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"... Seriously, we need to glue you to someone." *looks back over at Jack* "... Why is he with Ace & Alicia?"

"Haha, maybe...Well, they all seem to know each other, so it's okay?"

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"Eh?! Where the hell did you come from, Criz?" *looks over and sees Jack* "... And who's that fucko?"

Jack Taylor had to turn around upon hearing this, "Name's Jack Taylor, the 'Twilight' that follows the Dawn." Jack just looked at Poly, "I was the one who raised Alicia since her mother, my older sister had her hands full with Ace and Christine. But I digress, who are you?"

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Ace tore the severed arm off her leg, and pulled out Valflame and attacked Risen #3. "You better die this time! That Mega Risen isn't going to kill itself!"

Alicia fired up an Ignis of her own and attacked Risen #4 again with Tyrfing.

Jack Taylor eyed the Mega Risen, Silver Dagger in hand. "You two take care now, that HUGE monster looks like a doozy to kill."

Alicia: "Uncle, no. It would be more logical if we took that thing on together as a family."

Jack Taylor: "Sharp as ever, Alicia. In that case, I'll give Ace a helping hand." And on that note, he picked up his Peshkatz again and threw it at Risen #3.

The claw of Risen #3 was successfully shaken off and faded away. Being one-handed right now, it attempted to attack Ace, yet again, but her Valflamme incinerated the lower half of its body. Roaring in pain, but still adamant to see Ace dead at her feet, it began to crawl its way over to her to finish the job, but was stopped by Jack Taylor's Peshkatz and was subdued to one spot, before dying.

Yje pain of Alicia's Ignis strike shot straight up its spine and caused an immediate reaction from it and began to retreat from her.

"Wahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" Looking up at the giant Risen, Yuffie was quite simply horrified.

Shuddering, he turned to one of the lesser Risen, and attacked it with Celica's Gale. As the Risen recoiled,Yuffie noticed a weakness, with which he capitalised on with Luna. "Why don't you kneel?"

Yuffie stepped in and ripped its body to pieces, from discovering its weak spot. Risen #4 was still animate and alive, but its limbs were separated. From the impact of Yuffie's attack, an arm had launched itself onto him and dug into his shoulder. The other limbs soon followed afterwards and began to subdue Yuffie to the ground.

Silvia reached forward and drilled her lance into the mega Risen, wincing as it withdrew and dragged her lance away with it. "Damn! Should have stuck with tomes..." she muttered, flinching again as a Thoron burst from behind her and hit the Risen again, causing it to reel backward.

"I... have a spare tome if you want to use it!" Aimee said from behind her, grabbing the tome from her bag and holding it out. She declined the offer though, bitterly wishing she'd grabbed her Waste tome instead.

"No, keep it. I'll go get my fucking lance back..." she cracked her knuckles and sighed, before dashing forward to retrieve her lance.

Mega Risen withdrew from Silvia's lance, but was still going strong, as a mere lance as small as it was in comparison. Then a bolt of Thoron had pierced its arm, yet still continued to charge.

*Comes out from his tent, axe in hand, and sees the Mega Risen* "What. The. Fuck. Is That."

Before it could do any damage to them, it took notice of Poly and Crizix. Glaring at the both of them it slammed its massive hands at the both of them in an attempt to grab them. It missed Crizix, but managed to catch poly's leg as it threw him into the air, and prepared to swallow him whole

(Note: All that's left is the Mega Risen and the pieces of Risen #4)

Edited by Hero-King
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*blinks a couple of times* "I'm Poly, the Khan of the former Regna Ferox."

Jack Taylor stared back in surprise, "The Khan of Regna Ferox...formerly Regna Ferox."

Alicia: "I see you met my husband, Uncle Jack."

Jack didn't answer that, he had charged at the Mega Risen when it grabbed Poly, Silver Dagger in hand, eyes glinting. Bane was activated, "This won't hurt...much."

Ace was pissed now, "YOU BETTER DROP MY BROTHER IN LAW!" She roared, Mercurius in hand and charging towards the Mega Risen. Alicia close behind.

