in Valm. Isabelle takes the stand at the royal table in Valm making a speech in a way that warmed up the people hearts and had them smile with joy.*

Isabelle: All right. All right. Remain calm. Bring out the next civilian.

Civilian: This is not right putting most of our money to troops and the city when it is leaving all of our children to starve making it difficult to provide any agricultural trade.(Selling fruits and vegetables)

Isabelle: Tell you what? This isn't much, but your children needs it alot more than me.

*Opens her knapsack and hands over some apples and cheese and hands some to them.*

Isabelle: There are seeds in the apples. Plant them and hope that they make some trees. Although, that will take a long time.

Civilian: ^^ Thank you. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

Isabelle: Bring in the next civilian.

Civilian#2: We have another problem. Many of us are losing our livestock as we speak. The soldiers set them free after we haven't paid our taxes.

Isabelle: I'll see what I can do. Why haven't you've paid your taxes?

Civilian#2: Because, we've already gone on poverty after this war came about and that we needed it to keep our houses at bay and rebuilded after parts of it got destroyed during some of these battles.

Isabelle: I'll see if some of this helps as I've got this long ago in my adventure.

*Hands over a Talismen that I've got long ago.*

Isabelle: Sell that. It should fetch a pretty penny at the store.

Civilian#2: Thanks. This should be more than enough to keep the soldiers from bothering us for the next two years.

Isabelle: Sure. It's no problem. ^__^

Bring in the next civilian.

Civilian#3: Hi. I need help to keep myself from being so scared of this war all the time as all it is doing is bringing pain and suffering upon our women and children as they cry everyday to even try to stay alive.

Isabelle: Well...it's not much. But...all you can do is hide whenever oncoming enemy attacks happens and I'll certainly be around if anything goes wrong.

*Reads a bible opening the book as she licks a page and turns it then sings to the royal court in a serene-like voice while dancing twirling her ribbons around her feet and arms.*

Isabelle: Why am I always feeling down?

Why am I always so afraid?
Why? Why have I given up hope?
What is it you're afraid of?
I know. It's okay. You can say I'm afraid too in the same way
I give up hope. I just can't cope
Can't give my all much longer
You're not alone. So just hang on
You must try to be stronger
You can overcome life's ups and downs
You can turn your life around
That's the meaning of true courage
So please remember
Don't you ever give up trying
Be courageous. Keep on striving
Fly to the stars
You can have hope for tomorrow
So let's hold hands with one another
We can both take one step further
Dreams can come true
Find the hope that's deep inside
Find your strength that keeps your dreams alive
*Then smiles ^__^*
Civilian#3: Thanks. That gives us a little hope to believe in ourselves instead of hoping that we die of pain and fear.
Isabelle: It's not a problem. ^__^
Everyone in the royal court smiles as the the meeting ends as the Prime Minister said "Case dismissed."
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Ace: "Yuffie ended Anna Charlotte with just two attacks. Don't mess with Yuffie."

Alicia: "Aimee...is she dead?"

Ace frowned, "From the way she hit the ground, it sure looked that way. Comeon, let's find Klotho. She carried Aimee away after Charlotte attacked her."

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​"Looks like… things are settling." *thinking* "…It's amazing just how much everyone is in the dark. Even the gods."


*carrying Aimee on her back, slipping every other step* "…Why can't we just talk with everyone? Marceline attacked us. Charlotte attacked. Why can't we just sit and talk?"

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​"Looks like… things are settling." *thinking* "…It's amazing just how much everyone is in the dark. Even the gods."

That depends on what it is. Marth approach Kat while she was in deep thought. Whats on your mind?

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That depends on what it is. Marth approach Kat while she was in deep thought. Whats on your mind?

"Mmm, nothing much, Marth. Just the random musings of a pregnant woman. Pay them no heed."

Ace: "I saw Klotho go this way, Sis."

Alicia: "Klotho? Do you need assistence?"

Ace: "Yeah, she is slipping while walking a bit. We can help out, Klotho."

"I want no help from people who didn't even TRY for diplomacy." *very, very biting* "You'll probably just kill her too as soon as I take my eyes off. Go away. I'll carry her myself."

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"Kat, I found this when I was burying Charlotte. I thought you might want it."

Yuffie hands Kat the Book of Naga, and leaves.

​"…What was she doing with this?" *sighs* "Morale's taking hits left and right here." *smiles slightly* "But… they'll continue on, I think. They have to. Otherwise, the lives they've taken will be for nothing and the sacrifices made will be meaningless."

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Well, whenever it looks like something's on your mind, you always seem to push me away. Sure, I can respect your privacy but....

"Oh, Marth. I wouldn't want to bore you with MY rambling thoughts." *laughs* "Relax. They truly are horribly random."

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"Mmm, nothing much, Marth. Just the random musings of a pregnant woman. Pay them no heed."

"I want no help from people who didn't even TRY for diplomacy." *very, very biting* "You'll probably just kill her too as soon as I take my eyes off. Go away. I'll carry her myself."

Ace froze a bit, "Phew good, Aimee's alive. Klotho...heck I'll say it but you probably won't believe me but, I don't want Aimee to die...ever. And I swore to kill all Annas in a blind rage. Charlotte, I got the feeling she wasn't going to listen to us. She knocked out her sister with her sword. That action spoke volumes."

Alicia: "Ace, let's leave Klotho be. I can feel much resetment flowing into the air."

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Ace froze a bit, "Phew good, Aimee's alive. Klotho...heck I'll say it but you probably won't believe me but, I don't want Aimee to die...ever. And I swore to kill all Annas in a blind rage. Charlotte, I got the feeling she wasn't going to listen to us. She knocked out her sister with her sword. That action spoke volumes."

Alicia: "Ace, let's leave Klotho be. I can feel much resetment flowing into the air."

"I remember you killing Vivienne without caring. I didn't think anything of it, since I was told the Annas were evil. I remember you going after Marceline, even though her eyes were still red from bawling. No, I don't believe you. I will NEVER trust you with Aimee."

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"Oh, Marth. I wouldn't want to bore you with MY rambling thoughts." *laughs* "Relax. They truly are horribly random."

I'd still listen because that's the kind of person that I am. You should know that all too well by now

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Ace: "Yeah, you got me there. I did kill Vivienne without caring, I did go after Marceline when she was still crying. *Looks at brand on right hand* I could say it's how Chaos is in nature, not caring who dies or gets burned. But that won't matter, will it?"

Alicia patted Ace on the back, "There's nothing you can say, Ace. I feel much bitterness and resetment flowing into the air. Let's leave Klotho be."

Ace: "...Alright, let's go."

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I'd still listen because that's the kind of person that I am. You should know that all too well by now

"And YOU should know by now that I detest boring things."

Ace: "Yeah, you got me there. I did kill Vivienne without caring, I did go after Marceline when she was still crying. *Looks at brand on right hand* I could say it's how Chaos is in nature, not caring who dies or gets burned. But that won't matter, will it?"

Alicia patted Ace on the back, "There's nothing you can say, Ace. I feel much bitterness and resetment flowing into the air. Let's leave Klotho be."

Ace: "...Alright, let's go."

​"…" *still carrying Aimee, slipping as she does*

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