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*As a illusion* "Sorin! There you are. You're coming with me."

*doesn't look up from the book but turns a page* "And why is that exactly?"

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"Cassandra?!" He was walking around trying to look for her. He hadn't seen her for a while now. Did she even leave the boat? And for that matter, where was Poly? "Cassandra! Poly! Where are you?" He was worried. Really worried. He started to go from a walk to a sprint and from a sprint to a run.

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"Suppose I should find some others..." [Truthfully, the last few days have been rather blurry. Can't remember much of what happened, which is a good thing, I guess... Maybe I should find the missus. Whenever I'm bored, she always brightens me up. Perhaps I should speak to Klotho too] Dusk had been hunting for an hour or so, trying to find some game... with limited success. He eventually found a cub, which was all right. He dragged it back to camp. It's been too long since the group has had fresh meat

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Ace thought about Marth's words to her about Klotho, and decided to take his advice on the matter. Ace got up, "Sis...where is Poly and Gaius? Those two have fallen behind."

Alicia looked around, "I don't see either of them. Poly..."

Ace: "Sis, what is it that's bugging you?"

Alicia: "What if I'm hurting him mentally?"

Ace: "What makes you think that?"

Alicia: "Ace... I haven't told him about our bloodline's lifespan. That...I will physically outlive him..."

Ace: "Oh... That is... a rather touchy subject there."

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Dragging the cub into the camp they set up the night before, he brushed his hands, sighed out of relief and smiled. "I swear I'm the only one who bothers with meat nowadays..." Running his hands through the sides of his hair, Dusk tried to find somebody, anybody to speak to. He noticed Kat, but she was sleeping next to Yuffie's horse, so he thought it was best not to disturb her. "Cute" He then noticed Klotho doing some stretches and decided to go up to her, hoping she wouldn't turn him away. "Hello"

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Dragging the cub into the camp they set up the night before, he brushed his hands, sighed out of relief and smiled. "I swear I'm the only one who bothers with meat nowadays..." Running his hands through the sides of his hair, Dusk tried to find somebody, anybody to speak to. He noticed Kat, but she was sleeping next to Yuffie's horse, so he thought it was best not to disturb her. "Cute" He then noticed Klotho doing some stretches and decided to go up to her, hoping she wouldn't turn him away. "Hello"


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Cassandra continued sleeping soundly, though occasionally dreams would pop up during her slumbers. They were very vague, though, so she was unsure of what they were trying to tell her. Slowly waking up and rolling out of bed, she shuffled towards the exit of her tent.

*snoring loudly in his tent*

Edited by Polydeuces
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Dan finally made it back to camp after searching everywhere, only to see Cassandra coming out of a tent. How did he not notice her before? "Cassandra. I've been looking everywhere for you. You need to come with me. There's someone who...wants to see us."

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Slowly rubbing her eyes, Cassandra merely blinked at Dan, swearing that he'd been right beside her the whole time she was asleep. ... Either that, or there was a very lucky pillow in her tent. "O-Okay... I guess..."

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Cassandra merely nodded, glancing back at her tent. "I'm fine..." She replied, retreating to her tent to grab her swords... and, after some deliberation and very swift soul-searching, a particular pillow, which she then decided to draw a face on... for some reason.

And she would call that strange face-bearing object 'Pillow-kun'.

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