Jack Taylor took the chance he had to push Poly away from the Mega Risen, "Ace, Alicia! Catch him!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*swinging in the air* "Yeah, this is why I tend to not care when this shit occurs." *turns his head to Alicia, Ace & Jack* "Wait, Uncle?"

Edited by Polydeuces
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Before it could do any damage to them, it took notice of Poly and Crizix. Glaring at the both of them it slammed its massive hands at the both of them in an attempt to grab them. It missed Crizix, but managed to catch poly's leg as it threw him into the air, and prepared to swallow him whole

(Note: All that's left is the Mega Risen and the pieces of Risen #4)

(Well, I guess I'll try this battle thing again, if you don't mind...)

"Polydeuces!" Crizix immediately opened her Rexcalibur and fired at the Mega Risen without thinking.

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"Oh god oh god ew ew ew get it off WHY IS IT STILL TOUCHING ME?!"

Yuffie flailed and attempted the remove the swarming body parts, which were preventing him from using his Rescue Staff to save Poly.

Also they were cutting him, which wasn't really appreciated.

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*swinging in the air* "Yeah, this is why I tend to not care when this shit occurs." *turns his head to Alicia, Ace & Jack* "Wait, Uncle?"

*faceplants on the ground* "... Ow."

Ace went to tear the Risen limbs off Yuffie while Alicia and Jack tended to Poly.

Alicia: "Yes Poly. This is Twilight Jack Taylor. Mine, and Ace's uncle."

Jack Taylor just grinned, "You heard correctly Khan Poly. I'm their uncle. You alright there?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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In the distance, there are two people. Both are completely hooded. There is no trace of their identity on their clothes.

"So, he's worried about these travelers getting a little too close and decides send you to give a warning shot," one sighs, glancing at his companion. There is no movement in response. "I think these are the people you were traveling with, yes? Don't you want to return to them." There is no reply. "…He really did destroy you, huh? From that feisty girl who competed for the right of power to protect your most precious person to a living doll that doesn't even breath without orders. It's disgusting." His companion holds so still, he half-wonders if she breathes. "Well, give me a moment. I'll find you a tar…" He trails off, staring. "Huh. One of those red-haired whores is with them. Are they cooperating? Resolving their differences? I wouldn't mind that, horrid as these whores are. There has been enough fighting."


​"Was that a… a sound?" He kneels by his companion. "Did you say something?" There is no reply. "…I… must've just been hearing things, then." He looks back to the fighting Dreamers. "That red haired girl. Shoot her. It'll be a warning to both the whores and the dreamers."

His companion moves at last. A strong bow, dully glinting gold in the light, is palmed and an arrow is carefully notched and aimed. His companion, however, just keeps the stance. Not moving, barely even breathing. Hesitating. Why?

​"…Do you really want to shoot? I'll pick a different target, if you'd like." There is no reply, like usual. "Look, there is a person near. That Dark Flier with the white pigtails. A leader… actually, kinda acts like a bitch. You can shoot her, if you'd like. Someone like that in charge? She looks like she can't even lead herself. Might be a blessing to these dreamers that she dies. She's self-destructive and will lead everyone around her to ruin too, likely, because she refuses to try and pick herself up. I know the type. You can shoot her. Okay?"

Still, his companion doesn't move. Just holds the stance. Aiming. Always aiming. The hands shake. The arrow trembles.

​"Do you want me to find another target? Look, there are many to pick from. I will change the orders if you don't want to shoot those two. For some reason. I still maintain that pigtailed bitch should die in a fire. Probably thinks the whole fucking world is against her. Boohoo. Gods, I hate those types."

Still shaking. Still trembling. Hesitating. Hesitating. Hesitating.

"Child, I am serious. Who do you want to shoot? The idiot who let himself get caught? The screamer roaring about like yelling is going to change anything? The too calm logical one? The far too attractive ghost? The flailing sage? The hesitant valkyrie? Someone hiding in the tents? You have to shoot someone, damn that bastard, but we can pick. We can choose. You are capable of choice, you know? You… you're not a… you shouldn't be a weapon."

Suddenly, everything stills. No tremors. No movement. No breathing, it seems like.


