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Silvia ducked down to retrieve her lance and spun around, twirling her staff swiftly in her fingers and aiming it at the Risen, using the blade as a scope for her vision. "Alright... Aimee! Think you can aim that next Thoron at its skull? Maybe we can pierce it and..." Her words were cut off as she dropped into the grass, disoriented and confused. She heard a cry from somewhere to her right, a voice - "No! No, are you alright?!" - and someone's hands turning her over onto her back. Silvia tipped her head up towards the voice above her only for the girl to practically collapse on top of her, the warm, sticky blood suddenly dripping down her face.

It wasn't hers.

"Ai... Aimee?" Silvia muttered, reaching out and yanking on the arrow, only for Aimee to give a quiet yelp and shake her head.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owwie..." Aimee squeaked, wrapping her arms around Silvia and yanking them both to their feet. Silvia staggered, falling into Aimee's arms, only for a second, sharp pain to bring her to her knees.

"No! S-Silvia...!" Aimee knelt down next to her, grabbing onto the girl's hand while it was clutched into the dirt, knuckles white. "Hang on... hang on, I'll heal you, don't worry...!"

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Jack Taylor had followed Yuffie back, he took out his Stiletto knife and one of those "elixirs" he had on him. "Whatever aid you need, I'll provide whatever help I can." He says to Yuffie.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"If I could borrow that knife, I'd very much appreciate it."

Yuffie reached over for some flint, and some chloroform, which he used to knock Poly unconscious, as well as a vial of alcohol.

Jack Taylor handed Yuffie the Stiletto knife and smiled, "I didn't use this one yet, good thing too."

Ace meanwhile was furious as the ground pulsed with waves of Chaos, "I am sick to death of you hurting my family. You kicked my twin sister, you tried to eat my Brother in Law. And now some total moronic, jerkwad might have killed him! I am going to make you my punching bag!" Ace's eyes turned blood red as she took out Valflame and began to build up the spell.

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"If I could borrow that knife, I'd very much appreciate it."

Yuffie reached over for some flint, and some chloroform, which he used to knock Poly unconscious, as well as a vial of alcohol.

*walks into the tent and dumps Silvia's pack in there* "…She's got a bottle of alcohol hidden in there. Likely disguised. Take it, now. She doesn't need it." *walks out*

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"If I could borrow that knife, I'd very much appreciate it."

Yuffie reached over for some flint, and some chloroform, which he used to knock Poly unconscious, as well as a vial of alcohol.

*losing blood fast, since there's a massive arrowhead lodged in his heart*

It took Crizix a while to process what she just saw and not panic. When she regained motor control, she went over to YayForYuffie. "Umm...Do you need help?"

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Taking the blade from Jack, and stealing Silvia's alcohol, Yuffie doused the blade in alcohol, and then quickly incinerated the alcohol to kill any germs on the blade. He made an incision along Poly's wound, and cautiously opened him up.

Seeing that the arrow had pierced Poly's aorta, Yuffie removed the arrowhead, and arrow with forceps, and clamped the two separated parts of the aorta together. Using a needle and some string, Yuffie reattached the two parts of the blood vessel, and sewed them together. Reaching over for his Mend Staff, Yuffie put as much magical energy he could muster into accelerating the healing process, so that the aorta returned to being to its' pre-penetrated state.

Yuffie then used his stave to heal the remaining damage from the arrow, and sewed Poly's chest back up. Mustering what little energy he had left, Yuffie healed the incision, and promptly collapsed onto the ground.

"I've repaired all the damage there was. He should be okay (unless he decides to not be), he just needs a lot of bed rest. Crizix, would you be a dear and just check over my work, and heal as necessary? Also, please let me know if you need any more help. I'm just going to sit here and try to not pass out."

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Jack Taylor just stayed where he was standing, "Come on, wake up. You don't want to have to face Alicia...or Mira if either of those two have to send you back here from...that place your soul goes to. Alicia called it the Neutral Ground."

Ace meanwhile unleashed a massive Valflame spell on the Mega Risen, "Burn to cinders you oversized bully!"

