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The roar of the Risen attacking Dusk got Ace's attention, "Explain later, we got trouble on our hands," Ace said taking a swing at the nearest Risen with Mercurius.

Alicia attacked the same Risen after Ace was done with Forged Celica's Gale.

As for Jack Taylor, he took out his Peshkatz and hurled it at the Risen both of his nieces attacked.

Ace then noticed Crizix was back, she waved before returning her focus to the battle at hand.

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Luna galloped as fast as possible. By the time Crizix reached the battlefield, the skirmish seemed to be almost over...When she saw a Risen, she fired a Rexcalibur spell with a confidence not seen before and landed a critical hit on it, destroying it.

(As HK just said, he's doing the battle calculations, so it's best if you didn't "destroy" the enemy)

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(As HK just said, he's doing the battle calculations, so it's best if you didn't "destroy" the enemy)

(Crap, sorry. I see I still need to adjust to the new battle style. ^^;)

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Dusk managed to evade the attack, but the battle was far from over. These things were relentless, and had to be put down. Hoping the killer bow would exterminate them as quickly as possible, he fired another arrow at a revenant

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(Crap, sorry. I see I still need to adjust to the new battle style. ^^;)

(Since she just came back, I'll let this one slide)

(It could be that she hit the Risen Draco did as well.)

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Draco put away his sword and got out a Silver Sword. The risen seemed a little weakened, but far from dead. He zoomed over to it and slashed, but the attack seemed ineffective. He backed away shortly after.

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Realising that he still had terrible puns in his arsenal, Yuffie unleashed a bolt from Bolganone at the Risen charging at Dusk.

"Need a light?"

[Did he just seriously say that? Fuckin' idiot...] Ignoring Yuffie's awful wit, he waited to see what the creature would do next

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Dusk's enhanced hearing told him that a horse was trotting towards them. None of the Dreamers used horses any more, so it must've been another enemy. Turning around, he saw... someone that he thought he'd never see again; Crizix! "So many people coming in and out nowadays..." He'd talk to her, but a battle was at hand...

... as this Risen just demonstrated. Jumping back, he just managed to evade the claws of the giant beast

Still thirsty for blood, Risen #1 (This is the one attacking Dusk) clawed at Dusk's torso, leaving a rip and claw markings into his shirt

The attack seemed to be effective, but all it really did was weaken it a bit. The Risen seemed to be finished off by Crzix. (Don't know name.)

Luna galloped as fast as possible. By the time Crizix reached the battlefield, the skirmish seemed to be almost over...When she saw a Risen, she fired a Rexcalibur spell with a confidence not seen before and landed a critical hit on it, destroying it.

Risen #2 was slightly stunned by Draco's slice at its stomach and made its way to grab him..... until it was instantly razed by the sudden Rexcaliber wind blades that enveloped its body and fell to the ground fading, its body beginning to fade.

The roar of the Risen attacking Dusk got Ace's attention, "Explain later, we got trouble on our hands," Ace said taking a swing at the nearest Risen with Mercurius.

Alicia attacked the same Risen after Ace was done with Forged Celica's Gale.

As for Jack Taylor, he took out his Peshkatz and hurled it at the Risen both of his nieces attacked.

Ace then noticed Crizix was back, she waved before returning her focus to the battle at hand.

Risen #3 melted into the ground, appearing as if it had been defeated by the twins' attack on it. Quickly slithering around in its puddle-like form, it moved over to Ace, revealed one of its arms and latched its claws onto her leg as it began to rise up from the ground.

Risen #4 reached over and snatched Alicia into its claws, carrying her over to its face, its breath blowing at her as it growled

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Still thirsty for blood, Risen #1 (This is the one attacking Dusk) clawed at Dusk's torso, leaving a rip and claw markings into his shirt

Risen #2 was slightly stunned by Draco's slice at its stomach and made its way to grab him..... until it was instantly razed by the sudden Rexcaliber wind blades that enveloped its body and fell to the ground fading, its body beginning to fade.

Risen #3 melted into the ground, appearing as if it had been defeated by the twins' attack on it. Quickly slithering around in its puddle-like form, it moved over to Ace, revealed one of its arms and latched its claws onto her leg as it began to rise up from the ground.

Risen #4 reached over and snatched Alicia into its claws, carrying her over to its face, its breath blowing at her as it growled

Ace slashed at Risen #3 again with Mercurius, freeing herself from it's grasp. "Alright, I landed an Ignis attack on that thing. Tough Risen..."

Jack Taylor didn't take to kindly to Risen #4 snatching Alicia, so he attacked it with his Silver Dagger. Alicia took the chance her uncle created by attacking to pull out Tyrfing and she slashed at Risen #4.

Alicia: "Thank you, Uncle Jack."

Jack Taylor: "I didn't go through the trouble of escaping to see my nieces attacked by these creatures! *to Risen #4* Like hell am I letting you harm my nieces! It's time I put you in your place!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Still thirsty for blood, Risen #1 (This is the one attacking Dusk) clawed at Dusk's torso, leaving a rip and claw markings into his shirt

Seeing how Dusk was injured, Yuffie healed up his wounds with his Physic staff.

Somehow, that hit Dusk. A mindless drone dare touch Dusk? He was angry at the thought, but quickly calmed himself down after a deep breath. Yuffie patched him up though, which he thanked him for. "All right, you freak. Die!" Clearly, the bow wasn't working, so he slashed the enemy with his killer axe

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Seeing that the scant amount of Risen still here could be taken care of by the others, she decided to quickly scan everyone for injuries. She saw both familiar faces and ones she didn't recognize, making her feel both nostalgic and curious.

