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Upon hearing Nathaniel's voice, Glaedyr jumped and span round to face him. [Gah!] She attempted to keep her face as blank as possible. "Yep. Ace couldn't find her anywhere! I'm going to go search thataway." She gestures East, before sprinting off to try and find Klotho, but partially to simply get away from Nathaniel. Good that she could do both at once!

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Nathaniel considered going after her, but decided that Klotho's safety was more important than his pathetic excuse for a love-life. "I'll patrol the camp..." He dashed off.
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Alicia heard Ace say Klotho was missing and had begun searching herself, when she came to a grove of trees that had the life seemly beat out of them, "This area...these trees are nearly dead...was it out of rage? Perhaps frustration...?" Edited by Ace Tactician
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Sprinting through the trees, Glaedyr paid no attention to the numerous branches she ran into, and she simply let them catch on her clothes as she got further from the camp. Klotho's safety was more important than her getting bashed a few times, so she never even bothered using her sword to cut them away since it would waste too much time. "Klotho? KLOTHO?!"...No response. They needed to find Klotho soon, since it would be easy to get lost out there. She just hoped one of the others had had more luck than her in trying to find her.

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As the Dreamers searched for Klotho, a man wrapped in a deep, purple robe approached the camp. He had long, iron grey hair, a short beard and wrinkles- but his eyes were young. "Is this the place? He must be here... Excuse me?" He called out at the camp. "Have you seen my son?"
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Dusk was practising his archery when he heard another unfamiliar voice. "For the love of..." Turning around, he saw the robed man and, with his bow raised, asked the man who he was. He's had enough of strangers for one day, and besides, the Dreamers weren't a holiday resort. Too many strangers was a bad thing

(Got it right this time!)

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"A lot of people have parents sir, I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Yuffie stayed a cautious distance away from the man. He looked fairly harmless, but looks could be deceiving. He reached into his pack, and help onto Florence.

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After searching the eastern area for a while and with no luck, Glaedyr sprinted back to camp to see if Klotho had been found by any of the others when she'd been searching. However, when she got back she couldn't see Klotho anywhere, nor the others who had gone searching for her. Glaedyr stopped, gasping for breath and giving herself a moment's rest before she would head out searching again. Though as she turned to leave again and search the other nearby areas, she saw a strange-looking man dressed in purple. "Th-that depends. Who is your son? A-and who are you? What's your business here?" She also saw Dusk there too. "Dusk! Klotho's gone missing... I've been searching for her but I've had no luck... The others are all looking for her!"

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After searching the eastern area for a while and with no luck, Glaedyr sprinted back to camp to see if Klotho had been found by any of the others when she'd been searching. However, when she got back she couldn't see Klotho anywhere, nor the others who had gone searching for her. Glaedyr stopped, gasping for breath and giving herself a moment's rest before she would head out searching again. Though as she turned to leave again and search the other nearby areas, she saw a strange-looking man dressed in purple. "Th-that depends. Who is your son? A-and who are you? What's your business here?" She also saw Dusk there too. "Dusk! Klotho's gone missing... I've been searching for her but I've had no luck... The others are all looking for her!"

Glaedyr's words almost caused Dusk to stumble over nothing. "K-K-Klotho's missing again?!" Petrified, he glanced over to her and adopted a serious tone. "Do you have ANY idea where she's gone?"

"Greetings, sir." The old man bowed archaically. "My name is Weaver. I'm looking for my son, Nathaniel... Is he part of this group?"

Turning his head back to the mysterious man, he looked confused. "Y-yes, Natty boy is here with us... maybe not right now, but he is a part of us"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"Greetings, sir." The old man bowed archaically. "My name is Weaver. I'm looking for my son, Nathaniel... Is he part of this group?"

"N-Nathaniel? Y-yes, he is indeed...Though he's off searching for one of our missing members at the moment..."

Glaedyr's words almost caused Dusk to stumble over nothing. "K-K-Klotho's missing again?!" Petrified, he glanced over to her and adopted a serious tone. "Do you have ANY idea where she's gone?"

Turning his head back to the mysterious man, he looked confused. "Y-yes, Natty boy is here with us... maybe not right now, but he is a part of us"

"Yes she's disappeared! Ace noticed she'd gone and I ran off searching for her but I couldn't find her over to the East. The others searched the other areas but we have no idea where she could be...I came back to see if there was any news or if anyone had found her..." She flaps her arms in frustration. "Gah! I would go searching again now, but running flat-out really takes it out of you! I...just...need a moment...to get my breath back..."

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"Yes she's disappeared! Ace noticed she'd gone and I ran off searching for her but I couldn't find her over to the East. The others searched the other areas but we have no idea where she could be...I came back to see if there was any news or if anyone had found her..." She flaps her arms in frustration. "Gah! I would go searching again now, but running flat-out really takes it out of you! I...just...need a moment...to get my breath back..."

"Dusk, you go look for Klotho. You're in better shape then I am. I'll ensure that Weaver has a place to stay, and keep him occupied until Nathaniel arrives."

Dusk was infuriated. All he wanted was to be alone, but now his 'sister' was gone missing again... [You know, and curse me for thinking this, but it feels right. If this merry band of fellows can't even sustain themselves, then perhaps...] Shaking his head, he knew that Klotho's safety was a priority. Dashing off in a random direction, he had his two axes on his person in case things turned to the worse. Yelling "You do that" behind his shoulder, he began his search for Klotho

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Alicia heard a mad dashing through the forest. Walking a few steps, she saw it was Dusk.

Dusk simply dashed past the woman without giving her a second look or a greeting. "For Naga's sake, where is she?" Thundering through the forest, he was intent on finding her

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Ace: "I can't find Klotho anywhere...why?"

Alicia walked into camp, "Ace..."

Ace: "Any luck, Alicia?"

Alicia: "I didn't find Klotho, but I did come across a torn up grove of trees...with some bearing bloodstains."

Ace: "....Any clue who tore those trees up, sis?"

Alicia: "I can only think of one person who would punch trees like that besides you."

Ace: "Klotho?"

Alicia: "Yes. That was all I found though..."

Ace kicked the ground, "Damn! What happened to her?! Could this have anything to do with that night I didn't sleep very well?"

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*attempting to do logistics in her tent*

(It would also do you well, Drago, that we do have lives, some of which are getting a LITTLE hectic at the moment due to classes starting up again. Some days are slower than others.)

(You're all correct. Sorry about my ignorance.)

(assuming it's night time.)

Draco noticed the chaos. He also noticed that there were many more members he had not seen up until now. He couldn't hear every word clearly, but it sounded like someone was missing. He puts on his cloak and stands up.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

(Also, *Just a suggestion; if this sounds stupid to you, feel free to ignore I even brought this up* I think that if you get to an A support *Or maybe B or C or something* you should add them as a friend on SF. That's just me, though.)

Edited by Dracojawn
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