She shoots. A strong, clear shot. It clips the Dark Flier leader's arm and arcs gracefully down to thud in the red-haired girl's shoulder.

​"…Oh, Child…" he whispers, before seeing his companion notch another arrow. "Huh? What are you doing?"

She shoots again. The strange monstrous creature the dreamers are attacking. She shoots it in the eye. She then draws a third arrow, shooting at another dreamer, the yelling, chaotic one. A fourth arrow hits her twin. A fifth hits the hero who'd been caught. A sixth and seventh go pass the sage and valkyrie. An eighth clips the ghost's cheek. A ninth goes back after the Dark Flier, clipping her leg.

"Enough!" His companion freezes. "That's… enough. We're leaving." He grabs his companion by the shoulder and walks away. "Why… did you go above…?"


"Never mind. We're gone. It's okay now. I think they'll get the hint." He warps them away, and hopes that everything will work out.

Edited by Aqua
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"Could be better... So, that's my new uncle, huh?"

Alicia: "He's part of the family, yes. You can think of Uncle Jack as an in law. *she then whispers* I should mention he's been dead for seven years."

Jack Taylor wasn't looking, he had turned away hoping no one, Alicia in particular, would mention him being a spirit who had escaped and possessed a living body, when an arrow clipped his cheek. "What the hell? Hey! Who dares to shoot arrows at my nieces! And Royal in law!"

Ace: *pulls out arrow* "What in the...?"

Alicia: *pulls out arrow* "Who shoot at us?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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She shoots again. The strange monstrous creature the dreamers are attacking. She shoots it in the eye. She then draws a third arrow, shooting at another dreamer, the yelling, chaotic one. A fourth arrow hits her twin. A fifth hits the hero who'd been caught. A sixth and seventh go pass the sage and valkyrie. An eighth clips the ghost's cheek. A ninth goes back after the Dark Flier, clipping her leg.

Something whizzed past Crizix's head. "Huh? Did someone just...shoot at me?"

(I'll be back in an hour or so.)

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*looks down to see the arrow deep in his chest* "... Welp. That one may hurt a bit." *collapses to the ground*

Alicia screamed in terror, "YUFFIE! POLY NEEDS HELP!"

Jack Taylor flinched from the scream a bit before running over, "I'll tend to him, grab a healer and fast!" He shouted while beginning first aid.

Alicia nodded and ran to drag Yuffie over while Ace attacked the Mega Risen with Valflame.

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"Ugh, disgusting. Thank you Ace, I appreciate it." Yuffie began to bandage his wounds. He then stomped on one of the Risen arms.

As he was dusting himself off, an arrow grazed against his forehead, leaving a thin cut above his eyes. Startled, he looked around. Either someone was a very good shot, or he just got extremely lucky. Counting his blessings, he looked up to see how the others were faring.

Oh dear.

Looking up to warn the others, Yuffie saw that Poly had been shot, and it was in his torso. He rushed over to him. Well, to preserve his dignity, he pretended he had rushed. In actuality, Alicia dragged him over, and Yuffie realised he was much weaker than yet another member of the Dreamers. "Ace, Alicia, make sure it doesn't get any closer! Poly, stay with me! This is going to hurt, but you'll be okay!"

Edited by YayForYuffie
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"Ugh, disgusting. Thank you Ace, I appreciate it." Yuffie began to bandage his wounds. He then stomped on one of the Risen arms.

As he was dusting himself off, an arrow grazed against his forehead, leaving a thin cut above his eyes. Startled, he looked around. Either someone was a very good shot, or he just got extremely lucky. The only people he knew to have such skill with the bow were Dusk and Klotho...

Oh dear.

Looking up to warn the others, Yuffie saw that Poly had been shot, and it was in his torso. He rushed over to him. "Ace, Alicia, I think it may be Klotho! Poly, stay with me! This is going to hurt, but you'll be okay!"

Alicia *to Poly, tears coming out now* "You better not die Poly! Otherwise, I'll drag you back here if I have to! I refuse...I refuse..."

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*Hears the noise and wanders out* "…" *sees all the chaos, slumps, and returns* "It's not… like I can do anything anyway. I'm useless, after all."