(Since she just came back, I'll let this one slide)

(I'm feeling embarrassed now, so I'll just sit the rest of the battle out, lol.)

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To ensure the Risen falled, Draco put away the Silver Sword and got out His sword and attacked Risen #1. He managed to get a critical, but was uncertain if it was dead or not.

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Ace slashed at Risen #3 again with Mercurius, freeing herself from it's grasp. "Alright, I landed an Ignis attack on that thing. Tough Risen..."

Jack Taylor didn't take to kindly to Risen #4 snatching Alicia, so he attacked it with his Silver Dagger. Alicia took the chance her uncle created by attacking to pull out Tyrfing and she slashed at Risen #4.

Alicia: "Thank you, Uncle Jack."

Jack Taylor: "I didn't go through the trouble of escaping to see my nieces attacked by these creatures! *to Risen #4* Like hell am I letting you harm my nieces! It's time I put you in your place!"

From Ace's attack Risen #3 tried to hold on, but instead, had its arm cut clean off and retreated a few steps as it roared in pain. Even being separated from the body, its claw stuck onto her leg, and contracted blood.

Jack Taylor's dagger distracted Risen #4 and turned its attention to him. Angered, it charged after him...... but then Alicia had sliced its eye, which forced it to drop her on the spot and back away into a tree that fell onto its head, causing it to fall to the ground. (Note, its still alive.)

Somehow, that hit Dusk. A mindless drone dare touch Dusk? He was angry at the thought, but quickly calmed himself down after a deep breath. Yuffie patched him up though, which he thanked him for. "All right, you freak. Die!" Clearly, the bow wasn't working, so he slashed the enemy with his killer axe

To ensure the Risen falled, Draco put away the Silver Sword and got out His sword and attacked Risen #1. He managed to get a critical, but was uncertain if it was dead or not.

Dusk's axe had hit a weakspot, that instantly made it lose its balance, followed by a critical hit from Draco, which ended the foul beast.

Then suddenly, Risen's 5, 6 & 7 melted to the ground..... gathered together.... and morphed into an even larger Mega Risen, towering at the size of 30 ft tall. The moment its feet stomped the ground, the Earth trembled beneath the Dreamers.

(Note: 2 of them are dead now. All that's left is 3, 4, and the Mega Risen)

Edited by Hero-King
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From Ace's attack Risen #3 tried to hold on, but instead, had its arm cut clean off and retreated a few steps as it roared in pain. Even being separated from the body, its claw stuck onto her leg, and contracted blood.

Jack Taylor's dagger distracted Risen #4 and turned its attention to him. Angered, it charged after him...... but then Alicia had sliced its eye, which forced it to drop her on the spot and back away into a tree that fell onto its head, causing it to fall to the ground. (Note, its still alive.)

Dusk's axe had hit a weakspot, that instantly made it lose its balance, followed by a critical hit from Draco, which ended the foul beast.

Then suddenly, Risen's 5, 6 & 7 melted to the ground..... gathered together.... and morphed into an even larger Mega Risen, towering at the size of 30 ft tall. The moment its feet stomped the ground, the Earth trembled beneath the Dreamers.

(Note: 2 of them are dead now. All that's left is 3, 4, and the Mega Risen)

Ace tore the severed arm off her leg, and pulled out Valflame and attacked Risen #3. "You better die this time! That Mega Risen isn't going to kill itself!"

Alicia fired up an Ignis of her own and attacked Risen #4 again with Tyrfing.

Jack Taylor eyed the Mega Risen, Silver Dagger in hand. "You two take care now, that HUGE monster looks like a doozy to kill."

Alicia: "Uncle, no. It would be more logical if we took that thing on together as a family."

Jack Taylor: "Sharp as ever, Alicia. In that case, I'll give Ace a helping hand." And on that note, he picked up his Peshkatz again and threw it at Risen #3.

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"Wahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" Looking up at the giant Risen, Yuffie was quite simply horrified.

Shuddering, he turned to one of the lesser Risen, and attacked it with Celica's Gale. As the Risen recoiled,Yuffie noticed a weakness, with which he capitalised on with Luna. "Why don't you kneel?"

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Silvia reached forward and drilled her lance into the mega Risen, wincing as it withdrew and dragged her lance away with it. "Damn! Should have stuck with tomes..." she muttered, flinching again as a Thoron burst from behind her and hit the Risen again, causing it to reel backward.

"I... have a spare tome if you want to use it!" Aimee said from behind her, grabbing the tome from her bag and holding it out. She declined the offer though, bitterly wishing she'd grabbed her Waste tome instead.

"No, keep it. I'll go get my fucking lance back..." she cracked her knuckles and sighed, before dashing forward to retrieve her lance.

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*Comes out from his tent, axe in hand, and sees the Mega Risen* "What. The. Fuck. Is That."

"Um, it looks like...a giant Risen." Crizix replied, having ended up near him.

(Should I dare battle again?)

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"Eh?! Where the hell did you come from, Criz?" *looks over and sees Jack* "... And who's that fucko?"

"I was trying to find the group for a while...and then I heard the sounds of battle so I came running here." She looked where he was looking. "Oh, uh...I don't know who that is. He seems like an ally, though."

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