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Taking the blade from Jack, and stealing Silvia's alcohol, Yuffie doused the blade in alcohol, and then quickly incinerated the alcohol to kill any germs on the blade. He made an incision along Poly's wound, and cautiously opened him up.

Seeing that the arrow had pierced Poly's aorta, Yuffie removed the arrowhead, and arrow with forceps, and clamped the two separated parts of the aorta together. Using a needle and some string, Yuffie reattached the two parts of the blood vessel, and sewed them together. Reaching over for his Mend Staff, Yuffie put as much magical energy he could muster into accelerating the healing process, so that the aorta returned to being to its' pre-penetrated state.

Yuffie then used his stave to heal the remaining damage from the arrow, and sewed Poly's chest back up. Mustering what little energy he had left, Yuffie healed the incision, and promptly collapsed onto the ground.

"I've repaired all the damage there was. He should be okay (unless he decides to not be), he just needs a lot of bed rest. Crizix, would you be a dear and just check over my work, and heal as necessary? Also, please let me know if you need any more help. I'm just going to sit here and try to not pass out."

"O-Of course! I'll do my best!" He'd obviously poured all his energy into this already...Crizix did a quick check-over, careful not to disturb the sleeping Polydeuces. "Hmmm...This is a pretty good job...A little more healing might do..." She took her Heal Staff and used it.

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Ace meanwhile unleashed a massive Valflame spell on the Mega Risen, "Burn to cinders you oversized bully!"

Ace's massive Valflamme fully engulfed the Mega Risen in what looked like an explosion of fire. It panicked. It screamed. It squealed from the agonizing and burning sensation it was feeling. It began to flail violently in attempt to extinguish the flames burning its body, knocking into everything in its immediate area. When the flames went out, its entire body was charred black, burns all over and just barely alive.

(Finish him. Now)

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*feels several violent pops in his chest*

Jack Taylor shuddered, "Listen to me, since Alicia is here and hasn't resuming judging yet that would make my older sister the acting Judge of Souls. Even though she is dead, she's still descended from Ashunera same as me, Ace and Alicia. I don't recall of anyone being returned to this plane three times." He looked outside, "Alicia did tell me of how she had to bring you back twice, and multiple chances like that are unheard of."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Caring not about the laws of science and magic, Yuffie somehow halted whatever drama was now occurring in Poly's body with a concentrated beam of friendship boosted healing magic. Having ensured that nothing else could possibly go wrong, Yuffie flew out the tent and off into the night sky.

I'll make this appropriate later, after I've slept.

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*feels several violent pops in his chest*

Crizix noticed a change in Polydeuces's facial expression. "Huh? That didn't seem good at all...but YayForYuffie just repaired the damage, right? Should I cut him open to look...?" She sterilized her knife, preparing to investigate.


Caring not about the laws of science and magic, Yuffie somehow halted whatever drama was now occurring in Poly's body with a concentrated beam of friendship boosted healing magic. Having ensured that nothing else could possibly go wrong, Yuffie flew out the tent and off into the night sky.

I'll make this appropriate later, after I've slept.

Startled, she turned to see that whatever YayForYuffie just pulled, it worked. She put her knife down and continued to watch over Polydeuces.

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*is still not even close to waking up*

Jack Taylor was starting to get concerned, "Don't tell me...he's dead... And here I was looking forward to a sparring match against a Khan sometime. I always wanted to fight Basilio and Flavia, but this being an outrealm I could go up against Alicia's lover..." Jack then wondered if Mira would try to contact him, unless she already had.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Umm! You guys! There's still the big old mega Risen out there! It's great you're concerned about Poly, but we literally have bigger things to worry about!" *Unsheathes Silver Sword* *Runs outside*

*flashy overkill on the Mega Risen involving Superhuman backflipping onto the Risen's back, then slashing and jumping off*

*Sigh*... "There. I'll go lie by the gate to camp if anyone needs me." *puts away silver sword* *walks away*

Edited by Dracojawn
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Ace had dropped to her knees onto the ground after unleashing the massive Valflame. Though Draco mentioning Poly got her up and dashing, "IF YOU DIE AGAIN, I SWEAR I WILL PUMMEL YOU AGAIN!"

Alicia dropped her knees and began crying.

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