Ace stared, "Klotho...? But...why?"

Alicia tried to comfort her sister, "I'm not sure, Ace. I need more time to consider the possibilities."

(Ace, that got changed)

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Jack Taylor stared back in surprise, "The Khan of Regna Ferox...formerly Regna Ferox."

Alicia: "I see you met my husband, Uncle Jack."

Jack didn't answer that, he had charged at the Mega Risen when it grabbed Poly, Silver Dagger in hand, eyes glinting. Bane was activated, "This won't hurt...much."

Ace was pissed now, "YOU BETTER DROP MY BROTHER IN LAW!" She roared, Mercurius in hand and charging towards the Mega Risen. Alicia close behind.

Jack Taylor took the chance he had to push Poly away from the Mega Risen, "Ace, Alicia! Catch him!"

(Well, I guess I'll try this battle thing again, if you don't mind...)

"Polydeuces!" Crizix immediately opened her Rexcalibur and fired at the Mega Risen without thinking.

It was in perfect position. Nothing was inbetween it's mouth and Poly. Just as it was about to savor in the taste of Feroxi flesh, it took notice of both Jack Taylor's incoming attack and Crizix's wild flinging of Rexcaliber and maneuvered itself to dodge both attacks

"Oh god oh god ew ew ew get it off WHY IS IT STILL TOUCHING ME?!"

Yuffie flailed and attempted the remove the swarming body parts, which were preventing him from using his Rescue Staff to save Poly.

Also they were cutting him, which wasn't really appreciated.

Ace went to tear the Risen limbs off Yuffie while Alicia and Jack tended to Poly.

Alicia: "Yes Poly. This is Twilight Jack Taylor. Mine, and Ace's uncle."

Jack Taylor just grinned, "You heard correctly Khan Poly. I'm their uncle. You alright there?"

The limbs of Risen #4 were torn away from Yuffie, but were very persistent in spilling blood. One of the claws jumped and clawed into Ace, preventing her from aiming correctly and caused the Valflamme attack to fail.

She shoots again. The strange monstrous creature the dreamers are attacking. She shoots it in the eye. She then draws a third arrow, shooting at another dreamer, the yelling, chaotic one. A fourth arrow hits her twin. A fifth hits the hero who'd been caught. A sixth and seventh go pass the sage and valkyrie. An eighth clips the ghost's cheek. A ninth goes back after the Dark Flier, clipping her leg.

Mega Risen was irritated from their display. Growling again, it charged at Alicia and Jack Taylor, but was shot in the eye and blinded by an unknown arrow. Unable to see, the Mega Risen went on a rampage, running into anything and everything in its immediate area. Not paying any attention, it knocked its leg into Alicia, while still going rampant.

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It was in perfect position. Nothing was inbetween it's mouth and Poly. Just as it was about to savor in the taste of Feroxi flesh, it took notice of both Jack Taylor's incoming attack and Crizix's wild flinging of Rexcaliber and maneuvered itself to dodge both attacks

The limbs of Risen #4 were torn away from Yuffie, but were very persistent in spilling blood. One of the claws jumped and clawed into Ace, preventing her from aiming correctly and caused the Valflamme attack to fail.

Mega Risen was irritated from their display. Growling again, it charged at Alicia and Jack Taylor, but was shot in the eye and blinded by an unknown arrow. Unable to see, the Mega Risen went on a rampage, running into anything and everything in its immediate area. Not paying any attention, it knocked its leg into Alicia, while still going rampant.

Jack Taylor picked up his Peshkatz and managed to hit the Risen arm on Ace, killing it. "Damn! I was sure I'd hit that thing!" He furiously muttered under his breath.

Alicia picked herself up from getting hit by the Mega Risen's leg, noting Ace was posed to go into Chaos Mode. "The battlefield is flowing with Chaos, and Ace is very angry. Will she enter Chaos Mode?"

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Yuffie began dragging Poly to the medical tent, silently cursing Poly for being so heavy. There, he's be able to better assess the wound, and see if there were any major blood vessels, or organs ruptured.

But first he'd need some anaesthetic. And a knife. And some alcohol.

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